Talk:James: Difference between revisions

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Latest comment: 10 September 2010 by Angel10698 in topic Jame's Pokemon
m Uniform: clarification
Jame's Pokemon: new section
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:I dout he has been demoted becsause the Boss dose not even consider them part of team rocket [[User:05308|Lanturn....05308]] 14:17, 4 September 2010 (UTC)
:I dout he has been demoted becsause the Boss dose not even consider them part of team rocket [[User:05308|Lanturn....05308]] 14:17, 4 September 2010 (UTC)
::Considering Giovanni has ordered them to take over Isshu for him, I highly doubt they have been demoted. Also, the outfits are slightly different from grunt uniforms. They are the same as their old outfits except that the white is now a dark gray and they have slightly darker gloves and boots (regular grunt uniforms are pure black). --[[User:Phantomjunkie|<span style="color:red">Phantom</span>]]♫[[User talk:Phantomjunkie|<span style="color:black">Junkie</span>]] 14:26, 4 September 2010 (UTC)
::Considering Giovanni has ordered them to take over Isshu for him, I highly doubt they have been demoted. Also, the outfits are slightly different from grunt uniforms. They are the same as their old outfits except that the white is now a dark gray and they have slightly darker gloves and boots (regular grunt uniforms are pure black). --[[User:Phantomjunkie|<span style="color:red">Phantom</span>]]♫[[User talk:Phantomjunkie|<span style="color:black">Junkie</span>]] 14:26, 4 September 2010 (UTC)
== Jame's Pokemon ==
It says James never fought before catching any of his Pokemon but in "heres looking at you elikid he goes into a flash back bout when he caught weepinbell. He used weezing to catch it. [[User:Angel10698|Angel10698]] 04:22, 10 September 2010 (UTC)

Revision as of 04:22, 10 September 2010


He is based on a combination of the character of Leonardo Medici Bundle from the anime Sengoku Majin GoShogun and 弁天小僧菊之介 Sarasvati boy Kikunosuke from the kabuki 『白波五人男』 The Five Scoundrels of White Waves.

Please explain how this conclusion was reached. - 振霖T 03:05, 14 October 2005 (CDT)

Here on the late Encyclopedia Pokemonica. --Argy 20:20, 15 October 2005 (CDT)
Hmm, it doesn't really offer any evidence there either. Of course, Sonansu's model is easy enough to recognise, but... - 振霖T 00:45, 16 October 2005 (CDT)

Weezing, Victreebel, Cacnea, Chimecho, Mime Jr., Carnivine... half of his main Pokémon have been Plant-type. Is that enough to qualify him for the Plant-type trainer category? --Pie ~ 22:47, 15 May 2007 (UTC)Reply

I'd imagine so. As the seasons progressed, he diverged to more Grass-types while Jessie took mainly Poison-types. If she's a Poison trainer, he should be a Grass trainer. --TTEchidna 00:05, 16 May 2007 (UTC)Reply
    • The reason I added Jesse as a Poison-type trainer is because she specifically said she prefered Poison-type Pokemon in the Koga episode. Has James ever said anything to that effect regarding Grass-types?
Natane seemed to think he is a Grass-type trainer. - 振霖T 07:33, 16 May 2007 (UTC)Reply


Should we include Meowth?--KukiTalk 16:02, 8 June 2008 (UTC)Reply

No, since he isn't owned by the Team Rocket memebers and if you remember in one episode that it was Meowth's own choice to join. He wasnt captured by a member and forced to work for them.

Isn't James the only character besides Ash to have a Pokèmon in training? Why don't we include that? --CoreyLynch 14:53, 16 August 2008 (UTC)Reply

Important! (Regarding James' or James's)

After reading a headline in Newsday, it is confirmed that you DO NOT need the s after in apostrophe for something belonging to James, for example.

