Jumpluff's body is blue and round. Three cotton puffs, almost as large as the body itself, extend off it: one on each arm, and one on top of its head. Three or four leaves grow at the base of the top puff. Jumpluff has round feet and a small tail, and its eyes are red and beady.
Gender differences
Special abilities
Jumpluff can use its fluffy cotton spores to float through the air. These spores can control its flight even in the extremely high winds of a hurricane.
Jumpluff drifts on seasonal winds and can use its cotton spores to masterfully manoeuvre itself around the globe. It will spread spores as it floats around to create offspring.
Jumpluff descends to the ground when it encounters cold air currents while it is floating.
On some cards and/or television episodes it has been
hinted or indicated that Jumpluff has an herbivourous
diet (grass, plants) though nobody knows for sure.
Officer Jenny had a Jumpluff in An Egg-Sighting Adventure!. Jenny used this Jumpluff to dust for footprints left by the criminals who supposedly stole Ash's egg.
Jumpluff, the Cottonweed Pokémon. Jumpluff catches a simmer of wind to spread its cotton-like spores and make offspring.
In the manga
In Pokémon Adventures, Eusine owns a Jumpluff which he uses to fly to different places. Another Jumpluff appears in the FRLG saga owned by Orm from The Three Beasts Rocket Trio.
Jumpluff rides warm southern winds to cross the sea and fly to foreign lands. The Pokémon descends to the ground when it encounters cold air while it is floating.
At 6.6 lbs, Jumpluff is the lightest Pokémon that has undergone two evolutions.
In Pokémon Colosseum, the shadows of Jumpluff's spores are square. In addition, the spores are always facing the same way relative to the camera, and as such, the player is the only able to see one side of them. This was fixed in Pokémon XD.
Despite Jumpluff's Silver Pokédex entry stating that it uses spores to produce offspring, it breeds by producing eggs in the games.
Jumpluff is the only Pokémon introduced in Generation II that has a name that starts with the letter J.
Jumpluff's name is a combination of jump and fluff. It could also be a corruption of the word plush, meaning a soft object or an object made of felt. The names of all stages of its evolutionary line are likely based on the phrase, "Just a hop, skip, and a jump away". Its Japanese name is based on 綿 wata, cotton and 根っ子 nekko, root.
This Pokémon article is part of Project Pokédex, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on each Pokémon species, as well as Pokémon groups and forms.