Pokémon Storage System: Difference between revisions

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Saphir (talk | contribs)
EV Love (talk | contribs)
Line 71: Line 71:
| [[Pokémon Bank]] || 100 || 30 || 3,000
| [[Pokémon Bank]] || 100 || 30 || 3,000
Though not strictly a Pokémon Storage System, [[My Pokémon Ranch]] is also able to store 1,000 Pokémon. If a Japanese update is applied, it can store 1,500 Pokémon.
Though not strictly a Pokémon Storage System, [[My Pokémon Ranch]] is also able to store 1,000 Pokémon. If a Japanese update is applied, it can store 1,500 Pokémon. Additionally, [[Pokémon Stadium 2]] can store up to 280 Pokémon (14 boxes of 20) on the game pak.


Revision as of 01:32, 25 September 2016

A Pokémon Storage System (Japanese: ポケモンの預かりシステム Pokémon Storage System) allows Pokémon to be stored and transmitted as computer data, and allows Trainers to keep more than the six Pokémon allowed in the party. The first such system was originally developed by Bill. Most core series regions use nominally different versions of the Pokémon Storage System.

Pokémon Storage Systems are typically accessed through the PCs in Pokémon Centers, Day Cares, and battle facilities such as the Battle Frontier and Battle Tower.


Bill's Pokémon Storage System in Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver

Different Pokémon Storage Systems are used in different regions. The original Pokémon Storage System was developed by Bill, and the systems used in other regions have all derived either directly or indirectly from Bill's system.

There are five Pokémon Storage Systems used in the core series regions:

In the PC, these systems are initially referred to as "Someone's PC", but when the player meets the person responsible for creating or maintaining the region's Pokémon Storage System, the entry will change from "Someone" to the person's name (e.g., "Bill's PC").

There is arguably little to no canonical difference in the games between any of these systems, however. Those Pokémon Storage Systems that have appeared in multiple generations have not demonstrated a strict fidelity in any particular to their previous incarnations. Rather, Pokémon Storage System features tend to more closely follow the features of other contemporaneous games, regardless of the region or administrator. This is exemplified by Bill's PC and Lanette's PC, which have both seen major or moderate changes over their appearances in multiple generations.

A few other games also present different versions of Pokémon Storage Systems:

My Pokémon Ranch also offers an alternative to the digital Pokémon Storage System. In My Pokémon Ranch, Pokémon from Pokémon Diamond and Pearl and Japanese versions of Pokémon Platinum can be sent to stay on a farm owned by Hayley.


Prior to Generation III, the Pokémon Storage System had several limitations.

One was the Box interface, which was a simple scrollable list of names in Generation I, to which Generation II only added a picture of the currently selected Pokémon. In Generation III, however, the Box interface was upgraded to a full visual representation of the currently selected Box with each Pokémon therein represented by a miniature sprite.

Another significant limitation was a requirement to save when changing from one Box to another or when organizing Boxes (in Generation II). In Generation III, the game no longer needs to be saved when changing Boxes, so that Boxes can be switched and organized freely.

Another limitation in Generations I and II was the inability to catch wild Pokémon if the current Box is full. Until the player changed to a Box that was not full, the game would prevent the player from even throwing a Poké Ball. In Generation III, though, if the current Box is full, when a new Pokémon is caught, the game will simply send it to the next open Box.

There was also a minor change between Generations I and II. In Generation I, a Pokémon that was sent to the Pokémon Storage System would retain its current HP value. In Generation II, however, a Pokémon that is sent to the Pokémon Storage System regains its full HP.



Core series games

Generation Boxes Box capacity Total capacity
I 12
(8 JP)
(30 JP)
II 14
(9 JP)
(30 JP)
(270 JP)
III 14 30 420
IV 18 30 540
V 8/16/24 30 720
VI 7/15/23/30/31 30 930

Starting in Generation V, the number of Boxes in the Pokémon Storage System is initially limited, with only a few Boxes available. To unlock the next set of additional Boxes, each currently available Box must have at least one Pokémon in it. This makes saving the game quicker initially, as data belonging to locked boxes does not have to be touched. In Generation VI, the unlock requirements may be bypassed by using Pokémon Bank.

