Oldale Town (Japanese: コトキタウンKotoki Town) is located in southwestern Hoenn. As Kyushu coincides with Hoenn, Oldale approximates with Saga City, Saga Prefecture.
South of Oldale Town is Route 101 and Littleroot Town. North is Route 103, which can be Surfed to use as a shortcut to Slateport City. West is Route 102 and Petalburg beyond.
The way to Route 102 is blocked by a researcher upon the player's first visit to Oldale Town. The scientist is sketching what he believes are footprints from rare Pokémon. Until he is done, west is a no-go. This is to ensure that players challenges his/her rival on Route 103 and receives a Pokédex from Professor Birch before they continue with their journey. When the player returns, the researcher sheepishly stands aside, after concluding that it was his own footprints all along.
Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire
The population of Oldale Town is 16, making it the second-smallest town in Hoenn, with Littleroot Town being the smallest.
Pokémon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire
In Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire, Oldale Town has a total population of 14.
Ash and May arrived in Oldale Town in A Ruin with a View, where May dropped off her weakened Torchic, who had a bad confrontation with a family of Azurill, Marill and Azumarill, at a Pokémon Center. Later, they met up with Professor Alden who was studying the nearby Oldale Ruins. They had a small confrontation with Team Magma, who wanted to explore the ruins for themselves, but they didn't find anything in the ruins and escaped. After that, Ash and May left Oldale and set foot for Petalburg City.
Oldale's Japanese motto is なにかが かすかに はじまる ところ"Where things start off scarce".
A glitch involving the PokéMart worker exists in Ruby, Sapphire, and Emerald. If the player has not yet received the Potion from the worker and speaks to him with a full bag of items, the worker will remain in front of the PokéMart at the end of the tutorial, despite not giving the player a Potion. Leaving Oldale Town to Route 103 then returning and speaking to the worker will cause the tutorial to reactivate. This causes both the worker and the player to walk through the building and into the trees on the north edge of town.