Medal (Black 2 and White 2): Difference between revisions

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* Battling the Elite 4 using a single dual-type Pokemon will unlock two Challenge Type Medals.  For example, using Dragonite will unlock both Flying-Type Champ and Dragon-Type Champ.
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Revision as of 05:21, 22 May 2013

This article is about the achievement system in Black 2 and White 2. For equivalent of Badges in the Pokémon Trading Card Game video game, see Medal (TCG). For the prize from the Pokéathlon, see Pokéathlon.
This article is incomplete.
Please feel free to edit this article to add missing information and complete it.
Reason: number of times required to do something in order to get some of the medals

Medals (Japanese: メダル Medal) are a type of achievement in Pokémon Black 2 and White 2. They are stored in the Medal Box. There are 255 Medals in all, along with the Hint Medal. They are divided into five categories: 7 Special Medals, 98 Adventure Medals, 56 Battle Medals, 75 Entertainment Medals, and 19 Challenge Medals.

List of Medals

Special Medals

Image Name Japanese name Method
First Step はじめのいっぽ Participate in the Medal Rally
Participation Prize ゴールインプライズ Go to the Medal Office after collecting 50 Medals
Rookie Medalist ルーキーメダリスト Obtain Rookie Rank by collecting 50 Medals
Elite Medalist エリートメダリスト Obtain Elite Rank by collecting 100 Medals
Master Medalist マスターメダリスト Obtain Master Rank by collecting 150 Medals
Legend Medalist レジェンドメダリスト Obtain Legend Rank by collecting 200 Medals
Top Medalist キングオブメダリスト Obtain all other Medals
Hint Medal ヒントメダル Does not count towards total. Obtained from Mr. Medal, contains hints towards how to get new Medals.

