Pokémon Champion: Difference between revisions

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Revision as of 13:59, 23 August 2012

This article is incomplete.
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Reason: in the anime and in the manga information

A Pokémon Champion (Japanese: チャンピオン Champion) or Pokémon League Champion (Japanese: リーグ優勝者 League Champion) is the highest known level of rank for a Pokémon Trainer. It usually refers to a Trainer who has completed a Pokémon League by collecting all the necessary Badges, and either winning a regional Pokémon tournament or defeating the Elite Four and the previous Pokémon Champion (if there is one). There is usually only one Pokémon Champion per region at a time. Kanto and Johto share a Champion, while other regions have their own. It is assumed that the Champion must defend their title against challengers, although this is never explicitly stated.

In the games

Champion (Japanese: チャンピオン Champion) is a Trainer class that first debuted in the Generation I games. It is the title held by the Trainer who last defeated the Elite Four and the previous Pokémon Champion. The player always meets the Champion before challenging the Elite Four. Each Champion is always stronger than the Elite Four members and most other Trainers, and has a party of six Pokémon to test their opponents' strength. To challenge the Champion, Trainers must defeat all four Elite Four members without leaving the Pokémon League area, and cannot access the Pokémon League Pokémon Center and Poké Mart until after defeating the Champion or losing at any point during the challenge. If a challenger is defeated by the Champion, just like the Elite Four, they are sent back to the Pokémon League and must start over.

Since in every main series game the player goes on to defeat the standing Champion, every player character could be considered a Champion. However, for players, becoming the Champion is mostly a symbolic honor, as they are unable to battle challengers or take up any other league duties. In addition, the former Champion will still remain at the Pokémon League, retaining the title of Pokémon Champion.

In Black and White, Cynthia tells the player that once every few years, the Champions from all the regions come together and battle to find the strongest among them. In the Pokémon World Tournament in Black 2 and White 2, which takes place 2 years later, all the Champions the player battles in previous games participate in the tournament, as well as Red.

The following are the Champions who the player battles in the games:

Indigo League Hoenn League Sinnoh League Unova League
Gen I and III Gen II and IV Ruby and Sapphire Emerald Black and White Black and White 2
Blue Lance Steven Wallace Cynthia Alder Iris

In the anime

The path to becoming Champion differs between the anime and the games. In the anime, instead of fighting the Elite Four, there is a tournament among accomplished Trainers; however, Lucian mentioned that the winner of the Sinnoh League has the opportunity to battle the Elite Four and their Champion. Even an Elite Four member can usurp the Champion by battling them.

The following are the Champions known in the anime:

Name Hometown League
Lance Blackthorn City Indigo League
Jon Dickson Sento Cherry Town Silver Conference
Tyson Mauville City Ever Grande Conference
Tobias Lily of the Valley Conference
Captain Orange League
Drake Pummelo Island Orange League
Ash Ketchum Pallet Town Orange League and Battle Frontier
Cynthia Celestic Town Sinnoh League
Wallace Sootopolis City Hoenn League
Alder Floccesy Town Unova League

In the manga

In the Pokémon Adventures manga

In the Pokémon Adventures manga, the Champion is the winner of an elimination tournament held at Indigo Plateau every three years. Although the Elite Four appear in this manga, it is unclear whether they have any connection to the Champion as they do in the games.

The following are the known Champions in the Pokémon Adventures manga:

Name Hometown League
Red Pallet Town Ninth Tri-Annual Pokémon League competition
Professor Oak Pallet Town First Tri-Annual Pokémon League competition
Wallace Sootopolis City Hoenn League
Steven Stone Hoenn League


  • Every Champion from the games has appeared in the anime (if one counts Gary in Blue's place).
  • In French localizations, Gym Leader is Champion, while Champion is Maître, meaning master.

