Talk:Cry: Difference between revisions
→Add corresponding cry to EVERY Pokemon page.: new section |
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I think that every pokemon in the page, yes, all of them, should have thier corresponding cry associated with their page. It would only add a nice touch to the site as a whole, and this is big enough to become a project. | I think that every pokemon in the page, yes, all of them, should have thier corresponding cry associated with their page. It would only add a nice touch to the site as a whole, and this is big enough to become a project. | ||
I am willing to make this happen. | I am willing to make this happen. {{unsigned|DrummerDooter}} | ||
:Staff members have said repeatedly on this very talk page that they're working on it, but other things take priority over that. --[[User:AndyPKMN|Andy<sup>P</sup><sub>K</sub><sup>M</sup><sub>N</sub>]] [[User talk:AndyPKMN|(talk)]] 15:34, 2 November 2012 (UTC) |
Revision as of 15:34, 2 November 2012
A Note
First of all, I removed the information of a short list of Pokemon that have the same cries to help summarize on how the system actually works. Second of all, I removed the Crobat cry thing, because that's pure speculation. Based on how the game works, Missingno. was improperly assigned Zubat's cry with a different pitch, just like the other Missingno's with Zapdos's cry but with a different pitch. Koolboyman 03:12, 6 January 2008 (UTC)
- Hmm... So which are the different cries, and what Pokémon have each? Or is it as easy as dividing evo family? TTEchidna
GSDS! 06:53, 9 January 2008 (UTC)
- I added the Crobat thing myself, but I didn't add the part about "considering an evolution of Golbat". I personally believe it was only just a coincidence. It's supposed to be trivia, after all. But yeah, keep speculation out. System Error 09:06, 9 January 2008 (UTC)
Similar Cries
I know this sounds crazy, but I used the Cry Feature on the Pokédex in Diamond and Pearl and although they sound similar, no two cries are the same. They have different sound waves and the meters that show volume don't have the same pattern, but if this isn't worth putting in/taking out of the article, Machop and Omanyte might be worth mentioning. I have also noticed that maybe Chansey's cry and Pidgeot's cry are branches of the same cry. If you want more justification for Charizard's and Rhyhorn's cries being different, there is more background noise in Charizard's cry than Rhyhorn's. Superbreeder 02:22, 28 October 2008 (UTC)
- Actually, I've compared the cries using a Wave-editor and Charizard's and Rhyhorn's are the EXACT same. No other Cries are the same, but they're really similar. Some Cries also may be similar like Machop's and Omanyte's but their pitch is slightly different, so it's not considered the same. Also I kept that Poliwag's and Ditto's are the same, 'cause they're really similar, althought Ditto's like 0.01 second longer. hfc2X 02:35, 28 October 2008 (UTC)
Uh, I'm pretty sure Mewtwo's and Parasect's cries were also the same. I've listened to them back-to-back and i could not notice any differences at all. - unsigned comment from Morgil27 (talk • contribs)
Pikachu's Cry
Will someone who knows the actual method it was done with (actual v/a recording? i think it is) make a note about Pikachu's cry in Pokémon Yellow? LordArceus 17:00, 7 November 2008 (UTC)
- Jun'ichi Masuda actually talks about that in this blog entry: If someone who knows more about programming wants to take a stab at clarifying/summarizing the information in the entry, have at it. Lucentas 18:23, 7 November 2008 (UTC)
About The cries
It is ok if we start using Pokémon cries in every Pokémon page? I mean like the Pokémon footprints, but upload them in *.ogg format. I can do it personally, because I extract the cries from their original games (Gen I Pokémon from Red, Blue and Yellow, and so on) because in Gen III or IV games they lose quality. hfc2X 19:20, 7 November 2008 (UTC)
- An admin had better make the final decision, but I see no reason why not. That would be excellent! LordArceus 19:28, 7 November 2008 (UTC)
- its on our big list of "things to do" but, it its not a priority. -- MAGNEDETH 23:18, 7 November 2008 (UTC)
Pikachu´s words?
