List of notable ID numbers: Difference between revisions

From Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia.
Werdnae (talk | contribs)
m List of ID numbers: That's cause you've got to put it INSIDE the template instead of outside it.
m Change katakana hyphens to be consistent throughout the list.
Line 91: Line 91:
{{nid|24974|Tom|m|214|Tom Heracross}}
{{nid|24974|Tom|m|214|Tom Heracross}}
{{nid|28606|{{color|{{red color}}|DOEL}}<br>{{color|{{blue color}}|DOEL}}|4=386|5=Doel Deoxys}}
{{nid|28606|{{color|{{red color}}|DOEL}}<br>{{color|{{blue color}}|DOEL}}|4=386|5=Doel Deoxys}}
{{nid|30317|{{color|{{red color}}|ルビ-<br>RUBY}}<br>{{color|{{blue color}}|サファイア<br>SAPHIRE}}|4=263|5=Ruby and Saphire Zigzagoon}}
{{nid|30317|{{color|{{red color}}|ルビー<br>RUBY}}<br>{{color|{{blue color}}|サファイア<br>SAPHIRE}}|4=263|5=Ruby and Saphire Zigzagoon}}
{{nid|30719|ネガイボシ|f|385|Negai Boshi Jirachi}}
{{nid|30719|ネガイボシ|f|385|Negai Boshi Jirachi}}
{{nid|31121|アゲト|f|251|Ageto Celebi|Pikachu}}
{{nid|31121|アゲト|f|251|Ageto Celebi|Pikachu}}
Line 106: Line 106:
{{nid|50319|ヨコハマ|m|025|Yokohama Pikachu|2005}}
{{nid|50319|ヨコハマ|m|025|Yokohama Pikachu|2005}}
{{nid|50425|GW|f|025|GW Pikachu}}
{{nid|50425|GW|f|025|GW Pikachu}}
{{nid|50701|サンデ-|f|202|Sunday Wobbuffet}}
{{nid|50701|サンデー|f|202|Sunday Wobbuffet}}
{{nid|50701|サッポロ|f|025|Sunday Pikachu}}
{{nid|50701|サッポロ|f|025|Sunday Pikachu}}
{{nid|50707|タナバタ|f|385|Tanabata 2005 Jirachi}}
{{nid|50707|タナバタ|f|385|Tanabata 2005 Jirachi}}
Line 113: Line 113:
{{nid|53437|しげしげ|m|054|ShigeShige Psyduck}}
{{nid|53437|しげしげ|m|054|ShigeShige Psyduck}}
{{nid|55957|東京|f|172|Red and Green Anniversary Pichu}}
{{nid|55957|東京|f|172|Red and Green Anniversary Pichu}}
{{nid|60510|ポケパ-ク|f|151|PokéPark Mew}}
{{nid|60510|ポケパーク|f|151|PokéPark Mew}}
{{nid|60623|ポケパ-ク|f|251|PokéPark Celebi}}
{{nid|60623|ポケパーク|f|251|PokéPark Celebi}}
{{nid|60707|タナバタ|f|385|Tanabata 2006 Jirachi}}
{{nid|60707|タナバタ|f|385|Tanabata 2006 Jirachi}}
{{nid|60720|ミツリン|f|251|Mitsurin Celebi}}
{{nid|60720|ミツリン|f|251|Mitsurin Celebi}}
{{nid|60731|ポケパ-ク|f|385|PokéPark Jirachi}}
{{nid|60731|ポケパーク|f|385|PokéPark Jirachi}}
{{nid|60830|ポケパ-ク|f|385|PokéPark Jirachi}}
{{nid|60830|ポケパーク|f|385|PokéPark Jirachi}}

Revision as of 14:54, 25 May 2010

This is a list of notable ID numbers in the Pokémon games related to either in-game trainers, event Pokémon or other Pokémon obtained in special conditions.