In other languages

Language Title
Japanese チャンピオン
Mandarin Chinese 冠軍 (Guàn​jūn)
Dutch Kampioen
Finnish Mestari
French Maitre
German Champ
Greek Πρωταθλητής
Italian Campione
Korean 챔피언 (Champion)
Polish Czempion
Romanian Campion
Spanish Campeón

Pokémon Champions
Core series BlueLanceRedStevenWallaceCynthiaAlderIrisDianthaTraceLeonMustardPeonyNemonaGeetaKieranDraytonMost player characters
Masters EX BlueLanceRedStevenCynthiaAlderIrisDianthaLeonScottieBettieAshNemonaGeetaCalemSerenaHopMarnieBedeLeafNateRosaSilverCherenBianca
Ronald (TCG GB)Mark (TCG GB)Mint (TCG GB)Glenn (Pokkén)Master Rosé (Duel)
Animated series LanceCynthiaWallaceAlderDianthaStevenAsh KetchumLeonIrisNemonaGeeta
Other animation Blue (Origins)Red (Origins)Calem (Generations)Celestine (PttP)Edgar Troy (PttP)Ava (PttP)
Adventures Professor OakRedSidneyPhoebeGlaciaDrakeStevenWallaceCynthiaAlderIrisDianthaLeonMustardPeonyNemona
Other manga Shigeru (Zensho)Satoshi (Zensho)Rald (Battle Frontier)

Trainer classes in the Pokémon core series
Kanto Ace Trainer*BeautyBikerBird KeeperBlack Belt*Bug CatcherBurglarCamper*ChampionGSCFRLGHGSSPE
ChannelerElite FourGSCFRLGHGSSPEEngineerFishermanGamer*GentlemanGym Leader*GSCFRLGHGSSPE
HikerJugglerLassPicnicker*Poké Maniac*Pokémon Trainer*GSCPEPsychicRivalFRLGRockerRoughneck*
SailorScientistSuper NerdSwimmerTamerTeam Rocket Boss*FRLGHGSSPETeam Rocket Grunt*Youngster
BoarderHGSSDouble TeamHGSSFirebreatherGSCHGSSGuitaristGSCHGSSMediumGSCHGSS
Cool CoupleFRLGCrush KinFRLGSis and BroFRLGYoung CoupleFRLGHGSS
Coach TrainerPEKarate MasterPEPunk GuyPETeam RocketPETeam Rocket AdminPE
Master TrainersPE
Unused Trainer class:
Johto Ace Trainer*BeautyBikerBird KeeperBlack Belt*BoarderBug CatcherBurglarCamper
ChampionExecutive*FirebreatherFisherman*GentlemanGuitaristHikerJugglerKimono GirlLass
LeaderMediumPicnickerPokéfanPoké Maniac*PKMN TrainerPoliceman*PsychicRivalHGSSSage
SailorSchool Kid*ScientistSkierSuper NerdSwimmerTeacherTeam Rocket Grunt*TwinsYoungster
Mystery Man*CHGSSDouble TeamHGSSElderHGSSPasserbyHGSSYoung CoupleHGSS
Battle Frontier only:HGSS

Aroma LadyArtistBattle GirlCameramanClownCollectorCowgirlCyclistDragon TamerIdol
JoggerLadyNinja BoyParasol LadyPIPoké KidPKMN BreederPKMN RangerRancherReporter
Rich BoyRoughneckRuin ManiacSocialiteTuberVeteranWaiterWaitressWorker
Arcade StarCastle ValetFactory HeadHall MatronTower Tycoon

