Synthesis (move): Difference between revisions

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Revision as of 19:49, 21 November 2013

こうごうせい Photosynthesis
Type  Grass
Category  Status
PP  5 (max. 8)
Power  —
Accuracy  —%
Priority  0
  • Does not make contact
  • Not affected by Protect
  • Not affected by Magic Coat
  • Affected by Snatch
  • Not affected by King's Rock
Opponent Opponent Opponent
Self Ally Ally
Self: Affects the user
Introduced  Generation II
Condition  Smart
Appeal  1
Jam  0  
The appeal's quality depends on its timing.
Condition  Smart
Appeal  0  
Increased Voltage is added to the performance score.
Condition  Smart
Appeal  0  
Jamming  0  

Synthesis (Japanese: こうごうせい Photosynthesis) is a non-damaging Grass-type move introduced in Generation II.


Generation II

Synthesis restores the user's current HP based on the weather conditions and time of day. At morning and in the night, clear conditions restore ¼, sunny conditions restore ½ and other conditions restore 1/8 HP. At the daytime, the move restores twice as much of HP.

Generations III to Generation V

Synthesis restores the user's current HP based on the weather conditions in the battle. Sunny conditions restore ⅔ HP, normal conditions restore ½ HP, and other conditions restore ¼ HP.

Pokémon Mystery Dungeon

Synthesis restores the user's current HP based on the weather conditions in the battle. Sunny conditions restore 100 HP, normal conditions restore 50 HP, and other conditions restore 25 HP.


Games Description
Allows HP to be restored by the sunlight. In battle, half the user's max HP is restored.
Restores HP (varies by time).
RSE Restores HP. The amount varies with the weather.
FRLG Restores the user’s HP. The amount of HP regained varies with the weather.

The user restores its own HP. The amount of HP regained varies with the weather.


By leveling up

# Pokémon Type Level
001 Bulbasaur Bulbasaur Grass Poison 39 39 33 33 33
002 Ivysaur Ivysaur Grass Poison 47 47 39 39 39
003 Venusaur Venusaur Grass Poison 53 53 45 45 45
152 Chikorita Chikorita Grass Grass 22 22 12 12 '
153 Bayleef Bayleef Grass Grass 23 23 12 12 '
154 Meganium Meganium Grass Grass 23 23 12 12 '
187 Hoppip Hoppip Grass Flying -- 5 5 4 4 4
188 Skiploom Skiploom Grass Flying -- --, 5 --, 5 --, 4 --, 4 '
189 Jumpluff Jumpluff Grass Flying -- --, 5 --, 5 --, 4 --, 4 '
191 Sunkern Sunkern Grass Grass 31 31 23 23 28 '
273 Seedot Seedot Grass Grass   21 21 21 '
315 Roselia Roselia Grass Poison   57 46 46 46
357 Tropius Tropius Grass Flying   47 41 41 '
387 Turtwig Turtwig Grass Grass     33 33 '
388 Grotle Grotle Grass Grass     37 37 '
389 Torterra Torterra Grass Ground     39 39 '
470 Leafeon Leafeon Grass Grass     29 29 33 '
492 Shaymin Shaymin
Land Forme
Grass Grass     28 28 '
548 Petilil Petilil Grass Grass       17 '
549 Lilligant Lilligant Grass Grass       -- '
556 Maractus Maractus Grass Grass       15 '
590 Foongus Foongus Grass Poison       35 35
591 Amoonguss Amoonguss Grass Poison       35 35
672 Skiddo Skiddo Grass Grass         20
Bold indicates a Pokémon gains STAB from this move.
Italics indicates a Pokémon whose evolution or alternate form receives STAB from this move.
A dash (−) indicates a Pokémon cannot learn the move by the designated method.
An empty cell indicates a Pokémon that is unavailable in that game/generation.

