* Despite its Pearl Pokédex entry saying that it can fly while carrying a Pokémon, it can't learn {{m|Sky Drop}}.
* Despite its Pearl Pokédex entry saying that it can fly while carrying a Pokémon, it can't learn {{m|Sky Drop}}.
* Its Pokédex color is Brown, despite being colored gray. Interestingly, its Shiny version is brown.
* Its Pokédex color is Brown, despite being colored gray. Interestingly, its Shiny version is brown.
* Staraptor only learns one Special move, {{m|Final Gambit}}, by level up. Because of this, its Special Attack stat makes no difference at all if it does not learn any TMs, Egg Moves or Tutor Moves
Staraptor bears a resemblance to a cross between a large gray and white starling and a hawk. It also shares similarities with the harpy eagle. Staraptor’s plumage is mainly a brownish-gray, but has white coloration on its forehead, throat, and chest. It also has black coloration on its crest, neck, and chest pattern, and black tipping on the tailfeathers. The stylized "M" pattern on the center of its chest resembles the first letter of its Japanese name (Mukuhawk). The downward-facing, red-tipped crest on its head makes it appear larger in order to frighten its enemies.
Gender differences
A female has a smaller white spot on its forehead.
Special abilities
Staraptor is the only Flying-type capable of using Close Combat.
Staraptor are highly aggressive and dangerous Flying-type bird Pokémon. Much like Taillow, Staraptor is a tenacious Pokémon, and never stops attacking even if it is injured. When Staravia evolve into Staraptor, they leave the flock to live alone. Staraptor fusses over the shape of its comb.
Staraptor live in an array of habitats including open forest, grassland, wetland, mountains, and coniferous forests.
Staraptor have the strength and the stamina to capture and eat prey larger than itself. They usually pursue their prey in the forest using their maneuverability.
Staraptor, the Predator Pokémon, and the evolved form of Staravia. Staraptor's ferocious nature means that it has no problem challenging much larger opponents.
Staraptor is one of the Pokémon used by the Advanced level Grunt of Team Galactic. It was first used to take the Grunt to the destroyed camera machine used by Saturn in his fight against Paka and Uji. It was later used in the mugging of Mr. Berlitz and later to battle Diamond at the Galactic HQ.
Despite its Pearl Pokédex entry saying that it can fly while carrying a Pokémon, it can't learn Sky Drop.
Its Pokédex color is Brown, despite being colored gray. Interestingly, its Shiny version is brown.
Staraptor only learns one Special move, Final Gambit, by level up. Because of this, its Special Attack stat makes no difference at all if it does not learn any TMs, Egg Moves or Tutor Moves
Staraptor is based on the white-cheeked starling, a common species of bird found throughout Asia, combined with a bird of prey. Although it largely resembles the starling in appearance, much of its inspiration comes from hawks and falcons, particularly its predatory nature and aerial speed. It also has strong similarities to the harpy eagle.
Name origin
Staraptor is a combination of starling and raptor (a predatory bird).
Mukuhawk is a combination of 椋鳥 mukudori (gray starling) and hawk.
This Pokémon article is part of Project Pokédex, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on each Pokémon species, as well as Pokémon groups and forms.