Cerulean Cave: Difference between revisions

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===[[Generation I]]===
===[[Generation I]]===
{| width="30%" class="expandable"
{{catchentry1|024|Arbok|yes|no|no|Cave|52, 57|5-10%}}
{{catchentry1|026|Raichu|yes|yes|no|Cave|53, 64|4-10%}}
{{catchentry1|042|Golbat|yes|yes|yes|Cave|46 (RB) <br> 52-59 (Y)|25%(RB)<br>40%(Y)}}
{{catchentry1|047|Parasect|yes|yes|yes|Cave|52, 64 (RB) 54 (Y)|5-10%}}
{{catchentry1|049|Venomoth|yes|yes|yes|Cave|49, 51(RB)<br>54(Y)|5%(RB)<br>10-15%(Y)}}
{{catchentry1|064|Kadabra|yes|yes|no|Cave|49, 51|5-15%}}
{{catchentry1|085|Dodrio|yes|yes|no|Cave|49, 51|10-25%}}
{{catchentry1|101|Electrode|yes|yes|no|Cave|52, 55|10-15%}}
{{catchentry1|105|Marowak|yes|yes|no|Cave|52, 55|10-15%}}
{{catchentry1|112|Rhydon|yes|yes|yes|Cave|52, 55(RB)<br>58-62(Y)|10-25%(RB)<br>5-10%(Y)}}
{{catchentry1|113|Chansey|yes|yes|yes|Cave|56, 64(RB)<br>56(Y)|5-10%(RB)<br>5%(Y)}}
{{Catchentry1|129|Magikarp|yes|yes|yes|[[Fishing#Old Rod|Old Rod]]|5|100%}}
{{Catchentry1|060|Poliwag|yes|yes|yes|[[Fishing#Good Rod|Good Rod]]|10|50%}}{{Catchentry1|118|Goldeen|yes|yes|yes|[[Fishing#Good Rod|Good Rod]]|10|50%}}
{{Catchentry1|118|Goldeen|no|no|yes|[[Fishing#Super Rod|Super Rod]]|25|40%}}
{{Catchentry1|080|Slowbro|yes|yes|no|[[Fishing#Super Rod|Super Rod]]|23|25%}}
{{Catchentry1|098|Krabby|yes|yes|no|[[Fishing#Super Rod|Super Rod]]|23|25%}}
{{Catchentry1|117|Seadra|yes|yes|no|[[Fishing#Super Rod|Super Rod]]|23|25%}}
{{Catchentry1|119|Seaking|yes|yes|no|[[Fishing#Super Rod|Super Rod]]|23|25%}}
{{Catchentry1|119|Seaking|no|no|yes|[[Fishing#Super Rod|Super Rod]]|35-55|60%}}
{| width="30%" class="expandable"
{| width="30%" class="expandable"
{{Catchentry1|129|Magikarp|yes|yes|yes|[[Fishing#Old Rod|Old Rod]]|5|100%}}
{{Catchentry1|060|Poliwag|yes|yes|yes|[[Fishing#Good Rod|Good Rod]]|10|50%}}{{Catchentry1|118|Goldeen|yes|yes|yes|[[Fishing#Good Rod|Good Rod]]|10|50%}}
{{Catchentry1|118|Goldeen|no|no|yes|[[Fishing#Super Rod|Super Rod]]|25|40%}}
{{Catchentry1|080|Slowbro|yes|yes|no|[[Fishing#Super Rod|Super Rod]]|23|25%}}
{{Catchentry1|098|Krabby|yes|yes|no|[[Fishing#Super Rod|Super Rod]]|23|25%}}
{{Catchentry1|117|Seadra|yes|yes|no|[[Fishing#Super Rod|Super Rod]]|23|25%}}
{{Catchentry1|119|Seaking|yes|yes|no|[[Fishing#Super Rod|Super Rod]]|23|25%}}
{{Catchentry1|119|Seaking|no|no|yes|[[Fishing#Super Rod|Super Rod]]|35-55|60%}}
{{catchentry1|150|Mewtwo|yes|yes|yes|Cave|70|Only one}}
{{catchentry1|150|Mewtwo|yes|yes|yes|Cave|70|Only one}}

===[[Generation III]]===
===[[Generation III]]===

Revision as of 04:40, 14 November 2009

Cerulean Cave
Unknown Dungeon
Hanada Cave
"Wild Missingno. appeared!"
Map description: {{{mapdesc}}}
Location: Cerulean City
Region: Kanto
Generations: I, III, IV
File:Cerulean Cave map.gif
Location of Cerulean Cave in Kanto.
Pokémon world locations
Cerulean Cave in FRLG

Cerulean Cave (Japanese: ハナダのどうくつ Hanada Cave), sometimes referred to as the Unknown Dungeon (Japanese: ななしのどうくつ Nameless Cave) in Generation I, is a cave located in the northwest corner of Cerulean City in Kanto. The cave is home to a wide variety of high-level wild Pokémon. Only Trainers who compete and win in the Pokémon League at Indigo Plateau may enter, due to the potency of the Pokémon in the cave. At the end of the cave lies Mewtwo, the only one of its species in the game.