By breeding

# Pokémon Type Father
043 Oddish Oddish Grass Poison BulbasaurIvysaurVenusaurChikoritaBayleefMeganiumHoppipSkiploomJumpluffSunkern BulbasaurIvysaurVenusaurChikoritaBayleefMeganiumHoppipSkiploomJumpluffSunkernSeedotRoseliaTropius BulbasaurIvysaurVenusaurChikoritaBayleefMeganiumHoppipSkiploomJumpluffSunkernSeedotRoseliaTropiusTurtwigGrotleTorterra BulbasaurIvysaurVenusaurChikoritaBayleefMeganiumHoppipSkiploomJumpluffSunkernSeedotRoseliaTropiusTurtwigGrotleTorterraMaractusFoongusAmoonguss
069 Bellsprout Bellsprout Grass Poison BulbasaurIvysaurVenusaurChikoritaBayleefMeganiumHoppipSkiploomJumpluffSunkern BulbasaurIvysaurVenusaurChikoritaBayleefMeganiumHoppipSkiploomJumpluffSunkernSeedotRoseliaTropius BulbasaurIvysaurVenusaurChikoritaBayleefMeganiumHoppipSkiploomJumpluffSunkernSeedotRoseliaTropiusTurtwigGrotleTorterra BulbasaurIvysaurVenusaurChikoritaBayleefMeganiumHoppipSkiploomJumpluffSunkernSeedotRoseliaTropiusTurtwigGrotleTorterraMaractusFoongusAmoonguss
102 Exeggcute Exeggcute Grass Psychic BulbasaurIvysaurVenusaurChikoritaBayleefMeganiumHoppipSkiploomJumpluffSunkern BulbasaurIvysaurVenusaurChikoritaBayleefMeganiumHoppipSkiploomJumpluffSunkernSeedotRoseliaTropius BulbasaurIvysaurVenusaurChikoritaBayleefMeganiumHoppipSkiploomJumpluffSunkernSeedotRoseliaTropiusTurtwigGrotleTorterra BulbasaurIvysaurVenusaurChikoritaBayleefMeganiumHoppipSkiploomJumpluffSunkernSeedotRoseliaTropiusTurtwigGrotleTorterraMaractusFoongusAmoonguss
252 Treecko Treecko Grass Grass     BulbasaurIvysaurVenusaurChikoritaBayleefMeganiumTropiusTurtwigGrotleTorterra BulbasaurIvysaurVenusaurChikoritaBayleefMeganiumTropiusTurtwigGrotleTorterra
270 Lotad Lotad Water Grass   BulbasaurIvysaurVenusaurChikoritaBayleefMeganiumHoppipSkiploomJumpluffSunkernSeedotRoseliaTropius BulbasaurIvysaurVenusaurChikoritaBayleefMeganiumHoppipSkiploomJumpluffSunkernSeedotRoseliaTropiusTurtwigGrotleTorterra BulbasaurIvysaurVenusaurChikoritaBayleefMeganiumHoppipSkiploomJumpluffSunkernSeedotRoseliaTropiusTurtwigGrotleTorterraMaractusFoongusAmoonguss
315 Roselia Roselia Grass Poison   BulbasaurIvysaurVenusaurChikoritaBayleefMeganiumHoppipSkiploomJumpluffSunkernSeedotRoseliaTropius BulbasaurIvysaurVenusaurChikoritaBayleefMeganiumHoppipSkiploomJumpluffSunkernSeedotRoseliaTropiusTurtwigGrotleTorterra BulbasaurIvysaurVenusaurChikoritaBayleefMeganiumHoppipSkiploomJumpluffSunkernSeedotRoseliaTropiusTurtwigGrotleTorterraMaractusFoongusAmoonguss
357 Tropius Tropius Grass Flying       BulbasaurIvysaurVenusaurChikoritaBayleefMeganiumHoppipSkiploomJumpluffSunkernSeedotRoseliaTropiusTurtwigGrotleTorterraMaractusFoongusAmoonguss
406 Budew Budew Grass Poison     BulbasaurIvysaurVenusaurChikoritaBayleefMeganiumHoppipSkiploomJumpluffSunkernSeedotRoseliaTropiusTurtwigGrotleTorterra BulbasaurIvysaurVenusaurChikoritaBayleefMeganiumHoppipSkiploomJumpluffSunkernSeedotRoseliaTropiusTurtwigGrotleTorterraMaractusFoongusAmoonguss
455 Carnivine Carnivine Grass Grass     BulbasaurIvysaurVenusaurChikoritaBayleefMeganiumHoppipSkiploomJumpluffSunkernSeedotRoseliaTropiusTurtwigGrotleTorterra BulbasaurIvysaurVenusaurChikoritaBayleefMeganiumHoppipSkiploomJumpluffSunkernSeedotRoseliaTropiusTurtwigGrotleTorterraMaractusFoongusAmoonguss
585 Deerling Deerling Normal Grass       SeedotLeafeon
650 Chespin Chespin Grass Grass         SeedotLeafeon
Bold indicates a Pokémon gains STAB from this move.
Italics indicates a Pokémon whose evolution or alternate form receives STAB from this move.
A dash (−) indicates a Pokémon cannot learn the move by the designated method.
An empty cell indicates a Pokémon that is unavailable in that game/generation.

