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====[[Pokémon Sun and Pokémon Moon Special Demo Version]]====
====[[Pokémon Sun and Pokémon Moon Special Demo Version]]====
;[[Hau'oli City]] Shopping District
;[[Hau'oli City]] Shopping District

Revision as of 09:10, 29 January 2017

Royal redirects here. For the Gummi, see Gummi → Royal Gummi.
This article is incomplete.
Please feel free to edit this article to add missing information and complete it.
Reason: Japanese name of "Pro Wrestler"

Professor Kukui
ククイ博士 Dr. Kukui

Art from Sun and Moon
Gender Male
Eye color Black
Hair color Black
Hometown Hau'oli Outskirts
Region Alola
Relatives Professor Burnet (wife)
Trainer class Pokémon Trainer (formerly), Pokémon Professor, Pro Wrestler
Generation VII
Games Sun and Moon
Anime debut Alola to New Adventure!
English voice actor Abe Goldfarb
Japanese voice actor Keiichi Nakagawa

Professor Kukui (Japanese: ククイ博士 Dr. Kukui) is a Pokémon Professor from the Alola region, as well as the founder of Alola's Pokémon League. He is the only character in the games to have the Trainer class Pro Wrestler.

In the games

Professor Kukui is a passionate man who lives in the player's new hometown. His area of expertise is Pokémon moves, and is known to take direct hits from them if he thinks he can learn something about them. In his youth, Kukui participated in the island challenge with his childhood friend, Molayne. Afterwards, he traveled to Kanto, where he challenged the Indigo League and eventually made his way to the Indigo Plateau, but his Elite Four challenge ended after losing to Lance. It is unclear which iteration of the Indigo League he challenged. He is married to Professor Burnet.

Professor Kukui also frequents the Battle Royal Dome under the masked alias The Masked Royal (Japanese: ロイヤルマスク Royal Mask). As the Royal, Kukui invites the player, Hau, and Gladion to participate in a Battle Royal with him.

On top of Mount Hokulani, the professor directs the player's attention to the other mountain on Ula'ula Island, Mount Lanakila. It is here that Kukui plans to build Alola's own Pokémon League. Kukui believes that the time has come for Alola to make a name for itself in the world, and that establishing a Pokémon League will help achieve that. He then introduces the player to Molayne.

Later, after the trial of Hokulani Observatory, the player is asked by Molayne to return the Professor's Mask to Kukui, who is at Malie Garden. There, Kukui is confronted by the boss of Team Skull, Guzma. He calls both the professor and himself "fellow rejects who never could become captains." The boss then criticizes Kukui's idea of building a Pokémon League. Kukui then reveals he chose not to become a captain because he had other goals to pursue. Those goals are what lead him to build the League. The professor then asks the player to battle Guzma. The player wins, and Guzma leaves. Kukui thanks the player by giving them the Z-Crystal for the final evolution of the starter Pokémon they chose; Decidium Z, Incinium Z, Primarium Z for Decidueye, Incineroar, and Primarina, respectively. He also takes back the mask, while continuing to deny he is The Masked Royal.

Much later, the Professor greets the player at the gates to the now completed Pokémon League. Kukui welcomes the player, and if SolgaleoS/LunalaM is in their party, Kukui will share a few words with the Legendary Pokémon, as well. Once the player enters the League gates, Kukui explains how the Elite Four challenge works, and wishes the player luck.

Upon defeating all four members of the Elite Four, the player makes their way to the Champion's chamber, and sit on the throne. However, Kukui approaches the player, saying they have one more challenge to complete before they can rightfully take their place as Champion. Professor Kukui challenges them to a battle for the Champion's throne, acting as the final battle of the player's Pokemon League challenge. He uses the final evolution of the starter the player's choice is weak to. After being defeated, Kukui congratulates the player, and names them the first ever Champion of the Alola Pokémon League, entering them in the Hall of Fame.

Kukui can be battled again as a challenger in a Title Defense battle, despite not wishing to be the Champion of a League that he created.


Capture tutorial

Caught in tutorial
Normal Flying
Keen Eye or Skill Link
Held item:
Pikipek/ Lv.3
Flying Physical
Normal Status

Z-Move tutorial

Kukui has two Pokémon on hand during this tutorial, but only uses Rockruff.

Battle Royal tutorial

Champion battle

Rowlet If the player chose Rowlet:

Litten If the player chose Litten:

Popplio If the player chose Popplio:

Title Defense battle

Rowlet If the player chose Rowlet:

Litten If the player chose Litten:

Popplio If the player chose Popplio:

Battle Royal Dome

The Royal may reappear occasionally during a Master Rank challenge of the Battle Royal, using three of the following Pokémon. The abilities are chosen from any of the possible ones, including Hidden Abilities.