Adventure Medals

Image Name Japanese name Method
Light Walker ライトウォーカー Walk 5,000 steps in the Unova region
Middle Walker ミドルウォーカー Walk 10,000 steps in the Unova region
Heavy Walker ヘビーウォーカー Walk 20,000 steps in the Unova region
Honored Footprints めいよのあしあと Walk 100,000 steps in the Unova region
Step-by-Step Saver ちまちまレポーター Save the game 10 times
Busy Saver せかせかレポーター Save the game 20 times
Experienced Saver すらすらレポーター Save the game 50 times
Wonder Writer きせきのペンさき Save the game 100 times
Pokémon Center Fan ポケセンファン Restore Pokémon's health in Pokémon Centers 10 times
Signboard Starter かんばんにゅうもん Read 5 different Trainer Tips signs
Signboard Savvy かんばんめいじん Read 15 different Trainer Tips signs
Graffiti Gazer ラクガキせんりがん Find graffiti behind a sign (north end of Route 2)
Starter Cycling ビギナーツーリング Ride a Bicycle for the first time
Easy Cycling イージーツーリング Ride a Bicycle 30 times
Hard Cycling ハードツーリング Ride a Bicycle 100 times
Pedaling Legend はしるでんせつ Ride a Bicycle 500 times
Old Rod Fisherman ボロのつりびと Reel in a Pokémon for the first time
Good Rod Fisherman いいつりびと Reel in a Pokémon 10 times
Super Rod Fisherman すごいつりびと Reel in a Pokémon 50 times
Mighty Fisher いれぐいフィッシャー Reel in a Pokémon 100 times
Normal-type Catcher ノーマルコレクター Catch all Normal-type Pokémon in the Unova Pokédex
Fire-type Catcher ほのおコレクター Catch all Fire-type Pokémon in the Unova Pokédex
Water-type Catcher みずコレクター Catch all Water-type Pokémon in the Unova Pokédex
Electric-type Catcher でんきコレクター Catch all Electric-type Pokémon in the Unova Pokédex
Grass-type Catcher くさコレクター Catch all Grass-type Pokémon in the Unova Pokédex
Ice-type Catcher こおりコレクター Catch all Ice-type Pokémon in the Unova Pokédex
Fighting-type Catcher かくとうコレクター Catch all Fighting-type Pokémon in the Unova Pokédex
Poison-type Catcher どくコレクター Catch all Poison-type Pokémon in the Unova Pokédex
Ground-type Catcher じめんコレクター Catch all Ground-type Pokémon in the Unova Pokédex
Flying-type Catcher ひこうコレクター Catch all Flying-type Pokémon in the Unova Pokédex
Psychic-type Catcher エスパーコレクター Catch all Psychic-type Pokémon in the Unova Pokédex
Bug-type Catcher むしコレクター Catch all Bug-type Pokémon in the Unova Pokédex
Rock-type Catcher いわコレクター Catch all Rock-type Pokémon in the Unova Pokédex
Ghost-type Catcher ゴーストコレクター Catch all Ghost-type Pokémon in the Unova Pokédex
Dragon-type Catcher ドラゴンコレクター Catch all Dragon-type Pokémon in the Unova Pokédex
Dark-type Catcher あくコレクター Catch all Dark-type Pokémon in the Unova Pokédex
Steel-type Catcher はがねコレクター Catch all Steel-type Pokémon in the Unova Pokédex
Unova Catcher イッシュコレクター Receive the Diploma from the Game Freak employee for completing the Unova Pokédex
National Catcher ぜんこくコレクター Complete the National Pokédex
30 Boxed はこいり30 Deposit 30 Pokémon into PC boxes
120 Boxed はこいり120 Deposit 120 Pokémon into PC boxes
360 Boxed はこいり360 Deposit 360 Pokémon into PC boxes
Boxes Maxed ボックスマックス Deposit 720 Pokémon into PC boxes
Capturing Spree キャプチャーキング Capture at least 50 Pokémon within one day
Vending Virtuoso ベンダーマスター Purchase 10 drinks from vending machines
Lucky Drink ワンモアドリンク Get a bonus drink from a vending machine
Evolution Hopeful エボルブホープ Evolve a Pokémon for the first time
