In-battle effect item: Difference between revisions

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Herbs: Cursed Body inflicts the Disable condition
m Added Focus Sash location in Poni Wilds
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|locsm=[[Battle Tree]], [[Poni Wilds]] (from [[Dancer (Trainer class)|Dancer]] Julia after defeating her)

Revision as of 12:53, 30 December 2016

In-battle effect items are held items that take effect during a battle.

Choice items

Condition boosters


HP restoration

Power boosters

Turn order alteration

Focus items

Negative effect on holder

Other items

EV-enhancing items

Main article: EV-enhancing item

Evolution-inducing items with in-battle effects

Main article: Evolution-inducing held item

Experience-affecting items

Main article: Experience-affecting item


Main article: Drive


Main article: Gem


Main article: Incense


Main article: Plate

Stat-enhancing items

Main article: Stat-enhancing item

Type-enhancing items

Main article: Type-enhancing item


Main article: Z-Crystal



This is the artwork of the items as seen in the Sinnoh Underground.

Iron Ball Light Clay

Global Link

This is the artwork of the items as seen on the Pokémon Global Link.

Choice Band Choice Scarf Choice Specs Binding Band Damp Rock
Grip Claw Heat Rock Icy Rock Light Clay Smooth Rock
Terrain Extender Mental Herb Power Herb White Herb Big Root
Leftovers Shell Bell Absorb Bulb Assault Vest Cell Battery
Electric Seed Expert Belt Grassy Seed Life Orb Luminous Moss
Metronome Misty Seed Muscle Band Psychic Seed Scope Lens
Snowball Weakness Policy Wide Lens Wise Glasses Zoom Lens
Lagging Tail Quick Claw Focus Band Focus Sash Flame Orb
Toxic Orb Sticky Barb Iron Ball Black Sludge Ring Target
File:Dream BrightPowder Sprite.png
Adrenaline Orb Air Balloon Amulet Coin Bright Powder Destiny Knot
Eject Button Float Stone King's Rock Protective Pads Razor Claw
Razor Fang Red Card Rocky Helmet Safety Goggles Shed Shell
Smoke Ball

In the anime

An Amulet Coin appeared in Capacia Island UFO!, where it was found by Ash. Later, when he and Team Rocket entered a UFO belonging to a group of Beheeyem, the Beheeyem told them that they lost an item looking like the Amulet Coin that was a vital part in getting the UFO to fly. Ash gave them the Amulet Coin he found, but it was not the right item. Instead, the Beheeyem sought a similar-looking item, which was found by James earlier on.

In The Journalist from Another Region!, a Pokémon Sumo tournament was held during the Harvest Festival on Harvest Island, and the prize was a Focus Band. Eventually it was won by Ash, who gave it to his Pignite to wear.

In Under the Pledging Tree!, a Rocky Helmet was one of the items offered to Ash by a market vendor in Coumarine City after Ash had wondered out loud what presents he should buy for an upcoming festival.

In the manga

Air Balloon in Be the Best! Pokémon B+W

In the Be the Best! Pokémon B+W manga

An Air Balloon appeared in Challenge the Battle Subway!, being held by Monta's Snivy.

In the Pocket Monsters Platinum: Aim to Be Battle King!! manga

In Walkthrough! Battle Tower!!, had given his Infernape a Focus Sash to hold, allowing it to survive a Golem's Earthquake at the Battle Tower and then defeat it with a Grass Knot.

In Yū vs. Shin, Rival Showdown!!, Shin had given his Wailord Choice Specs to hold, allowing its powered-up Water Spout to defeat Yū's Heatran. However, this strategy was turned against Shin when Yū used his Quagsire, whose Water Absorb rendered Water Spout useless, thus allowing Yū to snatch a victory from his rival.

In the Pokémon Adventures manga

In the Gold, Silver & Crystal arc, six Focus Band were used by Gold on his team against the Masked Man.

Leftovers was seen various times in the Emerald arc as a held item for various Pokémon, debuting in Pinsir Me, I Must Be Dreaming, where it was used by a virtual Trainer's rental Aggron in the Battle Factory. One was also held by the Sceptile that Emerald rented for his battle with Noland, as well as Greta's Umbreon in Sneaky Like Shedinja.

