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Hidden Power
めざめるパワー Awakening Power
Type  Normal
Category  Special
PP  15 (max. 24)
Power  60
Accuracy  100%
Priority  0
Opponent Opponent Opponent
Self Ally Ally
Normal: May affect anyone adjacent to the user
Introduced  Generation II
Condition  Smart
Appeal  3 ♥♥♥
Jam  0  
Can be repeatedly used without boring the judge.
Condition  Smart
Appeal  1
Earn +3 if the Pokémon gets the lowest score.
Condition  Smart
Appeal  0  
Jamming  0  

Hidden Power (Japanese: めざめるパワー Awakening Power) is a damage-dealing Normal-type move introduced in Generation II. Although it appears as a Normal-type move, Hidden Power's actual type varies. It is TM10 as of Generation II.


Main article: Hidden Power (move)/Calculation

Generations II to V

Hidden Power inflicts damage using a type and base power determined by the user's IVs.

Hidden Power can receive same-type attack bonus. For instance, a Bug-type Pokémon will receive same-type attack bonus when using a Bug-type Hidden Power. Although Hidden Power is Normal-type in the game's data, a Normal-type Hidden Power is not obtainable. Because of this, a pure Normal-type Pokémon will never receive same-type attack bonus when using Hidden Power unless it also has Normalize as its Ability.

Generation VI

Hidden Power's base power is now 60, and like in previous generations, its type is determined by the user's IVs. As the method for determining the type of Hidden Power is the same as Generation III to V, a Fairy-type Hidden Power is not possible.

Pokémon Mystery Dungeon

The type and base power of Hidden Power is randomly calculated whenever a Pokémon enters a dungeon, and does not change between floors. The type is selected among each of the 17 types with roughly equal probability (the game chooses from the 18 types, including the ???-type, choosing again if the ???-type is chosen; if this is done 100 times consecutively, Hidden Power will be of the Fire-type). The base power of the move is chosen among the following values with equal probability: 2, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 13, 15, and 17.

Pokémon Rumble/Pokémon Rumble Blast

Hidden Power is randomly assigned any of the 17 types whenever a Toy Pokémon has it as one of its moves. The type does not change for as long as the Pokémon keeps the move.


Games Description
A peculiar move that changes type and power depending on the Pokémon using it.
The power varies with the Pokémon.
RSE The effectiveness varies with the user.*
The attack power varies among different Pokémon.*
FRLG An attack that varies in type and intensity depending on the user.
A unique attack that varies in type and intensity depending on the Pokémon using it.*
A variable move that changes type and power depending on the hidden ability of the Pokémon using it.*
A unique attack that varies in type and intensity depending on the Pokémon using it.
A unique attack that varies in type depending on the Pokémon using it.


By leveling up

# Pokémon Type Level
199 Slowking Slowking Water Psychic     -- -- '
201 Unown Unown Psychic Psychic -- -- -- -- '
307 Meditite Meditite Fighting Psychic   18 17 15 15 15
308 Medicham Medicham Fighting Psychic   18 17 15 15 15
412 Burmy Burmy Bug Bug     20 20 20
413 Wormadam Wormadam Bug Grass     20 20 '
414 Mothim Mothim Bug Flying     20 20 '
422 Shellos Shellos Water Water     16 16 '
423 Gastrodon Gastrodon Water Ground     16 16 '
577 Solosis Solosis Psychic Psychic       14 '
578 Duosion Duosion Psychic Psychic       14 '
579 Reuniclus Reuniclus Psychic Psychic       14 '
605 Elgyem Elgyem Psychic Psychic       22 '
606 Beheeyem Beheeyem Psychic Psychic       22 '
Bold indicates a Pokémon gains STAB from this move.
Italics indicates a Pokémon whose evolution or alternate form receives STAB from this move.
A dash (−) indicates a Pokémon cannot learn the move by the designated method.
An empty cell indicates a Pokémon that is unavailable in that game/generation.


# Pokémon Type Machine
All Pokémon who can learn TMs can learn Hidden Power.
Bold indicates a Pokémon gains STAB from this move.
Italics indicates a Pokémon whose evolution or alternate form receives STAB from this move.
A dash (−) indicates a Pokémon cannot learn the move by the designated method.
An empty cell indicates a Pokémon that is unavailable in that game/generation.

"Testing" Hidden Power

Players are able to test what the type of their Hidden Power is most often by utilizing a Kecleon. It does not have to be their own, though this makes it more convenient. Entering any Double Battle with the Pokémon with Hidden Power and Kecleon at the front of the list, then using Hidden Power on the Kecleon will cause it to change types to the type that Hidden Power is, or, if the Hidden Power is a Ghost-type move, cause nothing to happen due to Kecleon's immunity.

However, starting in Platinum, there is a man in-game that will tell the player the type of their Pokémon's Hidden Power, and, even if the Pokémon doesn't know Hidden Power, the type that it would have. In Platinum, he is present in the Veilstone Game Corner Prize Exchange house. In HeartGold and SoulSilver, he is present in the Celadon Game Corner Prize Exchange house. In Black and White, he is present in the Pokémon Center in Mistralton City. In Black 2 and White 2, he has been relocated to the Pokémon World Tournament. In X and Y, he is in a house next to the boutique in Anistar City.

In the anime

In the manga

In the Pokémon Adventures manga

In the Pokémon Pocket Monsters manga

In other generations


  • In Generation II, Shiny Pokémon could only use a Grass- or Dragon-type Hidden Power due to the spread of individual values required for alternate coloration.
  • Prior to Generation IV, Hidden Power was one of the only two moves (along with Weather Ball) which could, depending on the Pokémon, be either physical or special, due to the damage category being determined by the type.
  • More Pokémon can learn Hidden Power than any other move (although Struggle can be used by any Pokémon with no PP left on any of their moves).
  • Hidden Power's type variety has not been addressed in the anime.

In other languages

Language Title
Mandarin Chinese 觉醒力量 juéxǐnglìliàng
Danish Skjult Kraft
Dutch Verborgen Kracht
Finnish Piilovoima
French Puis. Cachée
German Kraftreserve
Greek Κρυφή Δύναμη
Hindi छुपी शक्ति Chupi Shakti
Indonesian Kekuatan Tersembunyi
Kekuatan Dahsyat
Italian Introforza
Korean 잠재파워 Jamjae Power
Polish Ukryta moc
Brazilian Portuguese Poder Oculto
Romanian Puterea Ascunsă
Serbian Skrivena Moć
Spanish Latin America Poder Oculto
Spain Poder Oculto

Generation II TMs
Generation II HMs
Generation III TMs
Generation III HMs
Generation IV TMs
Generation IV HMs
01020304 • 05 (DPPtHGSS) • 060708
Generation V TMs
Generation V HMs
Generation VI TMs
798081828384858687888990919293 • 94 (XYORAS) • 9596979899100
Generation VI HMs
This article is part of Project Moves and Abilities, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on two related aspects of the Pokémon games.