Blue (Origins): Difference between revisions

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'''Blue''' (Japanese: '''グリーン''' ''Gurīn'') is a main character of [[Pokémon Origins]] and the rival of {{OBP|Red|Origins}}.
'''Blue''' (Japanese: '''グリーン''' ''Green'') is a main character of [[Pokémon Origins]] and the rival of {{OBP|Red|Origins}}.

Revision as of 13:52, 4 November 2013

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Reason: Character section

グリーン Green

Age 11
Gender Male
Eye color Brown
Hair color Brown
Hometown Pallet Town
Region Kanto
Relatives Professor Oak
Trainer class Trainer
Game counterpart Blue
Anime debut PO01
English voice actor N/A
Japanese voice actor Takuya Eguchi

Blue (Japanese: グリーン Green) is a main character of Pokémon Origins and the rival of Red.

Spoiler warning: this article may contain major plot or ending details.


Blue with his rival, Red

Blue met Red while he was going to Professor Oak's lab to get their first Pokémon. As both Trainers were going to the same place, they raced each other to the lab where both Trainers made it and Professor Oak gave them a Pokédex. Professor Oak then gave both boys their choice of Starter Pokémon. Blue has Red choose his starter first and after Red did so, he chose Squirtle as it had the type-advantage against Charmander. After Blue got his starter, he left on his journey right away. Later, while Red was on his way to Viridian City, Blue challenged him to a battle where both Trainers used their first Pokémon. During the battle, Blue was able to overwhelm Red and Charmander to the point that they forfeited the match.

In PO02, Blue went to the Pokémon Tower where he got scared of the sight of a ghost and bumped into Red. While Red dealt with the ghost, Blue went back upstairs where he saw a Team Rocket Grunt and battled him with Wartortle. Blue was able to defeat him and left after seeing Red and Reina with a Cubone. Blue then sat on a tree while he showed some respect for Red after watching him ride by on his bicycle. In PO03, Blue and Red met up with the Silph Co. vice-president who was discussing about Team Rocket taking over the building. While the three were about to go in Silph Co., Blue showed no interest in doing so and when Red grabbed him by the shirt collar, it still did not change his mind.

In PO04, Blue challenged the Elite Four and won the right to become the Champion of the Elite Four. Red found out about this after defeating Lance. Blue then went on to challenge Red in a rematch after he too defeated the Elite Four. Both Trainers fought to the finish but Red managed to come out on top in the end. After Blue lost, Professor Oak came by to congratulate the two Trainers and gave Blue some advice on how he could do better. Later, after Red returned to Professor Oak's lab, he noticed that Blue got into an accident when he went to Cerulean Cave and battled Mewtwo. Red decided to take his place and battle Mewtwo himself. After he did so, he returned home and had dinner with Blue along with Professor Oak and Red's mother.


Squirtle → Wartortle → Blastoise
Blue's Squirtle
Blue's Blastoise
Debut PO01

Blastoise is Blue's starter Pokémon. He chose it when it was a Squirtle after Red chose Charmander. Later, while Red was on his way to Viridian City to capture Nidoran♀, Squirtle battled Charmander and automatically won after Red forfeited the battle. Sometime before Blue went to Lavender Tower, Squirtle evolved into Wartortle. Wartortle evolved into Blastoise sometime became he became the Champion of the Pokémon League. During the Pokémon League, Blastoise was the final Pokémon Blue used against Red where it was able to take out his Persian and Jolteon, but lost to Charizard after a long battle.

Blastoise's known moves are Tackle, Bubble, Bite, Skull Bash, and Hydro Pump.

Unknown's Pidgeot
Debut PO04

Pidgeot was the first Pokémon Blue used in his League match against Red. It went up against his Jolteon.

None of Pidgeot's moves are known.

Red's Alakazam
Debut PO04

Alakazam was only seen battling Red's Scyther.

Alakazam's only known move is Reflect.

Blue's Rhydon
Debut PO04

Rhydon was sent out to battle Red's Lapras and lost.

None of Rhydon's moves are known.

Blue's Arcanine
Debut PO04

Arcanine was sent out to battle Red's Lapras and won.

None of Arcanine's moves are known.

Blue's Exeggutor
Debut PO04

Exeggutor was sent out to battle Red's Dodrio and won, but lost to his Persian.

Exeggutor's only known move is Barrage.

Related articles

This episode article is part of Project Anime, a Bulbapedia project that covers all aspects of Pokémon animation.