"... Ash (Pikapi), Misty (PiKachupi), Brock (PikaChu), Togepi (Pipipi), Team Rocket (Pipikachu), and "My name is Pikachu" (Pika, Pikachu)." Is that true? If it is, where did that info come from? (also, sorry for my bad english) Pkqls 05:46, 10 May 2009 (UTC)Pkqls
- Times in the anime where it is obvious what Pikachu would be saying, such as when the group is introducing themselves to a new character or searching for someone. Werdnae 05:52, 10 May 2009 (UTC)
Individual Cries
Responding to a request on Bulbasaur's talk page, I'm trying to compile a list of the individual Generation 1 cries. On a quick runthrough I'm down to 74 (double the actual number), but there'll be some obvious ones when I try in a less systematic way another day. When I get this down to 60, will anyone be interested in helping me out for the last few? I can easily crowbar in Generation 2 afterwards. Punkrockrevel 10:58, 27 June 2009 (UTC)
Generation I cry alterations at low HP
I know many of us are aware that in Generation I, when a Pokémon is sent into battle with less than 20% of its maximum HP, it will cry in an extremely distorted way (e.g., an Alakazam sent out at low HP sounds like Gastly). Should this be written into the article? Ultraflame 04:45, 6 August 2009 (UTC)
- Hmmm, Not sure about this, I'll just double check with blue...--ForceFire 07:06, 6 August 2009 (UTC)
- I'm guessing the cause of the distortion is due to the annoying low-HP alarm and the Pokémon's cry being played at the same time, which screws up the instructions for altering the cry to make it sound correctly. Ultraflame 04:17, 7 August 2009 (UTC)
Sound files
We should have sound files so that people know what each pokemon's cry sounds like.--SeanWheeler 16:24, 4 April 2010 (UTC)
- We do. They're just not set on the pages yet. And they won't be until we can figure out some backend stuff. TTEchidna 19:23, 4 April 2010 (UTC)
- I have all cries up to deoxys, if they're needed, just leave a note and i'll upload them on mediafire, - unsigned comment from Ben7229 (talk • contribs)
- We already have the cries of every Pokémon up through Generation IV... the problem is finding the correct way to implement them without making the server explode. —darklordtrom 11:33, 14 April 2010 (UTC)
- I have all cries up to deoxys, if they're needed, just leave a note and i'll upload them on mediafire, - unsigned comment from Ben7229 (talk • contribs)
Three Pairs
The article states that "tree pairs of Generation I Pokémon share the same cry", yet only two pairs are listed. Should it read as "two pairs" or was one pair removed by mistake? Puceron 06:22, 8 April 2010 (UTC)
- Sorry, I forgot to write it. WhitneyMoe 08:19, 8 April 2010 (UTC)
Poked into a Gold Version ROM...
I viewed the cries that exist in Gold Version with a cry-editing tool, and what I found were:
- There appear to be 38 (not 37) different cries that appear to have been introduced in Generation I. But since I'm looking at a Generation II game, maybe that was changed between generations.
Generation I cry groups (38) |
Bulbasaur Ivysaur Venusaur Pikachu Dratini Dragonair Dragonite Charmander Charmeleon Charizard Rhyhorn Magmar Squirtle Wartortle Zubat Golbat Tauros Crobat Blastoise Kakuna Beedrill Caterpie Butterfree Goldeen Seaking Scyther Kabuto Metapod Abra Kadabra Alakazam Magnemite Magneton Gastly Metapod Weedle Arcanine Pidgey Jigglypuff Wigglytuff Poliwag Poliwhirl Poliwrath Ditto Pidgeotto Pidgeot Chansey Pinsir Rattata Raticate Spearow Farfetch'd Fearow Shellder Cloyster Kabutops Zapdos Ekans Arbok Onix Magikarp Gyarados Raichu Nidoking Articuno Moltres Sandshrew Sandslash NidoranM Nidorino NidoranF Nidorina Nidoqueen Mankey Primeape Clefairy Clefable Meowth Persian Cubone Horsea Seadra Vulpix Ninetales Geodude Graveler Oddish Gloom Marowak Vileplume Aerodactyl Paras Parasect Staryu Starmie Mewtwo Mew Venonat Venomoth Tentacool Tentacruel Eevee Vaporeon Jolteon Flareon Umbreon Diglett Dugtrio Doduo Dodrio Exeggcute Psyduck Golduck Bellsprout Growlithe Machop Machoke Machamp Slowbro Omanyte Omastar Weepinbell Victreebel Ponyta Rapidash Porygon Golem Hitmonlee Koffing Weezing Tangela Slowpoke Seel Dewgong Hitmonchan Lickitung Grimer Snorlax Muk Gengar Drowzee Hypno Exeggutor Jynx Krabby Kingler Mr. Voltorb Electrode Electabuzz Rhydon Kangaskhan Lapras |
- Generation II introduced 30 more cries in addition to the ones introduced in Generation I (as the article stated).
