Rattata's English name simply incorporates the word ''rat'' into it. The etymology of ''tata'' is most likely a combination of ''rat'' and ''attack'', especially when compared to its prototype name "Rattatak" [http://www.reocities.com/Tokyo/Fuji/4362/019RATTATAK.JPG]. Its Japanese name ''Koratta'' is derived from the prefix 小 ''ko'', small, and ''rat''. In Spanish, rat is ''rata''.
Rattata's English name simply incorporates the word ''rat'' into it. The etymology of ''tata'' is most likely a combination of ''rat'' and ''attack'', especially when compared to its prototype name "Rattatak" [http://www.reocities.com/Tokyo/Fuji/4362/019RATTATAK.JPG]. Its name also sounds like the onomatopoeic word ''rat-a-tat''. Its Japanese name ''Koratta'' is derived from the prefix 小 ''ko'', small, and ''rat''. In Spanish, rat is ''rata''.
Rattata is a small, but unspecialized rodent. Its most notable feature is its large teeth. Like most rodents their teeth grow continuously throughout its life, and must be constantly worn down by gnawing. It has long whiskers and a long, slightly curled tail. Rattata has purple fur on its back, and cream colored fur on its stomach. This coloration (dark on top, light on bottom) is a common protective mechanism for many small animals.
Gender differences
Females have shorter whiskers and a lighter fur color.
Special abilities
Rattata have very basic survival needs, permitting them to thrive in nearly any environment. Because they reproduce so quickly, a pair of Rattata can quickly colonize an area. Rattata are also very quick, and their teeth grow constantly.
Rattata have a fast metabolism. As a result, it spends most of its fast-paced life looking for food. Thanks to their sharp fangs, they are able to eat nearly anything. However, because they constantly need to chew on hard material to keep their teeth at a manageable length, it is hard to tell if they are actually eating something, or merely gnawing on it. When they are threatened, Rattata can deliver a powerful bite. Cautious to the extreme, its hardy vitality lets it live in any kind of environment. They are a common sight in many places, and can become a nuisance due to their rapid reproductive rate. It is said that for every one Rattata, forty other are hidden somewhere. Most young Trainers will train Rattata due to their easy accessibility.
Rattata naturally live in plains and savannas. However, they are found in most areas due to their ability to survive nearly any environment. They are very common in Kanto, Johto and Sinnoh.
Rattata are not picky when it comes to food, and will eat nearly anything edible. However, they're sometimes found in possession of the Chilan Berry.
In the first episode of the anime series, Ash's Pokédex also states that Rattata "likes cheese, nuts, fruit and berries... and will steal food from stupid travelers."
In the anime
Rattata in the anime
Major appearances
Rattata debuted in the Pokémon - I Choose You!, trying to steal food from Ash's bag. After Ash chased it off, it hissed at him before running away.
Rattata is cautious in the extreme. Even while it is asleep, it constantly listens by moving its ears around. It is not picky about where it lives - it will make its nest anywhere.
In Ash's Pokédex Rattata was referenced as a Forest Pokémon.
Rattata's name originally had a "K" at the end, but it was dropped.
Rattata is notorious for being associated with the F.E.A.R. strategy.
Rattata and Raticate share the same species name with Pikachu, Raichu, Sandshrew, and Sandslash. They are all known as Mouse Pokémon, though Rattata and Raticate have also been called Rat Pokémon in Generations I and II. Rattata and Raticate's species name was changed to 'Mouse' in Generation III onwards.
The fur around Rattata's mouth is colored white in its original artwork and its in-game sprites up until Generation IV (although its artwork for FireRed and LeafGreen does show this fur as being peach-colored).
Rattata and its evolution comprise the first two-stage evolutionary family in National Pokédex order.
Rattata is the first pure Template:Type2 in National Pokédex order.
Rattata has gained infamy among the fanbase due to YoungsterJoey on Route 30, and his phone calls claiming his Rattata to be within the top percentage of the species.
Rattata is the only Pokémon with a base stat total of 253.
In each region, there is a two-stage Template:Type2 Pokémon encountered early in the region. Rattata is the Kanto variation on this theme, while Sentret, Zigzagoon, Bidoof, and Patrat are those of other regions.
It is simply based on a real life rat, the only difference is that Rattata is purple. The shape and position of its ears might be based from the dumbo rat.
Name origin
Rattata's English name simply incorporates the word rat into it. The etymology of tata is most likely a combination of rat and attack, especially when compared to its prototype name "Rattatak" [1]. Its name also sounds like the onomatopoeic word rat-a-tat. Its Japanese name Koratta is derived from the prefix 小 ko, small, and rat. In Spanish, rat is rata.
This Pokémon article is part of Project Pokédex, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on each Pokémon species, as well as Pokémon groups and forms.