To quote the headline "YANKS' BATS QUIETED BY BLUE JAYS"

We need to change all articles pertaining to James back to James_____--KukiTalk 19:06, 16 July 2008 (UTC)Reply

That's because Yanks is the plural of Yank. If James were the plural of Jame, you'd be correct. But unless James is revealed to be some sort of alien composed of millions of tiny Jame beings (which would be totally awesome, by the way), it all stays as "James's."
Besides, newspapers are just as capable of screwing up as the rest of us. --Martonimos((Argh|Blargh)) 19:08, 16 July 2008 (UTC)Reply
No, when it said Yanks' it was talking about more than one person. Plural nouns only get an apostrophe: the birds' nests (more than one bird with one nest each) and singular nouns get 's like: the bird's nests (one bird owning multiple nests). Learn the rules of grammar. MoldyOrange 19:12, 16 July 2008 (UTC)Reply
Apologies for the edit conflicts, Moldy. Anyway, I've spent a lot of time researching this, as I have to use the posessive form of Samus in my fanfics a lot. --Martonimos((Argh|Blargh)) 19:14, 16 July 2008 (UTC)Reply

Yeah, I realized, sorry bout that--KukiTalk 19:16, 16 July 2008 (UTC)Reply

's cool. --Martonimos((Argh|Blargh)) 19:27, 16 July 2008 (UTC)Reply


Could any upload a sprite of Jessie and/or James ? ShinyPiKa 22:27, 9 August 2008 (UTC)

Ask Taviource or Kenji-Girl--KukiTalk 23:05, 9 August 2008 (UTC)Reply

Why would you want a sprite for them? Do you mean the ones from Yellow? --ケンジガール 01:19, 10 August 2008 (UTC)Reply
Yes ShinyPiKa 15:34, 11 August 2008 (UTC)
Aww dangit.... I don't have them... neh. Sorry. R.A. Hunter B. 18:58, 20 September 2008 (UTC)Reply


Can somebody please fix the James article page? The side menu is now at the bottom of the page, and the text for it has been shrunk. R.A. Hunter B. 03:49, 14 December 2008 (UTC)Reply

the same with Jessie's----ultamatecharizard


In the article it says that James hasn't achieved much, but in the Chronicles episode Training Daze he and Jessie were promoted and got their white uniforms. Jessie and James are higher up than a regular Team Rocket member. Should this be mentioned? Taromon777 23:24, 24 January 2009 (UTC)Reply

They are not higher than others, in fact, Giovanni pushes them away into foreign places to get rid of them, if I remember correctly. The Dark Fiddler - Nos hablamos? 23:25, 24 January 2009 (UTC)Reply

He actually has achieved a lot in my opinion. He has helped save the earth at least one time, in the movie "the power of one".Angel10698 04:52, 14 August 2010 (UTC)Reply

Should we...

Should we add that James is often offended by his own pokemon? (Victreebel, and later Cacnea and Carnivine)--tobytse 13:22, 27 May 2009 (UTC)Reply


I don't want to start an edit war. XD So i'm bringing it up here. His hair appears blue in the TCG artwork, but in the anime it's clearly periwinkle. I brought it up in photoshop, and it's directly between the blue and purple section of the color scale, leaning towards purple. There's been numerous debates on his hair color in the fandom, and no one can ever seem to come to a compromise. So i looked it up, asked various art teachers in my district, and they all said his hair doesn't fit into either category. So i looked up what color it is, and it's periwinkle. Even if he has been said to have blue hair by characters, they're simplifying it. So i think we should put it as periwinkle, seeing as if we put either "blue" or "purple" we'd be incorrect. CherryParanoia 06:33, 27 November 2009 (UTC)Reply

I'd like to know just when someone in the anime called it blue. It's clearly lavender. Not sure where CherryParanoia is getting periwinkle from, but that's incorrect as well. --Rocket Girl 06:42, 27 November 2009 (UTC)Reply

