Sawsbuck changes its appearance depending on the current season, but it does not change form once caught, unless it is in the party at the time a season changes. Sawsbuck shares this trait with its pre-evolution, Deerling.
When the month is January, May, or September, the season is Spring, and it becomes Spring Sawsbuck.
When the month is February, June, or October, the season is Summer, and it becomes Summer Sawsbuck.
When the month is March, July, or November, the season is Autumn, and it becomes Autumn Sawsbuck.
When the month is April, August, or December, the season is Winter, and it becomes Winter Sawsbuck.
Sawsbuck is a deer-like Pokémon that is mainly brown and cream in coloration. In its spring form, blossoms with pink petals and yellow insides adorn its antlers, with some of the prongs being tipped with cream coloration. Its ears are rhombus-shaped with darker, also rhombus-shaped ear insides. Its eyes have light-orange markings that curve down to sides of its face. Its nose is dark-brown, and its chin, as well as the sides of its face, are cream in coloration. A large scruff of cream fur is present on the base of its neck, with its underbelly, as well as its lower legs, being cream-colored as well. Light-orange stripes rim its underbelly, and its back is decorated with sparse pink speckles. The limbs of Sawsbuck are slender, tipped with hooves and a dewclaw-like pointed feature on the underside of the lower legs, and its tail is low and pointed.
Gender differences
Special abilities
Sawsbuck change their appearance with the seasons, in the following ways:
Spring: Tuft of cream fur on chest, flowers on growing antlers, a little extra fur on limbs, tail pointed down.
Summer: No extra fur anywhere except back of head and tail which both curl up, antlers fully grown with green leaves, overall a more "alive" appearance, tail pointed up.
Fall: Cream fur back on chest and limbs, antlers have red and brown leaves, tail pointed down.
Winter: Cream fur on chest and limbs has expanded and is white looking somewhat like a fur coat, antlers white and bare, tail pointed down.
Sawsbuck live in herds. The herd is led by the Sawsbuck with the most splendid looking horns. The flowers on the horns change according to the seasons.
Swasbuck can live almost anywhere in the Unova region as they adapt to the season, but prefer to live away from humans.
Sawsbuck, the Season Pokémon, and the evolved form of Deerling. The plants on Sawsbuck's horns change depending on the time of year, and people often use them to measure the passing of the seasons.
Sawsbuck may be based on a Père David's Deer, which is a species of deer that decorates its antlers with foliage during the breeding season. Its antlers may also be based on a deciduous tree.
Name origin
Sawsbuck may derive from sawbuck, a device for holding rough wood so that it may be sawn and buck, a term for male deer. S-A-W-S may also be an acronym of the names of the seasons (summer, autumn, winter and spring). Mebukijika is likely a combination of 芽吹き mebuki, to bud, and 鹿 shika, deer.
This Pokémon article is part of Project Pokédex, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on each Pokémon species, as well as Pokémon groups and forms.