Origin Hideaway: Difference between revisions

From Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia.
CycloneGU (talk | contribs)
Caption experiments with screens, which will go here in all area articles eventually.
CycloneGU (talk | contribs)
And of course, I misspell something that I thought was spelled right.
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[[File:Origin Hideaway Rumble World.png|thumb|right|The Origin Hideaway selection screen.  Bosses visible in this screenshot are {{p|Machoke}}, {{p|Beeheyem}}, {{p|Ninetales}}, {{p|Gorebyss}}, {{p|Ivysaur}}, and {{p|Golduck}}.]]
[[File:Origin Hideaway Rumble World.png|thumb|right|The Origin Hideaway selection screen.  Bosses visible in this screenshot are {{p|Machoke}}, {{p|Beheeyem}}, {{p|Ninetales}}, {{p|Gorebyss}}, {{p|Ivysaur}}, and {{p|Golduck}}.]]
'''Origin Hideaway''' (Japanese: '''オリジン秘境''' ''Origin Hideaway'') is an area in [[Pokémon Rumble World]] available after obtaining Rank 30. The Origin Balloon is required for access.
'''Origin Hideaway''' (Japanese: '''オリジン秘境''' ''Origin Hideaway'') is an area in [[Pokémon Rumble World]] available after obtaining Rank 30. The Origin Balloon is required for access.

Revision as of 18:53, 29 April 2015

This article is intended to be moved into one of Bulbapedia's main content spaces.
Be mindful that it is still part of a personal userspace. Any content changes should be brought up on the talk page for this article.

The Origin Hideaway selection screen. Bosses visible in this screenshot are Machoke, Beheeyem, Ninetales, Gorebyss, Ivysaur, and Golduck.

Origin Hideaway (Japanese: オリジン秘境 Origin Hideaway) is an area in Pokémon Rumble World available after obtaining Rank 30. The Origin Balloon is required for access.

Three Legendary Pokémon can be found in Origin Hideaway:

  • Moltres (Secluded Volcanic Chasm Special)
  • Regigigas (Super-Aura Test Lab Special)
  • Mewtwo (Super Gene Laboratorium Special)

Old-Growth Woods

Pokémon Entrance Center Back
Bulbasaur Bulbasaur
Ivysaur Ivysaur Boss
Caterpie Caterpie
Metapod Metapod
Meowth Meowth
Persian Persian
Eevee Eevee
Pancham Pancham
Pangoro Pangoro Boss

Secluded Volcanic Chasm

Pokémon Entrance Center Back Special
Vulpix Vulpix
Ninetales Ninetales Boss
Mankey Mankey
Primeape Primeape
Magmar Magmar Boss
Moltres Moltres Boss
Sentret Sentret
Furret Furret
Magby Magby
Magmortar Magmortar Boss

Secret Cove

Pokémon Entrance Center Back
Shellder Shellder
Lapras Lapras Boss
Chinchou Chinchou
Lanturn Lanturn
Clamperl Clamperl
Gorebyss Gorebyss Boss
Shellos Shellos
Gastrodon Gastrodon
Panpour Panpour
Simipour Simipour Boss

Super Gene Laboratorium

Pokémon Entrance Center Back Special
Clefairy Clefairy
Jigglypuff Jigglypuff
Wigglytuff Wigglytuff
Slowpoke Slowpoke
Mewtwo Mewtwo Boss
Cleffa Cleffa
Igglybuff Igglybuff
Slowking Slowking Boss
Elgyem Elgyem
Beheeyem Beheeyem Boss

Super-Aura Test Lab

Pokémon Entrance Center Back Special
Machop Machop
Machoke Machoke Boss
Machamp Machamp Boss
Magnemite Magnemite
Magneton Magneton
Riolu Riolu
Lucario Lucario Boss
Regigigas Regigigas Boss
Klink Klink
Klang Klang

Waterfall Basin

Pokémon Entrance Center Back
Psyduck Psyduck
Golduck Golduck Boss
Lotad Lotad
Lombre Lombre
Ludicolo Ludicolo Boss

In other languages

Language Title
French Antre Origine
German Ursprungsschwelle
Italian Frontiera Origine
Spanish Origen Recóndito

Old-Growth Woods

Language Title
Japanese いやしの原始林 Healing Primeval Forest
German Urwald der Genesung
Italian Foresta Primordiale

Secluded Volcanic Chasm

Language Title
Japanese 絶海の火山島 Volcanic Island in the Distant Sea
German Vulkaninsel
Italian Isola Perduta

Secret Cove

Language Title
Japanese 秘密の入り江 Secret Cove
German Geheime Bucht
Italian Baia Segreta

Super Gene Laboratorium

Language Title
Japanese 超遺伝研究所 Super Gene Research Institute
German Genforschungslabor
Italian Laboratorio dei Supergeni

Super-Aura Test Lab

Language Title
Japanese 超波動試験場 Super Wave Test Laboratory
German Auraversuchslabor
Italian Laboratorio Superaura

Waterfall Basin

Language Title
Japanese 出世の滝つぼ Waterfall Basin of Eminence
German Entwicklungsschnellen
Italian Bacino del Successo