Light Temple: Difference between revisions

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Chocos0 (talk | contribs)
Sabios (talk | contribs)
Added english names, corrected number of Pokemon
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(Japanese: '''ひかりのしんでん''' ''Light Temple'') is a past location in {{g|Ranger: Guardian Signs}}. The {{player}} can travel to this temple from past [[Cocona Village]] after clearing the [[Darkness Temple]]. The head of this temple is Ellios (Japanese: '''エウロン''' ''Euron''), [[Ravio]]'s father.
'''Light Temple''' (Japanese: '''ひかりのしんでん''' ''Light Temple'') is a past location in {{g|Ranger: Guardian Signs}}. The {{player}} can travel to this temple from past [[Cocona Village]] after clearing the [[Dark Temple]]. The head of this temple is '''Ellios''' (Japanese: '''エウロン''' ''Euron''), [[Ravio]]'s father.

==Mission 1==
==Mission 1==
(Japanese: '''そして ひかりと アルセウス''' ''Then the Light and Arceus'') is the first and only mission of this temple. {{player|Players}} must capture all sixteen [[Pokémon]] in the temple, many of which are former bosses. The starting time limit is 10:30.
'''At Last, Arceus and the Light''' (Japanese: '''そして ひかりと アルセウス''' ''Then the Light and Arceus'') is the first and only mission of this temple. {{player|Players}} must capture all twenty-seven [[Pokémon]] in the temple, many of which are former bosses. The starting time limit is 10:30.


Revision as of 00:51, 21 October 2010

Light Temple ひかりのしんでん
Light Temple
Light Temple
Connecting locations
North None
South None
West None
East None
Location of Light Temple in Oblivia

Light Temple (Japanese: ひかりのしんでん Light Temple) is a past location in Pokémon Ranger: Guardian Signs. The player can travel to this temple from past Cocona Village after clearing the Dark Temple. The head of this temple is Ellios (Japanese: エウロン Euron), Ravio's father.

Mission 1

At Last, Arceus and the Light (Japanese: そして ひかりと アルセウス Then the Light and Arceus) is the first and only mission of this temple. Players must capture all twenty-seven Pokémon in the temple, many of which are former bosses. The starting time limit is 10:30.


Pokémon Group AP
Sandslash Ground 24
Vileplume Grass 29
Misdreavus Ghost 10
Forretress Steel 34
Gligar Ground 10
Delibird Ice 100
Blissey Normal 29
Tyranitar Rock 34
Sableye Dark 10
Chimecho Psychic 10
Salamence Dragon 34
Metagross Steel 34
Combee Bug 10
Vespiquen Bug 19
Drifloon Ghost 10
Drifblim Ghost 19
Mismagius Ghost 24
Lucario Fighting 29
Skorupi Poison 10
Magnezone Electric 34
Tangrowth Grass 24
Electivire Electric 34
Togekiss Normal 24
Dusknoir Ghost 34
Arceus * Normal 150


# Pokémon Group Field Move Assist
N-018 Meganium Grass Cut 1 Cut 1 Grass
N-032 Delibird Ice Crush 1 Crush 1 Ice
N-047 Chingling Psychic Psy Power 1 Psy Power 1 Psychic
N-048 Chimecho Psychic Psy Power 1 Psy Power 1 Psychic
N-050 Skorupi Poison Crush 1 Crush 1 Poison
N-119 Togekiss Normal Cut 1 Cut 1 Flying
N-206 Combee Bug Cut 1 Cut 1 Flying
N-212 Gligar Ground Cut 1 Cut 1 Ground
N-214 Blastoise Water Soak 1 Soak 1 Water
N-215 Misdreavus Ghost Psy Power 1 Psy Power 1 Ghost
N-216 Mismagius Ghost Psy Power 1 Psy Power 1 Ghost
N-217 Blissey Normal Tackle 1 Tackle 1 Normal
N-218 Sableye Dark Cut 1 Cut 1 Dark
N-219 Drifloon Ghost Tackle 1 Tackle 1 Ghost
N-220 Drifblim Ghost Psy Power 1 Psy Power 1 Ghost
N-221 Arceus Normal Tackle 1 Tackle 1 Normal
N-222 Mew Psychic Psy Power 1 Psy Power 1 Psychic

Dolce IslandRenbow IslandMitonga IslandFaldera IslandSophian IslandLayuda IslandTilikule Island
Cocona VillageTilt VillageAqua Resort
Aquatic areas
Coral SeaCanal RuinsEastern SeaWestern Sea
Open areas
SkyLapras BeachTeakwood ForestCurl BayRand's HouseLatolato TrailMt. LatolatoWireless Tower
Hinder CapeMitonga RoadNoir ForestDangerous CliffSophian RoadMt. SorbetRainbow Dais
Forest TempleFire TempleIce TempleThunder TempleDark TempleLight TempleOdd Temple
Other areas
Rasp CavernOld MansionDaybreak RuinsSubmarineSilver FallsOblivia RuinsSky FortressThe Union

This article is part of Project Locations, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on every location in the Pokémon world.