User:Blastoiseboy19: Difference between revisions

From Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia.
PsychicRider (talk | contribs)
m Protected "User:Blastoiseboy19": Violating current userspace limit ([edit=sysop] (expires 00:50, 14 May 2011 (UTC)) [move=sysop] (expires 00:50, 14 May 2011 (UTC)))
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Hello everybody. Meet the world's most oblivious noob, Blastoiseboy19! *aplause* He has been a member of Bulbapedia since Early May 2011. He has gotten three comments on his talk page for things including editing multiple times instead of using the preview button, editing trivia despite the note at the top of the page, and editing spelling on other people's talk pages.
Hello everybody. Meet the world's most oblivious noob, Blastoiseboy19! *aplause* He has been a member of Bulbapedia since Early May 2011. He has gotten three comments on his talk page for things including editing multiple times instead of using the preview button, editing trivia despite the note at the top of the page, and editing spelling on other people's talk pages.
{{User Renewable}}
{{User Renewable}}
|color={{dragon color}}
|bordercolor={{electric color dark}}
|headcolor={{dragon color light}}
|sprite=DP Ninja Boy.png
|prize=A ton of money
|class=Ninja Boy
|location=Nuvema Town
|ability=Rain Dish
|move2=Aqua Ring|move2type=Water|move2cat=Status
|move3=Rapid Spin|move3type=Normal|move3cat=Physical
|held=Expert Belt
|ability=Motor Drive
|move1=Wild Charge|move1type=Electric|move1cat=Physical
|move2=Ice Punch|move2type=Ice|move2cat=Physical
|move4=Cross Chop|move4type=Fighting|move4cat=Physical}}
|held=Choice Band
|move1=Close Combat|move1type=Fighting|move1cat=Physical
|move2=Psycho Cut|move2type=Psychic|move2cat=Physical
|move3=Leaf Blade|move3type=Grass|move3cat=Physical
|move4=Night Slash|move4type=Dark|move4cat=Physical}}
|held=Air Balloon
|move1=Drill Run|move1type=Ground|move1cat=Physical
|move2=Rock Slide|move2type=Rock|move2cat=Physical
|move4=Swords Dance|move4type=Normal|move4cat=Status}}
|held=Choice Specs
|move1=Draco Meteor|move1type=Dragon|move1cat=Special
|move2=Dark Pulse|move2type=Dark|move2cat=Special
|ability=Shadow Tag
|held=Choice Scarf
|move2=Shadow Ball|move2type=Ghost|move2cat=Special
|move4=Energy Ball|move4type=Grass|move4cat=Special}}
<div class="userbox">
<div class="userbox">
{{User en}}
{{User en}}

Revision as of 01:49, 14 May 2011

Hello everybody. Meet the world's most oblivious noob, Blastoiseboy19! *aplause* He has been a member of Bulbapedia since Early May 2011. He has gotten three comments on his talk page for things including editing multiple times instead of using the preview button, editing trivia despite the note at the top of the page, and editing spelling on other people's talk pages.

This user supports the use of renewable energy.

en This user is a native speaker of English.
EST This user uses Eastern Standard Time, which is UTC-5.
EDT During the northern Hemisphere summer, daylight saving time is in effect, which is UTC-4.
This user was born in the Year of the Tiger.
This user is an evil genius.
This user is 12 years old.
This user is easily angered.
This user is an Aquarius.
This user is going through big changes in their life. They're going through puberty.
This user's birthday is January 20.
This user eats too much.
This user is emotional.
This user is a good friend.
This user is happy!
This user is overly hyper.
This user is insane.
This user doesn't get enough sleep.
This user is always laughing.

Template:User Ninjaboy

This user is afraid of clowns.
This user is a Pokémon expert.
This user is shy.
This user wears shorts.
This user's favorite subject is Math.
6th This user is in 6th grade.
± This user's math class is 7th/8th grade math.
This user identifies as male.
This user has a collection of rocks.
This user likes mythical creatures.
This user is obsessed with Japan.
This user is interested in robotics.
This user has an obsession with turtles.
This user wears glasses.
This user has black hair.
This user can swim.
This user enjoys swimming.
♪ ×♪
This user can't sing.
This user is intelligent.
This user doesn't know CSS.

No idea what that is.

This user is smart.
This user does not care about politics.

Template:User Obama

This user is not in a relationship.
This user doesn't like lame hook-up lines.
This user doesn't like cheating in Pokémon games.
This user is a trainer of all types.
This user is an Ace Trainer.
This user is a Pokémon Trainer.