Residing in laboratory





Luvdisc (×3)




Pokémon Sun and Pokémon Moon Special Demo Version

Hau'oli City Shopping District
"Hey there, Hau! Who's that with you?"
"Woo, that's pretty cool!"
"Nice to meet you, Sun! The name's Kukui. I hope we can be friends!"
"That's right, yeah! I let myself get hit with all kinds of moves so I can test their power!"
"That came right out of the blue! What's up, Hau?"
"I see... I wouldn't want you to be in any trouble if you got attacked again."
"You wanna go through a trial to make yourself stronger?"
Sure, I'll try it!: "Totally focused on training before I even tell you what it is, yeah? I respect that! Just like the focus of Machamp, the Superpower Pokémon, using a Focus Blast!"
A trial?
"Trials are a custom we have here in the Alola region. Young boys and girls go through them to get stronger as Trainers and to get closer to their Pokémon."
"Well, whenever you're ready, come on out to where we'll hold the trial—Ten Carat Hill! Woo!"
"That guy over there will take you out to Ten Carat Hill when you're ready!"
Ten Carat Hill
"Wild Pokémon will jump right out of the tall grass at you! You're a Pokémon Trainer, yeah, so you can battle alongside your partner, Greninja! On the other hand, if you don't want to run into any wild Pokémon, you should avoid walking through the tall grass. All right, I'll be waiting for you inside Ten Carat Hill!"
Ten Carat Hill Trial Site
"Hey there, Sun! I've been waiting for you! Let me explain the trial for you."
"There're four Pokémon on Ten Carat Hill. Two are called Jangmo-o and two are called Hakamo-o. Your goal in my trial will be to photograph all of them, yeah! Take this Poké Finder—you'll need it to take the pictures."
"If you've got a Poke Finder, you can take pictures in places where you thing you'll find Pokémon."
"My Pikachu is really strong, too! He's every bit as strong as your Greninja, so you can count on him to help you out with your trial!"
"Go find a Jangmo-o first! There should be one hiding somewhere close by."
  • If talked to, before finding a Jangmo-o
"Look for a Jangmo-o close by, and take a picture of it!"
  • After finding one Jangmo-o
"You've successfully photographed one, yeah! Sorry, there's one thing I forgot to mention! When you take a picture of a Jangmo-o, it'll get startled and attack you. What's more, they're Dragon-type Pokémon, yeah, so they can be tough, scary opponents! You've got your Greninja and my Pikachu with you, though, so you should be fine! Just 3 more until you complete the trial! Have fun out there taking pictures!"
  • If talked to, after finding two Pokémon
"Just 2 more until you complete the trial! Have fun out there taking pictures!"
  • If talked to, after finding three Pokémon
"Just 1 more until you complete the trial! Have fun out there taking pictures!"
Ten Carat Hill Caldera
"I can't believe you beat the Totem Pokémon, Sun! You and that team are awesome! Woo! It looks like you took pictures of all four Pokémon, including the Totem Pokémon! You cleared the trial! Congrats, Sun! I'll give you a Z-Ring as a present!"
"One more thing! Take this Z-Crystal, too!"
"Once you've got a Z-Ring and a Z-Crystal, yeah, you can use really awesome Pokémon moves—Z-Moves!"
"Don't sweat it, Sun! Pikachu can use Z-Power now! But you can only use it once in a battle! Are you gonna face off against her with Greninja's Water Shuriken? Or are you gonna go with Pikachu, which can use Z-Power?"
"What a great match, Sun! Woo! Pikachu, thanks for helping him out with that trial!"
"You drew out the power of the Pokémon and showed us the best moves you could, yeah! Sun, you're gonna be a wonderful Pokémon Trainer!"
"Well, the two of you should both train up during your island challenge!"
"Great idea, yeah! As a welcome gift, it'll be my treat!"
Hau'oli City Shopping District - After finishing the trial
"Allow me to congratulate you again on clearing the trial, Sun! Let me give you all the good stuff you'll need to ride Pokémon!
"Here in the Alola region, Pokémon will lend you their strength by letting you ride on their backs! Sun, I think it's time for you to ride on a powerful Pokémon that can run across the land and smash right through rocks!"
"Let me read you the manual. "Press Ⓨ to turn on your Ride Pager! Hold Ⓑ to dash!" This is your Riding Wear! It's the special outfit you wear when riding Pokémon, yeah. When you ride Tauros, your world gets a whole lot bigger! Maybe you could even find something new if you head out to Ten Carat Hill... I'll be at the Pokémon Center, so if you need me, just stop by!"
Hau'oli City Pokémon Center
"Hey there, Sun! You need something?"
Send to full version: "What are you sending to the full version?"
Let's chat: "It looks like a bunch of Pokémon Trainers have gathered along the road to the trial site."
"Over by the tourist bureau, yeah—there's somebody who'll take you someplace fun!"
"It's a hot one out here today—a perfect day for Pokémon! Woo!"
"You been riding Tauros? Hold Ⓑ down to dash. You can even smash through rocks when you get a good head of steam!"
"Did you try the catching challenge? It's on the way to the trial site."
Nothing: "Let me know whenever you need anything, cousin!
Ten Carat Hill - Pokémon-catching challenge
"Let's see what you can do in the Pokémon-catching challenge, Sun!"
"Yeah, Pokémon Trainers can get out there and catch wild Pokémon! Now I'll show you how it's done, so keep your eyes on me, cousin.
  • After tutorial
"Wild Pokémon do attack people sometimes, but once you catch them, they'll become your strong allies. Yeah! All right, get out there and enjoy the Pokémon-catching challenge! I'll be cheering for you."

