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Later that day, Emerald wakes up from his nap and finds that his Pokémon have bonded with the other Pokédex holder’s Pokémon. The Frontier Brains come and thank Emerald for his help and he is given the Ability Symbol by Anabel. Emerald and Todd quickly remember that there is only day left for his final challenge and they ask Tucker if he can schedule at tournament. Tucker explains that even though the Battle Dome was undamaged in the fight, there aren’t any people to hold a tournament; Red then comes up with the idea to host a Pokédex holder tournament, an idea Scott happily agrees to. Emerald is seen saying his goodbyes to Jirachi as it returns to its thousand year slumber once again. Emerald goes to battle in the tournament where it is shown that he managed to win the Tactics Symbol.
Later that day, Emerald wakes up from his nap and finds that his Pokémon have bonded with the other Pokédex holder’s Pokémon. The Frontier Brains come and thank Emerald for his help and he is given the Ability Symbol by Anabel. Emerald and Todd quickly remember that there is only day left for his final challenge and they ask Tucker if he can schedule at tournament. Tucker explains that even though the Battle Dome was undamaged in the fight, there aren’t any people to hold a tournament; Red then comes up with the idea to host a Pokédex holder tournament, an idea Scott happily agrees to. Emerald is seen saying his goodbyes to Jirachi as it returns to its thousand year slumber once again. Emerald goes to battle in the tournament where it is shown that he managed to win the Tactics Symbol.

==={{chap|Heart Gold and Soul Silver}}===
==={{chap|HeartGold & SoulSilver}}===
Emerald is briefly mentioned by Crystal when she is talking to Silver in VS. Paracect.
Emerald is briefly mentioned by Crystal when she is talking to Silver in VS. Paracect.

Revision as of 20:59, 25 September 2012

エメラルド Emerald

Age 11 (as of the sixth chapter)
Gender Male
Birthday May 31
Eye color Green
Hair color Blond
Hometown Unknown
Region Hoenn, raised in Johto
Trainer class Trainer

Emerald (Japanese: エメラルド Emerald) is a main character in the manga series Pokémon Adventures. His origin is unknown, although Latios and Latias are very close to him, calling him "Rald".


Emerald's urinating habit

Emerald seems to have an issue with his own height, as he wears his hair tall, clothing with extra long sleeves, and platform shoes. Much of his clothing appears to be intended to make him look taller than he really is. Even despite this, Emerald is much shorter than he already appears, as revealed by Greta and Todd while he is sleeping. Emerald doesn't like Pokémon themselves, but he likes Pokémon battles. To the amazement of Todd, he is an expert at battling. As he does not train his own Pokémon, he borrows the Pokémon he uses from Crystal.

Despite his protests, his Pokémon love him greatly and tend to get jealous of each other; his Sudowoodo and Sceptile even happened to get into an argument over Emerald's food and began cooking with Berries in a frenzy before being broken up by Emerald's Dusclops. His Sceptile's interest in Emerald's Pokédex indicated that it evolved from Wally's Grovyle. This was later confirmed.

Emerald carries several gadgets with him, primarily his extendable mechanical hands. He also has a pistol that shoots soil from various places around the world. By shooting a Pokémon with a "seal" of soil from its birthplace, the Pokémon is calmed by a sense of nostalgia.

Emerald has the ability to determine the birthplace of any Pokémon by sight. He uses this ability along with his gun to calm rampaging Pokémon that have been illegally added to the Battle Frontier, and has taken three of these cured Pokémon as his own.

Character history

Spoiler warning: this article may contain major plot or ending details.


As revealed at the end of the Emerald arc, Emerald was one of the orphans that Crystal was helping. He looked up to her and wanted a Pokédex of his own. Professor Oak did want to offer one to him at one point but he had declined due to his animosity towards Pokémon while in the Pokémon Academy. He spent his time roaming around Hoenn and met the Trick Master, who gave him the gadgets that were inspired by a faraway land. He also had a green gem that was used as a test to call out Rayquaza, but Emerald found the gem and it got attached to his forehead.