Evolution Tech エボルブテクニシャン Evolve Pokémon 10 times
Evolution Expert エボルブエキスパート Evolve Pokémon 50 times
Evolution Authority あるくしんかろん Evolve Pokémon 100 times
Ace Pilot エースパイロット Travel using HM02 (Fly) a certain number of times
Hustle Muscle ハッスルマッスル Use HM04 (Strength) to drop a large boulder a certain number of times
Trash Master ガサいれのたつじん Check trash cans a certain number of times
Dowsing Beginner おとしものシーカー Find a hidden item for the first time
Dowsing Specialist おとしものハンター Find 10 hidden items
Dowsing Collector おとしものコレクター Find 50 hidden items
Dowsing Wizard ダウジングキング Find 150 hidden items
Naming Champ ネーミングキング Give nicknames to Pokémon 10 times.
Television Kid テレビっこ Watch television 10 times
Regular Customer じょうれんカスタマー Shop a certain number of times
Moderate Customer ぜいたくエントリー Spend $10,000 or more
Great Customer ぜいたくグレート Spend $100,000 or more
Indulgent Customer ぜいたくスペシャル Spend $1,000,000 or more
Super Rich スーパーミリオネア Spend $10,000,000 or more
Smart Shopper かいものじょうず Buy 10 Poké Balls at once and receive a Premier Ball
Sweet Home スイートホーム Take a rest at home
The First Passerby すれちがいファースト Pass by a person for the first time with Tag Mode
30 Passersby すれちがい30 Pass by 30 or more people with Tag Mode
100 Passersby すれちがい100 Pass by 100 or more people with Tag Mode
Heavy Traffic ラッシュアワー Pass by 1,000 or more people with Tag Mode
Pass Power ↑ デルパワー+ Use a Pass Power for the first time
Pass Power ↑↑ デルパワー++ Use 10 or more Pass Powers
Pass Power ↑↑↑ デルパワー+++ Use 50 or more Pass Powers
Pass Power MAX デルパワーMAX Use 100 or more Pass Powers
Dozing Capture うとうとキャプチャー Catch a Pokémon in the Entree Forest for the first time
Sleeping Capture すやすやキャプチャー Catch 10 or more Pokémon in the Entree Forest
Deep Sleep Capture ぐっすりキャプチャー Catch 50 or more Pokémon in the Entree Forest
Sweet Dreamer ゆめであいましょう Catch 100 or more Pokémon in the Entree Forest
Hidden Grotto Adept かくしあなのたつじん Find all the Hidden Grottoes
Egg Beginner タマゴビギナー Hatch a Pokémon Egg for the first time
Egg Breeder タマゴブリーダー Hatch 10 Eggs or more
Egg Elite タマゴアスリート Hatch 50 Eggs or more
Hatching Aficiando せいめいのしんぴ Hatch 100 Eggs or more
Day-Care Faithful そだてやマニア Leave 100 Pokémon at the Pokémon Day Care on Route 3
Archeology Lover たいこのロマンチスト Have a Pokémon Fossil restored at the Nacrene Museum
Pure Youth ピュア&イノセント Catch N's Pokémon
Lucky Color ラッキーカラー Catch a Shiny Pokémon
Pokérus Discoverer ポケルスハンター Have a Pokémon who was infected with the Pokérus
Castelia Boss ヒウンばんちょう Defeat the three Trainers on Back Street in Castelia City
Rail Enthusiast てつどうマニア Hear information on all the trains in Anville Town
Wailord Watcher ホエルオーウォッチ See a Wailord at the Marine Tube
Face Board Memorial かおだしメモリアル Take a photo at the face board in Humilau City
Heavy Machinery Pro じゅうきマニア Correctly answer the Heavy Machinery Pro's five questions in Twist Mountain
Ruins Raider いせきマイスター Reach the deepest part of the Abyssal Ruins
Diamond Dust ダイヤモンドダスト See the Diamond Dust
Bridge Enthusiast ブリッジマニア Visit all the bridges in Unova
Around Unova イッシュいっしゅう Visit every city and town in Unova
Great Adventurer アドベンチャーキング Obtain all 97 other Adventure Medals