Pokémon Sun and Moon

"Hang on, now. Gimme just a sec..."
"Hey there! Good afternoonS/eveningM! So the day has finally come that you're moving to Alola!"
"Alola is a region made up of several islands. That could be the reason the region is chock full of nothin' but rare Pokémon, yeah! There's no shortage of cool Pokémon out here in Alola, either!"
"Such mysterious creatures!"
"You find 'em all over. In the grass, in the caves, in the sky and sea... Here in Alola we love our Pokémon, and we depend on them heaps, too. Some of us even battle with 'em, if we call ourselves Pokémon Trainers!"
"Rockruff! Can you wait until I'm done talkin' to play?!"
"All right, I gotta ask you some questions about yourself so I can introduce you to everybody! So which photo should I use for your Trainer Passport?"
"You OK with the one you chose, yeah?"
"All right then, I'll let you spell out your name for me."
"Your name?"
"So, you go by <player>?"
"10-4, good buddy! I'll let everybody out here know you're on your way!"
"<player>! Yeah, that's a name that hits you like a Thunderbolt outta the sky! Woo!"
"Can't wait to see you in person then, cousin!"
Route 1 Hau'oli Outskirts
"Hey there, <player>! The name's Kukui. Good to meet you, cousin!"
"You gotta be tired after that long trip all the way out here to Alola!"
"You feelin' any jet lag? We sure are a long way from Kanto out here in Alola. It's still daytimeS/nighttimeM out here, yeah!"
"Hey there, mom! I just let myself in. Oh, and call me Kukui, would you? Welcome to Alola!"
"Ha! I was supposed to be visiting there to research Kanto Pokémon moves and all. I thought I knew a thing or two about battling, but those Kanto Gym Leaders proved me wrong!"
"Hey now, <player>! Let's get a move on to the next town over, cousin! Time for you to meet the Island Kahuna and get yourself a Pokémon, yeah!"
A Pokémon?!: "Yeah, sure. The kahuna who lives in Iki Town is always happy to give any kid who wants to have an adventure their first Pokémon, yeah. But don't try taking on the kahuna yourself! The kahunas are crazy-strong Pokémon Trainers. They're unbeatable for folks like me and you!"
Kahuna?: "Sure, sure. The kahunas are crazy-strong Pokémon Trainers here in Alola, cousin! They're unbeatable for folks like me and you! And the kahuna who lives in Iki Town is always happy to give any kid who wants to have an adventure their first Pokémon, yeah."
"Ooh, I bet you've got a stylin' hat that'll match mine, yeah?"
  • If talked to again
"Ooh, I bet you've got a stylin' hat that'll match mine, yeah?"
  • After getting dressed
"Woo, that's a stylin' hat, cousin!"
"Your mom there... She's sure looking forward to you getting your first Pokémon, yeah?"
"So let's get going to Iki Town! Time for you to get a real nice Pokémon from the island kahuna, oh yeah!"
  • If the player heads east
"Hey now! The heat getting to you? I said we go this way!"
  • If the player heads west
"Now this is more like it, yeah! Welcome to paradise, cousin. This is the Alola region! Folks here in Alola get along by living together with Pokémon and working together, too. After all..."
"You can go anywhere, yeah, as long as you got Pokémon helping you out here. That's why we gotta get you to the kahuna!"
"First, we're off to Iki Town! Come on, it's not far if we cut up here."
"So, <player>! You're lovin' Alola already, yeah?"
Yeah!: "That's what I like to hear! The more you love Alola, the happier I'll be!"
...I guess: "Hey, don't sweat it, cousin. It's pretty normal to feel a bit unsure when you're in a new place."
"Oh yeah! Look there! Looks like an excited Alolan Trainer's come to us!"
"Why? You already know which moves you want to use, yeah? You come find me next time your Pokémon learns a new move, and then I'll battle you."
"See that? If you had a Pokémon with you, you could dive into the tall grass here, yeah, to try to catch some wild Pokémon to add to your team!"
"Then Trainers go up against one another in battle with the Pokémon they love!"
"Having Pokémon gives you a whole new way to communicate with other people, see? Now let's get moving! Iki Town is right over there!"
Iki Town
"And we're here! This right here is Iki Town!"
"This town is where folks come to worship the Pokémon that watches over Melemele Island. Tapu Koko keeps us all safe and happy, see!"
"Huh? What's goin' on here? We were supposed to meet everybody right here, yeah."
"Maybe they're all back there on Mahalo Trail. That's where the ruins of our guardian deity, Tapu Koko, are, yeah..."
"<player>! Do me a solid and go find the island kahuna! I'll wait around here to make sure we don't miss each other."
"The island kahuna? You can't miss him. He looks just like a kahuna!"
  • If talked to again
"The island kahuna? Trust me—you'll know the kahuna when you see the kahuna."
  • After meeting Lillie
"Hey! <player>! Looks like you missed the kahuna, yeah? But you found my assistant, oh yeah!"
"Looks like you already met, but just in case, this is my assistant!"
"And, Lillie, this here is <player>. He/She just moved here to Alola! Take good care of him/her!"
"Naw, but where'd you go off to, Kahuna? I thought we were meeting here."
"Woo! That's something you don't hear every day!"
"Having accepted one another, you'll surely be friends for life!"
"That's it, <player>! Now that you've got a Pokémon, you're a real Pokémon Trainer, yeah! And here's a lovely gift from me to help make it special, cousin."
"A Pokédex is a real high-tech kinda tool, yeah, that can automatically record facts about any Pokémon that you meet. Your new partner <starter Pokémon> is already registered, oh yeah, so check it out!"
"And this is a Trainer Passport that I had put together for you."
"Now why don't you go introduce your new friend to your mom, <player>?"
  • If talked to again
"Hang on a second... I feel like I'm forgetting somebody, yeah..."
"Oh yeah, your first battle already! Just have your Pokémon dish out some moves and see who wins. Woo!"
  • If talked to again
"Whether you win or lose is all up to the moves you choose to use! Oh yeah!"