A younger Emerald

Emerald arc

Emerald makes his first appearance when he arrives at the currently opening Battle Frontier, having been brought there by his two friends, Latios and Latias. He meets Todd, a news reporter, and saves him from a wild Sudowoodo that Todd had accidentally angered. He quickly runs off to go and challenge the Battle Frontier and gets into a brief tussle with one of the Frontier Brains, Tucker, and crashes the opening ceremony. After being captured by the angry Frontier Brains, Emerald reveals to them about his wanting to conquer the Battle Frontier. Initially, they refuse his challenge and decide to ban him from the Frontier until a news story reveals that the reporters thought that the Frontier Brains allowed Emerald to take part in the Battle Frontier. With the risk of losing major publicity, the Frontier Brains and Scott eventually agreed to his challenge: he would defeat all of the seven Brains within seven days.

Noland decides that he will be the first to challenge Emerald and the next day, Emerald begins his Battle Factory challenge. He manages to win 40 consecutive battles, allowing him to challenge Noland, the Factory Head. Despite having a team of random Pokémon, Emerald eventually manages to come out on top and wins the Knowledge Symbol. Later that night, Emerald reveals to Todd that he had taken the Sceptile he used to beat Noland, revealing that it is in fact, not a rental Pokémon.

Tucker and Brandon arrive to try to get Emerald to challenge their facilities next but end up getting into a fight that gets them stuck to one of the Battle Pike's fangs. The day after, Lucy finds, and frees the three from the Battle Pike's fang while telling Emerald to challenge her facility next. After getting three new Pokémon from his source, Emerald goes through the Battle Pike and its various traps ranging from wild Pokémon battles, to Status ailment inflicting Pokémon, to rooms that don't have any danger at all. Emerald manages to go through all 139 trap filled rooms and reaches the Frontier Brain, Pike Queen Lucy. The two battle each other; despite Lucy's strategy to poison Emerald's Pokémon, she is eventually defeated by his quick thinking. Emerald wins his second Frontier Symbol and goes to calm down the Pokémon he encountered in the Battle Pike, revealing that like his Sceptile, aren't actually Rental Pokémon and were planted there by someone.

Emerald and Todd are approached by Brandon who tells Emerald to challenge his facility next and throws him in the Battle Pyramid. Emerald picks a new set of Pokémon to use for his challenge and goes inside of the dark maze. He eventually manages to the peak of the Pyramid and begins his battle with Brandon and his legendary Regirock, Regice, and Registeel. Despite Brandon's powerful Pokémon, Emerald manages to defeat all of them and wins the Brave Symbol.

Just as Emerald leaves the Battle Pyramid he is ambushed by Anabel and the other Frontier Brains. The Brains believe that Emerald was the one who had stolen the Battle Factory's Rental Pokémon and attacked Noland. Emerald tries to prove his innocence by revealing why he came to the Battle Frontier, to capture the legendary wish granting Pokémon, Jirachi. Emerald, the Frontier Brains, and Todd all travel to the Artisan Cave where Jirachi is rumored to be resting. Emerald easily escapes the wild Smeargle that live in the cave and eventually finds Jirachi resting at the center of the cave. Just when he tries to capture Jirachi, Emerald is attacked by the armored Guile Hideout. Emerald and Anabel battle the mysterious villain while trying to capture Jirachi; in the end, Guile manages to stop them while Jirachi escapes.

The injured Emerald, Frontier Brains, and Todd all return to the Battle Frontier where Emerald starts his Battle Arena challenge. Emerald easily makes it through the Battle Arena and battles Greta in the final match and comes out the victor after doing something he’s never done before, cheering on his Pokémon, and wins Guts Symbol in the process. After he defeats Greta, Emerald and his Pokémon fall asleep and are taken into a hotel room by Greta and Todd. When Greta and Todd notice that Emerald’s clothes would be uncomfortable to sleep in, they decide to take them off and put him in a pair of pajamas. After they strip him down to his underwear, they are shocked to find out that Emerald is unusually short. Todd tells Greta to ignore this and sends her out of the room while Emerald’s Pokémon get into a fight over who gets to care for him while he sleeps.

The next day, Emerald decides to go to the Battle Dome as his next challenge and battles the many Trainers that have come to the Battle Frontier to take part in it. After taking a bathroom break, he meets Ruby and Sapphire, two other Pokédex holders from Hoenn. They reveal that they have come to help Emerald on his quest to find Jirachi but Emerald states that he doesn’t need help and attacks them. Later, at the Battle Dome, Emerald, Ruby, Sapphire, and Tucker all make it to the semi-finals of the tournament.