...I'm pretty sure...

This user has Pokémon games from every generation.
This user breeds Pokémon.
This user is a player of Pokémon Red Version.
This user's first partner Pokémon is Charmander.
This user has earned eight Gym badges!
This user is a Champion!
This user is a player of Pokémon Blue Version.
This user's first partner Pokémon is Squirtle.
This user has earned eight Gym badges!
This user is a Champion!
This user is a player of Pokémon Yellow Version.
This user's first partner Pokémon is Pikachu.
This user has earned eight Gym badges!
This user is a Champion!
This user is a player of Pokémon Crystal Version.
This user's first partner Pokémon is Cyndaquil.
This user has earned eight Gym badges!
This user is a Champion!
File:Spr GSC Red.png This user has beaten PKMN Trainer Red!
This user is a player of Pokémon Ruby Version.
This user's first partner Pokémon is Treeko.
This user has earned eight Gym badges!
This user is a Champion!
This user is a player of Pokémon LeafGreen Version.
This user's first partner Pokémon is Squirtle.
This user has earned eight Gym badges!
This user is a Champion!
This user is a player of Pokémon FireRed Version.
This user's first partner Pokémon is Bulbasaur.
This user has earned eight Gym badges!
This user is a Champion!
This user is a player of Pokémon Emerald Version.
This user's first partner Pokémon is Torchic.
This user has earned eight Gym badges!
This user is a Champion!
This user is a player of Pokémon Diamond Version.
This user's first partner Pokémon is Turtwig.
This user has earned eight Gym badges!
This user is a Champion!
This user is a player of Pokémon Pearl Version.
This user's first partner Pokémon is Piplup.

HHH! No champion! Never got three badges here...

This user is a player of Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Darkness.
This human's time travel accident transformed him into a Squirtle.
This human's partner is Turtwig.
This user is a player of Pokémon Battle Revolution.
This user is a player of Super Smash Bros. Brawl.
This user is a player of Pokémon Platinum Version.
This user's first partner Pokémon is Chimchar.
This user has earned eight Gym badges!
This user has completed the Unown Dex.
This user is a Champion!
This user is a player of Pokémon SoulSilver Version.
This user's first partner Pokémon is Cyndaquil.
This user has earned eight Gym badges!
This user is a Champion!
This user has beaten PKMN Trainer Red!
This user is a player of Pokémon Black Version.
This user's first partner Pokémon is Oshawott.
This user has earned eight Gym badges!
This user has beaten the Subway Boss on the Single Line!
This user is a Champion!
This user is a player of the Pokémon Trading Card Game Online.
This user has seen 390 Pokémon and obtained 172 Pokémon in his Pokédex.
The Pokémon first bred by this user are Blastoise and Tyranitar.

Before I knew what breeding did.

This user has a Shiny Gyarados.
009 This user enjoys walking with his Blastoise.
This user wants a Shiny Blastoise.
This user has a Celebi.
This user has a Darkrai.
This user has a Jirachi.
This user has a Shaymin.
This user has a Victini.
This user is a twerp.
This user is a member of Team Magma.
This user's blasting off again!
This user joined Bulbapedia on May 2, 2011.
This user likes to experiment with templates.
This user spends too much time on the computer.
This user contributes using Microsoft Windows 8.
This user contributes using Wi-Fi.
This user contributes using Microsoft Internet Explorer.
This user uses Yahoo! Messenger.
This user is a karateka.
This user watches baseball.
This user likes it when it snows.
This user thinks that a baby Kangaskhan would be awesome.
This user is a beast.
This user hates Audino.
This user hates Stunfisk.
This user hates that thing.
This user eats candy.
This user is medium-sized.
This user loves nature.
This user thinks that they are a nuisance.
This user is a party animal.
This user is a slacker.
This user is a Slow Starter.
This user used to fear putting rare TMs to waste and ended up not using them.
☆This user loves to make wishes.☆
This user's favorite color is blue.
This user's favorite color is purple.
This user's favorite color is pink.
This user's favorite color is black.
This user's favorite color is red.
This user's favorite legendary Pokémon is Zapdos.
This user's favorite region is Kanto.
This user's favorite Apricorn is the Blu Apricorn.
This user's favorite ball is the Ultra Ball.
This user's favorite band is Journey.
This user prefers the daytime.
This user likes dogs.
This user's favorite Ability is Contrary.