Tamato Berry: Difference between revisions

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Line 9: Line 9:
desc=This berry is lip-bendingly spicy. It takes time to grow. |
desc=This berry is lip-bendingly spicy. It takes time to grow. |
desc4=This Berry is large and spicy. When eaten during the cold season, it warms the body from inside. |
desc4=This Berry is large and spicy. When eaten during the cold season, it warms the body from inside. |
d3=Makes a Pokémon friendly but lowers base Speed.|
d4=A Poffin ingredient. Using it on a Pokémon makes it more friendly, but it also lower its base Speed stat.|
d4=A Poffin ingredient. Using it on a Pokémon makes it more friendly, but it also lower its base Speed stat.|
d5=Using it on a Pokémon makes it more friendly, but it also lowers its base Speed stat.|
d5=Using it on a Pokémon makes it more friendly, but it also lowers its base Speed stat.|

Revision as of 05:23, 26 November 2011

Tamato Berry
マトマのみ Matoma Fruit
No. 26
Makes a Pokémon more friendly, but lowers Speed effort value (Emerald on).
Natural Gift
Type Psychic
Power 70
Generation III
+1 +1 0 0 -2
Generation IV










Generation III

0 hours

6 hours

12 hours

18 hours

24 hours
Generation IV

0 hours

8 hours

16 hours

24 hours

32 hours
Size (in) Size (cm) Firmness
7.9" 20.0 cm Soft
Bag description
Generation III Makes a Pokémon friendly but lowers base Speed.
Generation IV A Poffin ingredient. Using it on a Pokémon makes it more friendly, but it also lower its base Speed stat.
Generation V Using it on a Pokémon makes it more friendly, but it also lowers its base Speed stat.
Generation VI Unknown
Generation VII Unknown
Generation VIII Unknown
Tag description
Generation III This berry is lip-bendingly spicy. It takes time to grow.
Generation IV This Berry is large and spicy. When eaten during the cold season, it warms the body from inside.
Ice Cream Scoop
Flavor 1 Flavor 2 Flavor 3
Name Tomato
Design Horned melon, Tomato

A Tamato Berry (Japanese: マトマのみ Matoma Fruit) is a type of berry introduced in Generation III.


Ruby, Sapphire, and Emerald
Sometimes given by the Berry Master.
FireRed and LeafGreen
Wild hold item (Generation III)
Mini Games (Generation III)
Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum
Growing on Route 212 (requires HM03 (Surf)) and on Route 225 (requires HM01 (Cut)) when the player first arrives there.
Sometimes given by the Berry Master.
HeartGold and SoulSilver
Chance of winning from Scratch-Off Cards in the Battle Frontier.
Wild hold item (Generation IV)
Rarely found in
This page contains material that may not be suitable for young readers.
Viewer discretion is advised.
after 1000+ steps.
Always held by level 5 Elekid; rarely found in
This page contains material that may not be suitable for young readers.
Viewer discretion is advised.
after 5000+ steps.
Pokémon Battle Revolution
Mystery Dungeon series
Black and White
Black 2 and White 2
Wild hold item (Generation V)
Dream World
Can be found in the Windswept Sky.
X and Y
Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire
Wild hold item (Generation VI)
PokéMileage Club
Sun and Moon
Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon
Wild hold item (Generation VII)
Sword and Shield
Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl
Legends: Arceus

Growth and Harvest

Generation III

A Tamato Berry will mature from a planted seed to a full-grown, fruit-bearing tree in 24 hours, with 6 hours per stage. A Tamato tree will yield 2-4 berries.

Generation IV

A Tamato Berry will mature from a planted seed to a full-grown, fruit-bearing tree in 32 hours, with 8 hours per stage. A Tamato tree will yield 1-5 berries.


Berry Blending

Verdanturf Fallarbor Slateport Lilycove
Tamato Berry Purple Purple Purple Purple

Berry Crushing

At 100% performance, a Tamato Berry will contribute 150 units of powder.

Poffin cooking

At 100% performance, a Tamato Berry will produce a Level 13 (maybe higher) Spicy-Dry Poffin when cooking alone.

In the anime

Whenever an episode features berries, such as The Lotad Lowdown, or Berry, Berry Interesting, a character may come across this berry and decide to eat it. They instead experience its intense spiciness, and may end up with swollen lips for a while.

In Shocks and Bonds Brock says that an Ace Trainer named Katie who battled Ash in the Hoenn League likes Tamato Berries in her Spaghetti.

In Double-Time Battle Training!, Candice states that a treat called the Snowpoint Tamato Berry Ice Cream Bar has cold Ice Cream outside and spicy Tamato Berry Jelly on the inside, which Ash accidentally ate whole and which Dawn based her Daybreak Town Appeals on.


  • The Tamato Berry is the only one of the EV-reducing Berries that did not have the same growth time as the rest in Generation III, and the only Berry of its flavor group that does not have the same growth time as the rest in Generation IV.


Language Name Origin
Japanese マトマのみ Matoma no Mi From トマト Tomato.
English Tamato Berry From tomato.
French Baie Tamato From tomate.
German Tamotbeere From Tomate.
Italian Baccamodoro From pomodoro.
Spanish Baya Tamate From tomate.
Korean 토망열매 Tomang Yeolmae From 토마토 Tomato.
Chinese 辣茄 Làqié From 辣 (spicy) and 番茄 fānqié (tomato).

Grepa Berry Grepa Berry
Cornn Berry Cornn Berry
This Pokémon article is part of Project BerryDex, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on each Berry in the Pokémon series.