AmourShipping: Difference between revisions

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m That's not similar, it's speculative
Serena's hints: Do not speculate on what characters are thinking
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*''[[XY103|A Windswept Encounter!]]''
*''[[XY103|A Windswept Encounter!]]''
:*While Ash is warning his {{AP|Noibat}} not to venture too far away, Serena is seen looking fondly at Ash.
:*While Ash is warning his {{AP|Noibat}} not to venture too far away, Serena is seen looking fondly at Ash.
:*Serena is blushing by the thought that Bonnie can see that Breloom have a crush on Floette, because she thinks that Bonnie can know that she have a crush on Ash.

*''[[XY104|Party Dancecapades!]]''
*''[[XY104|Party Dancecapades!]]''

Revision as of 00:08, 2 May 2016

This article is about shipping.
As hints and evidence for ships are mostly speculation, this page may contain personal points of view.

AmourShipping (Japanese: サトセレ SatoSere) is the belief that Serena and Ash belong in a romantic relationship. The name is derived from the French word "amour", meaning "love". It was chosen as the name because the Kalos region is inspired by France (known for its romantic atmosphere) and Serena has a canonical crush on Ash.

This ship is one of the most popular in the Pokémon anime, much like other ships involving Ash and one of his female friends, such as Template:S, Template:S, and Template:S. However, AmourShipping is unique compared to these and most other shippings because of the confirmation of Serena's crush on Ash, rather than fans presuming based on hints and inconclusive evidence. Its popularity began before the premiere of the XY series due to the revelation that Serena knew Ash in their childhood. Since then, it has become one of Serena's notable characteristics.

