Game move errors: Difference between revisions

From Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia.
Berrenta (talk | contribs)
In spin-off games: Okay, screenshots coming in! Also, redirect fixes.
In spin-off games: Poor Mewtwo, being forced to be added to this shameful article of inaccuracies.
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| In the [[Super Smash Bros.]] series, the {{p|Goldeen}} that may emerge from a [[Poké Ball]] uses {{m|Splash}}, although Goldeen cannot learn this move in any game.
| In the [[Super Smash Bros.]] series, the {{p|Goldeen}} that may emerge from a [[Poké Ball]] uses {{m|Splash}}, although Goldeen cannot learn this move in any game.
| [[File:Goldeen <!--Splash -->SSBB.png|200px]]
| [[File:Goldeen <!--Splash -->SSBB.png|200px]]
|- style="background:#FFF"
| [[File:150Mewtwo.png|96px|link=Mewtwo (Pokémon)]]
| {{p|Mewtwo}}
| {{m|Teleport}}
| [[Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS/Wii U]]
| While Mewtwo was capable of learning Teleport back in Generation I and II, due to the player being incapable of transferring Pokémon to Generation III, Mewtwo is not capable of learning Teleport again as of Generation VI.
|- style="background:#FFF"
|- style="background:#FFF"
| [[File:172Pichu.png|96px|link=Pichu (Pokémon)]]
| [[File:172Pichu.png|96px|link=Pichu (Pokémon)]]

Revision as of 19:11, 1 May 2015

This article is incomplete.
Please feel free to edit this article to add missing information and complete it.
Reason: missing some game images

In the games, there will occasionally be a Pokémon that knows a move it cannot know when owned by the player. It is unknown whether these are actual mistakes or not.

List of in-game Pokémon with moves they can't learn in the games

Artwork Name Move Game Notes Picture
Lance's Dragonite Barrier Pokémon Red, Green, and Blue
Pokémon Red and Blue
Lance's Dragonite knows Barrier in all Generation I games except Pokémon Yellow, although Dragonite cannot learn this move.
Lance's Aerodactyl Rock Slide Pokémon Gold, Silver, and Crystal Lance's Aerodactyl knows Rock Slide in the Generation II games, although Aerodactyl could not learn this move until Generation III.
Winona's Dragonair Earthquake Pokémon Emerald Winona's Dragonair knows Earthquake in her third rematch in Pokémon Emerald, although Dragonair cannot learn this move until it evolves into a Dragonite.
Cooltrainer Dianne's Lanturn Earthquake Pokémon Emerald In Pokémon Emerald's Victory Road, Cooltrainer Dianne's Lanturn knows Earthquake, although Lanturn cannot learn this move.
Battle Sims Paras Sleep Powder Pokémon XD: Gale of Darkness In the "Healing status conditions" Battle Sim, the opposing Trainer's Paras knows Sleep Powder, although Paras cannot learn this move.
Battle CD 07 Machamp Swords Dance Pokémon XD: Gale of Darkness On Battle CD 07, the player's Pokémon is a Machamp that knows Swords Dance, although Machamp cannot learn this move.
Battle Hall Totodile Brine Pokémon Platinum, Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver All Totodile in the Battle Hall know Brine,[1] although Totodile cannot learn this move.
Battle Hall Roselia Sludge Pokémon Platinum, Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver All Roselia in the Battle Hall know Sludge,[1] although Roselia cannot learn this move.
Battle Hall Anorith Stone Edge Pokémon Platinum, Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver All Anorith in the Battle Hall know Stone Edge,[1] although Anorith cannot learn this move.
School Kid Ann's Wormadam Leaf Storm Pokémon Black and White On Unova Route 12 in Pokémon Black and White, School Kid Ann's Sandy Cloak Wormadam knows the move Leaf Storm, although Sandy Cloak Wormadam cannot learn this move, only Plant Cloak Wormadam can; it should instead know Fissure.
En's Moltres Leer Pokémon Black 2 and White 2 In the downloadable The Legendary Rotation Battle! for PWT, En's Moltres knows Leer, although Moltres can only learn this move in Generation I (which cannot be transferred to Generation V).
Abel's Metagross Ice Beam Pokémon Black 2 and White 2 In the downloadable 2012: Masters Division Challenge for PWT, Abel's Metagross, due to an error, knows the illegal move Ice Beam. This error existed in the initial distribution of the tournament, which lasted from November 18 to November 20, 2012, where the tournament was replaced with an updated version where Metagross knew the correct move, Ice Punch.
Gardevoir Fairy Wind Pokémon X and Y In the E3 trailer for Pokémon X and Y, Gardevoir used Fairy Wind, although Gardevoir cannot learn this move in the released version of the game.
Lapras Scald Pokémon X and Y In the banner of Summer 2013 World Hobby Fair for Pokémon X and Y promotion, Lapras was seen using Scald, although Lapras cannot learn this move in the released version of the game.
Mega Blaziken Ice Punch Pokémon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire In pre-release screenshots for Pokémon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire posted on the official Pokémon website, Mega Blaziken used Ice Punch, although Blaziken cannot learn this move in the released version of the game. As a result, the official Japanese Pokémon site posted an apology and the images were removed.