Hoenn Ace Trainer*Aqua AdminSEASAqua LeaderSEASAroma LadyBattle GirlBeautyBird KeeperBlack Belt
Bug CatcherBug ManiacCamperChampionCollectorDragon TamerElite FourExpertFisherman
GentlemanGuitaristHex ManiacHikerInterviewers*KindlerLadyLassLeaderMagma AdminREOR
Magma LeaderREORNinja BoyOld CoupleParasol LadyPicnickerPoké Fan*Poké Maniac*Pokémon Breeder*
Pokémon Ranger*Pokémon Trainer*PsychicRich BoyRuin ManiacSailorSchoolkid*Sis & Bro*Swimmer
Team Aqua GruntSEASTeam Magma GruntREORTeammates*TriathleteTuberTwinsWinstrateYoung CoupleYoungster
Ace DuoORASBrains & BrawnORASBackpackerORASDelinquentORASFairy Tale GirlORASFare PrinceORAS
Free DiverORASLeadersORASLorekeeperORASMysterious SistersORASProprietorORASRotation GirlORAS
Scuba DiverORASSecret Base ExpertORASSecret Base TrainerORASSootopolitanORASStreet ThugORAS
Battle Frontier only:E
Arena TycoonDome AceFactory HeadPalace MavenPike QueenPyramid KingSalon Maiden
Battle Institute and Battle Maison only:ORAS
ArtistBattle ChatelaineButlerChefFurisode GirlGarçonGardenerMadameMaidMonsieurOwnerPreschooler
Punk GirlPunk GuyRising StarRoller SkaterSchoolboySchoolgirlScientistTouristVeteranWaitressWorker
Sinnoh Ace TrainerAroma LadyArtistBattle GirlBeautyBird KeeperBlack BeltBug CatcherCameramanCamperChampion
ClownCollectorCommanderCowgirlCyclistDouble TeamDragon TamerElite FourFisher*GentlemanGuitarist
Gym Leader*HikerIdolInterviewersJoggerLadyLassMadame*Ninja BoyParasol LadyPicnickerPIPoké Fan*
Poké KidPokémon Breeder*Pokémon Ranger*Pokémon Trainer*Police Officer*PsychicRancherRanchers*
ReporterRich BoyRoughneckRuin ManiacSailorSchool KidScientistSkierSwimmerTeam Galactic Boss*
Team Galactic Grunt*Tower TycoonTuberTwinsVeteranWaiterWaitressWorkerYoung CoupleYoungster
Arcade StarPtCastle ValetPtFactory HeadPtHall MatronPtMaidPtGAME FREAK'sBDSP
Unova Ace TrainerArtistBackersBackpackerBakerBattle GirlBikerBlack BeltChampionClerk
CyclistDancerDepot AgentDoctorElite FourFishermanGAME FREAKGentlemanGym Leader*
NurseNursery AideParasol LadyPilotPokéfanPKMN BreederPKMN RangerPokémon Trainer*Policeman
PreschoolerPsychicRich BoyRoughneckSchool KidScientistSmasherSocialiteStrikerSubway Boss
SwimmerTeam PlasmaTeam Plasma GruntThe RichesBWTwinsVeteranWaiterWaitressWorkerYoungster
BeautyB2W2Boss TrainerB2W2GuitaristB2W2
Pokéstar Studios only:B2W2
A-list ActorActorActressBig StarCelebrityChic ActressChild StarComedian
Fine ActorMovie StarNew ActressStar ActorSuit ActorUnique StarVeteran Star
Pokémon World Tournament only:B2W2
Junior RepresentativeMaster RepresentativeSenior Representative
World ChampionWorld FinalistWorld Runner-up
Blueberry Academy only:SV
BB League ChampionBB League Elite FourBlueberry Academy Director
DirectorInstructorLeague ClubStudentTop Champion
The Pokémon League
TrainerBattleGym Leaders
Championship matches
Elite FourOrange League
Champion League
Pokémon League Conferences
IndigoSilverEver GrandeLily of the Valley
Regional Pokémon Leagues
Unova (BB) • KalosAlolaGalarPaldea
Areas of jurisdiction
Pokémon League Reception GateHall of Fame
Palace of VictoryCerulean CaveArea Zero
Admissions ExamPokémon Association
PIAWorld Coronation Series
(Masters Eight Tournament)

This Trainer Class article is part of Project CharacterDex, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on each character found in the Pokémon games.