Swampert is a bipedal Pokémon. It has a large cobalt blue body and large three-fingered hands. It has two orange gills that protrude from round patches on its cheeks. Its head has two large semicircular black fins that extend from the top of its orange eyes to the back of its head. Its tail fin is big, broad, and black. It has a white underside and orange ridged portions above its hands and three-toed feet.
Swampert is very strong with enough power to easily drag a boulder weighing more than a ton, batter down opponents, and swim faster than a jet ski. It has powerful vision, enabling it to see even in murky water. Swampert also has the ability to predict storms, sensing subtle differences in the sounds of waves and tidal winds with its fins. When a storm is approaching, Swampert will pile up boulders to protect its nest. As its former signature move, Muddy Water is another special capability of this Pokémon. It makes its nests on beautiful beaches.
According to the anime, Mega Swampert fills the organs on its back with air before diving underwater or battling. It uses that pressure to increase the power of its punch.
In the anime
Swampert in the animeMega Swampert in the anime
Major appearances
Swampert first appeared in Abandon Ship!. It evolved from a Marshtomp that was living in an abandoned ship ever since it was separated from its Trainer Tommy. Since then, it has believed that Tommy abandoned him. When Ash and his friends arrived on the abandoned ship and run into Tommy, they started to get slowly captured by Swampert and trapped in the webbing of his Spinarak partner until only Ash, Brock, Tommy, and Pikachu were left. After getting Swampert to remember and tell him that what happened when the ship got caught in the storm wasn't his fault, Tommy ended up reuniting with Swampert.
A Swampert was shown under the ownership of Brendan in his cameo appearance in Pokémon Ranger and the Temple of the Sea. This is to keep in theme with the games of the rival's starter Pokémon having a type-advantage over the player's starter Pokémon (in this case, May's Blaziken). It is shown battling against Rebecca's Tyranitar.
A Swampert appeared in a flashback in Mutiny in the Bounty! as one of Pokémon Hunter J's captured Pokémon.
Swampert, the Mud Fish Pokémon. Swampert is the evolved form of Marshtomp. It is able to easily drag large stone weighing over 1 ton. It is also able to see through cloudy waters and detect approaching storms with its fin.
Swampert, the Mud Fish Pokémon. Swampert is a powerful Pokémon that can track even a large ship as well as inflict critical damage to its enemies with one blow.
Ruby's Marshtomp evolved into Swampert from its concussive battles throughout the Ruby & Sapphire arc. With its increased strength and knowledge of the moves Muddy Water and the previously known Earthquake, it proved to be a formidable battler and driving force of the double team of the boy and Sapphire against Maxie and Archie. It also appeared on Ruby's active team in the Emerald arc, but didn't participate in the battle with Emerald's Sceptile.
Swampert is very strong. It has enough power to easily drag a boulder weighing more than a ton. This Pokémon also has powerful vision that lets it see even in murky water.
Swampert predicts storms by sensing subtle differences in the sounds of waves and tidal winds with its fins. If a storm is approaching, it piles up boulders to protect itself.
Swampert is very strong. It has enough power to easily drag a boulder weighing more than a ton. This Pokémon also has powerful vision that lets it see even in murky water.
Swampert predicts storms by sensing subtle differences in the sounds of waves and tidal winds with its fins. If a storm is approaching, it piles up boulders to protect itself.
Game locations
This Pokémon was unavailable prior to Generation III.
This Pokémon article is part of Project Pokédex, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on each Pokémon species, as well as Pokémon groups and forms.