DP108: Difference between revisions

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CuboneKing (talk | contribs)
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* In multiple scenes, the stripe on [[Byron]]'s pants are colored gray instead of yellow.
* In multiple scenes, the stripe on [[Byron]]'s pants are colored gray instead of yellow.
* Bastiodon uses five different attacks over the course of this episode and [[DP107|the previous epsiode]]: Iron Defense, Flamethrower, Iron Head, Flash Cannon, and Metal Burst; even though only four attacks can be known by a Pokémon at a time. But, it is also possible that Bastiodon forgot Flamethrower and learned Metal Burst between episodes, as he only uses each of these attacks in one episode and not both.
* Bastiodon uses five different attacks over the course of this episode and [[DP107|the previous epsiode]]: Iron Defense, Flamethrower, Iron Head, Flash Cannon, and Metal Burst; even though only four attacks can be known by a Pokémon at a time. But, it is also possible that Bastiodon forgot Flamethrower and learned Metal Burst between episodes, as he only uses each of these attacks in one episode and not both. Several of Ash's Pokémon also know more than four moves, so it may be assumed that this restriction is not in effect in the anime.

===Dub edits===
===Dub edits===

Revision as of 19:41, 22 May 2010

DP107 : Ancient Family Matters!
Diamond & Pearl series
DP109 : Leading a Stray!
Dealing With Defensive Types!
DP108   EP574
Mio Gym Match! Steel Battle!!
First broadcast
Japan December 25, 2008
United States May 30, 2009
English themes
Opening Battle Cry - (Stand Up!)
Japanese themes
Opening ハイタッチ!
Ending あしたはきっと
Animation Team Iguchi
Screenplay 藤田伸三 Shinzō Fujita
Storyboard 浅田裕二 Yūji Asada
Assistant director 浅田裕二 Yūji Asada
Animation director 岩根雅明 Masaaki Iwane
Additional credits

Dealing With Defensive Types! (Japanese: ミオジム戦!はがねのバトル!! Mio Gym Match! Steel Battle!!) is the 108th episode of the Diamond & Pearl series, and the 574th episode of the Pokémon anime. It first aired in Japan on December 25, 2008 and in the United States on May 30, 2009.

Spoiler warning: this article may contain major plot or ending details.


Ash's gym battle with Byron is about to begin as Roark prepares to officiate the match. Byron summons Bronzor while Ash summons Chimchar. Roark recognizes Chimchar from his battle against Paul. Chimchar immediately jumps up and fires Flamethrower. Bronzor stays in place and resists the attack thanks to Heatproof, something Byron trained for. Chimchar repeats the attack as Bronzor uses Rain Dance to change the weather and dampen Chimchar's abilities. Chimchar digs as the Rain Dance wears off. Chimchar comes out and fires Flamethrower, but Bronzor uses Gyro Ball to dodge and hit, knocking Chimchar down. Chimchar gets back up as a second Gyro Ball comes about. Chimchar meets the attack head-on with Flame Wheel. The collision creates a huge explosion, bringing both Pokémon down. Ash and Byron urge their Pokémon to get up. Though both struggle to get up, Bronzor collapses, unable to battle. Noticing Chimchar’s fatigue, Ash recalls Chimchar from battle. Meanwhile, Team Rocket sneaks around the gym to try and steal the fossils. However, they make a detour to the kitchen to steal the food. A Kabuto, Omanyte and Omastar find them and attack, sending them blasting off.

Byron sends out Steelix as Ash calls upon Buizel to battle. Dawn believes in the type advantage, but everyone else knows that it may not be a big advantage. Knowing about Steelix’s defense power, Ash hesitates to make a move, but Byron’s motivation gets him moving. Buizel fires Water Gun as Steelix uses Screech to both repel the attack and stall Buizel. Dawn notices how the move is the same technique that Roark’s Onix used in his first battle with Roark. Steelix uses Bind to ensnare Buizel before using Iron Tail to toss Buizel and slam it to the ground. When the dust clears, Buizel still stands, but it collapses unable to battle. After checking to make sure Buizel wasn’t severely injured, he recalls his Pokémon.

