In the anime, Suicune has shown a heroic, serious and calm nature to dangerous situations and has appeared just in time to save the main character or [[character of the day]], as shown in ''[[Drifloon on the Wind!]]'' when it races to save Ash and Paige.
In the anime, Suicune has shown a heroic, serious and calm nature to dangerous situations and has appeared just in time to save the main character or [[character of the day]], as shown in ''[[Drifloon on the Wind!]]'' when it races to save Ash and Paige.
In [[Pokémon Adventures]], it was thought to be searching for a Trainer strong enough to master it, but was however looking for allies in the battle against the [[Masked Man]] to save its creator, {{p|Ho-Oh}}.
In [[Pokémon Adventures]], it was thought to be searching for a Trainer strong enough to master it, but in truth it was looking for allies in the battle against the [[Masked Man]] to save its creator, {{p|Ho-Oh}}.
It is not known to evolve into or from any other Pokémon.
Along with Raikou and Entei, it is one of the legendary beasts created by Ho-Oh after the burning of the Brass Tower. Of the three legendary beasts, Suicune is said to represent the rains that quenched the flames of the burning Brass Tower.
Suicune is an elegant, slim, blue mammal-like Pokémon with white diamond-shaped spots and a white underside. Suicune has a purple, cape-like mane that resembles a northern aurora (Aurora Borealis) or a flowing river and two white streamer-like tails. It has a long, white snout, and unlike Entei or Raikou, its teeth are blunt, as if those of an herbivore. It has a hexagonal, aquamarine-colored crest on its forehead that resembles the antlers of a Qilin or slightly altered female sign, red irises, a protrusion on the underside of its chin, and small paws. Its paws have a small white oval on their underside.
Gender differences
Suicune is a genderless species but it is referred as a male in Pokémon Adventures.
Special abilities
Suicune has the power to purify dirty water and can walk across water. Northern winds always seem to blow wherever it shows up. Because Suicune is the embodiment of the northern winds, it is able to learn and use almost every attack with relation to the wind (such as Gust, Icy Wind, Blizzard, and even Tailwind. Suicune, like the other Legendary Beasts, is extremely fast. It also sports limited mental powers.
In the anime, Suicune has shown a heroic, serious and calm nature to dangerous situations and has appeared just in time to save the main character or character of the day, as shown in Drifloon on the Wind! when it races to save Ash and Paige.
In Pokémon Adventures, it was thought to be searching for a Trainer strong enough to master it, but in truth it was looking for allies in the battle against the Masked Man to save its creator, Ho-Oh.
Since Suicune is a member of the Legendary Beast Trio, Suicune races around the land. Some say it searches for a pure reservoir. Many speculate that Suicune and the rest of the Legendary Beasts are indeed not unique species because in Celebi: Voice of the Forest, Professor Oak speaks as if the Suicune in question was a specific Pokémon of that species.
The first lengthy appearance of Suicune is in Celebi: Voice of the Forest. In the course of the movie, it demonstrated its ability to purify water, as well as doing battle with Dark Celebi.
Suicune, the Aurora Pokémon. It travels the world and purifies water wherever it goes, sailing on the North Wind.
In the manga
In the Pokémon Adventures manga
Suicune in Pokémon Adventures
Suicune was awakened by Yellow along with its two counterparts, and the three raced around Kanto and Johto looking for Trainers to help them defeat the Masked Man to free Ho-Oh. Suicune, in particular, personally challenges nearly every single Gym Leader in the two regions. During its travels, it encounters both Eusine and Crystal, both of which become obsessed with capturing it. Eusine acquires the Crystal Bell from the Rocket trio he defeats, but he and Crystal are still unable to capture Suicune. Crystal has her confidence shattered by this (and by the guilt of interrupting Suicune's attempt to contact its old master) and has to retreat back to her old training grounds to regain her confidence, which she does by reacquiring her catching skills capturing a wild Larvitar. Suicune later chooses Misty as its partner and fights alongside her, but then pairs up with Crystal anyway after Misty becomes injured (much to the dismay of Eusine).
When released from a Poké Ball, Suicune unleashes a blast of Icy Wind that causes high levels of damage. Suicune returns in Brawl but with a different attack, Aurora Beam.
Melee trophy information
This mystical aurora Pokémon constantly journeys in search of places with pure flowing water. Suicune wields the power to instantly purify any contaminated water it finds. Some say Suicune is the north wind reborn. Its strange and dramatic story is told over the course of the Crystal version of the Pokémon game.
Brawl trophy information
"An Aurora Pokémon. It has the power to instantly purify even the filthiest water. Suicune is said to be the reincarnation of the northern wind, so when it shows up, so does that wind. Suicune uses the move Aurora Beam--aurora light focused into a powerful beam. Along with inflicting damage, this attack also lowers the target's attack power."
Game data
NPC appearances
Pokémon Crystal: It is possible to see Suicune multiple times on the overworld before the actual battle in Bell Tower. In these occasions, it will always hop away on being spotted.
Suicune embodies the compassion of a pure spring of water. It runs across the land with gracefulness. This Pokémon has the power to purify dirty water.
However, unlike Moltres, if Suicune is knocked out on Route 25, it will return to the Burned Tower in Johto where it can be re-challenged.
The order that the beasts appears in the National Pokédex is the order of the events that happened at the Burned Tower: the lightning that started the fire (Raikou), the fire that consumed the Brass Tower (Entei) and the rain that quenched the fire (Suicune).
Suicune is often depicted in the anime and games as being extremely fast. However, it has the lowest base Speed stat of the legendary beasts.
A Shiny Suicune's mane is dark blue in the handheld games from Generation III onwards, but in the 3D games it is black.
Suicune's Gold and Silver sprite shows that the crest on its head is the same color as its mane. However, this was corrected in Crystal.
Suicune was the first Pokémon to receive its own game music.
Suicune is thought to have been based on numerous creatures and mythological deities, mainly the Qilin or "Kirin", an Eastern legend that has traits of chinese dragons, unicorns, deer, big cats, and other beasts. The Qilin was said to be able to walk on water and is known to be a powerful and peaceful creature. The crest on Suicune's head roughly matches the description of the beast's antlers. It also appears that Suicune, unlike its kin, is a herbivore due to its molar teeth, which further relates it to the Qilin. The spots of Suicune are also significant, seeming to combine the spots of a leopard, taking homage from Fujin, the Shinto god of The North Wind, who wears leopard skin. Leopards themselves are found in Asia and are featured in myths that show it is a widely respected sacred animal like the Qilin. The way it runs and roars in the anime may also relate to the leopard. Suicune's anatomy may also be based on the cheetah, which is considerable, due to the fact that cheetahs and leopards, both being swift, sleek spotted cats, are often confused with each other and thought to be the same animal. The idea that Suicune is the embodiment of the wind also relates to a Native American belief that cheetahs, or American cheetahs, were the personifications of the north wind. The Plains Indian description of the cat is very close to Suicune, specifically the tail, which was described as being "caught in a white whirlwind" when it ran. Being a Pokémon that represents the wind and rain, Suicune may also be based on some of the world's numerous myths of wind goddesses, such as Anitong Tabo, who according to the Philippine mythology, was the goddess of winds and rains. Suicune's mane is meant to resemble a northern aurora.
Name origin
Suicune may be a combination of 水 sui (water) and 君 kun (monarch). The game title it is the mascot of suggests that it may derive from 水晶 suishō (crystal).
This Pokémon article is part of Project Pokédex, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on each Pokémon species, as well as Pokémon groups and forms.