Cerulean Cave has had many different layouts over time, getting a change from not only one Generation to the next, but also from one game release to the next. In FireRed and LeafGreen, the layout is true to that of the original Red and Green games, aside from the addition of Rock Smash boulders.

Another addition in FireRed and LeafGreen lies in the fact that Trainers are now required to further prove themselves before entering the cave, which is done by completing the quest on Sevii Islands and restoring the Network Machine to operational status. Another change is in the fact that more Pokémon can be found only by fishing, while wild Pokémon found just by walking around in the cave are reduced in number. In Generation I, there are also several species that make no sense to be in the cave, such as Dodrio and Pokémon that are otherwise only obtainable by stone-induced evolution; however, this has been fixed in Generation III, at the cost of some of the wild Pokémon diversity.

In Generation II, Cerulean Cave completely collapsed. However, the leftovers of Mewtwo's presence can still be found in the lake near the cave, in the form of the item Berserk Gene.

In Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver, Cerulean Cave has not collapsed and Mewtwo can still be found inside, although, as in previous generations, a person stands in the way until the player has proven him or herself by defeating all eight Kanto Gym Leaders.


Generation I

Pokémon Red, Green and Blue

  • Full Restore: on the riverbank near the southwest corner of the first floor; center of the second floor
  • Max Elixir: on the riverbank on the first floor
  • Max Revive: north edge of the basement
  • Nugget: near the northwest corner of the first floor
  • PP Up: east edge of the second floor
  • Ultra Ball: southwest corner of the second floor; center of the basement

Pokémon Yellow

  • Full Restore: east edge of the second floor
  • Max Elixir: west of the entrance on the first floor; north edge of the basement
  • Max Revive: east edge of the first floor; southeast of the second floor's center; center of an elevated area in the basement
  • Rare Candy: southeast corner of the first floor; west edge of the second floor
  • Ultra Ball: center of the first floor; center of the second floor; center of an elevated area in the basement; northeast corner of the basement

Generation III

  • Full Restore: on the riverbank near the southwest corner of the first floor; against the eastern edge of the second floor
  • Max Elixir: near the center of the first floor
  • Max Revive: in the northeast corner of the basement
  • Nugget: in the northwest corner of the first floor
  • PP Up: near the southwest corner of the second floor
  • Ultra Ball: near the southeast corner of the second floor; near the center of the basement


Generation I

Generation III

style="background: #ACC9E6;"
Pokémon Games Location Levels Rate

042 Golbat FR LG Floor 1
Floor 2
49, 55 14%

047 Parasect FR LG Floor 1
Floor 2/B
49, 52, 58, 61, 64 25%

057 Primeape FR LG Floor 1 11%

064 Kadabra FR LG Floor 1

067 Machoke FR LG Floor 1/B
Floor 2
46-49 10%

074 Geodude FR LG Rock Smash 65%

075 Graveler FR LG Rock Smash 35%

082 Magneton FR LG Floor 1
49, 52 20%

101 Electrode FR LG Floor 1
61, 64 5%

132 Ditto FR LG Floor 1/2
50, 55, 61, 67 11%

150 Mewtwo FR LG Basement 70 Only one

202 Wobbuffet FR LG Floor 1
Floor 2
55, 58 4%
Surfing and Fishing

054 Psyduck FR LG Fishing
31-37 5%

055 Golduck FR LG Surfing 46-52 35%

060 Poliwag FR LG Fishing

079 Slowpoke FR LG Fishing

080 Slowbro FR LG Surfing 35%

118 Goldeen FR LG Fishing

129 Magikarp FR LG Fishing

130 Gyarados FR LG Fishing

A colored background means that the Pokémon can be found in this location in the specified game. A white background with a colored letter means that the Pokémon cannot be found here.

*=Indicates catch rate varies by floor. Rates are listed for Floor 1, followed by the Basement in that order.

Generation IV

Pokémon Games Location Levels Rate

067 Machoke HG SS Cave Unknown Unknown

047 Parasect HG SS Cave Unknown Unknown

064 Kadabra HG SS Cave Unknown Unknown

202 Wobbuffet HG SS Cave Unknown Unknown

057 Primeape HG SS Cave Unknown Unknown

101 Electrode HG SS Cave Unknown Unknown

132 Ditto HG SS Cave Unknown Unknown

053 Persian HG SS Cave Unknown Unknown

042 Golbat HG SS Cave Unknown Unknown

061 Poliwhirl HG SS Cave Unknown Unknown

055 Golduck HG SS Cave Unknown Unknown

082 Magneton HG SS Cave Unknown Unknown

296 Makuhita HG SS Cave Unknown Unknown

359 Absol HG SS Cave Unknown Unknown

433 Chingling HG SS Cave Unknown Unknown

436 Bronzor HG SS Cave Unknown Unknown

150 Mewtwo HG SS Basement 70 Only One

A colored background means that the Pokémon can be found in this location in the specified game. A white background with a colored letter means that the Pokémon cannot be found here.