Ash summons Chimchar once again to battle. The Pokémon fires Flamethrower immediately, striking and causing Steelix to falter. However, Chimchar staggers, still reeling from the first round. Steelix launches Iron Tail as Chimchar back-flips to dodge. After a brief hesitation, it digs into the field, but Steelix uses Iron Tail on the battlefield to force Chimchar. Steelix tries to bind Chimchar, but it dodges before digging again. Steelix repeats its attempt, forcing Chimchar out and attempting another Bind, but Chimchar dodges again. Steelix tries to follow up, but the ground near Steelix caves and throws the Pokémon off balance, due to Chimchar’s digging. Chimchar hits with Flame Wheel to Steelix’s head, knocking it out. Meanwhile, Team Rocket attempts to sneak into the building again, but a Kabutops chases them away.

Byron summons his prized Pokémon Bastiodon. Ash reflects on how it stopped Rampardos’s Head Smash and notices Chimchar’s declining energy. Wanting to finish quickly, Ash has Chimchar launch Flamethower immediately. Bastiodon’s Iron Defense easily deflects the attack before it counters with Metal Burst, blasting Chimchar against a rock. Chimchar struggles to rise, but it falls back down, unable to battle. Ash recalls Chimchar. Team Rocket finds a display room showing special fossils. They run into a live Armaldo and Cradily. They quickly attack and send Team Rocket blasting off again.

Ash summons his final Pokémon Gliscor. Dawn questions why he didn’t choose Staravia for aerial attacks, but Brock believes in Ash’s choice, this being Gliscor’s first gym battle. Gliscor gets behind Bastiodon and uses Steel Wing, but Bastiodon uses Iron Defense to repel. Gliscor tries to get behind again and attempts Fire Fang, but Bastiodon’s Flash Cannon hits Gliscor and halts the attack. While Gliscor hits the turf, Bastiodon charges with Iron Head. Gliscor quickly flies up to dodge, but Bastiodon comes back around and tosses Gliscor up with a second Iron Head. Bastiodon succeeds with a third Iron Head, keeping Gliscor suspended. Bastiodon fires Flash Cannon, but Gliscor spreads its wings to dodge before jumping on Bastiodon's back, grabbing its horns and landing a Fire Fang.

Bastiodon tries to throw Gliscor off as Gliscor or hangs on and repeats Fire Fang. Bastiodon tosses it off and fires Flash Cannon, but Gliscor uses its tail to trip Bastiodon and causes the attack to miss. Bastiodon and Gliscor are both exhausted. Both Ash and Byron know that the last hit will decide the outcome. Bastiodon charges with Iron Head. Gliscor uses X-Scissor to stop Bastiodon, but it fails. Ash tells Gliscor to take cover behind a rock, so Byron has Bastiodon smash it. It does so, but Gliscor managed to fly up at the last moment. Bastiodon fires Flash Cannon, but Gliscor dodges and uses Sand-Attack to cloak the area before hitting with a close-range Fire Fang. The explosion tosses both Pokémon aside, but Bastiodon falls, unable to battle. Ash wins the match as Gliscor hugs Ash. Afterward, Roark and Byron congratulate Ash on his victory. Byron gives Ash the Mine Badge. Ash gladly accepts it and holds it up, his Pokémon celebrating as well.

Major events


Pokémon debuts






  • In multiple scenes, the stripe on Byron's pants are colored gray instead of yellow.
  • Bastiodon uses five different attacks over the course of this episode and the previous epsiode: Iron Defense, Flamethrower, Iron Head, Flash Cannon, and Metal Burst; even though only four attacks can be known by a Pokémon at a time. But, it is also possible that Bastiodon forgot Flamethrower and learned Metal Burst between episodes, as he only uses each of these attacks in one episode and not both. Several of Ash's Pokémon also know more than four moves, so it may be assumed that this restriction is not in effect in the anime.

Dub edits

In other languages

  • Dutch: Omgaan Met Defensieve Types!
  • German: Wohl bedacht ist halb gewonnen!
  • Brazilian Portuguese: A Defesa é o Melhor Ataque!
  • Latin American Spanish: ¡Lidiando Con Tipos Defensivos!
  • Italian: Trattare con chi sta sulla difensiva!

DP107 : Ancient Family Matters!
Diamond & Pearl series
DP109 : Leading a Stray!
This episode article is part of Project Anime, a Bulbapedia project that covers all aspects of Pokémon animation.