Anime evidence

Serena's hints

  • When Serena sees a live news report of Ash trying to calm a rampaging Garchomp on Prism Tower, she silently looks on, seemingly in awe at Ash's bravery. When Ash jumps off the tower to rescue Pikachu, she gasps in fear for his safety. However, this may have been merely general concern, since the news camera never showed Ash's face in full until he was safely on the ground.
  • Upon seeing Ash's face on TV, she ponders whether she recognizes him, having a flashback scene of a younger Ash at the end of the episode.
  • Serena decides to begin her journey after seeing Ash on television. Upon arriving at Professor Sycamore's laboratory, and before choosing her starter Pokémon, Serena tells the professor that she is looking for the boy who was on the news. Her eyes seem to light up considerably when Sycamore identifies him as Ash.
  • When Serena is walking down the steps in Santalune City, she thinks about how she cannot wait to see the look on Ash's face when he sees her. Then, she has a flashback of a young Ash extending his arm, as if he was offering her his hand. When the flashback ends, she is seen blushing slightly.
  • When she sees Ash battling Viola, she is so overcome with excitement that she runs toward the battlefield, seemingly planning on going directly on there to greet Ash without noticing that the battle is still in progress.
  • Later, when Ash loses the battle, Serena is obviously remorseful and attempts to speak to him, but is further saddened when he runs past her without noticing her, since he is concentrating on his injured Pokémon.
  • When Serena returns Ash's backpack to him (which Ash had left behind at the Gym), she starts to ask Ash something while blushing a little, only to be interrupted by the Pokémon Center bell.
  • When Ash is on the ground from the intense training, dirty after falling to the ground while catching Pikachu and Fletchling, Serena walks up to him and hands him a handkerchief to clean himself up with, showing her thoughtfulness towards him.
  • Serena looks nervous before she asks him if he remembers her. It is interesting to note that when she is seen interacting with her mother, Serena has a sassy and rebellious attitude towards her, but whenever she is around Ash, she seems to be extremely hesitant and nervous, contradicting the personality that viewers have seen from her in prior episodes.
  • After she asks Ash if he remembers her, Serena mentions that they met in Professor Oak's Pokémon Summer Camp in Pallet Town. When Ash remembers attending the camp, she is overjoyed and tells him that she went there as well. However, when he says that he does not remember her specifically, she is visibly disappointed, but instantly cheers up, obviously not wanting to be upset or angry with him.
  • When the group is having dinner after the training session, Serena glances at Ash and smiles at him while he is eating. Since this is directly after him saying that he is sure to win the rematch, this strongly implies that she is admiring his determination and is impressed by it.
  • Throughout the entire Gym battle, her cheering for Ash seems to be in a more enthusiastic way than Clemont and Bonnie. She also keeps reassuring Clemont, Bonnie, and Alexa that everything is going to be okay and that Ash would win, showing that she strongly believes in him. Later, when Ash becomes overwhelmed by Viola's new battling strategies, Serena cries out to Ash that he should not give up (echoing a motto Ash had told her in their childhood). In that scene, the emotions are seemingly emphasized. Her encouragement snaps him out of his panic and helps him win the battle.
  • After Ash asks Serena to join them in their travels, she puts a hand over her heart and smiles before winking at him and accepting the invitation.
  • When Clemont asks Serena why she started her journey, she pulls out the same handkerchief Ash used to bandage her, and shows it to Ash in a second attempt to get him to remember their past. This shows that Serena has kept the same handkerchief Ash used to tie up her knee with after all these years.
  • In a flashback of when Ash and Serena first met as children, Ash bandages Serena's knee and then pulls her up from the ground. She ends up falling into his arms in some sort of hug, and the camera zooms on her surprised face. Then, she quickly pulls away and looks at him, a surprised expression on her face. When Ash is showing her the way out of the forest, she is wide-eyed and blushing. This flashback indicates that Serena developed feelings for Ash after that incident.
  • When Ash identifies Serena as the same girl he helped when he was younger, she blushes.
Flashback of Ash and Serena
  • Ash asks Serena why she went through all the trouble of returning the handkerchief to him and she replies with "Not just that. You see, I also really wanted to see you again". Serena then pouts, blushing, when she complains about Ash failing to remember her.
  • Serena puts on a pink outfit for Rhyhorn racing and then asks Ash what he thinks of it with a blush on her face.
  • When Serena is on top of the Rhyhorn and demonstrating for Ash how to ride one, she is blushing.
  • When it is nighttime and everyone is sleeping, there is a view of the whole room with Serena's bed shown to be empty. It is then revealed that Serena is in the kitchen baking. At the end of the episode, she hands to Ash a pouch filled with cookies. She blushes and tells him that it is because she is thankful towards him. Then, she has a flashback of her and Ash when they were younger holding hands. After the flashback ends, she winks at him.
  • When Ash falls down, everybody else worries about Pikachu, but only Serena yells Ash's name.
  • When a teacher named Penelope challenges Ash to a battle and states that if she wins, he would have to come with her, Serena freaks out and begins to blush. Later on, when Penelope takes the group to the kindergarten she works at and Serena realizes she misunderstood her, she puts a hand over her heart in relief.
  • When Ash is pushed out of the truck by Team Rocket, Serena quickly runs towards him while shouting his name.
