Distortion Land: Difference between revisions

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CycloneGU (talk | contribs)
Vast Ocean: This is apparently a rare situation. Cloyster only appears as the Center Boss. It does not appear in the Back or Special areas according to in-game data.
CycloneGU (talk | contribs)
Vast Ocean: Another one I want to jot down before I forget about it. Apparently Aipom is exclusive to the Back area, not even the Special one. Vast Ocean is very different from other areas with this and Cloyster being different.
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| {{p|Omastar}}
| {{p|Omastar}}
| Boss || ✔ || ✔ || ✔
| Boss || ✔ || ✔ || ✔
|- style="background:#FFF"
| {{MSP|190|Aipom}}
| {{p|Aipom}}
|  ||  || ✔ || 
|- style="background:#FFF"
|- style="background:#FFF"

Revision as of 19:39, 24 April 2015

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Distortion Land (Japanese: リバースランド Reverse Land) is an area in Pokémon Rumble World available after obtaining Rank 40. The Distortion Balloon is required for access. It consists of six stages:

  • Breezy Grasslands
  • Electromagnetic Plant
  • Gracious Woodlands
  • Outermost Snowfield
  • Vast Ocean
  • Withered Cemetery

Four Legendary Pokémon can be found in the Starlight Islands:

Breezy Grasslands

Pokémon Entrance Center Back
Venonat Venonat
Venomoth Venomoth
Bellsprout Bellsprout
Weepinbell Weepinbell
Victreebel Victreebel Boss
Ledyba Ledyba
Ledian Ledian
Cherubi Cherubi
Cherrim Cherrim
Mesprit Mesprit

Electromagnetic Plant

Pokémon Entrance Center Back
Electabuzz Electabuzz
Elekid Elekid
Beldum Beldum
Metang Metang Boss
Metagross Metagross Boss
Shinx Shinx
Luxio Luxio
Luxray Luxray Boss
Joltik Joltik
Galvantula Galvantula

Gracious Woodlands

Pokémon Entrance Center Back Special
Mudkip Mudkip
Marshtomp Marshtomp Boss
Pidove Pidove
Tranquill Tranquill
Unfezant Unfezant Boss
Cottonee Cottonee
Whimsicott Whimsicott

Outermost Snowfield

Pokémon Entrance Center Back Special
Jynx Jynx Boss
Smoochum Smoochum
Snorunt Snorunt
Froslass Froslass Boss

Vast Ocean

Pokémon Entrance Center Back Special
Shellder Shellder
Cloyster Cloyster Boss
Vaporeon Vaporeon Boss
Omanyte Omanyte
Omastar Omastar Boss
Aipom Aipom

Withered Cemetery

Pokémon Entrance Center Back Special
Spinarak Spinarak
Ariados Ariados
Poochyena Poochyena
Mightyena Mightyena
Aron Aron
Lairon Lairon Boss
Aggron Aggron Boss
Shuppet Shuppet
Banette Banette
Yamask Yamask
Cofagrigus Cofagrigus Boss

In other languages

Language Title
French Zone Distorsion
German Zerrland
Italian Terra Distorta
Spanish Tierra Distorsión

Breezy Grasslands

Language Title
Japanese 海風の平原 Seabreeze Plains
German Meeresbrisenebene
Italian Pianura della Brezza

Electromagnetic Plant

Language Title
Japanese 電磁力発電所 Electromagnetic Plant
German Kraftwerk
Italian Centrale Elettromagnetica

Gracious Woodlands

Language Title
Japanese 感謝の森 Gratitude Forest
German Dankbarkeitswald
Italian Bosco della Gratitudine

Outermost Snowfield

Language Title
Japanese さいはての雪原 Outermost Snowfield
German Schneefeld am Weltenrand
Italian Confine Innevato

Vast Ocean

Language Title
Japanese 大海洋 Vast Ocean
German Mächtiger Ozean
Italian Grande Oceano

Withered Cemetery

Language Title
Japanese 古代の墓場 Ancient Cemetery
German Uralter Friedhof
Italian Necropoli Antica