If we used Crayola color names in the character infoboxes there would be no end to the arguments that would be had. Blue may be simplifying it, but simple is good. 梅子 06:53, 27 November 2009 (UTC)Reply
Just like to point out: I just did that on photoshop with the image from the bulba page. First shows his hair being between blue and pink. Second showing where his hair comes up on the color scale (between purple and blue). Last showing Periwinkle. Which i now realize it blatantly isn't. It's more of a Blue-Violet. So i think we should put it as that. CherryParanoia 06:56, 27 November 2009 (UTC)Reply
The Magikarp salesman once referred to him as "blue haired young man." in the anime. Technically, Misty's hair is orange, yet we still refer to it as red. Let's try not to be knit picky about it. --ケンジガール 07:10, 27 November 2009 (UTC)Reply
But its an issue commonly argued in the fandom (and orange hair is normally called Red IRL, so that makes sense). And was that dub-added about the hair? Can't trust dub added things. And even if it was in the japanese, they do not commonly use more in-depth words for color (as i learned in class). Really, to end the fighting (and make both sides happy) we should just put it as Blue-Violet. Because Blue will anger people (who commonly bug me to change the page) and Purple will bug people (like you) so lets compromise. CherryParanoia 07:17, 27 November 2009 (UTC)Reply
C'mon, i was trying to be a good editter and make this work. =_= A compromise was what i think this needs, considering no one will ever agree on his hair color. Everyone i know in the #teamrocket room says his hair is lavender, but you people here say blue. So i was making a compromise instead of getting into an edit war. Can we talk it out and make it work? I already showed evidence it isn't blue, at least in the anime. So we need to find some sort of compromise so an edit war doesn't begin... --CherryParanoia 21:07, 28 November 2009 (UTC)Reply
Unless the Magikarp salesman said that in Japanese I don't think that should count. --Rocket Girl 21:13, 28 November 2009 (UTC)Reply
People, people... It's just HAIR. Calm down. The admins have spoken. It stays blue. --ケンジガール 21:44, 28 November 2009 (UTC)Reply
Not to be mean or anything, but really. Because you're admin doesn't mean you're right. And i'm not saying either of us are right. Which is why i ask for a compromise on a subject thats ALWAYS argued. If we compromise here, then maybe everyone will stop arguing in chatrooms, in the forums. We need to take a neutral view in this page, not taking one side and saying "i'm right because i'm the admin." So we need to have a compromise on the matter. --CherryParanoia 22:16, 28 November 2009 (UTC)Reply
Just pointing out that Kenji-girl said "admins" - plural. Chances are that it was discussed with the other admins too. 梅子 22:22, 28 November 2009 (UTC)Reply
If it was something that was really important, then of course we would discuss it with the user. When it's about a character's hair color... not so much. Please just let it go already. --ケンジガール 00:30, 29 November 2009 (UTC)Reply
It's just a commonly debated topic, so i hoped we'd take a neutral stance. Don't say i didn't warn you. o_o;; --CherryParanoia 01:03, 29 November 2009 (UTC)Reply
Unless you're looking too much into it, his hair's blue. I don't care the exact hex code. His eyes are neon green, we just call them green. Ash's eyes are brown, not "rustic umber" or some bullcrap like that. Keep it simple. TTEchidna 01:12, 29 November 2009 (UTC)Reply
I know that, which is why i stopped my periwinkle arguement. XD And his hair is too light and washed out to know exactly what color, which is why i prompted for a compromised. The hex code says its purple, but it appears blue too, which is why i wanted a compromise. But i'm letting it go for now, just understand i'm only trying to stop any edit war that may happen. There's a bigger debate on the subject than i think you guys realize XD --CherryParanoia 02:08, 29 November 2009 (UTC)Reply
Considering this hasn't been a problem on this site, and this does not seem to be a big "debate" on any of the popular forums, I think we will be fine. Not to mention I don't see how anyone can call it Lavender. Lavender is almost as dark as purple, and his hair is light. --HoennMaster 02:37, 29 November 2009 (UTC)Reply
Really is it that hard for people to determine? First impressions, in my layman's opinion I have never thought of it as anything but blue until I saw this rant with people over-analyzing the whole thing. I feel that if I took a random cut (from the picture) of his hair and asked people its color, they would say blue with only the odd art student who could come up with crazy colors like "periwinkle" -- D558 06:08, 18 December 2009 (UTC)Reply
Just to inform you all. If you watch the episode Numero Uno Articuno you will get to know EXACTLY what color his hair is as he admits it himself. Meowth says "Don't worry your blue head" and James replies "Its not blue its Lavender" so this argument is worthless since its clearly been stated as to what his hair color is.--Lycos Ex Mortis 17:17, 23 May 2010 (UTC)Reply
Correct. He says his hair IS NOT blue but Lavender. I do have a question about that though. Was this only mentioned in the English dub, or in the Japanese dub as well - Vhayes1992 18:26, 24 May 2010 (UTC)Reply