  • It can be noted that while Serena is hypnotized, she goes after only Ash while ignoring Meowth.
  • Serena and Bonnie are both excited to introduce the idea of the Battle Chateau to Ash. While Bonnie blushes over the possibility of cake, Serena is blushing because she is sure that he would like it. After they arrive there, Serena asks if this is something Ash's interested in, which he answers in the affirmative.
  • Serena is visibly worried when Ash mentions that the video of Aria looks cute before he clarifies that he's talking about Aria's Fennekin. Once the clarification is made, Serena's expression softens.
  • When Serena asks Ash for help with her video and he declines, she is upset. Note that she asks Ash before everyone else.
  • At the end of the episode, Serena specifically asks Ash what he thought of her video with a blush on her face.
  • After seeing the golden Magikarp for real, Serena high fived with Ash.
  • When Ash and friends are using one of Clemont's machines to randomly decide the two who going in the submarine together, Serena unhesitatingly chooses the same arrow as Ash, before either of the siblings can.
  • When Ash attempts to stop Team Rocket from escaping, Serena tries to stop him because of the danger involved.
  • When Ash is rock climbing in Cyllage Gym, the camera focuses on a worried Serena.
  • Before the battle between Ash and Grant starts, Serena is very worried. She clasps her hands together which catches the notice of Bonnie and Clemont. She then begins to blush and, at one point, tears up when thinking about how hard Ash has trained.
  • Miette asks Ash teasingly if he has a future bride in mind (in reference to Bonnie asking women to have her brother Clemont) to see how Serena would react. Serena is shown to be paying close attention from the corner of her eye with a frown, and then looks away and pretends indifference.
  • When Ash is holding on the tube to stop the air flow from reaching the mecha so it could run, the camera goes to a worried Serena, who yells out his name in concern.
  • At the end of the episode, after Ash calls Serena's name, Miette teases Serena about him and says that if Serena doesn't tell Ash how she feels about him, then she will. Serena blushes bright red, but walks away smiling. It is interesting to note that Serena is the only girl to not deny her feelings for Ash when teased about it.
  • When Ash bangs his head against the tree after catching Pikachu, the camera focuses on Serena, who shouts his name in concern while clasping her hands together.
  • When Ash tries to go down the transporter after Pikachu, Serena tries to stop him from doing anything dangerous while Clemont and Bonnie do nothing.
  • When Ash is battling Korrina, only Serena is cheering him on, while Clemont and Bonnie are complimenting how strong Lucario is.
  • While everyone's picture is being taken, Serena slides closer to Ash leaving an obvious gap separating them from the others and unlike everybody else, Serena isn't looking into the camera but is looking at Ash when the picture is being taken.
  • After the group photo, Serena stands there admiring her picture with Ash and sighs happily until he calls her to hurry and she turns around with a blush.
  • When the group is entering the cave, Serena grabs on to Ash.
  • As Mega Lucario is about to uncontrollably use Power-Up Punch on Ash, who is protecting Pikachu, Serena yells out in concern.
  • As Ash follows Bonnie to attempt to save the berries that were stolen by a wild Ursaring, Serena calls after him in a worried tone.
  • Serena is the first person to ask if Ash is all right after saving Hawlucha.
  • After the mist covering the battle clears up, Serena is the first one to be seen running towards Ash, worried if he is hurt.
  • Throughout the episode, Serena is immensely worried about Ash, more so than Clemont and Bonnie. When they are in front of the mirror that Ash went through, Serena clasps her hands together and wishes for Ash to return.
  • When the mirrors drift apart, Ash is carried to the other side away from the group. Mirror Serena yells at Serena that if she wants to travel with Ash, her will for him has to be strong. Serena's eyes widen and then she nods her head in determination realizing that if she wants Ash back, she has to try her hardest.
  • Serena saves Ash by grabbing his hand and helping him make it back to their dimension. Even with both Clemont and Bonnie reaching for Ash, it is Serena who manages to reach him.
  • After Ash is safely back in their dimension, Mirror Serena tells Serena to take good care of Ash; Serena smiles and nods her head in understanding.
  • At the end of the episode, Serena asks Ash if they will always be traveling together from now on, to which a smiling Ash replies with that she should not even have asked such an obvious question.
  • When Clemont hears a story about a Pokémon that controls trees, captures humans who hurts the forest, and eats them, Serena immediately worries about the possibility that Ash might be eaten.
  • After Pikachu finds Ash, Serena is the first one heard saying his name in concern.
  • Serena is immediately worried and asks Ash if he is okay as he lies on the ground after saving her.
  • After Ash injures his foot, Serena nurses it with a wet cloth and her hand seems to linger while she is doing so, and is also apologetic to him, blaming herself that she injured his foot.
  • When Serena exclaims how amazing Ash is after hearing him talk about his dream, he looks at her in surprise. She quickly becomes embarrassed and tends to his foot again to change the subject.
  • Serena takes Ash's advice when he said, "Nothing we ever do is the waste of time," to come up with the idea for a new Pokévision video.
  • Serena is persuaded by Ash that she will find her dream with her Pokémon.
  • Serena asks about Ash's prior foot injury with a concerned look on her face.
  • As Ash makes his way back across after saving Bonnie from the other side, Serena, who says in concern that he can do it, conveys that she does not want Ash to lose his footing and hurt himself.