A Choice Band was the item held by the Linoone Emerald rented from the Battle Factory in Pinsir Me, I Must Be Dreaming. It was used to strengthen its Frustration in some of its matches. This item later proved to be instrumental in taking down Noland's Mawile when Linoone used Trick to switch items with Mawile.

A Quick Claw was held by the Metagross Emerald borrowed from Crystal for his battle against Tucker in A Cheeky Charizard Change-Up I, allowing it to outspeed Tucker's Charizard and hit it with a super-effective Rock Tomb. This wasn't enough to knock out the Flame Pokémon, however, and Charizard was able to defeat Metagross with Overheat.

An Iron Ball appeared in the Diamond & Pearl arc. Diamond and Pearl found it amongst the metal items drawn out of the ground in Celestic Town by the magnetic field from Cyrus's Magnezone. It later appeared as an item that was used in conjunction with Lax's Fling in Platinum's battle against Fantina in Mirages of Mismagius II.

A Zoom Lens was seen in Magnificent Meditite & Really Riolu I as a prize Diamond won in the Veilstone Game Corner using the Coins Platinum won from the slot machines. Platinum tried the Zoom Lens on Chimler for training.

A Focus Sash was seen held by Darach's Houndoom in Getting the Drop on Gallade II, allowing it to survive a super-effective Focus Blast by Platinum's Lopunny. Platinum also rented a Focus Sash for her Empoleon to hold in the Battle Castle.

A Power Herb was held by Cheren's Unfezant in The Tournament Continues. This allowed Unfezant to bypass the charging turn of its Sky Attack and quickly defeat Leo's Deino.

In other languages

Choice Band

Language Title
Japanese こだわりハチマキ Fixation Headband
Chinese Cantonese 講究頭帶 Gónggau Tàuhdaai
Mandarin 講究頭帶 / 讲究头带 Jiǎngjiù Tóudài *
限定招式的頭布 Xiàndìng Zhāoshì-de Tóubù *
French Band. Choix*
Bandeau Choix*
German Wahlband
Italian Bendascelta
Korean 구애머리띠 Guae Meoritti
Spanish Cin. Elegida*
Cinta Elegida*
Vietnamese Băng đầu cố chấp

Choice Scarf

Language Title
Japanese こだわりスカーフ Fixation Scarf
Chinese Cantonese 講究圍巾 Gónggau Wàihgān
Mandarin 講究圍巾 / 讲究围巾 Jiǎngjiù Wéijīn
French Mouch. Choix*
Mouchoir Choix*
German Wahlschal
Italian Stolascelta
Korean 구애스카프 Guae Scarf
Spanish Pañ. Elegido*
Pañuelo Elegido*

Choice Specs

Language Title
Japanese こだわりメガネ Fixation Glasses
French Lunet. Choix*
Lunettes Choix*
German Wahlglas
Italian Lentiscelta
Korean 구애안경 Guae An-gyeong
Spanish Gafas Elegidas

Damp Rock

Language Title
Japanese しめったいわ Damp Rock
French Roche Humide
German Nassbrocken
Italian Rocciaumida
Korean 축축한바위 Chukchukhan Bawi
Spanish Roca Lluvia

Heat Rock

Language Title
Japanese あついいわ Hot Rock
French Roche Chaude
German Heißbrocken
Italian Rocciacalda
Korean 뜨거운바위 Tteugeoun Bawi
Spanish Roca Calor

Icy Rock

Language Title
Japanese つめたいいわ Icy Rock
French Roche Glace
German Eisbrocken
Italian Rocciafredda
Korean 차가운바위 Bosongbosong Bawi
Spanish Roca Helada

Smooth Rock

Language Title
Japanese さらさらいわ Smooth Rock
French Roche Lisse
German Glattbrocken
Italian Roccialiscia
Korean 보송보송바위 Chagaun Bawi
Spanish Roca Suave

Grip Claw

Language Title
Japanese ねばりのかぎづめ Grip Claw
French Accro Griffe
German Griffklaue
Italian Presartigli
Korean 끈기갈고리손톱 Kkeun-gi Galgori Sontop
Spanish Garra Garfio

Light Clay

Language Title
Japanese ひかりのねんど Light Clay
French Lumargile
German Lichtlehm
Italian Creta Luce
Korean 빛의점토 Bichui Jeomto
Spanish Refleluz