Generation II cry groups (30) |
Chikorita Bayleef Meganium Igglybuff Cyndaquil Quilava Chinchou Lanturn Swinub Houndour Tyhplosion Steelix Lugia Totodile Croconaw Feraligatr Yanma Octillery Houndoom Sentret Furret Phanpy Hoothoot Noctowl Misdreavus Unown Ledyba Ledian Spinarak Ariados Pupitar Pichu Smeargle Cleffa Bellossom Sudowoodo Politoed Hoppip Skiploom Jumpluff Togepi Togetic Natu Xatu Mareep Flaaffy Ampharos Wobbuffet Scizor Heracross Skarmory Marill Azumarill Sunkern Murkrow Smoochum Aipom Espeon Stantler Tyrogue Ho-Oh Sunflora Remoraid Elekid Wooper Quagsire Sneasel Slowking Pineco Foretress Qwilfish Blissey Girafarig Porygon2 Dunsparce Sunbbull Granbull Shuckle Gligar Miltank Teddiursa Ursaring Delibird Magby Slugma Kindgra Hitmontop Magcargo Piloswine Corsola Suicune Mantine Donphan Raikou Larvitar Tyranitar Entei Celebi |
- The following pairs of Pokémon have exactly the same cry; they belong to the same cry group and their cries have the same pitch, echo, and length. All other pairs of Pokémon either don't have the same base cry, or the pitches, echoes, and/or lengths of their cries are slightly different.
- Charizard and Rhyhorn
- Poliwag and Ditto - unsigned comment from Ultraflame (talk • contribs)
Cry/Japanese names
Can someone double check if they meant to be saying their Japanese names (the text that appears when you talk to a Pokemon, not the actual cry)? For example, in Colosseum, if you talk to the Taillow in Agate village, it says something like subame (its Japanese name). And if you talk to the Marill in Phenac city, it says rurii (as in Mariru). This doesn't apply to all Pokemon, and may or may not apply only to Colosseum. XVuvuzela2010X 00:36, 21 February 2011 (UTC)
- Talking to Pokémon in the main series games can yield variations on their Japanese names (Clefairy usually say "Pipipi," and there's a Kangaskhan somewhere that says "Garu"), their English names (I know there are some examples, but I can't think of any right now), or random noise (Farfetch'd — at least the charcoal maker's in HGSS — say "Kwaa!," and Ho-Oh in HeartGold says "Shaoooh!"). There doesn't really seem to be any reliable pattern. —Minimiscience 01:14, 21 February 2011 (UTC)
Unspecific Trivia?
The last bit of trivia on this page states that cries in Generation III are played at .9x speed of the original samples. With the placement of that fact of trivia, however (i.e. which trivia is directly above it), I got a bit confused. Is that statement referring to when the Pokémon is weakened and its cry is distorted, or is it stating that Generation III slowed down the previous generations' cries? Puppy of Doom and Destruction 14:18, 20 June 2011 (UTC)
- Well, judging from the fact that the bullet point for that statement is not inset, indicating that it is additional information, I would say it is not related to the trivia above it. That is, all cries in Gen III are .9x the speed of cries heard in other Generations. --いぬみみ 20:51, 28 June 2011 (UTC)
Add corresponding cry to EVERY Pokemon page.
Hi everyone,
I am new to wiki forums in general, but Pokemon is a safe bet to go to, as I would LOVE to see this happen.
I think that every pokemon in the page, yes, all of them, should have thier corresponding cry associated with their page. It would only add a nice touch to the site as a whole, and this is big enough to become a project.
I am willing to make this happen. - unsigned comment from DrummerDooter (talk • contribs)
- Staff members have said repeatedly on this very talk page that they're working on it, but other things take priority over that. --AndyPKMN (talk) 15:34, 2 November 2012 (UTC)