* Tirtouga and {{p|Carracosta|its evolved form}} are the only Fossil Pokémon to have {{t|Rock}} as their secondary type.
* Tirtouga and {{p|Carracosta|its evolved form}} are the only Fossil Pokémon to have {{t|Rock}} as their secondary type.
* Tirtouga has a striking resemblance to an {{DL|List of unused Pokémon and character designs|Unnamed turtle|unreleased Pokémon}} which was originally planned to be released in [[Generation II]].
* Tirtouga has a striking resemblance to an {{DL|List of unused Pokémon and character designs|Unnamed turtle|unreleased Pokémon}} which was originally planned to be released in [[Generation II]].
* Tirtouga has the lowest {{stat|Speed}} base stat of all [[Fossil]] Pokémon.
Tirtouga resembles a baby leatherback sea turtle. Its body is blue with black spots on the edges of its flippers. Its black shell has six circular indentations in it. It has a black upper beak and a mask that covers most of its head. It has a light blue patch underneath its eyes. Tirtouga's shell is very tough, and it can dive down to depths of as much as 1000 meters. Tirtouga was known to actively hunt for prey to the extent that it would go on land to reach them. Tirtouga lived in the oceans long ago and is now extant only by reviving it from fossils.
Tirtouga, the Prototurtle Pokémon. Tirtouga can dive underwater to half-mile depths,and can also attack onshore.
In the manga
Tirtouga in Pokémon Adventures
In the Pokémon Adventures manga
Marshal owned a Tirtouga sometime before arriving in Nimbasa City. Because of its hard-to-control nature, he released it the day before meeting Black and White. It was later captured by Black and named Costa. Under Black's ownership, it eventually evolved.
Tirtouga has the lowest Speed base stat of all Fossil Pokémon.
Tirtouga appears to be based on a baby sea turtle, more specifically, a leatherback.
It also may be based on Protostega, a large, prehistoric sea turtle that was smaller than the Archelon that Carracosta may be based on.
Name origin
Tirtouga may be a corruption of tortuga (Spanish for turtle, tir having a similar phonetic pronunciation to the tur in turtle) or derived from Tortuga (translated as Turtle Island in French and Spanish). It may also be a corruption of tartaruga, Italian and Portuguese for tortoise, seeing as turtles are closely related to tortoises.
Protoga may be a combination of Protostega (an extinct turtle species largest second to only the Archelon, which its evolution is based on) and tortuga.
This Pokémon article is part of Project Pokédex, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on each Pokémon species, as well as Pokémon groups and forms.