In Generation VI, a final Box is only unlocked after catching a certain Legendary Pokémon.

This requirement ensures that the player will be able to (and forced to) catch it, unlike in Generation V where the otherwise mandatory catching of Reshiram/Zekrom could be bypassed by completely filling all 720 spaces in the Storage System beforehand.

Side series games

Games Boxes Box capacity Total capacity
Colo 3 30 90
XD 8 30 240
Box RS 25 60 1,500
Pokémon Bank 100 30 3,000

Though not strictly a Pokémon Storage System, My Pokémon Ranch is also able to store 1,000 Pokémon. If a Japanese update is applied, it can store 1,500 Pokémon. Additionally, Pokémon Stadium 2 can store up to 280 Pokémon (14 boxes of 20) on the game pak.


Main article: Game Boy Printer → Pokémon Storage System

In Pokémon Yellow and the Generation II games, it was possible to print a Box's contents using the Game Boy Printer. In Pokémon Yellow, this is an option in the Pokémon Storage System's main menu. In Generation II, it is available in the Change Box mode.

Naming Boxes

The ability to customize Box names was introduced in Generation II.

Starting in Generation V, Box names are passed through a filter. This filter prohibits any censored words from being used. In Pokémon Black and White, the filter also prohibits words that contain more than four numerical characters.


Generation II introduced the first Pokémon Storage System mode explicitly for organizing Pokémon in Boxes. It allows the player to pick up a Pokémon and move it anywhere in the same or a different Box. This mode has limitations in Generation II, however: it could only move Pokémon that were not holding Mail, and every move required a save. In Generation II, the "Move Pokémon" mode would also only allow a Pokémon to be inserted before or after others. but in Generation III, it became possible to switch two Pokémon instead.

Pokémon FireRed and LeafGreen introduced a mode for explicitly manipulating the held items of Pokémon in Boxes. This mode allows items to be moved to or from the Bag or directly between two Pokémon. Starting in Generation IV, an entry would also be added to the context menu in the Move Pokémon mode to allow the player to give a Pokémon an item from the Bag or to remove a Pokémon's item.

In Generation VI, the "Move Pokémon" mode was changed to "Organize Boxes" and, in addition to being able to move Pokémon, it also became possible to switch entire Boxes with each other. This is possible by tapping the button in the lower-left corner of the Box interface in the Organize Boxes mode.


A wallpaper is a Box's background in the Pokémon Storage System introduced in Generation III. A Box's wallpaper can be changed, making it easier to distinguish between Boxes.

Most games have two basic sets of basically similar wallpapers categorized as "Scenery" and "Etcetera" or "Misc", with 12 and 4 wallpapers in each set respectively. Generation IV also introduced an extra set of 8 unique wallpapers that had to be unlocked.

Generation III

Ruby and Sapphire
Scenery 1
Forest City Desert Savanna
Scenery 2
Crag Volcano Snow Cave
Scenery 3
Beach Seafloor River Sky
Polka-Dot PokéCenter Machine Plain

FireRed and LeafGreen

FireRed and LeafGreen have the same Scenery wallpapers as Ruby and Sapphire, but their Etcetera wallpapers differ.

Stars PokéCenter Tiles Simple

Scenery 1
Forest City Desert Savanna
Scenery 2
Crag Volcano Snow Cave
Scenery 3
Beach Seafloor River Sky
Polka-Dot PokéCenter Machine Simple


In Pokémon Emerald, certain unique phrases will result in Walda in Rustboro City giving the player a special, customizable wallpaper design by cheering her up and making her laugh. These wallpapers can be generated online at various websites such as this generator at Filb.de. The player can only have one customized wallpaper, which is categorized under "Friends". The following are a few examples of the wallpapers that can be generated.