"First I'll make sure you get back home safe today, though, <player>. Lillie, you two should come with us, too, yeah. Wouldn't want to go losing you twice in one day. You or that precious Pokémon of yours!"
Route 1 Hau'oli Outskirts
"Hey there, <player>! It's about time we set out for the festival, yeah!"
"But first..."
"Now that you're a real Pokémon Trainer with your own Pokémon and all, I've gotta show you something. Come with me out to Route 1!"
"<player>! Hurry it up, cousin! Pretend you're a Pokémon and use your Agility!"
"Yeah, over here!"
"So you know that wild Pokémon will sometimes jump out at you in the tall grass, yeah?"
"Now that you've got <starter Pokémon> there, you can not only fight wild Pokémon, yeah... you can also try to catch 'em. Woo!"
"I'm going to show you how to catch a wild Pokémon, all right? Keep your eyes on the prize!"
  • Tutorial on catching Pokémon
"You've gotta weaken a Pokémon up a bit before you try lobbing a Poké Ball at it!"
"Oh yeah!"
"Wild Pokémon do sometimes attack people if they get close, but catch 'em and they'll join your team and be a great help to you, yeah!"
"But if your Pokémon get all tuckered out by fighting for you, just head home for a bit. If you ask your mom, I'm sure she'll let you and your whole team rest up at home. Or you could use some Potions!"
"Here're some Poké Balls and Potions to get you started out."
"Why don't you have a little adventure of your own on the way to Iki Town, yeah? Take good care of <player>, <starter Pokémon>!"
Iki Town
"Oh yeah, right on time!"
"A full-powered festival for Pokémon battling! We battle in the name of Tapu Koko, pitting our best moves against one another in friendly competition to please our guardian. Woo!"
"In other words, it's time for you to get out there and start your island challenge! If you visit every island, maybe you'll figure out what that mission is."
Regardless of choice: "Four islands!"
"You'll travel to each of the four islands here in the Alola region. The island challenge is about aiming to be the strongest Trainer— the island challenge champion. Woo!"
"I'll explain about the island challenge later!"
"Suppose it's time we get you kids home, yeah?"
Route 1 Hau'oli Outskirts
"Oh yeah, Rockruff! Let's go! Give it everything you've got! My body is ready. Woo!"
"Hey there, <player>! Thanks for getting him/her for me, Lillie!"
"Rockruff's moves were just so stylin', and I was making good progress with my research. Say, <player>, lemme see your Pokédex for a second, yeah?"
"So what do you think of the place? Not bad, right?"
"But that's not why I called you here, eh? Here! It finally arrived!"
"What's wrong, Lillie? Don't make me do all the talking!"
"See, there's this Pokémon inside your Pokédex called Rotom..."
"Yeah, buddy! And to put that crazy skill of Rotom's to work..."
"It's the next generation of Pokédexes, but it's only complete once Rotom has gone into this body specially developed for it!"
"A whole new way for people and Pokémon to communicate. Woo! And there's only a few of these beauties out in the world so far!"
"And now if I power up your Pokédex with the parts that I just got in..."
"Hey now! Sorry 'bout that, Rotom. Guess I surprised you?"
"Rotom! Here, boy! I powered up your favorite 'Dex! Give <player> here a Helping Hand, yeah?"
"See, <player>? Now Rotom can talk right to you! From what I can tell, yeah, it looks like Rotom has taken a liking to you!"
"<player> hasn't been here in Alola too long yet. So I decided to give him/her this special Rotom Dex to help him/her navigate around."
Regardless of choice: "You can see where you're headed just by looking at Rotom, and if you give it a little tap, you can even check out the Town Map!"
"If you see a person or a Pokémon who needs help, you just help them... Right, <player>? Hau?"
"And that's why I'm letting Lillie stay up there in the loft."
"So, <player>, I'm leaving this Rotom Dex in your hands! Rotom, you look after <player>, yeah?"
"All right, there are some important things you need to know about the island challenge."
"The island challenge is your chance to become the strongest Trainer around—the island challenge champion. Woo! It's a great adventure for you and your Pokémon to go on together!"
"<player>! I want you and <starter Pokémon> to get out there and give it a shot! You were able to fully use your Pokémon's moves in your very first battle. I think you must have a talent for drawing out Pokémon's strengths, yeah."
Um...I'm not really sure...: "Come on! You've gotta do it! You did just come to Alola, yeah, so I guess it's hard for you to relate to our customs, huh? But as someone who's dedicated my life to studying Pokémon moves, I really want to see you out there meeting all kinds of Pokémon on your island challenge. C'mon and give it a shot, cousin!"
Then yeah, I'll do it!: "Oh yeah! As someone who's dedicated my life to studying Pokémon moves, I really want to see you out there meeting all kinds of Pokémon on your island challenge!"
"Here! Everybody on the island challenge gets one of these island challenge amulets."
"All right then, <player>! You too, Hau! Get a move on!"
Regardless of choice: "To the Trainers' School! You've gotta learn the basics of being a Pokémon Trainer through Pokémon battling. It's a long road to becoming the island challenge champion, and the Trainers' School is the first step! What about you, Hau?"
"Lillie! You take care of <player>, yeah? Until he/she gets used to Rotom, help him/her find his/her way around!"
Route 1 Trainers' School
"Hey there, <player>! I must've passed you two somehow, yeah?"
"But welcome to the Trainers' School, the place to learn how to be a Pokémon Trainer!"
"Yeah. Put him/her through the wringer, Teach!"
"Four Trainers!"
"You've got to beat four Pokémon Trainers here at the school, <player>! The experience will surely help you and your Pokémon grow stronger, yeah. Actually... Speaking of experience, why don't you take this."
"If you keep that Exp. Share on, yeah, all the Pokémon on your team can get Exp. Points from battle."
"She may not look all that tough, but that teach trains her kids right! One of her students is even a captain!"