In spin-off games

Artwork Name Move Game Notes Picture
Goldeen Splash Super Smash Bros. series In the Super Smash Bros. series, the Goldeen that may emerge from a Poké Ball uses Splash, although Goldeen cannot learn this move in any game.
Mewtwo Teleport Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS/Wii U While Mewtwo was capable of learning Teleport back in Generation I and II, due to the player being incapable of transferring Pokémon to Generation III, Mewtwo is not capable of learning Teleport again as of Generation VI.
Pichu Skull Bash and Agility Super Smash Bros. Melee In Super Smash Bros. Melee, Pichu's side special is Skull Bash and its up special is Agility, although Pichu cannot learn these moves in any game.
Unown Take Down Super Smash Bros. Melee In Super Smash Bros. Melee, the Unown that may emerge from a Poké Ball use Take Down, although Unown cannot learn this move in any game.
Celebi Fly Super Smash Bros. Melee,
Super Smash Bros. Brawl
In the Super Smash Bros. series, the Celebi that may emerge from a Poké Ball uses Fly, although Celebi cannot learn this move in any game.
Team Meanies Gengar Leer, Scratch, and Quick Attack Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Red Rescue Team and Blue Rescue Team When this Gengar being escorted through Mt. Freeze and Murky Cave with the player, it knows Leer, Scratch, and Quick Attack—moves Gengar cannot learn in any game—as well as the legitimate move Taunt. These moves are the first four level-up moves of Absol or Sneasel in these games, the former being a Pokémon that helps the player in the journey up Mt. Freeze after defeating Articuno for the first time in Frosty Forest.
Rayquaza Dig Super Smash Bros. Brawl In Super Smash Bros. Brawl, one of Rayquaza's attacks is Dig, although Rayquaza cannot learn this move in any game.
Jirachi Fly Super Smash Bros. Brawl In the Super Smash Bros. series, the Jirachi that may emerge from a Poké Ball uses Fly, although Jirachi cannot learn this move in any game.
Bonsly Tackle Super Smash Bros. Brawl In the Super Smash Bros. series, the Bonsly that may emerge from a Poké Ball uses Tackle, although Bonsly cannot learn this move in any game.
Snivy Razor Leaf Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS/Wii U In the Super Smash Bros. series, the Snivy that may emerge from a Poké Ball uses Razor Leaf, although Snivy cannot learn this move in any game.
Gift Togepi Draining Kiss Pokémon Rumble World A Togepi acquired via a password knows Draining Kiss, although Togepi cannot learn this move in any game.
Gift Froakie Water Shuriken Pokémon Rumble World A Froakie acquired via a password knows Water Shuriken, although Froakie cannot learn this move prior to evolving into Greninja in any game.