Zigzagoon Screen Horizontal Diagonal
Blocks Ribbon* Pokémon Center Frame
Symbol Circles Azumarill Pikachu
Legendary Dusclops Ludicolo Whiscash


Each Box in Colosseum has a different wallpaper, but it is not possible to customize a Box's wallpaper.

Box 1 Box 2 Box 3


Each Box in XD has a different wallpaper, but it is not possible to customize a Box's wallpaper.

Box 1 Box 2 Box 3 Box 4
Box 5 Box 6 Box 7 Box 8

Generation IV

All Generation IV games have the same Scenery and Etcetera wallpapers.

Scenery 1
Forest City Desert Savanna
Scenery 2
Crag Volcano Snow Cave
Scenery 3
Beach Seafloor River Sky
Checks PokéCenter Machine Simple

Diamond and Pearl

These wallpapers must be unlocked by telling a TV producer at Jubilife TV custom phrases. The phrase for a given wallpaper depends on the player's game, Trainer ID, and game language. Online generators have been created to provide the required phrases for any game.

Friends 1
Space Backyard Nostalgic Torchic
Friends 2
Trio PikaPika Legend Team Galactic


These wallpapers must be unlocked by telling a TV producer at Jubilife TV custom phrases. The phrase for a given wallpaper depends on the player's game, Trainer ID, and game language. Online generators have been created to provide the required phrases for any game.

Friends 1
Distortion Contest Nostalgic Croagunk
Friends 2
Trio PikaPika Legend Team Galactic

HeartGold and SoulSilver

These wallpapers must be unlocked by telling Primo at the Violet City Pokémon Center custom phrases. The phrase for a given wallpaper depends on the player's game, Trainer ID, and game language. Online generators have been created to provide the required phrases for any game.

The wallpapers in HeartGold and SoulSilver are not categorized. High-resolution versions of these wallpapers were made available on the Pokémon Daisuki Club website.

Heart Soul Big Brother Pokéathlon
Trio Spiky Pika Kimono Girl Revival

Generation V

All Generation V games have the same Scenery and Misc wallpapers.

Scenery 1
Forest City Desert Savanna
Scenery 2
Crag Volcano Snow Cave
Scenery 3
Beach Seafloor River Sky
Checks Poké Center Machine Simple

Black and White

The Special 1 wallpapers are unlocked after the end credits roll. The Special 2 wallpapers are unlocked after entering the Hall of Fame for the first time.

Special 1
Reshiram Zekrom Monochrome Team Plasma
Special 2
Munna Zoroark Subway Musical

Black 2 and White 2

The Special 1 wallpapers are unlocked after entering the Hall of Fame for the first time. The Special 2 wallpapers are unlocked after capturing ZekromB2/ReshiramW2 and both new formes of Kyurem.

Special 1
Monochrome Team Plasma Movie PWT
Special 2
Black Kyurem White Kyurem Reshiram Zekrom

Generation VI

All Generation VI games have the same Scenery and Misc wallpapers.

Scenery 1
Forest City Desert Savanna
Scenery 2
Crag Volcano Snow Cave
Scenery 3
Beach Seafloor River Sky
Poké Center Machine Checks Simple

X and Y

These wallpapers are unlocked after entering the Hall of Fame for the first time.

Special 1
(Kalos Starter Trio)
Special 2
Special 3
Special 4
(Mega Evolution)
Special 5
(Team Flare)
Special 6
Special 7
Special 8
(Super Training)

Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire

These wallpapers are unlocked after completing the Delta Episode.

Special 1
(Hoenn Starter Trio)
Special 2
(Primal Groudon)
Special 3
(Primal Kyogre)
Special 4
(Mega Rayquaza)
Special 5
(Team Magma)
Special 6
(Team Aqua)
Special 7
(Super Secret Bases)
Special 8
(Contest Spectacular)


A marking tool was introduced in the Generation III games. Prior to Pokémon Black 2 and White 2, markings could only be set within the Pokémon Storage System, but since then, it is also possible to do from the Pokémon's summary screen by simply tapping the icons on the touch screen. These markings have no effect or purpose except what the player may invent for them.

