Raichu was one of the four Pokémon causing trouble for {{AP|Pikachu}} and co. in ''[[PK01|Pikachu's Vacation]]'', along with {{p|Marill}}, {{p|Snubbull}} and {{p|Cubone}}.
Raichu was one of the four Pokémon causing trouble for {{AP|Pikachu}} and co. in ''[[PK01|Pikachu's Vacation]]'', along with {{p|Marill}}, {{p|Snubbull}}, and {{p|Cubone}}.
In ''[[EP069|Lights, Camera, Quack-tion]]'', a girl named {{OBP|Katrina|EP069}} decided to use her Raichu in the [[Cleavon Schpielbunk]] film "{{DL|Movies in the Pokémon world|Pokémon in Love}}".
In ''[[EP069|Lights, Camera, Quack-tion]]'', a girl named {{OBP|Katrina|EP069}} decided to use her Raichu in the [[Cleavon Schpielbunk]] film "{{DL|Movies in the Pokémon world|Pokémon in Love}}".
Raichu is a bipedal, rodent-like Pokémon. Raichu is covered in dark orange fur with a cream belly. Its arms and feet have patches of brown fur at the end, and the soles of its big feet are tan with a circular orange pad. Its bifurcated ears are brown on the outside and yellow on the insides and ends in a distinctive curl. The electric sacs on its cheeks are yellow. It has two horizontal brown stripes on its back. Its long, thin tail has a lightning bolt-shaped end. This lightning bolt is smaller on females. Its tail is used to gather electricity from the atmosphere, or it can be planted in the ground to search for electricity. Its tail also serves to protect itself from its own power.
Raichu exudes a weak electrical charge from all its body and slightly glows in the dark, and is capable of storing over 100,000 volts of electricity. However, it will become aggressive if it has stored too much electricity. To keep from reaching this state, it discharges electricity through its tail into the ground. This leads to scorched patches near its nest. If Raichu’s sacs are fully charged, its ears will stand straight up and its muscles become stimulated. Raichu is found in forests and woodlands. Like the twoothers in its evolutionary family, Raichu is able to learn Volt Tackle.
Lt. Surge, the Gym Leader of Vermilion City, has a Raichu that defeated Ash's Pikachu with its sheer power in Electric Shock Showdown. After discussing evolution with Pikachu to match Raichu's power, Ash used a strategy relying on Pikachu's speed to defeat Raichu the next day.
Raichu made a cameo in The Legend of Thunder!. It was one of the Electric Pokémon that were lured by the "Miracle Crystal" that Attila and Hun were using. Raichu tried to be the hero by zapping the crystal, but the attack bounced back to itself.
Raichu is one of the Pokémon that were affected by the crystal in As Clear As Crystal.
Raichu, a Mouse Pokémon of the Electric element. Raichu is the evolved form of Pikachu. It can shock with more than 100,000 volts, enough to render a Dragonite unconscious.
Raichu, the evolved form of Pikachu. Pikachu and Raichu are both Mouse Pokémon of the electric variety. Combined voltage approaching shockingly dangerous levels.
Raichu, the Mouse Pokémon and the evolved form of Pikachu. Raichu's tail functions as a ground and releases electricity into the surface, which keeps it from shocking itself.
In the Magical Pokémon Journey manga series, a Raichu appears in the bonus chapter Raichu's Best Friend. In the chapter, the ghost of a Trainer named Sandy wishes to be reunited with her old friend Raichu.
In the Pokémon Adventures manga
Lt. Surge has a Raichu in Pokémon Adventures, which was first seen in Silph Co. in Go for the Golbat but never participated in battles until fighting the Masked Man in his Mahogany Hideout, where it helped Surge break in and seemingly backed the mastermind into a corner, until his Houndour called upon dozens of wild Houndour to thwart Surge, instead. The former Team Rocket triad member barely escaped with his life after having many of his Electrode self-destruct.
If the electrical sacks become excessively charged, Raichu plants its tail in the ground and discharges. Scorched patches of ground will be found near this Pokémon's nest.
This Pokémon exudes a weak electrical charge from all over its body that makes it take on a slight glow in darkness. Raichu searches for electricity by planting its tail in the ground.
If the electrical sacs become excessively charged, Raichu plants its tail in the ground and discharges. Scorched patches of ground will be found near this Pokémon's nest.
This Pokémon exudes a weak electrical charge from all over its body that makes it take on a slight glow in darkness. Raichu plants its tail in the ground to discharge electricity.
Raichu's FireRed Pokédex entry references a 1903 documentary film called Electrocuting an Elephant by Thomas Edison.
Several Pokédex entries claim Raichu can discharge up to 100,000 volts. However, its Stadium entry claims it can only discharge up to 10,000 volts. This is likely a translation error due to the way numbers are read in Japanese, where 100,000 literally reads "ten ten-thousands".
Although Pikachu is the starter of Pokémon Yellow, it is not possible to directly evolve it into Raichu in the game, and must be traded in from Red and Blue. This inability to evolve Pikachu is a reference to Ash's Pikachu in the anime.
This Pokémon article is part of Project Pokédex, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on each Pokémon species, as well as Pokémon groups and forms.