  • During the entire episode, each time Serena battles, she is usually ordering Fennekin to support Pikachu. This is an interesting hint since she could have chosen to assist Clemont instead or battle more independently like Clemont and Ash did.
  • When Serena recalls how Ash practiced the rhythm battling style the night before, she is the only one who finds it amusing as she giggles and calls Ash clumsy.
  • When Ash and his Pokémon are practicing their dancing moves, Bonnie and Clemont start laughing at Ash's clumsiness and Serena tells them to stop.
  • After Clemont's dancing machine blows up, Serena tells Ash that she can teach him to dance. Although the two dancing together is not shown, the scene moves from day to sunset where Ash and Serena have just finished dancing and Ash collapses from exhaustion from a full day's training.
  • When Ash's Hawlucha is struggling with the rhythmic battle style, the camera briefly focuses on Serena with a worried look.
  • After Hawlucha defeats Korrina's Mienfoo, Serena internally cheers for Ash to win.
  • When Team Rocket throws a smoke bomb, Ash and Serena turn towards each other and cover both of their heads with their arms to protect each other.
  • While Ash is training Froakie and Pikachu, Serena is the only one who is cheering for him while Bonnie and Clemont only give compliments about the two Pokémon.
  • When Ash tells Serena that it was thanks to her teaching that he was able to participate in a race, Serena visibly blushes.
  • When Ash is about to reveal Serena's goal to Grace, Serena quickly covers his mouth.
  • As Serena is practicing her routine, she becomes discouraged but instantly cheers up as she remembers Ash's encouragement.
  • During the race against Grace, when Serena falls behind, she shouts the words Ash told her when they met, helping her win the race.
  • When Ash falls down after Goomy lands on his head, Serena calls out in worry, despite it not being a dangerous situation.
  • When Team Rocket orders their Pokémon to attack Ash, Serena is the only one who voices her concern.
  • After Serena and Bonnie are separated from Ash and Clemont, Serena is calling out for Ash, but not Clemont.
  • When Serena goes out onto the balcony, she watches Ash training and admires him for his hard work, which also motivates her to work hard for her first Pokémon Showcase.
  • While Ash's Hawlucha is struggling against Ramos's Weepinbell after being poisoned, there is a momentary close-up on Serena's worried face.
Serena blushing with her hand on the ribbon Ash gave her.
  • When Serena registers for the Coumarine Showcase, she looks at Ash and loses her sense of doubt and nervousness when she sees him nod in encouragement.
  • As Ash and Serena walk away from Bonnie and Clemont, Serena's thoughts are voiced over as she quickly comes to the conclusion that she is on a date with Ash.
  • While walking, Serena blushes and attempts to hold Ash's hand. Her hand is visibly shaking and has turned red, possibly out of nervousness, and she is unable to grab his hand.
  • When Ash and Serena are riding the monorail, Serena sees Ash looking happily out the window; this makes her smile and blush.
  • When Ash goes on his own to look for presents for his Pokémon, Serena is visibly disappointed at being left alone.
  • During the fireworks, when Ash gives Serena the blue ribbon as a gift for helping him out, Serena is surprised, blushes, and happily accepts the gift.
  • During the Pokémon Showcase, Serena recalls Ash's advice from Day Three Blockbusters! and makes sure to put everything she has learned on her journey thus far into her performance.
  • When Ash points out that Serena is wearing the ribbon he gave her on her new outfit, she blushes.
  • After the group getting captured, Jessie remarked on Serena's haircut and James asks,"Perhaps nursing a broken heart?", Serena responds angrily,"That is none of your business!"
  • As Ash voices his anger, Serena joins in while Bonnie and Clemont remain quiet.
  • When Ash is struck by Iron Tail, Serena calls out his name in worry.
  • When Ash, Clemont, Bonnie, and Serena enter to the ventilation duct, Serena moves closer to Ash.
  • After being challenged to a battle by Aria, Serena is hesitant to accept the challenge, but does so after being encouraged by Ash. She blushes as he does so.
  • During her battle with Aria, Serena looks at Ash several times and later mimics his battle style.
  • Serena blushes while asking Ash what strategy he has for his upcoming Gym battle against Clemont.
  • Serena worriedly calls out to Ash after the fire closes in on him.
  • Serena puts her hand over her heart when she became worried about Ash losing the battle against Clemont.
  • Serena cheers on Ash during his battle and congratulates him after he defeated Clemont.
  • When Ash becomes frustrated after Keanan talks about how Pokémon should solve problems alone, Serena looks at him with a worried expression.
  • As Ash, Goodra, and Florges are in Team Rocket's jet, Serena becomes concerned and whispers Ash's name in worry.
  • When Ash and his Goodra land safely on the ground after falling from Team Rocket's jet, Serena runs up to Ash to check on him. In doing so, she puts her hands on both his shoulders and exclaims her relief that he is all right.
  • While searching, Serena called for Ash first.
  • Both Serena and Ash are relieved to see each other when they reunite.
  • When Serena and Bonnie are looking on a dress, Serena asks only for Ash's opinion about the dress, but when she looks back, he is already outside battling with Sawyer.
  • When Serena is on stage in her furisode outfit, she is surprised by Ash's presence, and she blushes when he asks her how she had gotten on stage.
  • Before entering in the Laverre Gym, Serena is the only one showing confidence in Ash in his match against Valerie.
  • When Serena is filming and sees Ash and Pikachu grow bashful after Frank compliments them, she remarks on it while blushing.
  • Miette teases Serena about her relationship with Ash several times, which causes Serena to blush and get flustered. This includes when Miette:
  • asks Serena if her new haircut may be due to being rejected by Ash.
  • states that she would succeed in getting Ash.
