* Registeel and Probopass both have the highest base Special Defense of all {{type2|Steel}} Pokémon.
* Registeel and Probopass both have the highest base Special Defense of all {{type2|Steel}} Pokémon.
* Registeel is the only legendary golem without a stat higher than the other members of the trio. Regirock has the highest {{stat|Attack}} and {{stat|Defense}}, while Regice has the highest {{stat|Special Attack}} and {{stat|Special Defense}}. In this way, Registeel is the balanced member of the trio, as all three have equal {{stat|HP}} and {{stat|Speed}}.
* Registeel is the only legendary golem without a stat higher than the other members of the trio. Regirock has the highest {{stat|Attack}} and {{stat|Defense}}, while Regice has the highest {{stat|Special Attack}} and {{stat|Special Defense}}. In this way, Registeel is the balanced member of the trio, as all three have equal {{stat|HP}} and {{stat|Speed}}.
* Out of the three, Registeel is the only one who learn both {{m|Iron Defense}} and {{m|Amnesia}} at [[level]] 41, being the one who learns more moves per level in his {{Legendary trio|trio}}, with 15.
The top-half of Registeel's body is spherical and gray with a black stripe running down where its "face" is. Registeel's face consists of seven dots in a hexagon formation. Registeel has black arms with three fingers each. Registeel has cylindrical legs. While Registeel has been classified as a Template:Type2 Pokémon, its body is actually made of a material that is actually harder than any known metal on this planet. Registeel's body has also shown some flexibility as well.
Gender differences
Registeel is a genderless species.
Special abilities
The steel that Registeel's body is made of is incredibly sturdy that nothing can even scratch it. Even though the metal appears incredibly durable and stiff, it is surprisingly flexible.
Registeel, the Iron Pokémon. Its body is harder than any metal found upon this planet. Its body is also hollow, and it's food source remains a mystery.
Registeel, the Iron Pokémon. Because Registeel's body has been tempered by underground pressure for thousands of years, its body cannot be scratched.
In the manga
Registeel debuted near the end of the Ruby & Sapphire arc, when Drake was attempted to open the Ancient Tomb. Together, Steven and Sapphire created a team of four Beldum and Sapphire's Relicanth and Wailord, thus opening up the chamber containing Registeel, as well as the other two golems. Registeel used Superpower to stop Groudon and Kyogre from spreading destruction. After the battle, it and the other two Regis, left weak and powerless, traveled to the mountains, where they were later caught by Brandon shortly before the opening ceremony of the Battle Frontier.
Brandon used Registeel first in his battle with Emerald, where it squared off against the Hitmonchan the boy borrowed from Crystal. Though Registeel took considerable damage from the accumulation of many Fire Punches and was eventually beaten by a strong Sky Uppercut attack, it managed to cause its opponent to faint as well with a clever Toxic maneuver. It hasn't been seen since.
Its body is harder than any other kind of metal. The body metal is composed of a mysterious substance. Not only is it hard, it shrinks and stretches flexibly.
In the European (excluding UK & Ireland) versions of Pokémon Diamond and Pearl, Registeel's sprite was edited because of its arm. The arm's original position is reminiscent of the greeting of the Nazis. In Pokémon Platinum, the sprite was changed for all regions to the continental European variation (this change was retained in HeartGold and SoulSilver).
Due to this, in Pokémon Platinum, Registeel is the one of the few Pokémon not in the Sinnoh Pokédex, and not introduced in Generation IV, to have a new sprite. Hitmonlee, Muk, Meowth, Oddish, Ninetales and Primeape are the others, Registeel being the only one not native to Kanto. Mareep, Natu, Xatu, Forretress, and Ursaring had their color palettes changed.
As a pure Template:Type2 it has eleven resistances and one immunity, the second highest number among all Pokémon, second only to Magnemite and its evolutions. Other Pokémon who share this number of resistances and immunity are Mawile, Empoleon, Dialga and the Giaru line.
In Pokémon Ranger, Registeel is the only of the three Regis that has a Field Move. The other two have a Poké Assist instead. Registeel could be used on a boulder near its chamber to find a Dugtrio.
In Ruby, Sapphire, and Emerald, there is an unobtainable Registeel Doll programmed into the game. It may have been intended to be obtained with the e-Reader.
Registeel and Probopass both have the highest base Special Defense of all Template:Type2 Pokémon.
Registeel is the only legendary golem without a stat higher than the other members of the trio. Regirock has the highest Attack and Defense, while Regice has the highest Special Attack and Special Defense. In this way, Registeel is the balanced member of the trio, as all three have equal HP and Speed.
Registeel is based on the golems of Hebrew legend. The legends cast them as servants of higher powers and are said to have writing on their heads. When the writing is removed, the creature would be weakened.
Name origin
Registeel's name is the combination of the words regius, which is Latin for royal, and steel.
This Pokémon article is part of Project Pokédex, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on each Pokémon species, as well as Pokémon groups and forms.