Cerulean City Pokémon Gym Leader: Misty
"The Tomboyish Mermaid"
Cerulean City Pokémon Gym Leader: Misty The Tomboyish Mermaid
The Cerulean Gym is designed like an indoor swimming pool, with platforms above the water for the player to walk on. In Generation IV, the gym consists of a large pool roped off into lanes with certain parts of the area circling the pool blocked, requiring the player to Surf through the pool to get to Misty. There are no puzzles to solve in this gym. A field based on the gym also appears in Pokémon Stadium's Gym Leader Castle.
Trainers with a telephone symbol by their names will give their Pokégear number to the player, and may call or be called for a rematch with higher-level Pokémon.
Trainers with a telephone symbol by their names will give their Pokégear number to the player, and may call or be called for a rematch with higher-level Pokémon.
Cerulean Gym has appeared in several episodes of the anime. On the exterior, the building is a dome-shaped brightly colored Gym with a gigantic painting of a Dewgong on top of it. On the inside, the gym is equipped with a large aquarium and swimming pool.
It first appeared in The Water Flowers of Cerulean City. Ash was heading there so he could earn his Cascade Badge. Misty kept telling him not to go to Cerulean, and he soon discovered why she tried to stop him; her three sisters, Violet, Lily and Daisy, were the gym leaders. However, they had turned the gym into a place for them to put on their water acrobatics shows. They were about to give Ash the badge when Misty intervened. She challenged Ash to a battle in her capacity as an official Gym Leader, but it was interrupted by Team Rocket. In the end, Daisy gave Ash the Cascade Badge, saying that if it weren't for him, the gym would have been destroyed.
Another view of the battlefield
The gym's next appearance was in The Misty Mermaid. While on the way to the Viridian Gym, Misty's Horsea had become sick. Realizing the gym was nearby, Misty decided to go and see if they could make Horsea feel better. The Dragon Pokémon felt better immediately. However, the sisters made Misty participate in one of their water ballet shows. During a Team Rocket battle, the Seel the Sensational Sisters had in their first appearance evolved into Dewgong and saved the gym. Before leaving, Misty left her Horsea and Starmie at the gym, hoping one day to come back for them.
Prior to Crystal, a glitch made it possible to catch wild Pokémon inside the gym by fishing in the water, although only the Old and Good Rods could catch anything in the Generation I games. This makes the Cerulean Gym the only gym where it was ever possible to catch wild Pokémon inside the facility itself.
In Gold, Silver, and Crystal, the player can walk along the path around the edge of the Gym and use Surf to go directly to Misty, bypassing all trainers lying along the normal path.
Ironically, in their remakes, the gym is redesigned in such a way that Surf is obligatory.
In Generation IV, if one brings a Togepi into the Gym, there is a chance that it will begin to cry softly when the player talks to it. This may or may not be a subtle reference to Misty's Togepi in the anime.