The first round of the semi-finals is Emerald facing off against Ruby, with the second being Tucker versus Sapphire. Ruby and Emerald battle each other and Ruby constantly annoys Emerald to the point of nausea by talking about the bonds he has with his Pokémon. Just when it seems like Ruby is going to win, Sceptile manages to finish off Ruby's Mimi, making Emerald the winner. The final match is Emerald versus Tucker (who had defeated Sapphire) but Emerald reveals that he wants to switch his team for a different one. Tucker gives him permission to do so and Emerald changes his team, stating that if he makes bonds with his Pokémon, then he is just insulting them. Emerald returns with a new set of Pokémon and battles against Tucker but is easily defeated by him.

Emerald without his clothes covering him

A depressed Emerald walks out of the Battle Dome and immediately leaves to the Battle Palace, where he challenges Spenser for a match. Spenser explains that Emerald needs to pick three Pokémon he trusts the most and that they will battle without his commands. Emerald chooses Sceptile, Sudowoodo, and Dusclops, who he still has doubts about trusting. Just before they can even start the match, Spenser's phone rings with a message that reveals that Guile Hideout has captured Jirachi and is attacking the Battle Frontier with Rental Pokémon. Emerald decides to trust his Pokémon and leaves to the Battle Tower along with Ruby and Sapphire to defeat Guile once and for all.

The three meet up with Noland and go through the Battle Tower where they find Anabel, mind controlled by Guile Hideout. Emerald eventually makes it to the top of the Battle Tower where he faces Anabel and loses to her powerful Raikou. However, Latios arrives in the nick of time to return Emerald's Pokémon to him, along with the Spirits Symbol they won at the Battle Palace. Anabel collapses from not being able to handle the mind control and Latios and Latias use their power to reveal Guile Hideout’s true identity.

Guile manages to make his wish; a giant sea monster is created from the water surrounding the Battle Frontier and attacks the island. The Battle Tower's "Disaster Prevention System" activates and the Hoenn Pokédex holders begin fleeing. Emerald accidentally gets stuck in one of the doors and is surprisingly rescued by Guile Hideout; however, this Guile is quickly revealed to actually be Gold in disguise. Gold reveals that he and Crystal had come to help defeat Guile and free the Pokédex holders that were petrified at the end of the FireRed & LeafGreen arc.

Gold gives Emerald the task of asking Jirachi for a wish to reverse the petrification of their senior Pokédex holders. Emerald attempts to get Jirachi to grant his wish but to no avail and becomes disheartened. Dejected, Emerald goes to train with Ruby and Sapphire to help his Sceptile learn the ultimate move, Frenzy Plant but is too depressed to focus. Emerald reveals his past to Ruby and Sapphire about how he obtained a Pokédex, got his mechanical suit, and how he got the mission to go to the Battle Frontier. Just as he finishes his story, their Pokémon finish learning the ultimate moves while Gold and Crystal fall on top of their training room, completely defeated by Guile.

Angered that Guile had hurt Crystal, Emerald attacks Guile but is easily sent flying by his sword. Guile taunts Emerald by stepping on his Pokémon; Emerald tries to get him to stop but Guile reminds him about his "liking Pokémon battles instead of the Pokémon themselves" philosophy. After hearing Guile insult his Pokémon and friends, Emerald angrily shouts that he truly does love Pokémon and the people who love them. His words cause Jirachi’s third eye to open and grant his wish to revive the petrified Pokédex holders.

Emerald with his hair down

With their seniors revived, they join the fight against Guile and his army of Rental Pokémon. As they battle, Emerald comes up with a plan to defeat the giant Kyogre while Gold and Red manage to outsmart Guile and destroy his armor. After the plan is fully set up and Emerald successfully calming down the rampaging Rental Pokémon, the ten Pokédex holders have their Pokémon fire off the ultimate moves, Hydro Cannon, Blast Burn, Frenzy Plant, and Volt Tackle to finish off the giant sea beast, once and for all.

