* During the {{game|Black and White|s|Pokémon Black 2 and White 2|2}} playthrough on the April 15, 2012 episode of [[Pokémon Smash!]], they chose the name "Hihihiroshi" for Hugh. The name was initially a backstage in-joke originating from when the Smash! cast was passing time by practicing singing [[Can You Name All the Pokémon? BW]].<ref>[http://ameblo.jp/nakagawa-shoko/entry-10910853585.html Shoko Nakagawa's official blog] (Japanese)</ref> Following the Japanese naming conventions of the {{p|Klink}} family, it was determined that Hihihiroshi was the final [[evolution|evolved]] form of [[Hiroshi Yamamoto]].
* During the {{game|Black and White|s|Pokémon Black 2 and White 2|2}} playthrough on the April 15, 2012 episode of [[Pokémon Smash!]], they chose the name "Hihihiroshi" for Hugh. The name was initially a backstage in-joke originating from when the Smash! cast was passing time by practicing singing [[Can You Name All the Pokémon? BW]].<ref>[http://ameblo.jp/nakagawa-shoko/entry-10910853585.html Shoko Nakagawa's official blog] (Japanese)</ref> Following the Japanese naming conventions of the {{p|Klink}} family, it was determined that Hihihiroshi was the final [[evolution|evolved]] form of [[Hiroshi Yamamoto]].
* Hugh is the first main series rival to not recieve his [[starter Pokémon]] from a professor or aide, instead having all 3 raised from eggs prior to starting his journey with the one strong against the player.
Hugh is the player's childhood friend. He is described as feeling passionately for Pokémon battles and Pokémon strength. He is also a doting older brother to his sister; he hates Team Plasma because they stole a Purrloin his late grandfather had caught for his sister. He battles with and against the player many times throughout the game.
"You didn't do anything. Not to me, at least... But I can never forgive Pokémon thieves like you! Just to let you know... You're about to feel my rage!"
"<player>! Cover me!"
After the grunts are defeated and leave
"Five years ago... Team Plasma stole my little sister's Purrloin. It had been given to her as a present. I was only a little kid... I couldn't do anything... So... So that's why I have to get stronger!" (walks up to you) "Good work! I knew you had good instincts! Well then..." (he heals your party) "Listen up! You fill up that Pokédex. Keep getting stronger and stronger, and back me up! I'll be counting on you from here on out, too!"
"You guys are all Team Plasma too, right? Tell me, what makes you different from the Team Plasma back there?!"
"I'm Hugh. From Aspertia City... Five years ago, Team Plasma--I mean you--stole my little sister's Pokémon. I'm the pathetic trainer who wasn't able to stop you. "Separated"? What a joke! YOU were the thieves who STOLE them!"
"Just an apology? That's it?! Where's my sister's Pokémon?! Purrloin! WHERE'S PURRLOIN?"
"Enough already! Apologizing isn't going to get my sister's Pokémon back! <player>! I'm going to the Pokémon Gym! I'll get stronger and crush every single member of Team Plasma!"
"Not with me around, you won't! Thanks for removing the barrier! That was a big help!Wrong template. See Template:Sup/doc."
After they are defeated
"I'm not going to lose to Team Plasma! By the way, what is this place? That Pokémon... It's so icy... Could that be the source of the attack on Opelucid City?"
"That should be obvious! I'll do whatever it takes to get my sister's Pokémon back! Are YOU the one who stole a Purrloin in Aspertia five years ago?"
"That's the ONLY Purrloin in the world that my late grandpa caught for my little sister!"
"You're already here, huh? Anyone who tries to block us will go running away with their tail between their legs!"
"You're all alone now... So, which one of us are you gonna tackle?"
"Oh, yeah... I remember you. Being ex-Team Plasma is really rough, eh?"
"Well, I suppose... If we don't crush Team Plasma, then guys like you and that N guy will always be treated like villains. OK! I'm outta here, <player>!"
In the Crater Forest
"Come here. Wait a sec. He said he wants to talk to them so his old allies won't get hurt."
"Well, that didn't work. Hey!" (all the Team Plasma members turn to him) "Let me through!"
"I'm going to get a stolen Pokémon back! I'm not gonna listen to villains like you! Rood! Ex-Team Plasma! Why do you have Pokémon by your sides? To protect what's important to you, right? Even if your precious Pokémon are hurt, even if your ideals are damaged, the time to fight is NOW!"
"<player>! As usual, take the other one!"
After defeating the grunts
(to Rood) "Thanks..." (to you) "I'm passing through! Oh, it looks like their backup has arrived."
"Got it! If I rescue it, that helps you absolve your guilt, doesn't it? Guess I'll help you out!"
Upon entering the Shadow Triad's room
"Wait... You're one of the Shadow Triad, right? Tell me about the Purrloin that was stolen in Aspertia."
"Wh-what? Don't mess with me... That's someone else's Pokémon!"
After the Shadow Triad are defeated
"... ... Hey... <player>... If we let Team Plasma do whatever we want... There'll be more sad Pokémon like Purrloin and Kyurem..."
After Ghetsis is defeated
"Team Plasma's ship flew away... Is it over?"
(regardless of answer) "I suppose...You have to be the one who decides when it's over. More importantly, you rescued Kyurem from Team Plasma, right? You're really something! I'm...gonna make sure Purrloin gets back to my little sister! Still can't take it out of the Poké Ball yet, though..."
"What are you gonna do? ... ... He said to go to the Pokémon League? That's a good idea! I mean, now you're the strongest in Unova, right? Go prove it! Do you remember where we first met up in the Giant Chasm? If you follow the path from there, it goes out onto Route 23. Victory Road and the Pokémon League are just past there!
"Wait up!" (catches up to you) "I'll battle with you before you take on the Pokémon League. The more Pokémon battles you have, the stronger you get, right?"
First non-lethal hit
"I saw that move coming from miles away!"
Upon being defeated
"...Phew! You're really something!
"<player>! Thanks to you, I accomplished what I set out to do during my journey! I wish I could've shown you my little sister's huge smile! This is my thanks!" (gives you TM24) "I think you're really amazing! So become the Champion! Get the proof that you're a Trainer your Pokémon can be proud of! See you!"
In the manga
In the Pokémon Adventures manga
Hugh as a child in Pokémon Adventures
Hugh first appears as a child getting a birthday present for his younger sister. From a choice between a Pidove, Tynamo, and Purrloin, Hugh chooses the Purrloin and is given it from a Painter. Because it refuses to listen to him, Hugh is forced to wrap the Purrloin itself rather than wrap its Poké Ball.
Later, he gives the Purrloin to his sister, which listens to her. When he tries to train his Trapinch with her Purrloin, they are attacked by two Team Plasma Grunts. Though he tries to defend, Hugh is easily defeated and his sister's Purrloin is stolen by the escaping Grunts. Angered, Hugh swears revenge on Team Plasma.
Purrloin is a Pokémon Hugh got for his sister's birthday. Although it wouldn't listen to him, the Purrloin listened to his sister perfectly. Later, it was stolen by Team Plasma, fueling Hugh's hatred for the group.
None of Purrloin's moves are known.
During the Pokémon Black 2 and White 2 playthrough on the April 15, 2012 episode of Pokémon Smash!, they chose the name "Hihihiroshi" for Hugh. The name was initially a backstage in-joke originating from when the Smash! cast was passing time by practicing singing Can You Name All the Pokémon? BW.[1] Following the Japanese naming conventions of the Klink family, it was determined that Hihihiroshi was the final evolved form of Hiroshi Yamamoto.