Pansage is a primate-like, green-and-yellow Grass-type Pokémon. The proportion of its head and large ears are similar to that of Aipom. The upper half of its head and the broccoli-like sprout atop is green, exempting a pattern of three yellow, tapered seed-like shapes in the sprout's "foliage". Pansage’s eyes are oval-shaped, with large pupils, and the lower half of its face is yellow with a small, dot-like nose. Its upper body and its skinny forelimbs are also yellow, and its hands seem to have no fingers, aside from thumbs. Pansage's lower body is green with small feet, and its wiry tail is tipped with two leaves.
Gender differences
Special abilities
Eating its leaves can alleviate exhaustion.
It is a friendly Pokémon that hands out its leaves to exhausted Pokémon.
In the Pocket Monsters BW manga, Cilan uses a Pansage against Red's Clefairy in PMBW03 when he tries to instigate a fight between Cilan and his brothers Chili and Cress. The three brothers use their Pokémon against Clefairy, however, their group attack backfires when Clefairy uses the effects of Pansear, Panpour and Pansage to make green tea.
In the Pokémon Master Black & White manga
In PBW02, Cheren uses a Pansage against Monta in a triple battle.
Pansage was first seen, together with Axew, as a toy featured in two images seen July 2010, but it wasn't named and nothing was known about it. In the beginning of August a fake leak of the September issue of CoroCoro showed its own version of this Pokémon. Pansage was officially revealed August 22, 2010 by Pokémon Sunday.
Pansage, along with Pansear, Panpour, and their respective evolutions, are the only non-starter Pokémon that can have a starter-exclusive Ability. In Pansage and Simisage's case, this is Overgrow.
Pansage is the only Pokémon capable of learning Grass Knot by level-up.
Pansage is based on a monkey and a tree; the fact that it is based on both may mean it might be based on the legends of monkey trees or possibly a visual pun on leaf monkeys. It, along with his two contemporaries, seems to be inspired by the three wise monkeys motif; with its mouth open, Pansage represents "speak no evil".
Name origin
Pansage may be a combination of Pan (the genus of Chimpanzees) and sage. Sage may either mean a type of plant or a wise person, the latter possibly relating to the "three wise monkeys" motif of the elemental monkeys.
Yanappu may be a combination of 柳 yanagi (willow) or 野菜 yasai (vegetable; an alternate reading of 菜 is na) and ape.
This Pokémon article is part of Project Pokédex, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on each Pokémon species, as well as Pokémon groups and forms.