* Land Forme Shaymin is the only pure {{type|Grass}} [[Legendary Pokémon|Legendary or Mythical Pokémon]] (not counting {{p|Arceus}} with the Meadow Plate).
* Land Forme Shaymin is the only pure {{type|Grass}} {{pkmn2|Legendary}} or [[Mythical Pokémon]] (not counting {{p|Arceus}} with the Meadow Plate).
* Land Forme Shaymin is the shortest Mythical Pokémon.
* Land Forme Shaymin is the shortest Mythical Pokémon.
* Shaymin's Sky Forme has a different [[cry]] than its Land Forme.
* Shaymin's Sky Forme has a different [[cry]] than its Land Forme.
While it is not known to evolve into or from another Pokémon, it has a second Forme activated by using a Gracidea flower in the daytime. Its original Forme, Land Forme, will then become the Grass/Flying-type Sky Forme. Shaymin's Sky Forme will revert into its Land Forme during the night, while frozen solid, or if it is deposited in the PC.
Shaymin was officially revealed in February 2008, when it was listed as a star of Giratina and the Sky Warrior. In early June of the same year, its Sky Forme was revealed.
Shaymin is a small, white hedgehog-like Pokémon. In Land Forme, it has green grass-like fur on its back and a pink flower with two leaves on each side of its head, which resembles the Gracidea flower. Several Gracidea-like flowers also appear on its back whenever it feels comfortable, but when it senses an impending danger, it rapidly hides it back. Its legs are short and its underside is plump. Shaymin is the smallest Mythical Pokémon to date.
In Sky Forme, it has a slender, canine appearance like that of a small reindeer. The fur on its back becomes a mohawk, and it has a red flower petal on the left side of its neck, resembling a scarf or cape. It has flat, white ears resembling wings, a small tuft of fur on the front of its neck, and a stumpy tail. Shaymin will change into Sky Forme and back if it touches a Gracidea. It reverts to Land Forme at night or if it is frozen. Shaymin can instantly purify any polluted area of all impurities in the air and transform it into a lush field of flowers. It takes in the polluted air, purifies it inside its body, breaks it down into water and light, and releases the purified substance in a violent, explosive burst. Its power varies based on the type of pollution absorbed. Shaymin can also communicate with telepathy and sense the gratitude of others.
Each season, Shaymin gathers with others in a flower field somewhere and migrates from there. This behavior is called Flower Carrying because a new field of flowers grow where it lands. Shaymin is also attracted to areas where there is a lot of gratitude. Its personality is almost opposite with each form: in Land Forme, it is shy and easily scared, while in Sky Forme, it is courageous and playful. If wet, it shakes itself to dry itself off, and exhibits the behavior of scratching itself with a hind leg. Shaymin lives in fields of flowers. Since it camouflages by curling itself up, it can easily escape people's notice. It has been seen liking sweet food. Shaymin is the only known Pokémon to know Seed Flare.
Shaymin made its debut in the second Diamond & Pearl seriesmovie, Giratina and the Sky Warrior, where it was fleeing from Giratina, after enraging it in the Reverse World. Shaymin thought that Giratina wanted to eat it, when the Renegade Pokémon wanted to use Shaymin to utilize its Seed Flare to open a portal to the real world. It premiered both of its Formes in the movie. Shaymin also makes a minor appearance during the credits of Arceus and the Jewel of Life, where it stands gazing upon the land on a tree. This Shaymin had the ability to talk via telepathy.
Shaymin, the Gratitude Pokémon. When the Gracidea flower is in bloom, its pollen allows Shaymin to change into its Sky Forme from its Land Forme. Shaymin also have a tendency to migrate.
In the manga
Land Forme Shaymin in Pokémon Diamond & Pearl Adventure!
Shaymin appeared only in the Platinum arc of Pokémon Adventures. Marley was introduced to it by a letter from Professor Oak. In the Distortion World, Shaymin tried its best not to get involved in a big clash that broke out between the rest of the Legendary Pokémon. Cyrus then caught Shaymin in his hands and showed the gratitude towards Shaymin that allowed it to transform into its Sky Forme. After Charon was arrested, Shaymin chose to stay with Marley.
Shaymin appears in both Formes as a trophy in the 3DS version of the game. It also randomly appears on Unova Pokémon League, where it changes from Land to Sky Forme. It does not affect the battle in any way.