  • after losing the Pokémon Showcase, whispers that she will also not give up on the other competition, referring to Ash.
  • During the Poké Puff Baking round of the competition, Serena has a flashback of Ash enjoying her Poké Puffs for inspiration. The last image and sound she recalls of the flashback is Ash laughing.
  • When Serena's dress is ripped after bumping into Jessie, Serena's first thought is to fall into despair, but she quickly recovers after remembering Ash's never-give-up attitude, and was able to tailor her dress in time for her own performance.
  • Serena seems happy when Ash congratulates her on the Showcase as she blushes when he states that her dress fits her well.
  • Serena looks a little worried when Ash wishes Miette good luck.
  • When Ash tells Serena that she can ride along with him on the Mamoswine, she blushes.
  • Serena thanks Ash for praising her on how she managed to cross the bridge despite her fear due to the enormous height.
  • When the Mamoswine were running to smash the boulder in their path, Serena holds on to Ash's shoulders.
  • After Ash jumps off of Mamoswine to confront an Abomasnow, Serena is the only person to call out his name in worry and then follow him.
  • Serena blushes when Ash compliments her for finding the herb they were looking for.
  • When Ash is going to check the roof of the Pokémon Center, Serena tells him to be careful because of the rain.
  • Serena blushes when she asks Ash how he thinks of her nurse outfit.
  • When Ash, Clemont, and Bonnie find Serena at Woodward's house, Serena only mentions Ash when she expresses her surprise at seeing them.
  • When Team Rocket tries to steal Pikachu, Serena specifically appeals to Ash for help in battling them.
  • Serena is blushing when Shauna suggests that Serena likes Ash.
  • Serena freaks out when Ash overhears her talking about him.
  • After the battle ends, and Ash explains his strategy involving Pikachu that helped him win, Serena is seen gazing at Ash in admiration while recalling something he said several episodes ago, before the conversation resumes.
  • When Ash rushes in to help Nurse Joy get out of the cracks, Serena grabs him to support him.
  • After Ash and Sanpei jump off the balcony in pursuit of Kagetomo, Serena is the only one who immediately tries to follow before being stopped by Shinobu. Even after Shinobu tells her to return to Ippei as a safer alternative, Serena hesitates and whispers Ash's name in worry.
  • While Ash is warning his Noibat not to venture too far away, Serena is seen looking fondly at Ash.
  • When Serena receives mail about the dance party, she looks at Ash and blushes when she finds out that all Performers attending must have a male partner.
  • It is proposed that Clemont becomes Serena's dancing partner (due to Clemont's Bunnelby being Serena's Eevee's dance partner). Though she accepts for Eevee's sake, Serena is visibly reluctant and sighs in disappointment while glancing at Ash.
  • When Ash and his friends meet up with Miette again, Serena is shown to be shocked when Miette grabs Ash's hands and asks him to be her partner. Serena freaks out even more when Ash accepts.
  • When Miette looks at Serena and winks while holding Ash's hand, Serena seems upset and determined.
  • When Ash is following Miette around with a pile of dresses, Serena looks at him and sighs.
  • During the rotation dance, Serena constantly glances at Ash, blushing while doing so.
  • Serena is blushing and watching in slow-motion as Ash extends his arm towards her, and is extremely shocked, disappointed, and upset when the rotation dance ends without Serena dancing once with Ash.
  • Twice near the beginning of the episode, Serena is visibly nervous about the upcoming Showcase, but perks up after Ash encourages her.
  • When Sylveon becomes anxious and Serena fails to motivate her with words, Serena remembers Ash's advice regarding food and offers a Poké Puff to Sylveon in order to cheer her up.
  • When Ash, Noibat, and Hawlucha are separated from Serena, Clemont, and Bonnie in a cave, Serena becomes extremely worried about Ash.
  • When Clemont, Bonnie, and Serena see Ash safe in the village, Serena is the first to call out his name.
  • When Miette asks Ash who he would cheer for if she and Serena were opponents, Serena starts blushing in the background.
  • When Miette asks Serena if they've progressed, Serena gets annoyed and pulls her away to start chewing her out.
  • As Serena's rivals split up after the Master Class Showcase, Miette teases Serena concerning her relationship with Ash, causing Serena to blush, before leaving.
  • Serena is later seen contemplating her future alone, when Ash finds her. Ash then encourages her, which resolves her confusion.
  • When Serena explained to Palermo why she turned down her offer to be under the ex-Kalos Queen's tutoring, one of the reasons she states was that she wish to continue her journey with Ash.
  • When Ash gets wet, Serena tosses him a towel, clearly worried about him.
  • When Ash is about to say Iron Tail, Serena imagines that he is about to say "Love" or "I love you".
  • When Ash is sick and holds hands with Serena, she blushes intensely.
  • While Serena is placing a washrag on Ash's head her hand lingers around his face.
  • When Jimmy appears and asks for a battle Serena continually keeps trying to make sure Ash isn't disturbed in concern for his health.
  • During her battle Serena becomes extremely excited when she realizes she "can" battle with Pikachu just like Ash can.
  • When Bonnie teases Serena about her dressing up as Ash she blushes intensely.
  • When Ash steps in against Team Rocket Serena asks Ash "If he's alright" with a concerned tone of voice.
  • When Serena turns around and sees Ash stretching after stopping Team Rocket, she is seen staring at him in awe.
  • When Ash fainted during the battle against Alain, Serena calls his name in worry and rushes to check if he's okay.
  • After Ash was hit in the head Serena hands his hat back to him and asks if he's okay with a concerned tone of voice.
  • After Ash says he's hungry Serena offers Ash a pastry. Ash is also the only one Serena offers one to.
  • When the gang finds Ash, Serena calls out to him.