With the monster Kyogre finally defeated, Emerald fishes Guile out of the water and forces him to reveal where he got the armor. After explaining, Guile finds his armor floating in the water and breaks free of Emerald’s grip to try to get it back but only finds that it was the fake armor Gold had worn earlier. Guile then disappears in a bright flash of light, armor and all while Emerald falls asleep from exhaustion; Latios and Latias, finally happy that Emerald has found friends, say their goodbyes and leave to Southern Island.

Later that day, Emerald wakes up from his nap and finds that his Pokémon have bonded with the other Pokédex holder’s Pokémon. The Frontier Brains come and thank Emerald for his help and he is given the Ability Symbol by Anabel. Emerald and Todd quickly remember that there is only day left for his final challenge and they ask Tucker if he can schedule at tournament. Tucker explains that even though the Battle Dome was undamaged in the fight, there aren’t any people to hold a tournament; Red then comes up with the idea to host a Pokédex holder tournament, an idea Scott happily agrees to. Emerald is seen saying his goodbyes to Jirachi as it returns to its thousand year slumber once again. Emerald goes to battle in the tournament where it is shown that he managed to win the Tactics Symbol.

HeartGold & SoulSilver arc

Emerald is briefly mentioned by Crystal when she is talking to Silver in VS. Paracect.


On hand

Emerald's Sceptile
Main article: Emerald's Sceptile

Sceptile, as a Treecko, was supposed to be Emerald's starter; however, the day he was going to receive him was the Groudon and Kyogre catastrophe. Emerald arrived just seconds after Professor Birch lost Treecko's Poké Ball in the waves. Treecko was eventually found by Wally, and helped him to climb the Sky Pillar to awaken Rayquaza. While climbing, he evolved into Grovyle. When they reached the top, Rayquaza's power sent Grovyle flying out of the pillar, and he was lost again. After that, he became a rental Pokémon in the Battle Factory (later revealed to have been smuggled there by Guile Hideout to drive the nosy reporters out). He went berserk after being stung by a Poison Sting and Emerald calmed him down, then using him in the battle against Noland. After defeating Noland, Emerald took him upon realizing that he was no rental Pokémon (all Pokémon in the 50 course were of level 50 only, and Sceptile was 51). It was later proven that this Sceptile was the same lost Treecko when Ruby and Sapphire went to the Battle Frontier and their starters, Zuzu and Toro, recognized Sceptile.

Emerald's Sudowoodo
Debut VS Sudowoodo

Sudowoodo went crazy due to being watered by Todd Snap while disguised as a tree and attacked but was calmed by Emerald. After this incident, Sudowoodo followed Emerald and joined Emerald's team at Artisan Cave after shielding him along with Dusclops and Sceptile. She cares deeply for Emerald and once got into a Berry cooking competition to prove it. After the final battle with Guile Hideout, she became acquainted with Gold's Sudobo.

Sudowoodo's known moves are Low Kick, Rock Slide, and Counter.

Emerald's Dusclops
Debut VS Dusclops

Dusclops was a wild Pokémon in the Battle Pike that Emerald determined was from Mt. Pyre. Like Sudowoodo, he followed him after the incident and joined him in the Artisan Cave. He has a Lonely nature.

Dusclops's known moves are Blizzard, Psychic, Will-O-Wisp, Fire Punch, Shadow Ball, and Shadow Punch.

Emerald's Snorlax
Debut VS. Lapras

Snorlax was a rental Pokémon given to Emerald by Noland after she was calmed down by the young boy. It is believed that she has become a permanent member on Emerald's team after the battle with Guile Hideout. After the battle, she was seen getting acquainted with Red's Snor.

None of Snorlax's moves are known.

Mr. Mime
Emerald's Mr. Mime
Debut VS Lapras

Mr. Mime was a rental Pokémon given to Emerald by Noland after it was calmed down by the young boy. It is believed that it has become a permanent member on Emerald's team after the battle with Guile Hideout. After the battle, it was seen getting acquainted with Crystal's Mr. Mime.

None of Mr. Mime's moves are known.

Emerald's Mantine
Debut VS. Lapras

Mantine was a rental Pokémon given to Emerald by Noland after she was calmed down by the young boy. It is believed that she has become a permanent member on Emerald's team after the battle with Guile Hideout. After the battle, she was seen getting acquainted with Gold's Tibo.

