Jigglypuff appear as round pink balls with two small, cat-like ears and very large eyes. Their bodies are soft and rubbery. They have small arms and legs. A Jigglypuff has a curl on its forehead.
Gender differences
Special abilities
Jigglypuff is most known for singing soothing lullabies that can make almost anything sleep. Like Clefairy, Jigglypuff is also capable of learning various elemental attacks. They can also float in the air and easily blown by the wind.
They often look for audiences for their soothing songs. If the audience falls asleep, which it always does, they become angry. One Jigglypuff carries a marker, and scribbles on people's faces when they fall asleep.
Jigglypuff can sometimes be found inside of caves, but are more often found in vivid green plains and grassy fields. Some Jigglypuff can also be found in the cities and towns. It is normally native to Kanto, Johto and Hoenn.
From The Song of Jigglypuff through the end of the Johto series, a wildJigglypuff followed Ash Ketchum's group, intent on performing its trademark song without causing its audience to fall asleep. It rarely, if ever, succeeded. Jigglypuff would scribble all over the faces of anyone who fell asleep after hearing the song. After Johto, Jigglypuff suddenly stopped appearing. It reappeared being featured in one early Advanced Generation episode.
Jigglypuff, a Balloon Pokémon. It has large friendly eyes and it sings a pleasant song.
In the manga
Green of Pokémon Adventures has a Jigglypuff; notably it is the only Pokémon on her team without a nickname despite being the first Pokémon she ever got. The reason for this is that during her captivity under the Masked Man, she was reprimanded for doing so ("Pokémon don't need nicknames!"). Jigglypuff is capable of swelling up to several times its size, allowing Green to float with it like a hot-air balloon as well as block narrow passageways -- a tactic instrumental in helping Silver and her escape the Masked Man.
Jigglypuff is a playable character in all three Super Smash Bros. games. This Jigglypuff's alternate costumes are usually associated with feminine headwear, and therefore most Smash fans refer to the Jigglypuff in the series as a female. Strangely enough, Jigglypuff's Rest attack does damage in all three games of the series, even though in the Pokémon games Rest does no damage, but instead recovers damage.
Jigglypuff is a playable character. It is unlocked by completing 1-Player Mode once with any character. Jigglypuff's attacks in this game are Sing, Pound, and Rest. At times, Rest can KO an opponent from 0% damage.
Jigglypuff is a playable character. It is unlocked by completing Classic or Adventure Mode once with any character and so is usually the first character to be unlocked. It keeps all its attacks from the original game, although Sing keeps opponents asleep for less time, and Pound's button combo was changed. Jigglypuff also gained the attack Rollout, which varies in power (and ease of control) the longer it is used.
This Balloon Pokémon invites its opponents in close with its big, round eyes and then puts them to sleep with a soothing lullaby. It puffs itself up when angry, and while it may look adorable, it's not to be trifled with; it knows several powerful techniques. Jigglypuff evolves into Wigglytuff after exposure to a Moon Stone.
Adventure Mode
Jigglypuff's normal attacks are weak, and because of its light weight it's easily sent flying. However, with its incredible midair agility, it seems to dance when airborne. Rollout is a powerful speed attack, but players must be careful not to fly off the edge. Pound does serious damage, and it can also help as a recovery move.
All-Star Mode
Jigglypuff can put its enemies to sleep if they are in range of its Sing attack, although the attack does not work on airborne foes. Rest puts Jigglypuff into a deep sleep, but at the instant it drops off, an intense energy force radiates out of the exact center of its body. If this force comes in contact with an enemy, look out! Rest is Jigglypuff's wild card.
Jigglypuff is a playable character that must be unlocked once again, yet plays no major role in the Adventure Mode: The Subspace Emissary. Jigglypuff's Final Smash, Puff Up, makes Jigglypuff grow to a tremendous size, eclipsing the entire battlefield. In this state, Jigglypuff is invulnerable, but also immobile. Once Jigglypuff has grown to its full size, it shouts and if anyone is making contact with Jigglypuff when this happens, they are inflicted with damage are knocked back considerably.
Jigglypuff is one of three characters that can only be encountered after completing the story, the others being Wolf and Toon Link. It can be found behind a secret door in the second half of "The Swamp" stage. After that, Jigglypuff must be battled in the Pokémon Stadium 2 stage. Once Jigglypuff is defeated, it will join the team and will be unlocked if not yet obtained.
Solid Snake:"Jigglypuff? That some kind of marshmallow?"
Roy Campbell:"Jigglypuff is a balloon-shaped Pokémon. It may be light and puffy and full of air, but its Sleep ability is devastating."
Solid Snake:"Sleep...? What's so devastating about it going to sleep?"
Roy Campbell:"The instant it falls asleep, there's a huge buildup of energy in its center of gravity. If it hits you, it's lights out for sure."
Solid Snake:"So it puts a lot of energy into sleeping? Sounds pretty irresponsible if you ask me."
Roy Campbell:"Takes all kinds, Snake. Especially here in 'Brawl.'"
Trophy information
Classic Mode
A Balloon Pokémon. It invites opponents in close with its big, round eyes, then puts them to sleep with a calming song. The secret to the song's unfailing efficacy is Jigglypuff's ability to sing on the wavelength that will make its opponent the sleepiest. It also uses Attract to infatuate opponents who touch it. It uses a Moon Stone to evolve into Wigglytuff.
All-Star Mode
Jigglypuff's Final Smash. It wills its body to get bigger and bigger and bigger. It can't move, and it can't attack--all it can do is get bigger while everyone else looks on. However, it's invulnerable, and it overpowers all attacks to gradually push its opponents off the screen. It's a very simple technique, but how it's used determines its effectiveness.
Game data
Pokédex entries
This Pokémon was unavailable prior to Generation I.
Jigglypuff's vocal chords can freely adjust the wavelength of its voice. This Pokémon uses this ability to sing at precisely the right wavelength to make its foes most drowsy.
When this Pokémon sings, it never pauses to breathe. If it is in a battle against an opponent that does not easily fall asleep, Jigglypuff cannot breathe, endangering its life.
|- style="background:#C1C2C1"
| colspan="13" | Bold indicates a move that gets STAB Italic indicates a move that gets STAB only from an Evolution of this Pokémon A colored initial indicates that the move is not available to be tutored in this game, while a colored background indicates that the move is available.
Jigglypuff's evolutionary family shares the same species name with Qwilfish and Drifloon. They are all known as Balloon Pokémon.
Jigglypuff's Crystal still sprite is different from that of Gold and Silver, making it one of few Pokémon to have three distinctly different sprites in Generation II.
Jigglypuff in the 3D games, anime and the official promotional pictures usually has green eyes and tea rose pink fur, resembling more closely the shiny version than the normal one.
It appears to be based on a balloon and a pink puff.
Name origin
Jigglypuff's name is a combination of jiggly and puff, referring to its wobbly shape and ability to inflate itself. Many people have been unable to decipher its Japanese name, but concede that it may simply be taken from the Japanese word for pudding, purin. It may also be a combination of 風船 fūsen, balloon, and 膨れる fukureru, to expand or inflate.
In other languages
German: Pummeluff - From pummelig (chubby) and fluff.
French: Rondoudou - From rond (round/chubby), and doudou, a word for a teddy or a doll that babies tend to use for comfort.
This Pokémon article is part of Project Pokédex, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on each Pokémon species, as well as Pokémon groups and forms.