In Generation III, there were four markings: ●, ■, ▲, and ♥. In Generation IV, two more markings were introduced and the existing ones were reordered, making the full list ●, ▲, ■, ♥, ★, and ♦. Pokémon can be marked with any combination of markings. A Pokémon will keep its marking settings if traded to another Trainer.

Selection modes

Starting in Generation III, the games began introducing shortcuts to expedite tasks in the Pokémon Storage System. Generation V introduced the fullest expression of these selection modes, with three separate modes.

  • Default: pops up a context menu when the Pokémon is selected.
  • Relocate Mode: automatically picks up a Pokémon or item when it is selected, foregoing the context menu. More generally, it automatically enacts the first option from the context menu.
  • Group Move Mode, or Tray: allows any rectangular group of Pokémon to be selected, picked up, and moved together.
    • In this selection mode, it is not possible to set Pokémon down if any of the selected Pokémon are over another Pokémon. They must all be over unoccupied positions.

In Generation III, Pokémon Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum, and Pokémon Black and White, the selection mode can be toggled between default and the Relocate Mode by pressing an assigned button.

  • Generation III core games: select button
  • Pokémon Colosseum and XD: X or Y buttons
  • Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum: Y button
    • In these games, the Relocate Mode effectively combines the functionality of the Relocate and Group Move Modes. While in the Relocate Mode, holding the A button will allow the player to select a rectangular group of Pokémon just like a Group Move Mode.
  • Black and White: select button

These games have no Group Move Mode (or no explicit such mode, for Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum), and Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver have no way of changing selection modes at all. These selection modes can be toggled within any Pokémon Storage System mode in Generations III and IV, but in Black and White, the withdraw and deposit modes can only use the default selection mode.

In Pokémon Black 2 and White 2 and later games, all three selection modes are possible, but the withdraw and deposit modes of the Pokémon Storage System can only use the default selection mode and the Move items mode cannot use the Group Move selection mode. The selection mode can be changed by tapping buttons above the Box's header on the touch screen or by pressing an assigned button.


The Compare mode is an exclusive Pokémon Storage System feature in Pokémon Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum. This mode allows the player to compare the Nature and stats, Contest condition, or moves of two Pokémon in the Pokémon Storage System. Two buttons on the left and right of the bottom screen will lock in the corresponding Pokémon if tapped, so that the other Pokémon will change as the cursor moves.


Generation IV introduced the first filter feature in Pokémon Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum. On the bottom screen in the Pokémon Storage System in these games (in all modes except Compare) there are two buttons, the right of which opens an interface for filtering Pokémon with given markings or held items (holding an item or not). This highlights those Pokémon that meet the specified criteria in the system's Boxes.

The feature next returned in Pokémon Black 2 and White 2 and would persist into subsequent games. In Black 2 and White 2, the filter is only available for the Move Pokémon and Battle Box modes, and in Generation VI, it is only available for the Organize Boxes mode. The filter's options include: Name (any species the player has seen), Nature, Ability, Gender (male, female, or unknown), Held Item (holding or not), and Mark; in Generation VI, there are also options for: Type 1, Type 2, Move, and TMs & HMs (compatability).

Battle Box

The Battle Box is a feature introduced in Generation V. It allows the player to store six Pokémon, which can be used instead of the current party in infrared link battles, the Battle Subway, and Random Matchup in Generation V, and the Battle Maison and the Battle Spot in Generation VI.

Tournaments which utilized the "Battle Competition" feature required its use; therefore, all the Global Battle Union tournaments required it. Once the user of the Battle Box registered their Pokémon team for an official tournament that used the "Battle Competition" feature, the team was locked in the Battle Box and could not be modified (even the reordering of moves) or removed from the Box until the end of the competition.