Ash's hints

  • In the beginning of the episode, after Serena says she doesn't know what she is going to do, Ash asks her to travel with them, saying that it was because of her that he won the Bug Badge and that it would be nice if she stayed with them. This is the first time that Ash has asked a female companion to travel with him. It can also be noted that when Ash asked Serena to travel with him, he appears to be nervous, which is shown in his voice and when he scratches his cheek; cheek scratching is a classic anime symbol for nervousness.
  • In a flashback of when Ash and Serena first met as children, Serena hurts her knee. Ash arrives, takes out a handkerchief upon seeing her injury, and bandages it up for her. Then, he holds out his hand and when she hesitates to take it, he grabs her hand and pulls her up, quickly taking her by surprise and making her fall into his arms in a hug. It is noted that during the hug, it is Serena who pulls away and not him. Afterwards, he holds her hand and helps her find her way back to the camp.
  • After the flashback, Ash finally remembers Serena as "the girl with the straw hat." After Serena pouts for not recognizing her right away, Ash apologizes.
  • Learning that Serena took Rhyhorn racing lessons from her mother, Ash asks her to train him so he can participate.
  • After receiving cookies from Serena, Ash seems to enjoy them a lot.
  • It can be noted that Ash checks on Serena first and asks if she was okay instead of checking on Bonnie or Professor Sycamore.
  • As the group is looking for Pangoro's bamboo leaf, there is a scene where Ash helps Serena cross a small river by holding her hand. The scene only shows Ash and Serena getting across and not the others.
  • When Ash tells Dolan to let everyone out of the net, he explicitly mentions Serena, but not Clemont or Bonnie, calling them "the others".
  • When everyone is holding each other's ears from Snorlax's snoring, Ash is holding Serena's ears.
  • When Serena is in her Fennekin outfit, Ash is seen to be blankly staring at her, possibly out of attraction. His is the only face out of everyone present (an audience including Bonnie, Clemont, Dedenne, Froakie, Fletchling and Pikachu) that has a different expression than the others. It is also worth noting that the camera focuses on just Ash's face at first, showing everyone else a few seconds later.
  • Ash spoke up to show Serena how to fish.
  • After seeing the golden Magikarp for real, Ash high fived with Serena.
  • When Serena shows her fresh-baked Poké Puffs to the group, Ash tries some and compliments them.
  • When the team goes out to the forest to looks for berries for the Poké Puff competition, Ash expresses concern for Serena when she runs into the forest by herself.
  • When the group hears Serena screaming from a distance, Ash calls out her name and runs after her.
  • Ash is the first person to find Serena and ask if she's all right.
  • When the Mirror Dimension is splitting apart, Ash makes a great leap across the chasm and grabs on to Serena's hand instead of calling upon one of his Pokémon or using Clemont's Aipom arm.
  • When Serena begins to fall down a cliff, Ash runs after her and grabs her hand to try to stop her from falling, but ends up falling down with her in the process.
  • When Serena sees that Ash has twisted his ankle, he reassures her that he's okay.
  • When Serena is feeding her Fennekin, the camera focuses on Ash, who is staring at her and smiling.
  • When Serena asks what she want to do as her dream, Ash encourages her that she will find it together with Fennekin.
  • When Ash's rhythm battling strategy seems to be failing against Korrina, he turns to look at Serena in the middle of the battle and remembers her words from the previous day's training, which motivates him and gives him an idea that helps him win the battle.
  • When Luxio uses Swift, Ash moves in front of Serena in a defensive position.
  • When Team Rocket throws a smoke bomb, Ash and Serena turn towards each other and cover both of their heads with their arms to protect each other.
  • When Serena falls down the cliff with Clemont, Ash is the only one that calls out to her.
  • Ash praises Serena, saying it was thanks to her he learned how to ride a Rhyhorn.
  • Ash is constantly checking on Serena to see if she is all right.
  • When Grace talks about Serena not helping with cooking, Ash speaks up and compliments Serena's baking skills.
  • When Grace brings Ash and Serena together, they look at each other with embarrassment.
  • When the group see a Malamar and remember their previous encounter with it, Ash puts his arm out in front of Serena to protect her.
  • When a truck is driving recklessly and almost hits them, Ash pushes Serena away from the road so she does not get hit. This is significant because both Clemont and Bonnie are closer to the road at the time and are therefore in even more danger of being hit by the truck.
  • When the group is separated, Ash is calling out for Serena only, despite others like Bonnie and Goomy being lost as well.
  • Thanks to a suggestion from Serena, Ash comes up with what to get for his Pokémon as a gift.
  • When Ash puts down his heavy bag of berries, he looks at Serena and laughs nervously.
