A Lillipup is one of the Pokémon employed by {{Adv|White}} in her [[BW Agency]]. Since the director asked for a Pokémon that can do stunts and Lillipup's silhouette showed up, Lillipup presumbly is a stunt Pokémon for the Agency.
A Lillipup is one of the Pokémon employed by {{Adv|White}} in her [[BW Agency]]. Since the director asked for a Pokémon that can do stunts and Lillipup's silhouette showed up, Lillipup presumbly is a stunt Pokémon for the Agency.
[[Lenora]] has a {{p|Stoutland}} which she owned it since it was a Lillipup.
Lillipup is a tan-colored, dog-like Pokémon. It has large eyes and a red nose, with its face covered by an abundance of cream fur. Its large ears have spiky lower extensions. Its fur puffs about above its paws, and its back has a spiky black stripe. Its tail is spiky and shaped similarly to Lillipup's ears.
Gender differences
Special abilities
The fur on its face provides excellent radar and can acutely sense the state of its surroundings.
Lillipup will bravely face strong opponents but will flee from unfavorable battles.
Lillipup, the Puppy Pokémon. The long hair covering Lillipup's face is an excellent radar, which senses conditions in the surrounding area.
In the manga
In the Pokémon Adventures manga
A Lillipup is one of the Pokémon employed by White in her BW Agency. Since the director asked for a Pokémon that can do stunts and Lillipup's silhouette showed up, Lillipup presumbly is a stunt Pokémon for the Agency.
Lenora has a Stoutland which she owned it since it was a Lillipup.
Lillipup may be a combination of either "li'l" a shortening of little, or "lilliputian", and "pup". Lillipup's name is also similar to a number of real and fictional locations, which are all called Lilliput, though it is likely just a coincidence. Yorterrie seems to be a portmanteau of Yorkshire Terrier.
This Pokémon article is part of Project Pokédex, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on each Pokémon species, as well as Pokémon groups and forms.