Binding Band

Language Title
Japanese しめつけバンド Binding Band
French B. Étreinte*
Bande Étreinte*
German Klammerband
Italian Legafascia
Korean 조임밴드 Joim Band
Spanish Ban. Atadura*
Banda Atadura*

Mental Herb

Language Title
Japanese メンタルハーブ Mental Herb
French Herbe Mental
German Mentalkraut
Italian Mentalerba
Korean 멘탈허브 Mental Herb
Spanish Hier. Mental*
Hierba Mental*

Power Herb

Language Title
Japanese パワフルハーブ Powerful Herb
French Herbe Pouv.*
Herbe Pouvoir*
German Energiekraut
Italian Vigorerba
Korean 파워풀허브 Powerful Herb
Brazilian Portuguese Erva de Força
Spanish Hierba Única

White Herb

Language Title
Japanese しろいハーブ White Herb
French Herbeblanche*
Herbe Blanche*
German Schlohkraut
Italian Erbachiara
Korean 하양허브 Hayang Herb
Spanish Hier. Blanca*
Hierba Blanca*

Big Root

Language Title
Japanese おおきなねっこ Big Root
French Grosseracine*
Grosse Racine*
German Großwurzel
Italian Granradice
Korean 큰뿌리 Keun Ppuri
Spanish Raíz Grande

Black Sludge

Language Title
Japanese くろいヘドロ Black Sludge
French Boue Noire
German Giftschleim
Italian Fangopece
Korean 검은진흙 Geomeun Jinheuk
Spanish Lodo Negro


Language Title
Japanese たべのこし Leftovers
French Restes
German Überreste
Italian Avanzi
Korean 먹다남은음식 Meokda Nameun Eumsik
Spanish Restos
Vietnamese Thức ăn thừa

Shell Bell

Language Title
Japanese かいがらのすず Shell Bell
French Grelot Coque
German Seegesang
Italian Conchinella
Korean 조개껍질방울 Jogaekkeopjil Bang-ul
Spanish Camp. Concha*
Campana Concha*
Vietnamese Chuông vỏ sò

Absorb Bulb

Language Title
Japanese きゅうこん Bulb
French Bulbe
German Knolle
Italian Bulbo
Korean 구근 Gugeun
Spanish Tubérculo

Assault Vest

Language Title
Japanese とつげきチョッキ Assault Vest
Mandarin Chinese 突擊背心 / 突击背心 Tújí Bèixīn / Tújī Bèixīn
French Veste de Combat
German Offensivweste
Italian Corpetto assalto
Korean 돌격조끼 Dolgyeogjokki
Brazilian Portuguese Colete de Ataque
Russian Штурмовой Жилет Shturmovoy Zhilet
Spanish Chaleco Asalto

Berserk Gene

Language Title
Japanese はかいのいでんし Destructive Gene
French ADN Berzerk
German Berserk-Gen
Italian Genefurioso
Korean 파괴의유전자 Pagoe-ui Yujeonja
Spanish Gen Loco

Cell Battery

Language Title
Japanese じゅうでんち Charge Battery
French Pile
German Akku
Italian Ricaripila
Korean 충전지 Chungjeonji
Spanish Pila

Expert Belt

Language Title
Japanese たつじんのおび Expert Obi
French Ceinture Pro
German Expertengurt
Italian Abilcintura
Korean 달인의띠 Darinui Tti
Spanish Cinta Experto

Life Orb

Language Title
Japanese いのちのたま Life Orb
French Orbe Vie
German Leben-Orb
Italian Assorbisfera
Korean 생명의구슬 Saengmyeong-ui Guseul
Spanish Vidasfera

Luminous Moss

Language Title
Japanese ひかりごけ Luminous Moss
French Lichen Lumineux
German Leuchtmoos
Italian Muschioluce
Korean 빛이끼 Bit Ikki
Spanish Musgo Brillante


Language Title
Japanese メトロノーム Metronome
French Métronome
German Metronom
Italian Plessimetro
Korean 메트로놈 Metronome
Spanish Metrónomo

Muscle Band

Language Title
Japanese ちからのハチマキ Power Headband
French Band. Muscle*
Bandeau Muscle*
German Muskelband
Italian Muscolbanda
Korean 힘의머리띠 Himui Meoritti
Brazilian Portuguese Faixa Musculosa
Russian Мускульная Повязка Muskul'naya Povyazka
Spanish Cinta Fuerte