By Move Tutor

# Pokémon Type Game
001 Bulbasaur Bulbasaur Grass Poison
002 Ivysaur Ivysaur Grass Poison
003 Venusaur Venusaur Grass Poison
043 Oddish Oddish Grass Poison
044 Gloom Gloom Grass Poison
045 Vileplume Vileplume Grass Poison
046 Paras Paras Bug Grass
047 Parasect Parasect Bug Grass
069 Bellsprout Bellsprout Grass Poison
070 Weepinbell Weepinbell Grass Poison
071 Victreebel Victreebel Grass Poison
102 Exeggcute Exeggcute Grass Psychic
103 Exeggutor Exeggutor Grass Psychic
114 Tangela Tangela Grass Grass
151 Mew Mew Psychic Psychic
152 Chikorita Chikorita Grass Grass
153 Bayleef Bayleef Grass Grass
154 Meganium Meganium Grass Grass
182 Bellossom Bellossom Grass Grass
187 Hoppip Hoppip Grass Flying
188 Skiploom Skiploom Grass Flying
189 Jumpluff Jumpluff Grass Flying
191 Sunkern Sunkern Grass Grass
192 Sunflora Sunflora Grass Grass
251 Celebi Celebi Psychic Grass
252 Treecko Treecko Grass Grass
253 Grovyle Grovyle Grass Grass
254 Sceptile Sceptile Grass Grass
270 Lotad Lotad Water Grass
271 Lombre Lombre Water Grass
272 Ludicolo Ludicolo Water Grass
273 Seedot Seedot Grass Grass
274 Nuzleaf Nuzleaf Grass Dark
275 Shiftry Shiftry Grass Dark
285 Shroomish Shroomish Grass Grass
286 Breloom Breloom Grass Fighting
315 Roselia Roselia Grass Poison
331 Cacnea Cacnea Grass Grass
332 Cacturne Cacturne Grass Dark
345 Lileep Lileep Rock Grass
346 Cradily Cradily Rock Grass
357 Tropius Tropius Grass Flying
387 Turtwig Turtwig Grass Grass
388 Grotle Grotle Grass Grass
389 Torterra Torterra Grass Ground
406 Budew Budew Grass Poison
407 Roserade Roserade Grass Poison
413 Wormadam Wormadam
Plant Cloak
Bug Grass
420 Cherubi Cherubi Grass Grass
421 Cherrim Cherrim Grass Grass
455 Carnivine Carnivine Grass Grass
459 Snover Snover Grass Ice
460 Abomasnow Abomasnow Grass Ice
465 Tangrowth Tangrowth Grass Grass
470 Leafeon Leafeon Grass Grass
492 Shaymin Shaymin
Land Forme
Grass Grass
492 Shaymin Shaymin
Sky Forme
Grass Flying
495 Snivy Snivy Grass Grass
496 Servine Servine Grass Grass
497 Serperior Serperior Grass Grass
511 Pansage Pansage Grass Grass
512 Simisage Simisage Grass Grass
540 Sewaddle Sewaddle Bug Grass
541 Swadloon Swadloon Bug Grass
542 Leavanny Leavanny Bug Grass
548 Petilil Petilil Grass Grass
549 Lilligant Lilligant Grass Grass
556 Maractus Maractus Grass Grass
585 Deerling Deerling Normal Grass
586 Sawsbuck Sawsbuck Normal Grass
590 Foongus Foongus Grass Poison
591 Amoonguss Amoonguss Grass Poison
640 Virizion Virizion Grass Fighting
Bold indicates a Pokémon gains STAB from this move.
Italics indicates a Pokémon whose evolution or alternate form receives STAB from this move.