Battle Medals

Image Name Japanese name Method
Battle Learner バトルもんかせい Battle 100 times
Battle Teacher バトルしはんだい Battle 200 times
Battle Veteran バトルししょう Battle 400 times
Battle Virtuoso れきせんのもさ Battle 2,000 times
Link Battle Amateur たいせんフレッシャー Have a Link Battle for the first time
Link Battle Pioneer たいせんパイオニア Have 10 or more Link Battles
Link Battle Expert たいせんエキスパート Have 50 or more Link Battles
Born to Battle ボーントゥバトル Have 100 or more Link Battles
Magikarp Award コイキングアワード Use the move Splash in a battle
Never Give Up ネバーギブアップ Use the move Struggle in a battle
Noneffective Artist からぶりめいじん Use moves that aren't very effective against the opponent
Supereffective Savant ばつぐんのたつじん Use super-effective moves a certain number of times
Subway Low Gear バトルニュートラル Try the Battle Subway for the first time
Subway Accelerator バトルアクセラレータ Try the Battle Subway 10 times
Subway Top Gear バトルトップギア Try the Battle Subway 50 times
Runaway Express ぼうそうとっきゅう Try the Battle Subway 100 times
Single Express シングルエクスプレス Beat the Subway Boss on the Single Line
Double Express ダブルエクスプレス Beat the Subway Boss on the Double Line
Multi Express マルチエクスプレス Beat the Subway Boss on the Multi Line
Test Novice けんていスターター Take the first Battle Test in the Battle Institute
Test Fan けんていファン Take 10 Battle Tests in the Battle Institute
Test Enthusiast けんていマニア Take 30 Battle Tests in the Battle Institute
Exam Genius トライアルマスター Take 50 Battle Tests in the Battle Institute
Exp. Millionaire EXPミリオネア Earn 1,000,000 Exp. Points in a day
BP Wealthy BPミリオネア Earn 100 BP
Superb Locator たんさくハンター Meet a certain number of Pokémon who appear in special conditions
Battle Repeater バトルリピーター Battle with 30 Trainers or more in Big Stadium and Small Court
Cruise Connoisseur サンセットクルーズ Take 10 or more cruises on the Royal Unova
Driftveil Mightiest ホドモエさいきょう Win the Driftveil Tournament
Rental Champ かりものキング Win the Rental Tournament
Mix Champ まぜものキング Win the Mix Tournament
Unova Mightiest イッシュさいきょう Win the Unova Leaders Tournament
Kanto Mightiest カントーさいきょう Win the Kanto Leaders Tournament
Johto Mightiest ジョウトさいきょう Win the Johto Leaders Tournament
Hoenn Mightiest ホウエンさいきょう Win the Hoenn Leaders Tournament
Sinnoh Mightiest シンオウさいきょう Win the Sinnoh Leaders Tournament
Mightiest Leader リーダーさいきょう Win the World Leaders Tournament
World's Mightiest せかいさいきょう Win the Champions Tournament
Rental Master かりものエンペラー Win the Rental Master Tournament
Mix Master まぜものエンペラー Win the Mix Master Tournament
All Types Champ オールタイプキング Win all the Type Expert Tournaments
Tower Junior まてんろうハーフ Reach Area 5 of Black Tower in Black City
Tower Master まてんろうマスター Reach Area 10 of Black Tower in Black City
Treehollow Junior じゅどうハーフ Reach Area 5 of White Treehollow in White Forest
Treehollow Master じゅどうマスター Reach area 10 of White Treehollow in White Forest
20 Victories 20にんぎり Beat 20 Trainers in Black Tower/White Treehollow
50 Victories 50にんぎり Beat 50 Trainers in Black Tower/White Treehollow
100 Victories 100にんぎり Beat 100 Trainers in Black Tower/White Treehollow
1,000 Wins サウザンドウィナー Beat 1,000 Trainers in Black Tower/White Treehollow
Undefeated: Easy ぜんぬきイージー Defeat all Trainers in Area 2, 3, 4, or 5 of Black Tower/White Treehollow
Undefeated: Hard ぜんぬきマスター Defeat all Trainers in Area 6, 7, 8, 9, or 10 of Black Tower/White Treehollow
Pinpoint: Easy ねらいうちイージー Clear Area 2, 3, 4, or 5 of Black Tower/White Treehollow in four battles or less
Pinpoint: Hard ねらいうちマスター Clear Area 6, 7, 8, 9, or 10 of Black Tower/White Treehollow in six battles or less
Quick Clear: Easy そっこうイージー Clear Area 2, 3, 4, or 5 of Black Tower/White Treehollow within 100 steps
Quick Clear: Hard そっこうマスター Clear Area 6, 7, 8, 9, or 10 of Black Tower/White Treehollow within 1,000 steps
Battle Guru バトルジェネラル Obtain all 55 other Battle Medals