In Generation V, the Battle Box was a separate feature from the Storage Boxes and had to be selected from the menu of Amanita's PC. In Generation VI, the Battle Box became accessible from the Boxes directly, acting itself as the last Box in the line-up.

In the anime

A system for transferring Pokémon electronically exists, and is utilized in all Pokémon Centers as well as the labs of all Pokémon Professors. However, unlike in the games, Pokémon are not stored electronically, and in this continuity, the developer of the system was Dr. Akihabara. On one occasion, Jessie, James, and Meowth were able to invade this system in an attempt to steal Pokémon, but failed thanks to Ash and his friends.

It also seems that the Pokédex automatically connects to this system when a capture is made while there are six Pokémon in a user's party, as seen with the capture of Ash's Krabby in Mystery at the Lighthouse. Misty also states that there is a button on the Pokédex that can transfer Pokémon between the Trainer and where their Pokémon are sent. However, the Pokémon Storage System in Unova seems to lack this feature: in Sewaddle and Burgh in Pinwheel Forest!, when Ash catches Sewaddle as his seventh Pokémon, the Poké Ball shrinks and locks up instead of being teleported straight to the Pokémon Storage System.

In the manga

The Pokémon Storage System has been seen several times over the course of Pokémon Adventures. Unlike the games, however, Trainers do not have a fixed limit to the number of Pokémon they can hold on hand, and thus automatic teleportation of Poké Balls to the storage system does not seem to exist. Similar to the games, Trainers can access the system through PCs to manage their Pokémon on hand. Pokémon in the System appear to be held by the regional Professor, similar to how Professor Oak holds onto Ash's Pokémon in the anime, but usually kept in their Poké Balls instead. Records for the Pokémon Storage System are managed by the respective regional developers.

The Pokémon Storage System is first mentioned in ...But Fearow Itself!, when Red finds himself bogged down by a large number of Poké Balls containing Pokémon he has captured. After he encounters Bill at Sea Cottage, Bill helps Red to manage his Pokémon storage, allowing Red to change his lineup over the course of the first chapter. In Peace of Mime, Red discovers that his storage account has been broken into by Team Rocket so they could steal his Eevee, Vee.

In the second chapter, Green attempts to infiltrate Sea Cottage and look at Bill's storage system records, as a part of her investigation on Red's disappearance. With Bill's help, she learns that Red accessed the system after his disappearance, confirming that he is alive.

The Pokémon Storage System's breakdown is a subplot of the third chapter, first mentioned in Sunkern Treasure. As a result of the breakdown, no Pokémon can be transferred digitally, which poses a problem for Crystal as she is tasked with capturing Pokémon specimens all over the Johto region for Professor Oak's research. In Surrounded by Staryu, Crystal is given a portable transfer system, presented in the form of a cable that connects her Pokédex to her Pokégear. This allows her to transfer Pokémon she captures to the receiver at the end, although since the portable system is still a prototype, transfers can only be done one-way. The breakdown is eventually revealed to be the work of Neo Team Rocket, who stole all the electrical power needed for the system to work, and is fixed by Bill in time to allow Trainers from all over the region to transfer their Pokémon and help in calming the rampaging Lugia and Ho-Oh.

In the sixth chapter, Crystal is seen managing the Pokémon Storage System from Professor Oak's laboratory so she can send Emerald the Pokémon he needs to conquer the Battle Frontier.

Platinum accesses the Pokémon Storage System in the eighth chapter to retrieve her new Pokémon, tasking them with the investigation of Stark Mountain after the disappearance of Looker and Buck.

In other languages

Language Title
French Système de Stockage Pokémon
German Pokémon-Lagerungssystem
Italian Sistema Memoria Pokémon
Korean 포켓몬 보관 시스템 Pokémon Bogwan System
Spanish Sistema de Almacenamiento Pokémon
Vietnamese Hệ thống truyền gửi Pokémon

External links

Pokémon Storage System developers
Bill (Adventures) • LanetteBrigetteCelioBebeHayleyAmanitaCassiusMolayne (Masters) • Grand Oak