Scope Lens

Language Title
Japanese ピントレンズ Focus Point Lens
French Lentilscope
German Scope-Linse
Italian Mirino
Korean 초점렌즈 Chojeom Lens
Spanish Periscopio
Vietnamese Thấu kính tiêu điểm


Language Title
Japanese ゆきだま Snowball
French Boule de Neige
German Schneeball
Italian Palla di neve
Korean 눈덩이 Nundeong-i
Spanish Bola de Nieve

Weakness Policy

Language Title
Japanese じゃくてんほけん Weakness Guarantee
French Vulné-Assurance
German Schwächenschutz
Italian Vulneropolizza
Korean 약점보험 Yagjeomboheom
Brazilian Portuguese Política de Fraqueza
Spanish Seguro Debilidad

Wide Lens

Language Title
Japanese こうかくレンズ Wide-Angle Lens
French Loupe
German Großlinse
Italian Grandelente
Korean 광각렌즈 Gwanggak-lens
Brazilian Portuguese Lente Ampla
Spanish Lupa
Vietnamese Thấu kính góc rộng

Wise Glasses

Language Title
Japanese ものしりメガネ Wise Glasses
French Lunet. Sages*
Lunettes Sages*
German Schlauglas
Italian Saviocchiali
Korean 박식안경 Baksik An-gyeong
Spanish Gafas Esp.*
Gafas Especiales*

Zoom Lens

Language Title
Japanese フォーカスレンズ Focus Lens
French Lentil. Zoom*
Lentille Zoom*
German Zoomlinse
Italian Zoomlente
Korean 포커스렌즈 Focus Lens
Spanish Telescopio
Vietnamese Thấu kính tập trung

Lagging Tail

Language Title
Japanese こうこうのしっぽ Second-Batter Tail
French Ralentiqueue
German Schwerschwf.
Italian Rallentocoda
Korean 느림보꼬리 Neurimbo Kkori
Spanish Cola Plúmbea

Quick Claw

Language Title
Japanese せんせいのツメ Head-Start Claw
French Vive Griffe
German Flinkklaue
Italian Rapidartigli
Korean 선제공격손톱 Seonjegonggyeok Sontop
Spanish Garra Rápida
Vietnamese Vuốt bứt phá

Focus Band

Language Title
Japanese きあいのハチマキ Fighting Spirit Headband
Finnish Focus-nauha
French Bandeau
German Fokus-Band
Italian Bandana
Korean 기합의머리띠 Gihabui Meoritti
Polish Opaska Skupienia
Spanish Cinta Focus
Swedish Fokusband
Vietnamese Băng đô cổ vũ

Focus Sash

Language Title
Japanese きあいのタスキ Fighting Spirit Sash
French Ceint. Force*
Ceinture Force*
German Fokusgurt
Italian Focalnastro
Korean 기합의띠 Gihabui Tti
Brazilian Portuguese Cinta de Foco
Russian Пояс Фокусирования Poyas Fokusirovaniya
Spanish Banda Focus

Flame Orb

Language Title
Japanese かえんだま Flame Orb
French Orbe Flamme
German Heiß-Orb
Italian Fiammosfera
Korean 화염구슬 Hwayeom Guseul
Spanish Llamasfera

Toxic Orb

Language Title
Japanese どくどくだま Toxic Orb
French Orbe Toxique
German Toxik-Orb
Italian Tossicsfera
Korean 맹독구슬 Maengdok Guseul
Spanish Toxisfera

Sticky Barb

Language Title
Japanese くっつきバリ Sticky Barb
French Piquants
German Klettdorn
Italian Vischiopunta
Korean 끈적끈적바늘 Kkeunjeokkkeunjeok Baneul
Spanish Toxiestrella

Iron Ball

Language Title
Japanese くろいてっきゅう Black Iron Ball
Chinese Cantonese 黑色鐵球 Hāaksīk Titkàuh
Mandarin 黑色鐵球 / 黑色铁球 Hēisè Tiěqiú
French Balle Fer
German Eisenkugel
Italian Ferropalla
Korean 검은철구 Geomeun Cheolgu
Spanish Bola Férrea
Vietnamese Cầu sắt đen

