Druddigon is a large, blue, hunchbacked, reptilian creature with medium-sized wings shaped like thistle leaves. It has a set of glaring, ferocious pale yellow irises. Its arms are longer than its legs, giving it a low-slung, sloping gait. It has a thick, medium-length tail and sharp claws on both the hands and feet. Its head is colored bright red, and has several blunt horns and spikes jutting out everywhere. It also has tall, conical spikes—similarly colored red; three on each arm, one on each shoulder, two on each leg, and four on its tail. It has a blunt, brutal snout, bearing a maw with no discernible teeth; instead, small fang-like protrusions sprout from its jaws. It has a series of olive-colored, football-shaped scutes running across its belly.
Gender differences
Special abilities
Druddigon's bright red head is very hard, being harder than rock and very rough. It can take in sunlight with its wings; if its body temperature lowers, it becomes immobile. It has savage physical strength.
Druddigon nimbly chases prey around its den, using its outstretched claws to catch them. It warms its body by taking in sunlight with its wings.
Druddigon is the only single-type Dragon Pokemon not to have an evolutionary line.
Druddigon has the lowest base stat total, Special Attack base stat, and Speed base stat compared to fully evolved Dragon-type Pokémon.
Druddigon shares the same species name with Gabite. They are both known as the Cave Pokémon.
Given Druddigon's grotesque features and the rock-like qualities stated in its Pokédex entries, it seems to be based on a gargoyle. Its natural appearance also seems to resemble a European dragon.
Name origin
Druddigon may be a combination of dragon and ruddy (reddish in color).
Crimgan may be a combination of crimson and 顔 gan (face) or 岩 gan (rock).
This Pokémon article is part of Project Pokédex, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on each Pokémon species, as well as Pokémon groups and forms.