List of ID numbers

ID number Original Trainer Event Notes
00001-01000 PCNYa
000 Multiple Used for Pokémon obtained from the
Pokémon Center in New York (now Nintendo World)
00010 SPACE C
000 Multiple Used for the Deoxys* given away at the Houston Space Center
and the Pokémon obtained at events that celebrated the
tenth anniversary of Pokémon
01000 ユカリ
000 Multiple Used for the Pokémon given by Hayley in My Pokémon Ranch
01069 あきやま 289 Akiyama Slaking None
01158 さいきょう 149 Saikyou Dragonite None
01239 HADEN 108 Lickitung (Pokémon) The ID of the trainer on Route 18 who wants to trade
01985 REYLEY 122 Mr. Mime (Pokémon) The ID of the trainer on Route 2 who wants to trade
000 Multiple Used for Pokémon won through completion of the Gym Leader Castle in
Pokémon Stadium*, as well as several won in Pokémon Stadium 2*
02005 フェスタ 375 Festa Metang None
02005 Rocks 375 Rocks Metang None
02027 しょこたん 357 Shokotan Tropius None
02079 おねむり 025 Onemuri Pikachu None
02089 TRU 492 Toys "R" Us Shaymin None
02109 レッド 376 Red Metagross None
02158 さいきょう 373 Saikyou Salamence None
02259 DARRELL 300 Skitty (Pokémon) The ID of the trainer in Fortree City who wants to trade
02270 GAMESTP 385 Gamestop Jirachi When traded to HeartGold/SoulSilver a special route is unlocked in the Pokéwalker.
03050 SPR2010 172 List of Nintendo event Pokémon in 2010#English Spring 2010 Pichu It's Pikachu coloured. And when traded to HeartGold/SoulSilver a special event can be triggered to receive a Spiky-Eared Pichu
03089 TRU 486 Toys "R" Us Regigigas None
03209 オーサカ 052 PC Osaka Meowth None
03217 やまもと 340 Yamamoto Whiscash None
03208 カイト
447 Kyle Riolu Obtainable from Pokémon Ranger: Shadows of Almia.
Knows Aura Sphere, a move Riolu cannot learn until evolving into Lucario.
03208 アルミア
491 Almia Darkrai None
03298 한국닌텐도 490 NoK Manaphy None
05138 ごるこ 224 Golgo Octillery None
05308 マック 025 McDonald's Pikachu None
05318 ALAMOS 491 Toys "R" Us Darkrai None
05318 ALAMOS 491 NWS Darkrai None
05318 한국닌텐도 384 NoK Rayquaza None
05458 ジュン 054 Jun Psyduck None
06218 Gamestp 386 Gamestop Deoxys None
06257 PKTOPIA 000 Multiple Used for the Pokémon obtainable from the American
Pokémon Battle Revolution
06298 피카츄 카페 000 Multiple Used for an special event Electivire and Magmortar given
away in Korea
06808 10 ANIV 000 Multiple Used for the Pokémon obtained at events that celebrated the
tenth anniversary of Pokémon in Bryant Park, New York
06930 MYSTRY 151 Mystery Mew None
07018 ばば 330 Baba Flygon None
07038 ALAMOS 491 European Darkrai None
07077 タナバタ 385 Tanabata 2007 Jirachi None
07147 えいがかん 491 Movie Darkrai None
07147 10th 386 10th Deoxys None
07157 パルシティ
000 Multiple Used for the special event Manaphy, Mew and Lucario
07198 えいがかん 492 Movie Shaymin None
07198 えいがかん 486 Movie Regigigas None
07207 トウキョー 004 Birthday Charmander 07 None
07208 トウキョー 004 Birthday Charmander 08 None
08107 TCGWC 025 TCGWC Pikachu None
08178 WORLD08 448 TCG Lucario None
08188 タナバタ 385 Tanabata 2008 Jirachi None
08308 한국닌텐도 386 NoK Deoxys None
08311 だいすき 396 Kyocera Starly None
08604 Seth 214 Seth Heracross None
08810 ELYSSA 083 Farfetch'd (Pokémon) The ID of the trainer in Vermilion City who wants to trade
09297 TRU 490 Toys "R" Us Manaphy None
10017 NWS 490 NWS Manaphy None
10038 피카츄카페 465 PikaCafe Tangrowth None
10048 バトルやま
250 Colosseum Ho-Oh None
10108 ヨコハマ 025 Yokohama Pikachu None
10128 WCS 350 WCS Milotic None
10147 ごるこ 224 Golgo Octillery None
10187 E4ALL 490 E4All Manaphy None
10278 Nzone 025 Nzone Pikachu None
10286 コンサート 441 Concert Chatot None
10308 ALAMOS 491 Target Darkrai None
11077 JBHF 490 JBHF Manaphy None
11088 TRU 149 Toys "R" Us Dragonite None
11088 한국닌텐도 491 NoK Darkrai None
11157 さいきょう 466 Saikyou Electivire None
11256 フェスタ 000 Multiple Used for special Electabuzz and Magmar given away at the
Pokémon Festa event in 2006
12017 さいきょう 467 Saikyou Magmortar None
12068 ブイコレ 133 Pokémon Center Eevee None
12077 PKTOPIA 000 Multiple Used for the Pokémon obtainable from
the European Pokémon Battle Revolution
12098 ゆっきーな 052 Yukina Meowth None
12146 ポケトピア 000 Multiple Used for the Pokémon obtainable from
the Japanese Pokémon Battle Revolution
12157 さいきょう 350 Saikyou Milotic None
12226 みずのたみ 490 World Hobby Fair Manaphy None
12268 ヨコハマ 025 Birthday Pikachu 08 None
13579 JEREMY 000 Multiple Used for certain Pokémon given away in 2004 to players of
Pokémon FireRed and LeafGreen Versions
17336 だいすき 399 Kyocera Bidoof None
20043 WISHMKR 385 Wishmaker Jirachi None
20078 Aura 151 Aura Mew None
24680 JEREMY 000 Multiple Used for certain Pokémon given away in 2004 to players of
Pokémon FireRed and LeafGreen Versions
24974 Tom 214 Tom Heracross None
28606 DOEL
386 Doel Deoxys None
30317 ルビー

