S.S. Cussler: Difference between revisions

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Force Fire (talk | contribs)
Trivia: The "unsinkable" quote is questionable since it was never stated as the Titanic unsinkable by the captain. And the narration was dub added and doesn't mean a thing. And seconds/third aren't notable.
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| S.S. Cussler
| S.S. Cussler
| Same as Japanese name
| Same as Japanese name
|- style="background:#FFF;"
| French
| Cousteau
| Named after {{wp|Jacques Cousteau}}
|- style="background:#FFF;"
|- style="background:#FFF;"
| Chinese ({{tt|Mandarin|Taiwan}})
| Chinese ({{tt|Mandarin|Taiwan}})

Revision as of 17:16, 26 August 2015

S.S. Cussler
カッスラー号 S.S. Cussler

S.S. Cussler
Region Kalos
Debut An Undersea Place to Call Home!
The S.S. Cussler before it sunk

The S.S. Cussler (Japanese: カッスラー号 S.S. Cussler) is an anime-exclusive location that was featured in An Undersea Place to Call Home!. It is a sunken ship located just off Muraille Coast. It bears a Milotic emblem on its side.

The S.S. Cussler used to be a luxury liner until it hit an iceberg at night and sunk to the bottom of the ocean long ago. Although it sunk far off the coast of Kalos, due to sea currents the remains of the ship were carried close to Muraille Coast.

Years later, two Underwater Biologists named Eddy and Lindsey went searching for the remains of the S.S. Cussler to find out more about the sea currents that brought the ship to its current location. Before they started their exploration, they met up with Ash and his friends, who wanted to help out in finding the sunken ship. Ash and Serena accompanied Lindsey in a submarine, and not before long they found the ship at the bottom of the ocean. They discovered the Dragalge living in the area had merged many other ships carried there by sea currents together with the S.S. Cussler by using Acid. That way they created a gigantic building to live in together with other Pokémon.

Meanwhile, Team Rocket had created a hole in the S.S. Cussler and entered it with their Magikarp submarine in search for treasure. Ash, Serena and Lindsey found out about this and followed them inside. When Team Rocket tried to steal a vault located deep inside the ship by attaching rockets to it, the ship was heavily damaged and started to collapse. The Pokémon living in the area came together however and together with Ash, Serena and Lindsey they managed to stop the S.S. Cussler from collapsing.


  • The story of the S.S. Cussler sinking after hitting an iceberg greatly resembles the story of RMS Titanic, a luxury liner that suffered the same fate in 1912. The outlook of the S.S. Cussler also greatly resembles Titanic's design.


Language Name Origin
Japanese カッスラー号 S.S. Cussler Possibly named after Clive Cussler, a marine archaeologist who discovered more than sixty shipwreck sites and authored more than fifty books
English S.S. Cussler Same as Japanese name
French Cousteau Named after Jacques Cousteau
Chinese (Mandarin) 卡斯拉號 Kǎsīlā Hào Transliteration of its Japanese name

Core series games: Abandoned ShipRoyal UnovaS.S. AnneS.S. Aqua
S.S. SinnohS.S. TidalSeagallop FerriesSubmarine Explorer 1
Orre games: Luxo CruiserRobo KyogreS.S. Libra
Pokémon Ranger series: Cargo ShipSubmarineThe Union
Other games: S.S. Carmonte Carnival*S.S. Prime Treasure*
Animated series: Forsaken ShipGhost shipPokémon Showboat
St. AnneS.S. CusslerS.S. St. Flower
Adventures: Abandoned ShipS.S. AnneS.S. AquaS.S. Sinnoh
S.S. TidalSeagallop FerriesSubmarine Explorer 1

Animated series-exclusive locations in Kalos
Allearth ForestArche ValleyAvignon TownAzoth KingdomBrackish TownCalanthe TownCastle of ChivalryChapman Research Lab
Dahara CityDahara TowerDiamond DomainFleurrh CityGloire CityGrace TowerJacore TownJoule TownKalos CanyonLagoon Town
Mega IslandMt. MolteauNebel PlateauNinja VillageOdyssey VillageOrsay CityOtori MountainPikachu LandPikachu Manor
Pokémon Fossil Research LabPokémon Summer CampPomace MountainS.S. Cussler
Animated series-exclusive location templates
KantoOrange IslandsJohtoHoennSinnohUnovaDecolore IslandsKalosAlolaGalarPaldeaOther

This article is part of both Project Anime and Project Locations, Bulbapedia projects that, together, aim to write comprehensive articles on the Pokémon Anime and Locations, respectively.