"If you want a bit of advice from me, here's something that might help. Once you've fought a species of Pokémon once, you can easily see what types of moves will work best on it in your next battle."
"Wandering about in the tall grass to meet lots of different Pokémon'll help with that! Battle all the time, oh yeah!"
  • After defeating all Trainers in the area
"Know your Pokémon and know their moves. Those are the basics of being a Trainer!"
"How about it?"
"This is <player>, who moved here to Alola from the Kanto region. He's/She's got a real sense for how to use moves, and I think he's/she's gonna go far as a Trainer, yeah!"
"That guy's Tauros is pretty much a celebrity here on Melemele, you know?"
"Show 'em what you're made of, <player>!"
Route 2
"Hey there, <player>! Oooh, looking at the expression on Ilima's face, I'd say you cleared your first trial, yeah?"
"Guess I better give you a little reward... Time to learn about Z-Power. Woo!"
"Start off by selecting a compatible Z-Crystal from the Z-Crystals Pocket in your Bag, yeah! Then use the Z-Crystal you chose on a Pokémon! Z-Crystals are compatible with a Pokémon if it knows a move of the same type as the crystal. Have your Pokémon hold Z-Crystals, and you'll be able to use Z-Power in battles! And don't worry, you can use your Z-Crystals over and over on as many Pokémon as you want!"
"Watch and learn, cousin!"
  • Tutorial on using Z-Power
"If it's holding a Normalium Z and you choose a Normal-type move... you can use Z-Power! Check it out!"
"Phew! Z-Powers heap all of a Trainer's feelings onto a Pokémon, yeah, which totally wears you out! Using Z-Power once per battle is all a team can handle, yeah."
"No! It's like I was hit with Amnesia! I forgot that I lost Lillie somewhere on Route 3! Think you could spare some time to help me look for her, <player>?"
"Thanks, cousin. Let's split up and find her, yeah!"
Route 3
"Hey there, <player>! Knew I could count on you, yeah! Thanks for tracking Lillie down for me!"
"What's this then? Hau, you finished your first trial, too? I bet you used some stylin' moves, yeah?"
"Hala's probably rubbing his hands together in glee right about now, oh yeah!"
"Taking on the island kahuna in battle is called the grand trial! For someone like me who's researching Pokémon moves, nothing could be better than the chance to see some more fierce Pokémon battles! Woo!"
"I'll be the judge of that! Come on! Back to Iki Town! Catch that Tailwind and blast through Route 3!"
Iki Town
"I'm lookin' forward to seeing what moves you and your Pokémon will pour your soul into... now that you've gone and cleared your first trial, <player>!"
"The Melemele kahuna is strong, cousin! He's a Trainer who can use Fighting-type Pokémon to the fullest, yeah. Might not be a bad idea to work on those Flying- or Psychic-type moves!"
"All right! I got a little something for you, too!"
"False Swipe is a move that will leave your opponent with 1 HP when you attack. Keep on catching more and more Pokémon, yeah, and tell Rotom all about it! But first, you've gotta go let your mom know what you're up to. When you're done with that, head on down to the Marina in Hau'oli City. Oh yeah!"
"All right, time to get the boat ready. Lillie, you gonna help me clean it?"
Hau'oli City Marina
"Hey now! Don't you go calling my boat old! She's not old... Call her a classic. Well seasoned, yeah?"
"Hey, <player>! If you're all done with catching Pokémon and shopping, yeah, you wanna head out with us?"
No: "No sweat, <player>. Finish up whatever you want to do on Melemele. Though you can always come back anytime!"
Yes: "Oh yeah! Time to sail away. Woo!"
Heahea City
"The land is certainly ahoy, oh boy!"
"Don't sweat it, Lillie."
"Yeah, that's up to these kids. It's their island challenge, after all!"
"I'm sure she wanted to come see that you made it here all right... But she'll never admit it to you! Hah! That's Olivia for you. She's a kind kahuna, deep down."
"There are three trials here on Akala Island. If you two decide you want to take on the trial straightaway, head up Route 4 there and keep on goin' until you get to Paniola Town."
Battle Royal Dome
"Glad you could make it!"
"I'm here today, yeah, to spread the word, oh yeah, about Battle Royal! They call me...the Masked Royal! Woo!"
Regardless of choice: "The Masked Royal!"
"I'm here to teach you, oh yeah, about the battle format passed down in Alola for generations... The Pokémon Battle Royal. Woo!"
""But, Royal, what's the Battle Royal?" you might ask."
"Four Trainers!"
"Four Trainers, yeah, each pick three Pokémon, yeah, for one big Pokémon battle, oh yeah!"
"When one Trainer's team can't battle anymore, yeah, the Battle Royal ends! Whichever Trainer has taken out the most Pokémon, yeah, and has the most Pokémon left will emerge the winner. Woo!"
"First, just give it a shot! Pick your Pokémon, and let's do this!"
"You there! Come join in the fun!"
"I'll be in the mix, too, yeah. And now we have our foursome. Woo!"
"Discovery! New experiences! Adventure! It's all yours if you want it! It's time for a Pokémon Battle Royal! Ready...fight!"
"So what do you think? It's easy to have a fun time with Battle Royal. Woo! You even have a shot at beating real tough opponents this way, yeah?"
"So! <player>, Hau. How are your trials going? I hope you and your Pokémon are working hard and havin' a blast. Woo!"
Lush Jungle
"Woo! What's that sweet smell I smell, driftin' my way?! Could it be a tasty Mallow Special?"
"I heard you cleared Mallow's trial, yeah? All right then, I have a present for you! That little TM right there is Smart Strike—a move that will never miss!"
"There'll be all kinds of discoveries and new experiences to make your adventure brighter!"
"There's a facility, yeah, that I want you to go check out on your island challenge. The Dimensional Research Lab! Let's get on over there with Extreme Speed!"
Route 5
"Hey there, <player>! Guess I should congratulate you on clearing all three of Akala Island's trials... Congrats! Looks like it's time for you to take on Kahuna Olivia's grand trial!"
"Olivia is an expert user of Rock-type Pokémon. You're gonna wanna catch some Grass-type Pokémon in Lush Jungle to add to your team."