  • Ash wins a blue ribbon for being a significant number rider on the Coumarine Monorail. At the end of the episode, he gives it to Serena as his way of saying thanks for her help, scratching his nose nervously.
  • When Clemont is wondering if Serena is okay after her loss in the Pokemon Showcase, Ash assures him that she will be fine because she is strong.
  • When Bonnie and Clemont notice that Serena is missing, Ash volunteers to go find her.
  • When the group sees Serena's new hairstyle for the first time, Ash is the only one who has a positive reaction. Clemont just asks what happened and Bonnie complains that she preferred Serena's long hair.
    • Ash comments that the blue ribbon he gave Serena in the previous episode looked great on her.
  • After Ariana challenges Serena to a Double Battle, Ash is the one who gives Serena enough encouragement to accept the challenge.
  • While searching, Ash calls out for Serena first.
  • Both Ash and Serena are relieved to see each other when they reunite.
  • Serena keeps suggesting that they visit the shop to check some outfits while Ash consistently agrees. It is atypical of Ash to want to visit a clothing shop, given his established personality.
  • When Serena appears on stage in a furisode outfit, Ash is shown to be staring at her in awe.
  • Ash greatly cheers Serena when she shows confidence in not losing the Showcase.
  • Ash states that Serena is amazing after trying her Poké Puffs.
  • When Ash, Clemont, and Bonnie are voting for Serena, Ash noticeably raises his PokéLume higher than the others.
  • Ash is shown congratulating Serena after the Showcase and compliments her on her dress.
  • When the group is deciding the pairs needed to ride on the Mamoswine, Ash happily picks Serena to ride with him.
  • When Serena volunteered to switch spots with Ash, he had high hopes for her to get up the slope.
  • While crossing the bridge in the snowy mountains, a blast of icy wind frightens Serena, and Ash comforts her. He then praises her once they are safely across the bridge.
  • When the group splits up to find the herbs needed, Ash again quickly picks Serena to be his partner.
  • Ash compliments Serena when she finds the herb that they were looking for.
  • When Serena asks Ash what he thinks of her nurse outfit, Ash tells her it suits her well.
  • When Serena and Bonnie are telling the others about Eevee, Ash immediately blames himself for Serena not being able to approach Eevee and appears almost apologetic about it to Serena.
  • When Serena dives to catch Eevee after Jessie commanded Gourgeist to use Seed Bomb, Ash is the only one who yells out Serena's name in worry.
  • When Serena was trying to protect Eevee from Jessie and another one of Gourgeist's Seed Bomb attacks, Ash, again is the only one yelling her name in worry.
  • When Serena is about to search for Eevee, Ash was the first to offer to look himself.
  • Twice near the beginning of the episode, Ash offers Serena encouragement when he sees how nervous she is.
  • Ash seems more excited than Clemont and Bonnie and praises Serena more during her performance, cheering loudly for her when she wins.
  • When Bonnie comments that Serena and her Pokemon look happy during Freestyle, Ash says that makes him feel happy too.
  • Ash is also the first one who shouts her name and congratulates her after she wins the Showcase.
  • When Serena learns the location of the Master Class, Ash puts his hand on her shoulder and assures her that he will put off his eighth Gym battle until after her performance.
  • When the group decides to split up to get to town, Ash calls out to Serena to be careful with a serious and concerned tone of voice.
  • After delivering the medicine to the village when Ash tells Pikachu lets go find "Serena and the others" Serena is mentioned first and also the only one mentioned by name.
  • When Serena wants to go see an exhibit, Ash accepts to this, enthusiastically as well.
  • When Serena learned the exhibition was closed for the night and became disappointed, Ash suggests they stay at the hotel for the night so she can see it first thing in the morning.
  • When Miette asks Ash who he will support if there is a contest between her and Serena, he tells her that he will definitely cheer for Serena.
  • Ash seems to support Serena greatly when she came on.
  • When they were voting, Ash screams out her name more loudly than the others.
  • After the Master Class tournament, Serena is seen contemplating her future alone. When Ash goes and finds her, he first shows concern for her wrist which she injured, and then encourages her for the sake of her goal.
  • When Ash is walking towards Serena while he's sick, he falls into her arms.
  • When Ash is next to Serena he reaches over and grabs her hand.
  • When Ash was fully recovered, he thanked Serena for filling in for him.
  • When Ash wakes up, he smiles at Serena and apologizes to her when he sees how worried she was about him.
  • When Serena offers Ash a pastry he happily accepts it and thanks her as well as complements her.
  • When the gang couldn't figure out where to go Ash immediately turns to Serena and says that he believes in her and she can find it.

