*Hoppip can learn {{m|Pay Day}} by {{pkmn|breeding}} in Generation II, but only from a {{p|Pikachu}} or {{p|Raichu}} with the move transferred from a [[Generation I]] game.
*Hoppip can learn {{m|Pay Day}} by {{pkmn|breeding}} in Generation II, but only from a {{p|Pikachu}} or {{p|Raichu}} with the move transferred from a [[Generation I]] game.
*Hoppip's tail only shows on the back sprite from Generations II - IV, but it's tail shows on the front sprite on [[Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver Versions|HeartGold and SoulSilver]].
*Hoppip's tail only shows on the back sprite from Generations II - IV, but it's tail shows on the front sprite on [[Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver Versions|HeartGold and SoulSilver]].
*In its official artwork and the anime, Hoppip is pink. In the games, it is red.
Hoppip appears to be based on a {{wp|bulb}} or root. The leaves on its head resemble leaves of a {{wp|dandelion}}.
Hoppip appears to be based on a {{wp|bulb}} or root. The leaves on its head resemble leaves of a {{wp|dandelion}}.
Hoppip has a small, round pink body with long green sprouts, resembling the leaves of dandelions in shape, coming out of its head. It is extremely light and can easily blow away in the wind. It also has big, triangular ears with dark insides, small arms and legs, and a tiny tail. Hoppip’s beady yellow eyes appear to lack pupils, and it has a circular yellow spot on the underside of its feet.
Gender differences
Special abilities
Hoppip’s most unique feature is its ability to be blown into the air. All it needs is a light breeze and Hoppip can be lifted off the ground and blown by the wind. Hoppip are also capable of using a variety of Grass-type moves, like those involving powders, seeds, and the draining of energy, although Hoppip are also capable of learning the Bug-type move U-turn.
Hoppip are by necessity social creatures. Their light bodies make them extremely vulnerable to winds, so they cluster together and link sprouts with each other in order to anchor themselves in place, or grip the ground firmly with its feet to keep from being blown away.
In the Pokémon Stadium 2 stage, a Hoppip can be seen drifting on the Flying Terrain. Other guest Pokémon found in the Flying Terrain include a Skarmory and a Drifloon floating in the distance.
Game data
Pokédex entries
This Pokémon was unavailable prior to Generation II.
This Pokémon drifts and floats with the wind. If it senses the approach of strong winds, Hoppip links its leaves with other Hoppip to prepare against being blown away.
This Pokémon drifts and floats with the wind. If it senses the approach of strong winds, Hoppip links its leaves with other Hoppip to prepare against being blown away.
This Pokémon drifts and floats with the wind. If it senses the approach of strong winds, a Hoppip links leaves with others to prepare against being blown away.
|- style="background:#82C274"
| colspan="13" | Bold indicates a move that gets STAB Italic indicates a move that gets STAB only from an Evolution of this Pokémon A colored initial indicates that the move is not available to be tutored in this game, while a colored background indicates that the move is available.
Hoppip's tail only shows on the back sprite from Generations II - IV, but it's tail shows on the front sprite on HeartGold and SoulSilver.
In its official artwork and the anime, Hoppip is pink. In the games, it is red.
Hoppip appears to be based on a bulb or root. The leaves on its head resemble leaves of a dandelion.
Name origin
Hoppip's name is probably based on hop or hip-hop or hippity-hop, indicating that it jumps or flies through the air. It may also come from pip, a type of seed. The names of all stages of its evolutionary line are likely based on the phrase, "Just a hop, skip, and a jump away". Its Japanese name is a combination of 葉 ha, leaf, and 根っ子 nekko, root. 跳ねる haneru, to jump or hop, and 羽 hane, wing, may also be part of its name.
In other languages
German: Hoppspross - From hopsen (hop) and Spross (sprout).
French: Granivol - From graine (seed) and vol (flight).
This Pokémon article is part of Project Pokédex, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on each Pokémon species, as well as Pokémon groups and forms.