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====By {{pkmn|breeding}}====
====By {{pkmn|breeding}}====
{{learnlist/breedh/6 |Rampardos|Rock|Rock|4}}
{{learnlist/breed5|{{MSP|143|Snorlax}}{{MSP|158|Totodile}}{{MSP|159|Croconaw}}{{MSP|160|Feraligatr}}{{MSP|246|Larvitar}}{{MSP|247|Pupitar}}<br>{{MSP|248|Tyranitar}}{{MSP|295|Exploud}}{{MSP|387|Turtwig}}{{MSP|388|Grotle}}{{MSP|389|Torterra}}{{MSP|445|Garchomp}}<br>{{MSP|621|Druddigon}}{{MSP|696|Tyrunt}}{{MSP|697|Tyrantrum}}{{MSP|713|Avalugg }}|Crunch|Dark|Physical|80|100|15}}
{{learnlist/breed5|{{MSP|079|Slowpoke}}{{MSP|080|Slowbro}}{{MSP|199|Slowking}}{{MSP|387|Turtwig}}{{MSP|388|Grotle}}{{MSP|389|Torterra}}<br>{{MSP|712|Bergmite}}{{MSP|713|Avalugg }}|Curse|Ghost|Status|—|—|10||| }}
{{learnlist/breed5|{{MSP|001|Bulbasaur}}{{MSP|002|Ivysaur}}{{MSP|003|Venusaur}}{{MSP|104|Cubone}}{{MSP|105|Marowak}}{{MSP|304|Aron}}<br>{{MSP|305|Lairon}}{{MSP|306|Aggron}}{{MSP|712|Bergmite}}{{MSP|713|Avalugg }}|Double-Edge|Normal|Physical|120|100|15||||''' }}
{{learnlist/breed5|{{MSP|112|Rhydon}}{{MSP|464|Rhyperior}}{{MSP|260|Swampert}}|Hammer Arm|Fighting|Physical|100|90|10}}
{{learnlist/breed5|{{MSP|112|Rhydon}}{{MSP|464|Rhyperior}}{{MSP|260|Swampert}}|Hammer Arm|Fighting|Physical|100|90|10}}
{{learnlist/breed5|{{MSP|304|Aron}}{{MSP|305|Lairon}}{{MSP|306|Aggron}}{{MSP|410|Shieldon}}{{MSP|411|Bastiodon}}|Iron Head|Steel|Physical|80|100|15}}
{{learnlist/breed5|{{MSP|304|Aron}}{{MSP|305|Lairon}}{{MSP|306|Aggron}}{{MSP|410|Shieldon}}{{MSP|411|Bastiodon}}|Iron Head|Steel|Physical|80|100|15}}
{{learnlist/breed5|{{MSP|304|Aron}}{{MSP|305|Lairon}}{{MSP|306|Aggron}}|Iron Tail|Steel|Physical|100|75|15}}
{{learnlist/breed5|{{MSP|304|Aron}}{{MSP|305|Lairon}}{{MSP|306|Aggron}}|Iron Tail|Steel|Physical|100|75|15}}
{{learnlist/breed5|{{MSP|032|Nidoran♂}}{{MSP|033|Nidorino}}{{MSP|104|Cubone}}{{MSP|105|Marowak}}{{MSP|158|Totodile}}{{MSP|159|Croconaw}}<br> {{MSP|160|Feraligatr}}{{MSP|246|Larvitar}}{{MSP|247|Pupitar}}{{MSP|248|Tyranitar}}{{MSP|252|Treecko}}{{MSP|253|Grovyle}}<br> {{MSP|254|Sceptile}}{{MSP|357|Tropius}}{{MSP|408|Cranidos}}{{MSP|409|Rampardos }}{{MSP|610|Axew}}{{MSP|611|Fraxure}}<br> {{MSP|612|Haxorus}}{{MSP|621|Druddigon}}|Leer|Normal|Status|—|100|30}}
{{learnlist/breed5|{{MSP|108|Lickitung}}{{MSP|463|Lickilicky}}{{MSP|111|Rhyhorn}}{{MSP|112|Rhydon}}{{MSP|464|Rhyperior}}{{MSP|293|Whismur}}<br>{{MSP|294|Loudred}}{{MSP|295|Exploud}}{{MSP|357|Tropius}}{{MSP|696|Tyrunt}}{{MSP|697|Tyrantrum }}|Stomp|Normal|Physical|65|100|20}}
{{learnlist/breed5|{{MSP|034|Nidoking}}{{MSP|104|Cubone}}{{MSP|105|Marowak}}{{MSP|158|Totodile}}{{MSP|159|Croconaw}}{{MSP|160|Feraligatr}}<br>{{MSP|246|Larvitar}}{{MSP|247|Pupitar}}{{MSP|248|Tyranitar}}{{MSP|696|Tyrunt}}{{MSP|697|Tyrantrum }}|Thrash|Normal|Physical|120|100|10}}