Entertainment Medals

Image Name Japanese name Method
Beginning Trader はじめてトレード Trade a Pokémon for the first time
Occasional Trader ちょこちょこトレード Trade Pokémon 10 times
Frequent Trader がっちりトレード Trade Pokémon 50 times
Great Trade-Up わらしべちょうじゃ Trade Pokémon 100 times
Opposite Trader リバーストレーダー Trade between Black 2 and White 2/White; or between White 2 and Black 2/Black
Pen Pal ディアフレンド Write Mail and have a Pokémon hold it
Talented Cast Member ステージのもうしご Participate in Pokémon Musicals a certain number of times
Rising Star かけだしスター Receive a good review for the first time in a Pokémon Musical
Big Star ちゅうけんスター Receive five good reviews in Pokémon Musicals
Superstar ベテランスター Receive 10 good reviews in Pokémon Musicals
Musical Star ミュージカルプリマ Receive 30 good reviews in Pokémon Musicals
Trendsetter オシャレばんちょう Collect all the Props used in Pokémon Musicals
10 Followers 10にんのでまち Ten fans gather at the reception after a Pokémon Musical
First Friend ともだちエントリー Register a Friend Code in the Pal Pad for the first time
Extensive Friendship ともだちブロード Register five or more Friend Codes in the Pal Pad
Broad Friendship ともだちワイド Register 10 or more Friend Codes in the Pal Pad
Global Connection ワールドコネクション Register 32 Friend Codes in the Pal Pad
Spin Trade Whiz ぐるぐるマイスター Play Spin Trade in the Union Room ten times
Feeling Master フィーリングマスター Play Feeling Check a certain number of times
Ace of Hearts ハートのエース Score 80 points or more in Feeling Check
Ferris Wheel Fan デートのたつじん Meet a lot of people at the Ferris Wheel in Nimbasa City
New Guide あんないルーキー Guide 10 or more customers in Join Avenue
Elite Guide あんないエリート Guide 20 or more customers in Join Avenue
Veteran Guide あんないベテラン Guide 50 or more customers in Join Avenue
Guiding Champ キングオブガイド Guide 100 or more customers in Join Avenue
Shop Starter てんぽメイカー Create five shops in Join Avenue
Shop Builder てんぽビルダー Create 10 shops in Join Avenue
Shop Constructor てんぽクリエイター Create 20 shops in Join Avenue
Extreme Developer キングオブショップ Create 50 shops in Join Avenue
OK Souvenir Getter おみやげリーズナブル Receive 10 or more souvenirs from visitors in Join Avenue
Good Souvenir Getter おみやげリッチ Receive 30 or more souvenirs from visitors in Join Avenue
Great Souvenir Getter おみやげデラックス Receive 50 or more souvenirs from visitors in Join Avenue
Tycoon of Souvenirs キングオブスーベニア Receive 100 or more souvenirs from visitors in Join Avenue
Avenue of Fame ゆめのマイアベニュー Develop Join Avenue and earn the right to name it
Minigame Fan ミニゲームずき Play minigames on the Xtransceiver 10 times or more
Minigame Buff ミニゲームマニア Play minigames on the Xtransceiver 30 times or more
Minigame Expert ミニゲームめいじん Play minigames on the Xtransceiver 50 times or more
Best Minigamer ベストミニゲーマー Play minigames on the Xtransceiver 100 times or more
Balloon Rookie ふうせんルーキー Reach a total of 50 points in minigames on the Xtransceiver
Balloon Technician ふうせんテクニシャン Reach a total of 200 points in minigames on the Xtransceiver
Balloon Expert ふうせんエキスパート Reach a total of 500 points in minigames on the Xtransceiver
Balloon Conqueror キングオブバルーン Reach a total of 1,000 points in minigames on the Xtransceiver
New Face Hero ヒーローのしんじん Complete the first Brycen-Man movie
Hero Movie Star ヒーローのはながた Complete the Brycen-Man Series
Cop Movie Master ポリスえいがマスター Complete the Full Metal Cop Series
UFO Movie Master UFOえいがマスター Complete the Invaders Series
Monster Movie Master かいじゅうマイスター Complete the Big Monster Series
Sci Fi Movie Master SFえいがマイスター Complete the Timegate Traveler Series
Romantic Movie Star ロマンスのはながた Complete the Love and Battles Series
Fantasy Movie Master ファンタジーマスター Complete the Mystery Doors of the Magical Land Series
Comedic Movie Star コメディのはながた Complete the Giant Woman Series
Horror Movie Star オカルトのはながた Complete the Red Fog of Terror Series
Robot Movie Master ロボえいがマイスター Complete the Everlasting Memories Series
Ghost Movie Master オバケえいがマスター Complete the Ghost Eraser Series
Hero Ending ヒーローだいだんえん Release Brycen-Man Strikes Back Harder
Popular Movie Star うれっこえいがスター Release all movies
Masterpiece Star めいさくえいがスター Release all movies with happy endings
Blockbuster Star がっぽりムービー Reach $100 billion in box office sales
First Cult Classic はじめてのカルト Release a movie with a twist ending for the first time
Cult Classic Star カルトえいがスター Release all movies with twist endings
10 People Funfest 10にんフェス Play an Entralink Funfest Mission with 10 people or more
30 People Funfest 30にんフェス Play an Entralink Funfest Mission with 30 people or more
Scored 100 てんとりハンドレッド Score 100 points or more in a Funfest Mission
Scored 1,000 てんとりサウザンド Score 1,000 points or more in a Funfest Mission
Mission Host Lv. 1 かいさいLV1 Host 10 or more Funfest Missions
Mission Host Lv. 2 かいさいLV2 Host 50 or more Funfest Missions
Participant Lv. 1 さんかLV1 Participate in a Funfest Mission for the first time
Participant Lv. 2 さんかLV2 Participate in 10 or more Funfest Missions
Achiever Lv. 1 たっせいLV1 Clear 30 or more Funfest Missions
Achiever Lv. 2 たっせいLV2 Clear 100 or more Funfest Missions
Funfest Complete フェスコンプリート Clear all Funfest Missions
Good Night おやすみなさい Use Game Sync to wake up a tucked-in Pokémon
Beginning of Memory おもいでのはじまり Use Memory Link and see an event for the first time
Memory Master すべてのおもいで Use Memory Link and see all events
Entertainment Master エンタメマイスター Obtain all 74 other Entertainment Medals