None of Mantine's moves are known.


Latias and Latios
Emerald's Latias and Latios
Debut VS Sudowoodo

Latias and Latios are Pokémon that Emerald had befriend before challenging the Battle Frontier. They took him there so he could accomplish his mission to capture Jirachi. Despite Emerald's declared disdain towards Pokémon, they were quite good friends, to the point of calling him Rald at times. But the Eon Pokémon do not join Emerald's team, nor do they participate in any battle; instead, they serve as agents to help him. For example, Latias would shapeshift into a maid from the Battle Pike, a reporter and a nurse, to get information for Emerald and Todd Snap, and Latios would use his mental link with Latias to show them scenes he was seeing from the sky. After the crisis was over and Emerald's mission was finished, they returned to Southern Island.

Latias's only known move is Mist Ball.
Latios's only known move is Luster Purge.


These are the Pokémon that he used for the matches that required rental Pokémon:

Used in the Battle Factory

Emerald's Skarmory
Debut VS Illumise

Skarmory was the first rental Pokémon used in the Battle Factory. He was holding the item Quick Claw when Emerald rented Skarmory. During the battle, he was hit by Illumise's Flatter which resulted in him being confused. Emerald substituted Skarmory for Rhyhorn.

None of Skarmory's moves are known.

Emerald's Rhyhorn
Debut VS Illumise

Rhyhorn was the second rental Pokémon used in the Battle Factory. He used him after recalling Skarmory and he was holding the item Leftovers. Rhyhorn was able to defeat Illumise in one hit. He was traded away later on.

Rhyhorn's only known move is Rock Slide.

Emerald's Slaking
Debut VS Pinsir

Emerald received Slaking in exchange for a Farfetch'd. Slaking was then used against a Trainer's Hitmonlee where his kicks heavily damaged Slaking as it had trouble moving due to its Ability. However, Slaking saved itself with a Slack Off and went for a Faint Attack, taking out Hitmonlee. After the battle, Slaking was traded for a Linoone.

Slaking's known moves are Faint Attack and Slack Off, and its Ability is Truant.

Emerald's Linoone
Debut VS Pinsir

Emerald received Linoone after he gave up Slaking. Linoone was very fast as he was able to defeat many opponents even helping Pinsir in defeating Noland's Mawile with the help of Trick. However, Linoone was defeated by Noland's Golem. Linoone was holding the Choice Band.

Linoone's known moves are Frustration, Dig, Thunder Wave and Trick, and his Ability is Pickup.

Emerald's Pinsir
Debut VS Pinsir

Pinsir was the second Pokémon Emerald sent out during his battle against Noland after recalling Linoone when it used Trick on Mawile earlier. Due to the fact that Mawile can only use Iron Defense since it was holding the Choice Scarf, Pinsir was able to defeat Mawile. However, she was easily defeated by Noland's next Pokémon, Golem.

Pinsir's known moves are Swords Dance, Endure, Flail and Guillotine, and her Ability is Hyper Cutter.






File:Emerald Farfetchd Adventures.png

File:Emerald Grovyle Adventures.png

Borrowed from Crystal

Used in the Battle Pike

Emerald's Blissey
Debut VS Milotic

Blissey is used during Emerald's battle against the Frontier Brain, Lucy. She goes up against Seviper and, although she is able to deliver the first attack, Blissey is poisoned by Seviper's Poison Fang. Emerald could not heal her with a Berry, but he is able to switch her out with Starmie, activating her Ability. Later, she is knocked out by Seviper but left a special surprise for Lucy afterward.

Blissey's known moves are Softboiled, Seismic Toss, Rest, and Heal Bell, and her Ability is Natural Cure.

Emerald's Rapidash
Debut VS Milotic

Emerald chooses Rapidash as his choice to use in a Tag Battle against the computer's Kirlia and Dusclops. During the battle, Rapidash gets frozen by Dusclops, but it is immediately defrosted by Flame Wheel and defeats the computer player, moving Emerald to the next opponent.

Later, Rapidash faces Lucy's Seviper and is able to defeat it after Rapidash is healed by Blissey's Softboiled.

Rapidash's known moves are Flame Wheel, Double-Edge, Overheat and SolarBeam, and his Ability is Run Away.