Other hints

Valentine's Day poster with Ash and Serena.
The poster from Animedia Magazine.
  • On the second promotional poster for the series, Serena is depicted blushing while looking at Ash.
  • Battling on Thin Ice!
  • After Serena asks Ash if he remembers her, Ash's Pikachu and Fletchling run to Clemont and Bonnie in response, implying that the two Pokémon sense that this is a sensitive moment between Ash and Serena and that they should be left alone.
  • As Serena and Ash talk, Alexa is seen smiling at the two of them, suggesting that she enjoys seeing the two of them together and even senses a spark between them. However, she could also be smiling as a response to Serena restoring Ash's motivation to train, by quoting a sentence he once said in his childhood, about "never giving up".
  • Before the start of the rematch between Ash and Viola, Alexa tells Serena when she heard Ash and her talking, he needed some inspiration, but she didn't think it would be from her. This sentence implies that Ash would not be as inspired and determined to win the battle if Serena had not appeared.
  • On the first official character connection table, an arrow is shown from Serena to Ash with the phrase "I love ...?".
    • In the March 2014 issue of Onnanoko to Tame no Kuchikomi & Tōkō Magazine, there is a summary of Serena where among her character description it says that she has special feelings towards Ash. There is also another character connection table with an arrow from Serena to Ash that says "very interested in".
      • The aforementioned magazine also includes a poster with Ash and Serena (Clemont and Bonnie are clearly missing) surrounded by Pokémon and hearts. Serena is holding a heart while looking up at Ash.
  • There is another official poster from Animedia Magazine of only Serena and Ash sitting next to each other and holding drinks.
  • On the official Pokémon movie website for Japan, there is a quiz where one question asks what the dialogue from Serena was at the end of Summer of Discovery! and one of the options is Serena saying, "My dream is, to become Satoshi’s bride… AH! I am embarrassed!"
  • At the end of the third Pokemon XY ending theme, while Serena is sleeping, Ash places a blanket over her. This is interesting since the most likely person to do that would be Bonnie, considering their closeness.
    • Many fans are intrigued by the ending theme since there is a line that says "two people finding a new love" followed by the scene of Ash placing a blanket over Serena.
  • During the intros, Ash usually appears first, followed by Serena.
  • During the Pokemon Special that aired between A Slippery Encounter! and One for the Goomy!, Ash and Serena were the only ones narrating their progress in Kalos while Clemont and Bonnie were noticeably absent.
  • The Japanese title of Under the Pledging Tree! is "Satoshi and Serena's First Date!? The Vow Tree and the Present!!"
    • In this episode, Ash gives Serena a ribbon, which is one of the very few times Ash has ever given a gift to one of his female friends (he gave a Beedrill to Casey in The Bug Stops Here and a flower to Iris in The Path That Leads to Goodbye!). It can be noted that unlike when he gave those gifts to Casey and Iris, he gave Serena the ribbon without any advice from another person.
  • When Ash and his traveling companions split up to go look for something, he tends to partner up with Serena.
  • Serena looks to Ash for guidance and advice on occasion, and she usually takes his recommendations seriously.
  • Ash and Serena are often eating and sitting next to each other.
  • So far in the series, four recurring female characters have noted Serena's crush on Ash: Miette, Bonnie, Shauna and Nini. Every time it has been openly discussed with her, rather than attempting to deny it, Serena instead blushes and acts embarrassed.
  • Thus far Serena is the only "female traveling companion" to ever dress up as and impersonate Ash.

Movie evidence

Serena's hints

  • Diancie and the Cocoon of Destruction
    • During the night after Ash and Diancie make a wish on a star, it shows Serena awake in her tent gazing at Ash adoringly from a distance without him being aware.
    • When Ash is separated from Diancie and the rest of his friends, Diancie expresses her worry for him, but Serena instantly speaks up, believing that he will be fine.
  • Hoopa and the Clash of Ages
    • In the trailer, Serena becomes extremely worried about Ash and calls his name in fear when he becomes taken over by the Prison Bottle he caught.

Ash's hints

  • Diancie and the Cocoon of Destruction
    • Ash holds Serena's hand as they cross a log together even though the help was most likely unnecessary.
    • When Ash is telling Diancie about friends, Ash turns his head to Serena, then turns back to Diancie. Although Bonnie was standing behind Serena, Ash was making full eye contact with the latter.
    • In the ending credits, when Ash and the others see a shooting star, Serena is making a wish and Ash is the only one who is looking at her while Clemont and Bonnie start sleeping.


  • Both have worn Ash's outfit.
  • They both wear hats and are based off of a playable character from the games: Red and Serena, respectively.
  • Both Serena's Fennekin and Ash's Froakie were originally Professor Sycamore's.
  • Both Ash and Serena have had only their mothers make an appearance in the anime: Delia and Grace, respectively.
  • Both own at least one Pokémon that wears sunglasses: Ash owns a Krookodile and a Squirtle, while Serena owns a Pancham.
  • Their first Fighting types were Primeape and Pancham respectively, both of which have coincidentally stolen Ash's hat.
  • They both own a Pokédex.
  • They both know how to ride Rhyhorn, Skiddo, and Mamoswine.
  • Both have unknown fathers.
  • Both have changed their hats at some point.
  • Both have traveled through their home regions in two different traveling outfits.
  • Both have been hit in the face with a Flamethrower attack by the first Fire-type they owned.
    • Serena was burned by her Fennekin and Ash has been burned by his Charizard multiple times.
  • Before they eat, both usually take their hats off.
  • They both perform cross-dressing.
  • They both received a new Pokédex from Professor Sycamore in All Eyes on the Future!.


  • Ash and Serena met each other when they were young at Professor Oak's Summer Camp in Pallet Town. This would make it the first time a traveling companion of Ash's knew him prior to the beginning of the series.
  • "SatoSere", the shipping's Japanese name, has been trending in Japan on Twitter at various times.
    • Junichi Masuda, a Pokémon composer, has tweeted a picture of Ash and Serena as Pikachu, playing with one another. In the actual tweet, he tagged multiple AmourShipping accounts.
  • Serena is the only one of Ash's friends so far to not have invited herself along with him and to travel with Ash, and was instead invited.
  • Serena is the first one of Ash's female companions not to get shocked by his Pikachu.

Alternate names

  • SatoSere - often used, this name is taken from Satoshi and Serena
  • AASL - standing for Ash And Serena Love
  • ChildhoodShipping - another name of the shipping, due to the fact that Ash and Serena met each other when they were young at Professor Oak's Summer Camp in Pallet Town.

This article is part of Project Shipping, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on each couple in Pokémon.