XY048: Difference between revisions

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File:XY048 error 3.png|Shinx's rear error


Revision as of 17:13, 13 September 2015

XY047 : Dreaming a Performer's Dream!
XY series
XY049 : Bonnie for the Defense!
A Campus Reunion!
XY048   EP847
Citron's Campus of Memories! An Electrifying Reunion!!
First broadcast
Japan October 23, 2014
United States December 13, 2014
English themes
Opening Pokémon Theme (Version XY)
Japanese themes
Opening メガV(メガボルト)
Ending ドリドリ
Animation Team Kato
Screenplay 藤田伸三 Shinzō Fujita
Storyboard 金崎貴臣 Takaomi Kanasaki
Assistant directors 末田宜史 Yoshifumi Sueda
冨安大貴 Daiki Tomiyasu
Animation director 小山知洋 Tomohiro Koyama
No additional credits are available at this time.

A Campus Reunion! (Japanese: シトロン、想い出のキャンパス!電撃の再会!! Citron's Campus of Memories! An Electrifying Reunion!) is the 48th episode of the XY series, and the 847th episode of the Pokémon anime. It first aired in Japan on October 23, 2014 and in the United States on December 13, 2014.

Spoiler warning: this article may contain major plot or ending details.


Clemont introduces our heroes to the school where he studied Electric-type Pokémon. He graduated with top honors after inventing a device that stores electricity for all to use, thanks to inspiration from his friend Shinx. Team Rocket is determined to steal that electricity, but a wild Luxio who lives near the transformer is keeping everyone at bay.

When Luxio (who evolves from Shinx) gives Clemont the cold shoulder, he has a hunch about what’s going on. He explains that just before he left school, he had planned to meet up with Shinx and ask it to come with him. Clemont never made it to that meeting, and he suspects his friend never forgave him for that.

Later, during a battle with Team Rocket, Clemont throws himself in front of Luxio to protect it. Afterward, he apologizes to Luxio and promises to meet in their usual spot the next day. When the time comes, Clemont is waiting when Luxio finally arrives, and the two of them continue their journey together!


This plot summary is incomplete.
Please feel free to edit this plot summary to add missing sections and complete it.

On their journey to Coumarine City, Clemont stops to show Ash, Serena, and Bonnie an old invention of his. He invites Pikachu and Dedenne to try it out. It acts like an electric shower, allowing Electric-type Pokémon to absorb the electricity he needs. He calls it a "Clemontic Shower". Suddenly, a young blue-haired woman in a lab coat runs by, who Clemont calls Miss Éclairisse. He introduces her as a teacher at the academy he studied at when he was young, and Bonnie once again futilely tries to arrange a marriage.

She then invites Ash and his friends on a tour of the academy. Mysteriously, as they walk off, a wild Luxio watches. After giving Ash and his friends the grand tour, Clemont begins to talk about how Meyer enrolled him into the academy, and how he met you-know-who, who turns out to be a Shinx. Shinx was injured from lack of electricity. After being nursed at a Pokémon Center, Nurse Joy tells Clemont that lots of Electric-type Pokémon are suffering from lack of electricity. Clemont then gets the idea for his Clemontic Showers, which he invents with Shinx and becomes a success all over town. He tells Shinx of his dream to make a world where all Pokémon can be happy, a dream Shinx seems to support.

Back in the present day, Team Rocket overhears Clemont talking about his Clemontic Showers and how they would attract Electric-type Pokémon, including Ash's Pikachu. They go into the sewers to manipulate the electricity. However, they are stopped in their tracks by the wild Luxio. Suddenly, there is a blackout. Ash and his friends, as well as Officer Jenny, go to investigate. They catch Team Rocket red-handed, and also notice Luxio. Clemont briefly sees the Shinx he befriended in the Luxio's eyes as it glares at him. Luxio tries to attack, but Ash and his friends redirect him to Team Rocket. Luxio then follows Team Rocket to an electrical tower.

Meanwhile, Ash and his friends are discussing the Luxio they saw as Serena grooms her Fennekin and Pancham. Serena suspects that the Luxio they saw was indeed Clemont's Shinx evolved. Clemont agrees, and tells the story about how he and Shinx were separated. It was the day before his graduation and he was going to deliver a cake to Shinx and ask to catch him and be his partner. But then the mayor alives and forces him into his limo to go to a party celebrating his invention. Clemont sees Shinx soon to be disappointed as he leaves, and when he returns, Shinx leaves, assuming Clemont abandoned him.

Luxio confronts Team Rocket and Meowth says that Luxio is trying to make a world where all Pokémon can be happy. After Clemont defends Luxio, Luxio remembers his friendship with Clemont as a Shinx and licks him as a sign of affection. Then Luxio fights Team Rocket and sends them blasting off. When Clemont, Ash, and the girls are saying goodbye to Luxio, Clemont tells Luxio to meet him in the Town Square if he still wants to be his partner. Just as they are about to give up hope of Luxio forgiving Clemont, he jumps out of the bushes and allows himself to be captured, while Clemont cries tears of joy. Now they leave happily, with Clemont's new partner in hand.

Major events

For a list of all major events in the animated series, please see the history page.


Pokémon debuts



Pokémon Quiz


Who's That Pokémon?

Who's That Pokémon?: Luxio (US and international)
Pokémon Quiz: Luxio (Japan)


File:Title Card XY Clemont.png
The title card segment focuses on Clemont for this episode


  • In one scene, Clemont's glasses are colored the same way as his skin.
  • In one scene, Luxio's tail is colored blue instead of black.
  • In one scene, Shinx's rear is colored blue instead of black.
  • In two different scenes, Wobbuffet's Poké Ball is heard opening despite already being out of it.

Dub edits

File:Title Card XY Ash.png
The dub's title card
  • The title card segment focuses on Ash in the dub instead of Clemont.
  • For an unknown reason, the title card lacks the characters' shadows in the Polish dub.

In other languages

XY047 : Dreaming a Performer's Dream!
XY series
XY049 : Bonnie for the Defense!
This episode article is part of Project Anime, a Bulbapedia project that covers all aspects of Pokémon animation.