I remember him saying it was lavender but i thought i also remember him saying it was cyan.Angel10698 04:54, 14 August 2010 (UTC)Reply


I noticed that on Jesse we have her in all sorts of interesting disguises, shouldn't we post some of James' too? I am not sure if he invented new names for his alter egos like she did. Most notable though is that shot from the censored TV episode where he has boobs, the controversy it created seems notable for listing it here. Tyciol 09:36, 5 April 2010 (UTC)Reply

They're alter egos. Not disguises. Jessie gets them cause she participates in contests unlike James who does nothing.--ForceFire 10:02, 5 April 2010 (UTC)Reply
Well, James did enter a contest disguised as jessie.....Angel10698 17:47, 14 August 2010 (UTC)Reply


Is it okay to put anime artwork of James in the anime section instead of the screenshot from an episode. This is the picture I was thinking about.

File:James Anime.png

- Vhayes1992 14:52, 7 April 2010 (UTC)Reply

A better idea, that picture should be in the infobox. James is an anime character after all. We don't see anime Brock with Sugimori work in his box. We can maybe move the Sugimori work to trivia. --ケンジガール 23:49, 7 April 2010 (UTC)Reply
Course, are you sure that's official art? I see an error on it. James is missing his belt buckle. --ケンジガール 23:55, 7 April 2010 (UTC)Reply
I got it from a mini game at the Japanese pokemon movie website. I'm assuming it's official as it's from there i guess. - Vhayes1992 00:31, 8 April 2010 (UTC)Reply
Even If this picture is not satisfactory, could another picture of anime artwork of James work? - Vhayes1992 00:41, 8 April 2010 (UTC)Reply

I prefer this picture myself.Angel10698 17:46, 14 August 2010 (UTC) What is with James having a picture of him in a black suit? He has never worn a black suit except when in disguise? is there a place where this was discusses?Angel10698 17:14, 3 September 2010 (UTC)Reply

it's his new outfit check the news... Ataro 17:17, 3 September 2010 (UTC)Reply


Is his new uniform considered a grunt uniform without the hat? Does this mean that he was demoted or something? - Vhayes1992 14:07, 4 September 2010 (UTC)Reply

I dout he has been demoted becsause the Boss dose not even consider them part of team rocket Lanturn....05308 14:17, 4 September 2010 (UTC)Reply
Considering Giovanni has ordered them to take over Isshu for him, I highly doubt they have been demoted. Also, the outfits are slightly different from grunt uniforms. They are the same as their old outfits except that the white is now a dark gray and they have slightly darker gloves and boots (regular grunt uniforms are pure black). --PhantomJunkie 14:26, 4 September 2010 (UTC)Reply

Jame's Pokemon

It says James never fought before catching any of his Pokemon but in "heres looking at you elikid he goes into a flash back bout when he caught weepinbell. He used weezing to catch it. Angel10698 04:22, 10 September 2010 (UTC)Reply