"Whenever you're ready for the grand trial, come see me at the Dimensional Research Lab! It's down past Route 6, yeah, but just ask Rotom if you need some help!"
Dimensional Research Lab
"Hey there, honey!"
"This here's Professor Burnet. She runs the Dimensional Research Lab, yeah... And she's also my wife!"
"Hau? He's out doing his own thing. But he'll be the real deal someday... He could even become a kahuna, just like old Hala before him!"
"Whoa-ho! Well, yeah, I really do."
"Anyhow, I brought <player> here because I wanted you to tell him/her about some of the mysterious phenomena here in Alola."
  • If talked to again
"Hey there, <player>! Go see what you can learn from everybody!"
"How about that, <player>? If Ultra Beasts are really out there, I wonder what kinds of moves they can use..."
"You've finished all three of Akala's trials. Woo! And now comes the big match against Olivia—the island kahuna! It's the biggest and baddest trial of them all here on Akala—the grand trial!"
Hano Grand Resort
"I've got my own business to attend to. You go see all the amazing tech that Aether's developing and tell me about it later, yeah?"
"That's right. I'll see you on the next island... Ula'ula Island, yeah? Then let's meet up at Malie Garden!"
Malie Garden
"Hey there! What's going on with you two? Your eyes are shining extra bright today. Did something big happen?"
"Woo! You got to see the Ultra Wormhole and an Ultra Beast? That IS amazing, oh yeah! Sounds like an even better reason to train hard, yeah, on your island challenge!"
"Maybe someday we'll all be able to go through the Ultra Wormhole!"
"All right! Your next trial is up on Mount Hokulani! You can catch the bus to get there. Just head to the bus stop on Route 10, yeah?"
"Roger that, good buddy! I'll be waiting at the bus stop, <player>, whenever you're ready to go!"
Route 10
"<player>! What's going on? Some Team Skull punks just ran past me going in the other direction, yeah? I sure wish they'd challenge the League instead of getting up to no good all the time..."
Regardless of choice: "Ho-ho! You'll find out soon enough! Just you wait, cousin."
"But first things first. If you want to head up Mount Hokulani, we should take the bus. It'll blast us up there to the top, yeah, as quick as a Sky Uppercut!"
  • If talked to again
"Do me a favor and go check out the bus stop to see when the next one is coming, would you?"
Mount Hokulani
"Over here!"
"Mount Hokulani is the second tallest mountain in Alola. And the tallest..."
"Check it out, <player>!"
"You see that steep, jutting, majestic peak right over there?"
"That's Mount Lanakila... the highest peak in Alola!"
"It's a sacred spot, yeah, the closest you can ever get to the Legendary Pokémon of Alola, said to be the sunS/moonM incarnate."
"That's it! Right there! On the peak of Lanakila! That's where I'll establish our Pokémon League!"
"We'll get everybody who's finished their island challenges, yeah, and up there on the peak of Mount Lanakila, they'll battle against the kahunas to become the island challenge champion! I've always valued our old traditions here in Alola, but it's time to make a Champion the whole world will recognize! It's time to get our own Elite Four and make our own Pokémon League!"
"To think that, someday, the kiddos in Alola will be able to go from being the island challenge champion to the world Champion! And then, when we have our own Champion, they can show the rest of the world what's so special about Alolan Pokémon and their Trainers, yeah!"
"Hey there!"
"Ha! <player>, lemme introduce you. This is Molayne. He runs the observatory here, and also manages PC boxes, but he's not Hokulani's captain."
"Yeah, I think he's/she's even stronger than we were at this point of our island challenge!"
"One more thing, cousin—the name's Kukui! Who's this Masked Royal you're talking about?!"
"All right, cousin, I'm heading back to Malie Garden. I figure Hau should be done eating malasada by now, yeah? I'll make sure he makes it up here, too."
Malie Garden
"Four turns!"
"Bring it on, the both of you! I've been researching Pokémon moves, yeah, so I'm always ready, oh yeah! I'll take you both on in a Battle Royal, and you'll be down with just a Swift and Incinerate or two! You gotta beat the man to be the man, boys!"
"Speak for yourself, Guzma. It's not like I couldn't become a captain. I chose not to. I had other dreams, see?"
"I wanted to figure out which moves would be strong enough to beat old Hala... and I finally found what I was looking for. The strongest moves you can use are the ones a Trainer and their Pokémon choose together... in the heat of the moment, when it really counts."
"That's when I knew I had to make a Pokémon League, yeah, to give everybody a chance to be pushed to the limit with their team and find that perfect move! Let's see it, Guzma! Show me your moves and prove you aren't just all talk! If you really can, that is..."
"Right, <player>? Don't you agree?"
"This here's <player>. He/She just moved to Alola recently. Discovery! New experiences! Adventure! He's/She's loving every minute of it!"
"<player> and his/her <first Pokémon in party> can unleash some real powerful moves. So if you think you're the strongest Trainer on these islands, Guzma, why don't you battle him/her?"
  • After defeating Guzma
"Woo, <player>!"
"Those were some nice moves! I can feel my soul shaking!"
"Oh yeah! I almost forgot to give you something super important! Here you go, cousin. This is the Z-Crystal for <Z-Crystal for starter Pokémon's fully-evolved stage>... The Evolution of the <starter Pokémon> you chose!"
"And, uh, about that mask you've got there, <player>... Molayne gave you that, yeah? I'll take it, if you don't mind. I can make sure it gets back to the Masked Royal safe and sound..."
"So what happened to Lillie? You lose her somewhere, <player>?"
"And Hau is...probably at a malasada shop somewhere, yeah?"
"You think? I don't know. Exchanging a few moves in battle is the quickest way to get to know someone in my book."