By event

Generation II

#   Pokémon Type Obtained with
0046 046 Paras Bug Grass New York Pokémon Center
0114 114 Tangela Grass New York Pokémon Center
Bold indicates a Pokémon which gets STAB from this move.
Italic indicates a Pokémon whose evolution or alternate form gets STAB
from this move.

Generation IV

#   Pokémon Type Obtained with
0151 151 Mew Psychic My Pokémon RanchWrong template. See Template:Sup/doc.
Bold indicates a Pokémon which gets STAB from this move.
Italic indicates a Pokémon whose evolution or alternate form gets STAB
from this move.

Generation V

#   Pokémon Type Obtained with
0046 046 Paras Bug Grass Dream World - Dream Park
0069 069 Bellsprout Grass Poison Dream World - Pleasant Forest
0102 102 Exeggcute Grass Psychic Dream World - Pleasant Forest
0495 495 Snivy Grass Pokémon Center TohokuBW
Bold indicates a Pokémon which gets STAB from this move.
Italic indicates a Pokémon whose evolution or alternate form gets STAB
from this move.

In the anime




The user restores its own HP.
Pokémon Method
User First Used In Notes
Turtwig The leaves on Turtwig's head glows white and its whole body glows yellow and sparkles, healing all of Turtwig's injuries.
Ash's Turtwig Gettin' Twiggy with It! Debut
Grotle The bushes on Grotle's back glows white and its whole body glows yellow and sparkles, healing all of Grotle's injuries.
Ash's Grotle The Lonely Snover None
Sunflora The leaves on the side of Sunflora's arms glow white and they sparkle, healing Sunflora.
Multiple wild Sunflora Strategy Begins at Home! None
Torterra Torterra's body becomes surrounded by white sparkles and its body glows white. The leaves on its back then glow brightly, healing its injuries.
Ash's Torterra A Real Rival Rouser! None
Gogoat The horns on Gogoat's head glows white and its whole body glows green and sparkles, healing all of Gogoat's injuries.
Alexa's Gogoat Go, Go Gogoat! None

In the manga

In the Pokémon Adventures manga

In other generations

In other languages

Language Title
Mandarin Chinese 光學合成 Guāng​xué​ Hé​chéng
Dutch Synthese
French Synthèse
German Synthese
Greek Φωτοσύνθεση
Hungarian Szintézis
Indonesian Fotosintesis
Italian Sintesi
Korean 광합성 Gwanghapseong
Polish Synteza
Brazilian Portuguese Síntese
Romanian Sinteza
Serbian Fotosinteza
Spanish Síntesis

Variations of the move Moonlight
MoonlightMorning SunShore UpSynthesis

This article is part of Project Moves and Abilities, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on two related aspects of the Pokémon games.