Poster showing Samurott standing on its hind legs and carrying its unsheathed seamitar
Samurott is a quadruped, blue, sea lion-like Pokémon. It has two pairs of pointed teeth, one in the upper jaw and one in the lower. Long, white whiskers extend from its snout and head, and it has a red nose and eyes. On the back of its head is a large, rounded beige helmet-like shell with spikes and a spear-like, pointed protrusion in the front. A dull bluish gray seashell-like carapace covers its underbelly, and its limbs are covered with beige, sectioned bracer-like coverings, that appear to be comprised of seashells. The forelimbs' bracers are actually swords called seamitars. The lower two segments of these bracers are the scabbards for the two swords, and the upper segment and spike make up the seamitar and its handle. Samurott possess three black digits on each limb, and a fin-like, splayed tail with the innermost section being beige.
When in battle, Samurott can stand on its hind legs and use one of its blades as a sword to fight. In the time it takes a foe to blink, it can draw and sheathe the seamitars attached to its front legs. One swing of its seamitar can beat opponents. It can silence foes with a glare or a howl.
Samurott, the Formidable Pokémon and the final evolved form of Oshawott. Protected by armor, Samurott can defeat opponents with one sword swipe. Its glare can silence them as well.
In the manga
Samurott in Pokémon Adventures
In the Pocket Monsters BW: Meetings with the Legends manga
Touya has a Samurott which evolved from his Dewott.
In the Pocket Monsters B2 W2 ~ A New Legend ~ manga
Both Cheren and Arata have Samurott, with the latter obtaining it as an Oshawott.
In the Pokémon Adventures manga
Cedric Juniper has a Samurott which is used in the final battle with N, along with Black's Emboar and White's Serperior. It was formally an Oshawott intended to hand to starting trainers, until N came to attempt to liberate the starter Pokémon. The Oshawott remained, while the Tepig fled and N made off with the Snivy (the same Snivy who eventually joined White).
In the Pokémon RéBURST manga
Fraud has a Samurott in which he can use it as a Burst form.
Samurott, Serperior and Emboar all share the same base stat total of 528.
Samurott is the only fully-evolved starter Pokémon to not be owned by any of the main characters of Pokémon Adventures.
At 2.099 seconds, Samurott has the longest cry of any starter.
Samurott is based on a sea lion with characteristics of a samurai or shogun.[1] Samurott's tail may be based on a Japanese war fan. The "helmet" over its head appears to be based on the rare-spined murex shell. The markings on its chest make it reminiscent of a giant otter.
Name origin
Samurott is a combination of samurai and otter.
Daikenki is the complete on'yomi (Chinese sound) reading of 大剣鬼 daikenki (big, sword-wielding demon). This is a combination of 大 dai (big), ken (sword), and ki (demon), with 剣鬼 kenki meaning "sword-wielding demon" or "sword master". Its Chinese and Korean names are based on this reading. 大 dai may refer to Samurott's place in the evolutionary line, as the biggest and therefore final evolution.
In other languages
ダイケンキ Daikenki
From the complete on'yomi (Chinese sound) reading of 大剣鬼. May also a combination of 大 dai, and 剣鬼 kenki; 剣 ken, and 鬼 ki.
This Pokémon article is part of Project Pokédex, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on each Pokémon species, as well as Pokémon groups and forms.