{{learnlist/breed5|{{MSP|357|Tropius}}|Whirlwind|Normal|Status|—|— |20}}
{{learnlist/breedf/6 |Rampardos|Rock|Rock|4}}
====By [[Move Tutor|tutoring]]====
====By [[Move Tutor|tutoring]]====
Rampardos (Japanese : ラムパルド Rampald ) is a Rock-type Fossil Pokémon.
It evolves from Cranidos starting at level 30, after it is revived from a Skull Fossil .
Rampardos is a large, dark-gray dinosaur-like Pokémon resembling a Pachycephalosaurus . It has a dome head, which obstructs its red eyes. It has blue stripes, one on its tail and one on each of its knees and wrists. It has various spikes: one on each knee, two on its blue collar on its neck, two short ones on its nose, and four on its head. Two of these head spikes are bigger than the other two. Its strength lies within its fierce head-butting attacks. A charging Rampardos can knock down virtually anything with one hit. It enjoys barging into objects with its head to train its strength and reflexes. 100 million years ago, it lived in jungles, where it tore down jungle trees while catching prey.
In the anime
Rampardos in the anime
Major appearances
Roark 's Cranidos evolved into a Rampardos in Wild in the Streets . It battled against Ash in his rematch. During the battle, Rampardos defeated Ash's Aipom and his Pikachu . It was defeated by Ash's Turtwig . It returned in Ancient Family Matters! where it fought Byron 's Bastiodon .
Minor appearances
A Rampardos appeared in the opening scenes of Zoroark: Master of Illusions .
Pokédex entries
Dawn's Pokédex
Rampardos, the Head Butt Pokémon and the evolved form of Cranidos . Its Headbutt attack is so powerful that it can pulverize even the sturdiest of objects with one hit.
Dawn's Pokédex
Rampardos, the Head Butt Pokémon and the evolved form of Cranidos . Like a spear, its Headbutt can pierce even the strongest of defenses.
In the manga
Rampardos in Pokémon Adventures
In the Pokémon Adventures manga
Main article: Roark's Rampardos
Roark 's Cranidos evolved into a Rampardos in VS. Bronzong I , which a mine worker congratulates him for.
In the Pokémon Diamond and Pearl Adventure! manga
Two Rampardos were amongst the Pokémon Charon conditioned into vicious fighting machines.
In the Darkrai Mission Story: Pokémon Ranger Vatonage - the Comic manga
Rampardos is the Pokémon Heath controls in the manga adaptation of Pokémon Ranger: Shadows of Almia .
In the Phantom Thief Pokémon 7 manga
A Rampardos was used against Hiori and company during their final assault on Team Galactic's Base. It battled Lily 's Leafeon , compensating its weakness to Grass-type attacks with super-effective moves of its own.
In the TCG
Main article: Rampardos (TCG)
Game data
Pokédex entries
This Pokémon was unavailable prior to Generation IV.