The layout of the cave has been tweaked several times in the past, particularly in Generation I; however, the most recent layout (depicted in FireRed and LeafGreen) looks almost exactly like the design in the Japanese versions of Red and Green, but with improved graphics.

Version 1st floor 2nd floor Basement
Red File:UnknownDungeon - Green Version 1.PNG File:UnknownDungeon - Green Version 2.png File:UnknownDungeon - Green Version 3.PNG
Red File:UnknownDungeon - Blue Version 1.gif File:UnknownDungeon - Blue Version 2.gif File:UnknownDungeon - Blue Version 3.gif
Yellow File:UnknownDungeon - Yellow Version 1.gif File:UnknownDungeon - Yellow Version 2.gif File:UnknownDungeon - Yellow Version 3.gif
FireRed File:Pokemon-FL-CeruleanCave-1F.png File:Pokemon-FL-CeruleanCave-2F.png File:Pokemon-FL-CeruleanCave-B1F.png


In other languages


Pallet TownViridian CityPewter CityCerulean CityVermilion CityLavender Town
Celadon CitySaffron CityFuchsia CityCinnabar IslandIndigo Plateau
Professor Oak's LaboratoryViridian ForestDiglett's CavePewter Museum of ScienceMt. Moon (Square) • Cerulean Cave
Underground Path (Kanto Routes 5–6)Underground Path (Kanto Routes 7–8)S.S. AnneS.S. AquaSea CottageRock Tunnel
Power PlantCycling Road/Pokémon RoadTeam Rocket HideoutSilph Co.Magnet TrainPokémon TowerSafari Zone/Pal Park
GO ParkSeafoam IslandsPokémon MansionCinnabar LabPokémon League Reception GateVictory RoadTohjo Falls
Access to
Sevii IslandsJohto

Game locations of Legendary and Mythical Pokémon
Kanto Seafoam IslandsPower PlantVictory RoadCerulean Cave
Route 10Route 25Pewter CityRoaming Pokémon
Sevii Islands Mt. EmberNavel RockBirth Island
Johto Ilex ForestBell TowerWhirl IslandsMt. Silver Cave
Burned TowerEmbedded TowerRoaming Pokémon
Hoenn Desert RuinsIsland CaveAncient TombCave of OriginMarine Cave
Terra CaveSky PillarSouthern IslandSea MauvilleScorched Slab
Pathless PlainNameless CavernFabled CaveGnarled Den
Trackless ForestCrescent IsleSkyRoaming Pokémon
Sinnoh Acuity CavernValor CavernSpear PillarTurnback Cave
Rock Peak RuinsIceberg RuinsIron RuinsSnowpoint Temple
Stark MountainNewmoon IslandFlower ParadiseHall of Origin
Ramanas ParkFloaroma TownRoaming Pokémon
Unova Guidance ChamberTrial ChamberRumination FieldN's CastleAbundant Shrine
Giant ChasmDragonspiral TowerLiberty GardenRoute 11Route 13Route 22
Route 23Celestial TowerNacrene CityUnderground RuinsTwist Mountain
DreamyardMarvelous BridgeReversal MountainCoastal BiomeRoaming Pokémon
Kalos Sea Spirit's DenTeam Flare Secret HQTerminus Cave
Unknown DungeonRoaming Pokémon
Alola Route 16Altar of the SunneAltar of the MooneMount LanakilaMahalo Trail
Ruins of ConflictRuins of LifeRuins of AbundanceRuins of Hope
Aether ParadiseAncient Poni PathLake of the SunneLake of the Moone
Ten Carat HillResolution Cave
Galar Tower summitBattle TowerMaster DojoCrown ShrineMax Lair
Rock Peak RuinsIceberg RuinsIron RuinsSplit-Decision RuinsGiant's Bed
Frigid SeaLakeside CaveBallimere LakeFreezingtonRoaming Pokémon
Hisui Seaside HollowTemple of SinnohAcuity CavernValor CavernVerity Cavern
Lava Dome SanctumMoonview ArenaSnowpoint TempleTurnback CaveBonechill Wastes
Cobalt CoastlandsRamanas IslandScarlet BogCoronet HighlandsFloaro Gardens
Paldea Grasswither ShrineIcerend ShrineGroundblight ShrineFirescourge Shrine
Poco PathArea ZeroArea Zero UnderdepthsGlaseado Mountain
South Province (Area One)Asado DesertWest Province (Area One)East Province (Area Three)
Casseroya LakeNorth Paldean SeaSouth Province (Area Four)North Province (Area Two)
Alfornada CavernGreat Crater of PaldeaTagtree ThicketEast Province (Area One)
South Province (Area Five)Dalizapa PassagePokémon LeagueSocarrat Trail
Kitakami Paradise BarrensWistful FieldsOni MountainDreaded DenLoyalty Plaza
Other Faraway IslandDistortion WorldSinjoh RuinsUltra Space Wilds

This article is part of Project Locations, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on every location in the Pokémon world.