Ring Target

Language Title
Japanese ねらいのまと Aim Target
French Pt de Mire*
Point de Mire*
German Zielscheibe
Italian Facilsaglio
Korean 겨냥표적 Gyeonyang Pyojeok
Spanish Blanco

Air Balloon

Language Title
Japanese ふうせん Balloon
French Ballon
German Luftballon
Italian Palloncino
Korean 풍선 Pungseon
Spanish Globo Helio

Amulet Coin

Language Title
Japanese おまもりこばん Amulet Koban
Finnish Amulettikolikko
French Pièce Rune
German Münzamulett
Italian Monetaamuleto
Korean 부적금화 Bujeok Geumhwa
Polish Moneta Amulet
Spanish Mon. Amuleto*
Moneda Amuleto*
Swedish Amulettmynt

Bright Powder

Language Title
Japanese ひかりのこな Light Powder
French Poudreclaire*
Poudre Claire*
German Blendpuder
Italian Luminpolvere
Korean 반짝가루 Banjjak Garu
Spanish Polvo Brillo

Destiny Knot

Language Title
Japanese あかいいと Red Thread
French Nœud Destin
German Fatumknoten
Italian Destincomune
Korean 빨간실 Ppalgan Sil
Spanish Lazo Destino

Eject Button

Language Title
Japanese だっしゅつボタン Break-Out Button
French Bouton Fuite
German Fluchtknopf
Italian Pulsantefuga
Korean 탈출버튼 Talchul Button
Spanish Botón Escape

Float Stone

Language Title
Japanese かるいし Pumice Stone
French Pierrallégée
German Leichtstein
Italian Pietralieve
Korean 가벼운돌 Gabyeoun Dol
Brazilian Portuguese Pedra Flutuante
Russian Камень Лёгкости Kamen' Lyogkosti
Spanish Piedra Pómez

King's Rock

Language Title
Japanese おうじゃのしるし King's Symbol
French Roche Royale
German King-Stein
Italian Roccia di Re
Korean 왕의징표석 Wang-ui Jingpyoseok
Spanish Roca del Rey

Red Card

Language Title
Japanese レッドカード Red Card
French Carton Rouge
German Rote Karte
Italian Cartelrosso
Korean 레드카드 Red Card
Brazilian Portuguese Cartão Vermelho
Spanish Tarjeta Roja

Rocky Helmet

Language Title
Japanese ゴツゴツメット Rugged Helmet
Chinese Cantonese 凸凸頭盔 Dahtdaht Tàuhkwāi *
岩石安全帽 Ngàahmsehk Ōnchyùhnmouh *
Mandarin 凸凸頭盔 / 凸凸头盔 Tútú Tóukuī / Tūtū Tóukuī *
岩石安全帽 Yánshí Ānquánmào *
Finnish Kivikypärä
French Casque Brut
German Beulenhelm
Italian Bitorzolelmo
Korean 울퉁불퉁멧 Ultungbultung-Met
Polish Kamienny Kask
Brazilian Portuguese Capacete de Pedra
Russian Крепкий Шлем Krepkiy Shlem
Spanish Cas. Dentado*
Casco Dentado*

Safety Goggles

Language Title
Japanese ぼうじんゴーグル Dustproof Goggles
French Lunettes Filtre
German Schutzbrille
Italian Visierantisabbia
Korean 방진고글 Bangjin Goggle
Spanish Gafa Protectora

Shed Shell

Language Title
Japanese きれいなぬけがら Pretty Shed Shell
French Carapace Mue
German Wechselhülle
Italian Disfoguscio
Korean 아름다운허물 Areumdaun Heomul
Spanish Muda Concha

Smoke Ball

Language Title
Japanese けむりだま Smoke Ball
French Boule Fumée
German Rauchball
Italian Palla Fumo
Korean 연막탄 Yeonmaktan
Spanish Bola Humo


Held items
In-battle effect items
BerriesColored orbsDrivesPower items
Experience-affecting itemsGemsIncenseMega StonesMemoriesPlates
Stat-enhancing itemsType-enhancing itemsZ-Crystals
Out-of-battle effect items
Power itemsIncenseMailScarves

This item article is part of Project ItemDex, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on all items.