Coin Case glitches: Difference between revisions

From Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia.
Rsrdaman (talk | contribs)
Added what each cry does, as you said Snorlaxmonster. THIS TOOK FOREVER, still not done tho
ISB (talk | contribs)
There was nothing listed for Nidoqueen and Meowth, so I just put ???
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Revision as of 21:52, 24 May 2011

This article is about the glitches involving the Coin Case in Gold and Silver Versions. They all involve listening to a Pokémon's cry then immediately using the Coin Case.

Gltiches caused by each Pokémon cry

Pokémon Effect
Bulbasaur ???
Ivysaur ???
Venusaur ???
Charmander ???
Charmeleon which move?PP of
Charizard ???
Squirtle ???
Wartortle ???
Blastoise ???
Caterpie Whiteout
Metapod Whiteout
Butterfree which move?PP of
Weedle Whiteout
Kakuna Glitch dimension
Beedrill Whiteout
Pidgey Whiteout
Pidgeotto which move?
Pidgeot ???
Rattata which move?
Raticate which move?
Spearow which move?
Fearow which move?
Ekans which move?PP of
Arbok Whiteout
Pikachu Whiteout
Raichu ???
Sandshrew which move?PP of
Sandslash ???
Nidoran♀ Whiteout
Nidorina Glitch dimension
Nidoqueen ???
Nidoran♂ ???
Nidorino Whiteout
Nidoking which move?
Clefairy Whiteout
Clefable ???
Vulpix Whiteout
Ninetales ???
Jigglypuff Whiteout
Wigglytuff ???
Zubat Whiteout
Golbat which move?
Oddish Whiteout
Gloom which move?PP of
Vileplume which move?
Paras ▓0
Parasect ???
Venonat which move?PP of
Venomoth ???
Diglett Whiteout
Dugtrio Whiteout
Meowth ???
Persian ???
Psyduck Whiteout
Golduck ???
Mankey Whiteout
Primeape which move?PP of
Growlithe which move?PP of
Arcanine ???
Poliwag which move?
Poliwhirl Whiteout
Poliwrath ???
Abra Whiteout
Kadabra which move?
Alakazam ???
Machop Glitch dimension
Machoke Glitch dimension
Machamp Glitch dimension
Bellsprout Glitch dimension
Weepinbell ???
Victreebel ???
Tentacool Whiteout
Tentacruel which move?
Geodude Whiteout
Graveler which move?
Golem ???
Ponyta which move?
Rapidash ???
Slowpoke which move?
Slowbro ???
Magnemite Whiteout
Magneton ???
Farfetch'd ???
Doduo Whiteout
Dodrio ???
Seel Whiteout
Dewgong which move?
Grimer which move?
Muk which move?
Shellder ???
Cloyster ???
Gastly which move?
Haunter which move?PP of
Gengar which move?
Onix which move?
Drowzee Whiteout
Hypno ???
Krabby Glitch dimension
Kingler ???
Voltorb Whiteout
Electrode Blackout
Exeggcute ???
Exeggutor ???
Cubone ???
Marowak ???
Hitmonlee Whiteout
Hitmonchan ???
Lickitung ???
Koffing ???
Weezing ???
Rhyhorn ???
Rhydon ???
Chansey ???
Tangela ???
Kangaskhan ???
Horsea ???
Seadra ???
Goldeen ???
Seaking ???
Staryu ???
Starmie ???
Mr. Mime ???
Scyther ???
Jynx ???
Electabuzz ???
Magmar ???
Pinsir ???
Tauros ???
Magikarp ???
Gyarados ???
Lapras ???
Ditto ???
Eevee ???
Vaporeon ???
Jolteon ???
Flareon ???
Porygon ???
Omanyte ???
Omastar ???
Kabuto ???
Kabutops ???
Aerodactyl ???
Snorlax ???
Articuno ???
Zapdos ???
Moltres ???
Dratini ???
Dragonair ???
Dragonite ???
Mewtwo ???
Mew ???
Chikorita ???
Bayleef ???
Meganium ???
Cyndaquil Whiteout
Quilava which move?
Typhlosion which move?
Totodile Whiteout
Croconaw Whiteout
Feraligatr ???
Sentret ???
Furret ???
Hoothoot ???
Noctowl ???
Ledyba ???
Ledian ???
Spinarak ▓0
Ariados ???
Crobat ???
Chinchou ???
Lanturn ???
Pichu ???
Cleffa ???
Igglybuff ???
Togepi ???
Togetic ???
Natu ???
Xatu ???
Mareep ???
Flaaffy ???
Ampharos ???
Bellossom ???
Marill ???
Azumarill ???
Sudowoodo ???
Politoed ???
Hoppip ???
Skiploom ???
Jumpluff ???
Aipom ???
Sunkern ???
Sunflora ???
Yanma ???
Wooper ???
Quagsire ???
Espeon ???
Umbreon ???
Murkrow ???
Slowking ???
Misdreavus ???
Unown ???
Wobbuffet ???
Girafarig ???
Pineco ???
Forretress ???
Dunsparce ???
Gligar ???
Steelix ???
Snubbull ???
Granbull ???
Qwilfish ???
Scizor ???
Shuckle ???
Heracross ???
Sneasel ???
Teddiursa ???
Ursaring ???
Slugma ???
Magcargo ???
Swinub ???
Piloswine ???
Corsola ???
Remoraid ???
Octillery ???
Delibird ???
Mantine ???
Skarmory ???
Houndour ???
Houndoom ???
Kingdra ???
Phanpy ???
Donphan ???
Porygon2 ???
Stantler ???
Smeargle ???
Tyrogue ???
Hitmontop ???
Smoochum ???
Elekid ???
Magby ???
Miltank ???
Blissey ???
Raikou ???
Entei ???
Suicune ???
Larvitar ???
Pupitar ???
Tyranitar ???
Lugia ???
Ho-Oh ???
Celebi ???