Pokémon that know an illegal combination of moves

Artwork Name Moves Game Notes
Psychic Mason's Blastoise Mirror Coat and Haze Pokémon Stadium 2 Psychic Mason, the eighth Trainer in the Poké Cup Ultra Ball R-2, has a Blastoise that knows both Mirror Coat and Haze. While Blastoise can know both of these moves individually, it could not know both simultaneously at the time. Blastoise can only learn these moves as Egg moves, but there were no Pokémon in the Water 1 Egg Group or Monster Egg Group that could know both of these moves at the same time.

Due to mothers being able to pass down Egg moves in Generation VI, this combination is possible in Generation VI.

Lt. Surge's Raichu Surf and Reversal Pokémon Stadium 2 During his R-2 battle, Lt. Surge has a Raichu that knows both Surf and Reversal. While Raichu can know both of these moves individually, it cannot know both simultaneously. Raichu can only learn the Generation II move Reversal as an Egg move, whereas it can only learn Surf as a Move Tutor move as a Pikachu in Pokémon Stadium (Japanese) or international versions of Pokémon Stadium (English).
Twins Min and Lyn's Nidorina Charm and Body Slam Pokémon Stadium 2 Twins Min and Lyn, the second opponents in the Azalea Gym R-2, have a Nidorina that knows both Charm and Body Slam. While Nidorina can know both of these moves individually, it could not know both simultaneously at the time. Nidorina can only learn the Generation II move Charm as an Egg move, whereas it can only learn Body Slam as a Generation I TM.

Due to the Move Tutor for Body Slam in Pokémon FireRed and LeafGreen and Nidorina maintaining Charm as an Egg move, this combination is possible from Generation III onward.

Boarder Claude's Clefable Charm, Mega Punch, and Mega Kick Pokémon Stadium 2 Boarder Claude, the seventh opponent in the Poké Cup Poké Ball R-2, has a Clefable that knows Charm, Mega Punch, and Mega Kick. While Clefable can know all three of these moves individually, it could not know all three simultaneously at the time. Clefable can only learn the Generation II move Charm as a Cleffa, whereas it can only learn Mega Punch and Mega Kick as Generation I TMs.

Due to the Move Tutors for Mega Punch and Mega Kick in Pokémon FireRed and LeafGreen and Cleffa maintaining Charm as a level-up move, this combination is possible from Generation III onward.

Bruno's Exeggutor AncientPower and Explosion Pokémon Stadium 2 During his R-2 battle, Bruno has an Exeggutor that knows both AncientPower and Explosion. While Exeggutor can know both of these moves individually, it could not know both simultaneously at the time. Exeggutor can only learn the Generation II move AncientPower as an Egg move, whereas it can only learn Explosion as a Generation I TM.

Due to the Move Tutors for Explosion in Pokémon FireRed and LeafGreen (as well as TM for Explosion from Generation IV onward) and Exeggutor maintaining AncientPower as an Egg move (as well as the Move Tutor for AncientPower in Pokémon Platinum, HeartGold and SoulSilver), this combination is possible from Generation III onward.

Battle Hall Spearow Quick Attack and Scary Face Pokémon Platinum, Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver All Spearow in the Battle Hall know both Quick Attack and Scary Face. While Spearow can know both of these moves individually, it could not know both simultaneously at the time. Spearow can only learn these moves as Egg moves, but the only Flying Egg Group Pokémon, other than Spearow or Fearow, that can learn Scary Face is Aerodactyl, which cannot learn Quick Attack.

Due to Archen and Archeops, Pokémon in the Flying Egg Group that can be male, learning both Quick Attack and Scary Face by level-up in Generation V, this combination is possible from Generation V onward.

Drowzee Assist and Barrier Pokémon Platinum, Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver Battle Frontier opponents, except in the Battle Hall, may use a Drowzee that knows both Assist and Barrier. While Drowzee can know both of these moves individually, it could not know both simultaneously at the time. Drowzee can only learn these moves as Egg moves, but the only Human-Like Egg Group Pokémon, other than Drowzee or Hypno, that can learn Assist are Spinda and the Chimchar family, which cannot learn Barrier.