Trophy information
NA: When in its Land Forme, this Pokémon sports a fetching pink flower. In Sky Forme, it can take to the air with ease. This Legendary Pokémon is hard to find, but it can sense anyone with a grateful heart. This ability is where the name "Gratitude Pokémon" comes from.
PAL: No wonder this Mythical Pokémon is so hard to find! In its Land Forme, it looks just like a flowery patch of grass. Good luck spotting that in a field! Shaymin has two different forms, though, and in Sky Forme, it can fly. In both forms, Shaymin reacts to gratitude, hence its nickname: the Gratitude Pokémon.
Game data
Pokédex entries
This Pokémon was unavailable prior to Generation IV.
Land Forme Shaymin is the shortest Mythical Pokémon.
Shaymin's Sky Forme has a different cry than its Land Forme.
In Generation IV, this cry cannot be played in the Pokédex, due to it only registering the first Forme encountered. As wild or traded Shaymin will be in Land Forme and Pokémon aren't registered in battles between players, it is impossible to register a Sky Forme Shaymin.
It is the first Pokémon with more than one cries in the same game.
Although Shaymin is a Mythical Pokémon, normal wild Pokémon battle music plays while battling it. It shares this trait with the Legendary Pokémon Cresselia, Latias, and Latios.
Out of these, Shaymin is the only one that doesn't roam around.
Like Darkrai, despite being an event-exclusive Mythical Pokémon, both the Surf glitch and tweaking are able to allow the player to access the Flower Paradise without the event having been activated.
This was rectified in Pokémon Platinum, as neither Pokémon will appear without the event, even if the player manages to access their area.
A Shaymin caught at the Flower Paradise in Platinum will be a fateful encounter Pokémon, making it the only Pokémon able to be caught from the wild that has this status. This is to allow it to transform into Sky Forme, as non-fateful Shaymin cannot transform.
This may be part of the reason why Oak's Letter was never released for distribution to Diamond and Pearl, as the Shaymin in those games, even if it is caught legitimately, will not be a fateful encounter Shaymin and thus not be able to transform. The reason behind disallowing this was probably to disallow those who had cheated to get Shaymin and those who used the Surf glitch and tweaking to do so from obtaining the otherwise-special Sky Forme Shaymin.
Shaymin is implied to be behind the creation of Floaroma Town, as one person notes it was a barren wasteland until one day flowers mysteriously covered it all after someone gave thanks for life's blessings. Additionally, the woman who gives the player a Gracidea flower can be found in Floaroma Town.
Marley makes brief references to Shaymin in Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum if spoken with during the player's travel with her in Victory Road. She wants to reach the smooth rock on Route 224. Additionally, if a Shaymin is in the player's party, she will take notice.
Shaymin seems to appear only when someone gives thanks for a significant blessing in their life. A girl in Floaroma Town states that the flowers the town is famous for appeared after someone gave thanks for nature's blessings. With Oak's Letter, Shaymin will lead the player to Flower Paradise after they give thanks for their Pokémon journey at the white rock on Route 224.
If a frozen Shaymin in Sky Forme is holding a Lum Berry or an Aspear Berry, it will eat the Berry after transforming back to Land Forme.
If a DittoTransforms into Shaymin Sky Forme and is then frozen, it will stay in Sky Forme.
Shaymin is based on a hedgehog. However, its white body and the grass-like fur on its back makes it somewhat resemble a chia pet as well. Moreover, when Shaymin (Land Forme) blooms with flowers, as seen in the anime, Shaymin appears as a bouquet of flowers, which serves to emphasize Shaymin's role as the Gratitude Pokémon. On the other hand, Shaymin's Sky Forme shares most of its traits with a small, young terrier-type dog, but its sprightly behavior, its affinity for flowers, and its ability to fly bring to mind fairies. Shaymin's Sky Forme has a few aspects that resemble that of a reindeer as well.
Name origin
Shaymin may be a combination of 謝 xiè (Chinese for thanks/gratitude) or ジェイド jeido (jade, one of Shaymin's most dominant colors) and 蝟 harinezumi (hedgehog). It may also involve shaman (a mystic) or stamen (a plant part). Alternatively, it may be a corruption of םשמי Shamayim (Hebrew for heaven/sky), correlating directly with Shaymin's Sky Forme.
In other languages
シェイミ Shaymin
From 謝/谢 xiè or ジェイド jade, and 蝟 harinezumi. It may be derived from shaman, stamen, or םשמי Shamayim.
This Pokémon article is part of Project Pokédex, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on each Pokémon species, as well as Pokémon groups and forms.