"Well, I'm going to head up Mount Lanakila. I've gotta make sure the Pokémon League gets finished and everybody has the chance to find their own perfect move! Keep training hard on your island challenge, <player>, and one day you'll make it there!"
Mount Lanakila
"Hey there, <player>! Woo, you've come a long way!"
"You've made it through all the trials and grand trials that make up the island challenge! Congratulations!"
Thanks!: "I can't help but remember when you first chose your partner, yeah..."
Aren't you cold?: "Naw, I'm fine! My soul burns hot, yeah—hotter than a Blast Burn even!"
"Just one thing left for you to do—take on the Pokémon League! This is where the real fun starts!"
  • If SolgaleoS/LunalaM in party
"Hey now! Looks like you got the Legendary Pokémon SolgaleoS/LunalaM on your side!"
"There's something I hope that Legendary Pokémon knows: This has always been the spot where we finish up the island challenge. We wanted to put our Pokémon League right up here, as close as we could get to the sunS/moonM... to respect and honor you, SolgaleoS/LunalaM!"
  • If SolgaleoS/LunalaM is not in party
"Mount Lanakila is where we've always finished up the island challenge. We built our Pokémon League right up here, as high into the heavens as we could get... to show our respect for our Legendary Pokémon and to honor it."
"I still remember it like it was yesterday! I went all the way to Indigo Plateau, yeah, right to the Pokémon League headquarters... and I went right at them, cousin!"
"Those Gym Leaders in Kanto really messed my team and me up! But then I saw my team battling for me through it all, pouring their souls into their moves for me."
"And then that last guy, that Dragon user in the cape..."
"Oh sorry! Enough about me—let's get you in there, yeah!"
"But before you head in, make sure you're good and ready. You won't be able to come back out."
Pokémon League
"Four Trainers! Every Pokémon League in every region all over the world features four fantastic Trainers called the Elite Four."
"Here in Alola, too, we've got four Trainers all lined up for our Pokémon League."
"You'll win your way past every last one of them. You can't leave until you do... or until you give up."
Sounds good!: "<first Pokémon in party> can sense when its Trainer is nervous. Stay loose! You'll be fine!"
Sounds...tough: "What're you talking about? You're a great Trainer in your own right, plus you've got <first Pokémon party> on your side!"
"I expect you to show me some intense moves and real heart-stopping battles in there! Good luck, <player>! <first Pokémon in party>!"
  • After defeating the Elite Four
"Oh yeah, now you're the Pokémon League Champion!"
"Wouldn't it be nice if it was that simple? The truth is, there's one more person you have to battle if you want that title."
  • Before battle
"And of course that Trainer is me. Woo! One final hurrah for your island challenge. And a special tribute as you and this Pokémon League embark on a new path! Let's have a battle worthy of this moment!"
  • When defeated
"I couldn't win even though I went all out... But what a refreshing feeling. Woo!"
  • After being defeated
"Amazing! It's like I told you before, the strongest moves you can use are the ones a Trainer and their Pokémon choose together in the heat of the moment—when it really counts. And you just proved me right! Congrats, cousin. You're a Champion we can all be proud of."
"I told you, didn't I? Up there on Mount Hokulani."
"Man, the Pokémon and the Trainers in Alola really are the best! I want everyone in the world to know that, too! That's always been my dream!"
"And right here, right now, it finally came true! And it's all thanks to you, <player>! You and your <first non-fainted Pokémon in party>!"
"I'm so happy I got to battle you and your team here, right where my dreams came true! And now..."
"<player>! First-ever Champion of the Alola Pokémon League! It's time we record you and your beloved team's achievement for eternity!"
"All right, <player>, let's bust a U-turn for Melemele Island! We're gonna have a big festival in Iki Town! Don't worry, I'll be sure to let Lillie know, too!"
Iki Town
"Look at this! Everybody's so fired up. Woo! We've got the birth of Alola's strongest ever Trainer to celebrate, after all!"
"Sorry! I mean, Champion!"
"I'm sure everybody here wants to see your partner/partners, too. Come on and show us that partner/those partners that was/were there for so many of your discoveries, new experiences, and adventures on your island challenge!"
Hau'oli City Marina
"You know, Lillie... Kanto is a long way away from here. Try not to let the jet lag hit you too hard."
"Burnet's...well... she said she'd be too sad to watch you go, so she wouldn't even come out with me. I know it's a lot to ask, but forgive her this time, wouldja? She did tell me to let you know the loft in the lab is yours to use indefinitely."
"So you can come back and stay whenever you like, Lillie!"
"Hau, I know what it's like when you can't help but cry. But you know..."
"when you're saying good-bye to someone you love, you gotta show them one last smile, yeah!"
"Yeah, let's all go home. We've got people waiting for us... Our families are waiting for us!"
Pokémon League
Title Defense (First challenge)
  • Before battle
"I don't really wanna be the Champion of the Pokémon League I made myself, but there's nothing wrong with wanting to take on the biggest and baddest Trainer there is, right? After all, I do love my research!"
  • When defeated
"I couldn't win even though I went all out... But what a refreshing feeling. Woo!"
  • After being defeated
"Whoa! Well, I always knew it would be a crushing defeat. I'm still glad I got to battle you, Champ. And I'm as thankful as I could be that I met you and your Pokémon!"
Title Defense (Subsequent challenges)
"All right, <player>, I'm coming at you with all my might. Woo!"
  • When defeated
"I couldn't win even though I went all out... But what a refreshing feeling. Woo!"
  • After being defeated
"Whoa! Well, I always knew it would be a crushing defeat. I'm still glad I got to battle you, Champ. And I'm as thankful as I could be that I met you and your Pokémon!"