Generation IV
Its powerful headbutt has enough power to shatter even the most durable things upon impact.
Its skull is as hard as iron. It is a brute that tears down jungle trees while catching prey.
If two were to smash their heads together, their foot-thick skulls would keep them from fainting.
Its skull withstands impacts of any magnitude. As a result, its brain never gets the chance to grow.
Generation V
If two were to smash their heads together, their foot-thick skulls would keep them from fainting.
Black 2
If two were to smash their heads together, their foot-thick skulls would keep them from fainting.
White 2
Generation VI
Its skull withstands impacts of any magnitude. As a result, its brain never gets the chance to grow.
Its skull is as hard as iron, it is a brute that tears down jungle trees while catching prey.
Game locations
This Pokémon was unavailable prior to Generation IV.
In side games
Base stats
At Lv. 50
At Lv. 100
157 - 204
304 - 398
153 - 238
301 - 471
58 - 123
112 - 240
63 - 128
121 - 251
49 - 112
94 - 218
56 - 121
108 - 236
Other Pokémon with this total
Minimum stats are calculated with 0 EVs , IVs of 0, and (if applicable) a hindering nature .
Maximum stats are calculated with 252 EVs , IVs of 31, and (if applicable) a helpful nature .
Pokéathlon stats
Type effectiveness
Under normal battle conditions in Generation IX, this Pokémon is:
Bold indicates a move that gets STAB when used by Rampardos
Italic indicates a move that gets STAB only when used by an Evolution of Rampardos
Click on the generation numbers at the top to see level-up moves from other generations
Bold indicates a move that gets STAB when used by Rampardos
Italic indicates a move that gets STAB only when used by an Evolution of Rampardos
Click on the generation numbers at the top to see TM moves from other generations
Moves marked with an asterisk (*) must be chain bred onto Rampardos in Generation VI
Moves marked with a double dagger (‡) can only be bred from a Pokémon who learned the move in an earlier generation.
Moves marked with a superscript game abbreviation can only be bred onto Rampardos in that game.
Bold indicates a move that gets STAB when used by Rampardos
Italic indicates a move that gets STAB only when used by an Evolution of Rampardos
Click on the generation numbers at the top to see Egg moves from other generations
A black or white abbreviation in a colored box indicates that Rampardos can be tutored the move in that game
A colored abbreviation in a white box indicates that Rampardos cannot be tutored the move in that game
Bold indicates a move that gets STAB when used by Rampardos
Italic indicates a move that gets STAB only when used by an Evolution of Rampardos
Click on the generation numbers at the top to see Move Tutor moves from other generations
Fire Punch B W
Bold indicates a move that gets STAB when used by Rampardos
Italic indicates a move that gets STAB only when used by an Evolution of Rampardos
Click on the generation numbers at the top to see moves from other generations
Side game data
Rampardos has the highest Attack base stat of all Rock-type Pokémon.
Rampardos and its pre-evolution Cranidos are the only Fossil Pokémon that are not dual-types.
Rampardos has the lowest base Defense of all fully-evolved Rock-type Pokémon.
Rampardos is based on the family of dinosaurs known as Pachycephalosauridae , although the head ornamentation resembles that of the Stygimoloch or Dracorex because of its height.
Name origin
Rampardos may be a combination of rampart (a defensive wall), ram (to slam into) or rampage and hard . Dos is derived from Cranidos .
Rampald may be a combination of rampart or ram and hard or bald .
In other languages
ラムパルド Rampald
From rampart or ram and hard or bald
From char and os
Same as English name
Possibly from rammen , Eidechse , and don
Same as English name
램펄드 Rampard
Transliteration of Japanese name
Mandarin Chinese
Literally "Warhammer dragon".
Cantonese Chinese
Related articles
This Pokémon article is part of Project Pokédex , a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on each Pokémon species, as well as Pokémon groups and forms.