Challenge Medals

Image Name Japanese name Method
Normal-type Champ ノーマルチャンプ Win the Pokémon League with only Normal-type Pokémon.
Fire-type Champ ほのおチャンプ Win the Pokémon League with only Fire-type Pokémon.
Water-type Champ みずチャンプ Win the Pokémon League with only Water-type Pokémon.
Electric-type Champ でんきチャンプ Win the Pokémon League with only Electric-type Pokémon.
Grass-type Champ くさチャンプ Win the Pokémon League with only Grass-type Pokémon.
Ice-type Champ こおりチャンプ Win the Pokémon League with only Ice-type Pokémon.
Fighting-type Champ かくとうチャンプ Win the Pokémon League with only Fighting-type Pokémon.
Poison-type Champ どくチャンプ Win the Pokémon League with only Poison-type Pokémon.
Ground-type Champ じめんチャンプ Win the Pokémon League with only Ground-type Pokémon.
Flying-type Champ ひこうチャンプ Win the Pokémon League with only Flying-type Pokémon.
Psychic-type Champ エスパーチャンプ Win the Pokémon League with only Psychic-type Pokémon.
Bug-type Champ むしチャンプ Win the Pokémon League with only Bug-type Pokémon.
Rock-type Champ いわチャンプ Win the Pokémon League with only Rock-type Pokémon.
Ghost-type Champ ゴーストチャンプ Win the Pokémon League with only Ghost-type Pokémon.
Dragon-type Champ ドラゴンチャンプ Win the Pokémon League with only Dragon-type Pokémon.
Dark-type Champ あくチャンプ Win the Pokémon League with only Dark-type Pokémon.
Steel-type Champ はがねチャンプ Win the Pokémon League with only Steel-type Pokémon.
One and Only ワンアンドオンリー Win the Pokémon League with only one Pokémon in the party
Supreme Challenger チャレンジジーニアス Obtain all 18 other Challenge Medals


  • Battling the Elite 4 using a single dual-type Pokemon will unlock two Challenge Type Medals. For example, using Dragonite will unlock both Flying-Type Champ and Dragon-Type Champ.

This item article is part of Project ItemDex, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on all items.