Oblivia: Difference between revisions

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Pawsrent (talk | contribs)
Han Ji-Wan (talk | contribs)
m Trivia: Hawaii islands -> Hawaiian Islands
Line 65: Line 65:
* The names of Oblivia's islands are based on the seven {{wp|solfège|solfège syllables}} of music notation, do, re, mi, fa, so, la, and ti.
* The names of Oblivia's islands are based on the seven {{wp|solfège|solfège syllables}} of music notation, do, re, mi, fa, so, la, and ti.
* Oblivia is possibly based on the Hawaii islands.
* Oblivia is possibly based on the Hawaiian Islands.
* The name Oblivia comes from oblivion, meaning the state of being forgotten, or possibly oblivious, considering the fact that native people are unaware of the [[Pokémon Pinchers|Pincher]] invasion.
* The name Oblivia comes from oblivion, meaning the state of being forgotten, or possibly oblivious, considering the fact that native people are unaware of the [[Pokémon Pinchers|Pincher]] invasion.

Revision as of 21:27, 29 March 2012

This article is incomplete.
Please feel free to edit this article to add missing information and complete it.
Reason: In game map of Oblivia

Oblivia オブリビア地方
Oblivia region
Artwork of the Oblivia region
Introduction Pokémon Ranger: Guardian Signs
Professor Professor Hastings
First partner Pokémon Pichu
Regional Villains Pokémon Pinchers
Pokémon League {{{league}}}
League Location {{{location}}}
Pokédex List Browser
Series {{{series}}}
Season(s) {{{season}}}
Generation {{{generation}}}
Games {{{games}}}
Adventures Debut {{{manga}}}

Oblivia (Japanese: オブリビア地方 Oblivia-chihō) is the region in which Pokémon Ranger: Guardian Signs takes place. This region is an archipelago composed of several islands. It has many ruins, and legends. In the past it had temples used to worship Pokémon, such as Arceus. Across Oblivia are monuments that, when lit, form the Ranger Sign for Latias and Latios. Also, in some places there are monuments that, when specific side quests are completed, reveal special signs for certain Pokémon that can join your team.


This section is incomplete.
Please feel free to edit this section to add missing information and complete it.




Areas of Interest


  • The names of Oblivia's islands are based on the seven solfège syllables of music notation, do, re, mi, fa, so, la, and ti.
  • Oblivia is possibly based on the Hawaiian Islands.
  • The name Oblivia comes from oblivion, meaning the state of being forgotten, or possibly oblivious, considering the fact that native people are unaware of the Pincher invasion.

Dolce IslandRenbow IslandMitonga IslandFaldera IslandSophian IslandLayuda IslandTilikule Island
Cocona VillageTilt VillageAqua Resort
Aquatic areas
Coral SeaCanal RuinsEastern SeaWestern Sea
Open areas
SkyLapras BeachTeakwood ForestCurl BayRand's HouseLatolato TrailMt. LatolatoWireless Tower
Hinder CapeMitonga RoadNoir ForestDangerous CliffSophian RoadMt. SorbetRainbow Dais
Forest TempleFire TempleIce TempleThunder TempleDark TempleLight TempleOdd Temple
Other areas
Rasp CavernOld MansionDaybreak RuinsSubmarineSilver FallsOblivia RuinsSky FortressThe Union

Regions in the Pokémon world
Core series Kanto (Sevii Islands) • JohtoHoenn
Sinnoh (HisuiBattle Zone) • Unova (Blueberry Academy)
KalosAlolaGalar (Isle of ArmorCrown Tundra)
Side series White CityOrre
Anime Orange IslandsDecolore Islands
Spin-off games FioreAlmiaObliviaPokémon IslandMintale Town
Ryme CityPasioRanseiFerrumLental
Mystery Dungeon worldPokéParkTCG Islands
Carmonte IslandTumblecube IslandAeos Island
TCG Southern IslandsPuzzle ContinentHolonParallel Worlds
Sovereign states in
the Pokémon world
Ranger UnionGuyana
Lucario KingdomMirage KingdomRota

This article is part of both Project Locations and Project Sidegames, Bulbapedia projects that, together, aim to write comprehensive articles on every location in the Pokémon world and the Pokémon Sidegames, respectively.