Emerald's Starmie
Debut VS Milotic

Starmie is used along with Rapidash in the first round of the Battle Pike, as it was able to defeat the computer player. Later, Starmie is called out to go up against Lucy's Shuckle. Shuckle is able to poison Starmie, but Shuckle is quickly defeated by Surf. After Shuckle is defeated, its next opponent is Milotic. Despite Starmie being poisoned, it is able to defeat Milotic and fainted afterward.

Starmie's known moves are Surf, Psychic, Thunderbolt and Ice Beam, and its Ability is Natural Cure.

Used in the Battle Pyramid

Emerald's Alakazam
Debut VS Dusclops

Alakazam was used in both the Battle Pyramid and Battle Dome. In the Battle Pyramid, it was mostly used to help Emerald escape the wild Pokémon that came up to them and the computer players. In the Battle Dome, it went up against Tucker's Charizard in the last minute.

Alakazam's known moves are Fire Punch, Ice Punch, ThunderPunch, and Teleport.

Debut VS Dusclops

Emerald brought along a Phanpy to collect enough items to keep the team going. It was used to stop three Houndoom from attacking.

Phanpy's only known move is Earthquake and its Ability is Pickup.

Debut VS Dusclops

Emerald chose Shedinja as it only had one HP and the unique Wonder Guard Ability, allowing only super effective moves to hit it. It went up against a wild Misdreavus and was able to defeat it without any problems. However, the attack that it used to defeat Misdreavus was reduced to zero as the opponent used Grudge before it fainted.

Shedinja's only known move is Shadow Ball and its Ability is Wonder Guard.


Crystal lent Emerald her Monlee (Japanese: エビぴょん Ebipyon) for use in the Battle Pyramid.

Monlee's known moves are Brick Break, Mega Punch, Fire Punch, Mach Punch, Sky Uppercut, Strength, and Tackle.


Crystal lent her Bonee to Emerald for use in the Battle Pyramid. He went up against Brandon's Regice but lost after it putted up a great fight.

Bonee's known moves are Bone Club, Bone Rush, Bonemerang, False Swipe, and Focus Energy.

Used in the Battle Dome

Emerald's Metagross

Metagross was used against Tucker's Charizard where it tried to hold its own with its combo to attack and defend itself at the same time. However, it was not enough for Charizard's Overheat as it was defeated.

Metagross's known moves are Protect and Rock Tomb, and its Ability is Clear Body.

Formerly befriended

The following are the Pokémon that helped Emerald in his disabilities when he was younger.






  • Emerald is the only male Pokémon Adventures character named after a third version, as Green*, Yellow*, Crystal, and Platinum are all female.
  • Emerald and Yellow are the only main characters of Pokémon Adventures not directly based on game characters.
  • Emerald's birthday is May 31, and emeralds are the birthstone for those born in May.
  • Emerald is the first Pokémon Adventures character whose first Pokémon was actually one of the starter Pokémon from the game series - or rather its evolution, Sceptile.
  • Emerald shares his astrological sign with Green; they are both Gemini.
  • If all of Emerald's Pokémon who got acquainted to a same species of opposite gender, belonging to other Pokédex holders were to breed, all of the pairings could result in a Baby Pokémon.
  • Emerald is the only main character of Pokémon Adventures to have never fought with or against the version mascot of the game he represents.
    • However, the gem he wears on his forehead is related to that Pokémon.


Language Name Origin
Japanese エメラルド Emerald From the game, Pokémon Emerald.
English (Singapore) Emerald From the game, Pokémon Emerald.
Korean 에메랄드 Emerald From the game, Pokémon Emerald.
Chinese 米拉特 Mǐlātè Transliteration of merald in Emerald.

External links

Pokémon Adventures main characters
RGBY/FRLG: RedBlueGreenYellow
GSC/HGSS: GoldSilverCrystal
RSE/ORAS: RubySapphireEmerald
DPPt: DiamondPearlPlatinum
BWB2W2: BlackWhiteBlakeWhitley
SWSH: HenryCasey
SV: VioletScarlet

This article is part of both Project Manga and Project CharacterDex, Bulbapedia projects that, together, aim to write comprehensive articles on the Pokémon Manga and CharacterDex, respectively.