Due to mothers being able to pass down Egg moves in Generation VI, this combination is possible in Generation VI.

Gligar Sand Tomb and Metal Claw Pokémon Platinum, Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver Battle Frontier opponents, except in the Battle Hall, may use a Gligar that knows both Sand Tomb and Metal Claw. While Gligar can know both of these moves individually, it could not know both simultaneously at the time. Gligar can only learn these moves as Egg moves, but the only Bug Egg Group Pokémon, other than Gligar or Gliscor, that can learn Metal Claw are Scizor, the Nincada family and the Paras family, which cannot learn Sand Tomb.

Due to mothers being able to pass down Egg moves in Generation VI, this combination is possible in Generation VI.

Kangaskhan Double-Edge and Circle Throw Pokémon Black and White, Pokémon Black 2 and White 2 Battle Subway opponents may use a Kangaskhan that knows both Double-Edge and Circle Throw. While Kangaskhan can know both of these moves individually, it could not know both simultaneously at the time. Kangaskhan can only learn these moves as Egg moves, but the only Monster Egg Group Pokémon, other than Kangaskhan, that can learn Circle Throw are the Whismur family, which cannot know both Double-Edge and Circle Throw simultaneously; the Whismur family can only learn Circle Throw as an Egg move from Generation V onward, whereas they can only learn Double-Edge from a Generation III Move Tutor.

Due to mothers being able to pass down Egg moves in Generation VI, this combination is possible for Kangaskhan in Generation VI.

Gothitelle Mirror Coat and Miracle Eye Pokémon Black and White, Pokémon Black 2 and White 2 Battle Subway opponents may use a Gothitelle that knows both Mirror Coat and Miracle Eye. While Gothitelle can know both of these moves individually, it could not know both simultaneously at the time. Gothitelle can only learn these moves as Egg moves, but the only Human-Like Egg Group Pokémon, other than the Gothitelle family, that can learn Mirror Coat is Lopunny, which cannot learn Miracle Eye.

Due to mothers being able to pass down Egg moves in Generation VI, this combination is possible in Generation VI.

Walter's Parasect Bullet Seed and Leech Seed Pokémon Black 2 and White 2 Walter, an opponent in the Bug Type Expert Tournament, has a Parasect that knows both Bullet Seed and Leech Seed. While Parasect can know both of these moves individually, it cannot know both simultaneously. Parasect can only learn Leech Seed as an Egg move from Generation V onward, whereas it can only learn Bullet Seed as a Generation III or IV TM.
Janine's Crobat Hypnosis and Brave Bird Pokémon Black 2 and White 2 In the Type Expert and World Leaders Tournaments, Janine has a Crobat that knows both Hypnosis and Brave Bird. While Crobat can know both of these moves individually, it could not know both simultaneously at the time. Crobat can only learn these moves as Egg moves, but the only Flying Egg Group Pokémon, other than the Crobat family, that can learn Hypnosis are the Hoothoot family, Sigilyph and the Pidove family, which cannot learn Brave Bird.

Due to mothers being able to pass down Egg moves in Generation VI, this combination is possible in Generation VI.

Byron's Aggron Head Smash and Dragon Rush Pokémon Black 2 and White 2 In the Type Expert and World Leaders Tournaments, Byron has an Aggron that knows both Head Smash and Dragon Rush. While Aggron can know both of these moves individually, it could not know both simultaneously at the time. Aggron can only learn these moves as Egg moves, but the only Monster Egg Group Pokémon, other than the Aggron family, that can learn Dragon Rush are the Charmander family, the Gible family and the Rhyhorn family, which cannot learn Head Smash.

Due to mothers being able to pass down Egg moves in Generation VI, this combination is possible in Generation VI.

Winona's Tropius Leaf Blade and Curse Pokémon Black 2 and White 2 In the The Battle Between Legendary Pokémon, Winona has a Tropius that knows both Leaf Blade and Curse. While Tropius can know both of these moves individually, it could not know both simultaneously at the time. Tropius can only learn these moves as Egg moves, but the only Plant and Monster Egg Group Pokémon, other than Tropius, that can learn Leaf Blade are Victreebel, Bellossom, Grovyle and Sceptile, and the Snivy family, which cannot learn Curse.