Whiteouts don't always happen, its a random chance of just normal coin display or an actual whiteout.

For ▓0, 0 is replaced by the number of coins you have.

Transform glitchesGlitch TrainersCloning glitchesError messagesArbitrary code execution
Generation I GlitchesBattle glitchesOverworld glitches
--0 ERRORBroken hidden itemsCable Club escape glitchDual-type damage misinformation
Experience underflow glitchFight Safari Zone Pokémon trickGlitch CityItem duplication glitchItem underflow
Mew glitchOld man glitchPewter Gym skip glitchPokémon merge glitchRhydon glitchRival twins glitch
Select glitches (dokokashira door glitch, second type glitch) • Super Glitch
Time Capsule exploitWalking through wallsZZAZZ glitch
Generation II GlitchesBattle glitches
Bug-Catching Contest glitchCelebi Egg glitchCoin Case glitchesExperience underflow glitch
Glitch dimensionGlitch EggTeru-samaTime Capsule exploitTrainer House glitchesGS Ball mail glitch
Generation III GlitchesBattle glitchesOverworld glitches
Berry glitchDive glitchPomeg glitchGlitzer Popping
Generation IV GlitchesBattle glitchesOverworld glitches
Acid rainGTS glitchesPomeg glitchRage glitch
Surf glitchTweakingPal Park Retire glitch
Generation V GlitchesBattle glitchesOverworld glitches
Charge Beam additional effect chance glitchCharge move replacement glitchChoice item lock glitch
Frozen Zoroark glitchSky Drop glitch
Generation VI GlitchesBattle glitchesOverworld glitches
Charge Beam additional effect chance glitchCharge move replacement glitchChoice item lock glitch
Lumiose City save glitchSymbiosis Eject Button glitchToxic sure-hit glitch
Generation VII GlitchesBattle glitches
Charge Beam additional effect chance glitchCharge move replacement glitchChoice item lock glitch
Toxic sure-hit glitchRollout storage glitch
Generation VIII Glitches
Charge Beam additional effect chance glitchCharge move replacement glitchChoice item lock glitch
Toxic sure-hit glitchRollout storage glitchParty item offset glitch
Generation IX Glitches
Glitch effects Game freezeGlitch battleGlitch song
Gen I only: Glitch screenTMTRAINER effectInverted sprite
Gen II only: Glitch dimension
Lists Glitches (GOMystery DungeonTCG GBSpin-off)
Glitch Pokémon (Gen IGen IIGen IIIGen IVGen VGen VIGen VIIGen VIII)
Glitch moves (Gen I) • Glitch types (Gen IGen II)
This glitch Pokémon article is part of Project GlitchDex, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on glitches in the Pokémon games.