263 Ruby and Saphire Zigzagoon None
30719 ネガイボシ 385 Negai Boshi Jirachi None
31121 アゲト 251 Ageto Celebi Pikachu
31121 コロシアム 025 Colosseum Pikachu None
36728 DONTAE 124 Jynx (Pokémon) The ID of the trainer in Cerulean City who wants to trade
37149 DUKING 000 Multiple Used for the Pokémon obtained from Duking in
Pokémon XD: Gale of Darkness
38793 けん 054 Ken Psyduck None
40122 CHANNEL 385 Channel Jirachi None
40707 タナバタ 385 Tanabata 2004 Jirachi None
41205 ANA 025 ANA Pikachu None
41400 HORDEL 239 Pokémon XD: Gale of Darkness#Elekid None
49562 ELYSSA 296 Makuhita (Pokémon) The ID of the trainer in Rustboro City who wants to trade
50039 Christy 214 Christy Heracross None
50319 ヨコハマ 025 Yokohama Pikachu 2005
50425 GW 025 GW Pikachu None
50701 サンデー 202 Sunday Wobbuffet None
50701 サッポロ 025 Sunday Pikachu None
50707 タナバタ 385 Tanabata 2005 Jirachi None
50716 ハドウ 151 Hadou Mew None
50901 ハドウ 000 Multiple Used for the Regirock, Regice and Registeel given away
to commemorate Mew and the Wave-Guiding Hero: Lucario
53437 しげしげ 054 ShigeShige Psyduck None
55957 東京 172 Red and Green Anniversary Pichu None
60510 ポケパーク 151 PokéPark Mew None
60623 ポケパーク 251 PokéPark Celebi None
60707 タナバタ 385 Tanabata 2006 Jirachi None
60720 ミツリン 251 Mitsurin Celebi None
60731 ポケパーク 385 PokéPark Jirachi None
60830 ポケパーク 385 PokéPark Jirachi None

Event distributions
Generation I: JapaneseEuropean language
Generation II: JapaneseEuropean language
Generation III: JapaneseEnglishGermanSpanishFrenchItalian
Generation IV: Japanese (local | Wi-Fi) • English (local | Wi-Fi) • German (local | Wi-Fi)
Spanish (local | Wi-Fi) • French (local | Wi-Fi) • Italian (local | Wi-Fi) • Korean (local | Wi-Fi)
Trading (GTS)
Generation V: Japanese (local | Wi-Fi) • English (local | Wi-Fi) • German (local | Wi-Fi)
Spanish (local | Wi-Fi) • French (local | Wi-Fi) • Italian (local | Wi-Fi) • Korean (local | Wi-Fi)
Global Link promotions
Generation VI: Japanese region (Nintendo Network | serial code) • American region (Nintendo Network | serial code)
PAL region (Nintendo Network | serial code) • Korean region (Nintendo Network | serial code)
Taiwanese region (Nintendo Network | serial code)
Generation VII: 3DS: Japanese region (Nintendo Network | serial code) • American region (Nintendo Network | serial code)
PAL region (Nintendo Network | serial code) • Korean region (Nintendo Network | serial code)
Taiwanese region (Nintendo Network | serial code)
Switch: PE
Generation VIII: SwShBDSPLA
Generation IX: SV
Specific events: Gather More Pokémon! Campaign
PCNY (Gen II | Gen III) • Trade and Battle DayJourney Across AmericaParty of the Decade
Other groupings: Movie events10th AnniversaryTanabataUndistributed
Special Pokémon from games
In-game: Gen IGen II • Gen III (RSFRLGEColosseum/XD) • Gen IV (DP ​• Pt ​• HGSS) • Gen V (BWB2W2)
Gift Pokémon (Eggs) • Wild Pokémon (Roaming Pokémon) • In-game trades (Hayley's trades)
Game-based: Gen IGen IIGen IIIGen IVGen VIGen VII
Gen VIII (Wild Area News) • Gen IX (Poké Portal News)
Other: Undistributed
Non-Pokémon event distributions
Gen IIIGen IVGen VGen VIGen VII (Game-based) • Gen VIIIGen IX (Game-based)
Global Link
Other lists
Notable ID numbers (Gens I-IIIII onward) • Wonder Cards (Gen VGen VIGen VII) • Serial code prefixes