Due to mothers being able to pass down Egg moves in Generation VI, this combination is possible in Generation VI.

Burgh's Accelgor Guard Split and Spikes Pokémon Black 2 and White 2 In the Unova Leaders Tournament, Burgh has an Accelgor that knows both Guard Split and Spikes. While Accelgor can know both of these moves individually, it could not know both simultaneously at the time. Accelgor can only learn these moves as Egg moves, but the only Bug Egg Group Pokémon, other than Shelmet or Accelgor, that can learn Guard Split is Shuckle, which cannot learn Spikes.

Due to mothers being able to pass down Egg moves in Generation VI, this combination is possible in Generation VI.

Pokémon that know a move at an earlier level

Artwork Name Move Game Notes Picture
Pryce's Piloswine Fury Attack Pokémon Gold, Silver, and Crystal Pryce's Piloswine knows Fury Attack at level 31, although Piloswine doesn't learn this move until level 33. Swinub does not learn the move at all, which means it cannot know it at a lower level due to breeding.
Poké Fan Rex's Porygon Recover Pokémon Stadium 2 Poké Fan Rex, the eighth Trainer in the Little Cup R-2, has a Porygon that knows Recover at level 5, although Porygon doesn't learn this move until level 20 in Generation II (28 in Generation I). Porygon is genderless, so cannot learn any level up moves through breeding.
Sidney's Shiftry Extrasensory Pokémon Ruby, Sapphire, and Emerald Sidney's Shiftry knows Extrasensory at level 48, although Shiftry doesn't learn this move until level 49 as a Nuzleaf. Seedot cannot learn this move, which means it cannot know it at a lower level due to breeding.
Winona's Altaria Dragon Dance Pokémon Ruby, Sapphire, and Emerald During the initial battle, Winona's Altaria knows Dragon Dance at level 33, although Altaria doesn't learn this move until level 40. Swablu cannot learn this move, which means it cannot know it at a lower level due to breeding.
Bianca's Purrloin Growl Pokémon Black 2 and White 2 During the capture tutorial, Bianca captures a wild Purrloin that knows Growl at level 2, although Purrloin doesn't learn this move until level 3.

Pokémon that know an illegal combination of moves for their level

Artwork Name Move Game Notes
Youngster Bernie's Machop Vital Throw and Counter Pokémon Stadium 2 Youngster Bernie, the first Trainer in the Little Cup R-2, has a level 5 Machop that knows both Vital Throw and Counter. While Machop can know both of these moves simultaneously, it could not know both simultaneously at level 5 at the time. Machop can only know the Generation II level-up move Vital Throw at level 5 by breeding, whereas it can only learn Counter as a Generation I TM. This combination is impossible because Pokémon with Generation II moves cannot be traded to Generation I.

Due to the Move Tutor for Counter in Pokémon FireRed and LeafGreen and Machop maintaining Vital Throw as level-up move, this combination is possible at level 5 from Generation III onward.

Similar examples that are not game move errors

Pokémon which can learn the move in a previous generation

Artwork Name Move Game Notes Picture
Pikachu Skull Bash Super Smash Bros. Brawl,
Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS/Wii U
From Super Smash Bros. Melee onward, Pikachu's side special is Skull Bash. Although Pikachu cannot learn this move in Generation III onward, it was available to teach Pikachu via TM40 in Generation I, making it a possible move at the release of Melee (during Generation II).
Mewtwo Teleport Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS/Wii U From its debut in Super Smash Bros. Melee onward, Mewtwo's up special is Teleport. Although Mewtwo cannot learn this move in Generation III onward, it was available to teach Mewtwo via TM30 in Generation I, making it a possible move at the release of Melee (during Generation II).


Move errors in various Pokémon canons
Animated seriesMangaGameTCG

This game-related article is part of Project Games, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on the Pokémon games.