Conceptual artwork from
Sun and Moon


VS models from
Sun and Moon
VS model as The Masked Royal from
Sun and Moon
Overworld model from
Sun and Moon
Overworld model as The Masked Royal from
Sun and Moon

In the anime

This section is incomplete.
Please feel free to edit this section to add missing information and complete it.
Professor Kukui in the anime

Professor Kukui made his debut appearance in Alola to New Adventure!. He works as a teacher at the Pokémon School of Melemele Island. Ash will be living with him as he attends school. In The Guardian's Challenge!, he gave Ash the Rotom Pokédex.

He appeared again in SM003, and in each episode from SM005 to SM009.

In SM010, he refereed the battle between Ash and Island Kahuna Hala, analyzing each move that was used.

He appeared again in SM011 and SM012.


This listing is of Kukui's known Pokémon in the anime:

Professor Kukui's Rockruff
Debut Alola to New Adventure!
Voice actors
Japanese Megumi Hayashibara
English Haven Paschall

Rockruff is Professor Kukui's only known Pokémon.

None of Rockruff's moves are known.

Ride Pokémon

Debut SM005

Professor Kukui was first seen riding a Poké Ride Wailmer around Melemele Island.

None of Wailmer's moves are known.

At his house

Luvdisc (×2)

Professor Kukui has two Luvdisc which he keeps in a fish tank in his house, along with a Corsola, that first appeared in The Guardian's Challenge!. They appeared again in SM006 and SM007.


Professor Kukui has a Corsola, which he keeps in a fish tank in his house, along with two Luvdisc, that first appeared in The Guardian's Challenge!. It appeared again in SM006 and SM007.

Voice actors

Language Voice actor
Japanese 中川慶一 Keiichi Nakagawa
English Abe Goldfarb
Italian Paolo De Santis
European Spanish Juan Antonio García Sainz de la Maza

In the manga

In the Pokémon Adventures manga

Professor Kukui in Pokémon Adventures

Professor Kukui debuts in the Sun & Moon arc. He is first seen at his laboratory, where he tests the moves of his Rowlet and Popplio. The attacks cause Kukui to be launched through the roof, where he encounters Sun and Moon.

Sun introduces Kukui to Moon, who reveals that she was tasked with delivering a Rotom to Kukui. Kukui explains that he wanted Rotom, which is not found in Alola, because it is capable of combining with Sun's Pokédex. When Rotom attempts to go inside the Pokédex, it freaks out and runs away, which Sun reveals is due to him constantly mishandling the Pokédex, causing it to become dirty and smell bad. Angered, Kukui beats Sun up and tells him to go and retrieve Rotom while he cleans the Pokédex. Later that night, an Sun returns to Kukui's house, having successfully retrieved Rotom. The next day, a sleep-deprived Kukui angrily asks Sun why he wasn't informed about Sun's encounter with Tapu Koko the previous day. Kukui reveals that the Island Kahuna Hala asked to be reported about any sightings of Tapu Koko. To Sun's annoyance, Kukui also reveals that he decided to enter Sun in the battle that will be held in Iki Town's festival.

As the Masked Royal, Kukui is also entered as a participant in the Iki Town festival.


Professor Kukui's Popplio

Popplio is Professor Kukui's first known Pokémon. It was first being used to test out moves alongside Rowlet.

Popplio's only known move is Bubble*.

Professor Kukui's Rowlet

Rowlet is Professor Kukui's second known Pokémon. It was first being used to test out moves alongside Popplio.

Rowlet's only known move is Leafage*.


Rotom was given to Kukui from Moon. Due to its weakness, Rotom was unable to be delivered to Kukui via electronic transfer. Due to this, Moon was tasked with delivering Rotom to Kukui personally while using her pharmaceutical skills to keep it healthy along the way. Once Rotom was delivered, Kukui attempted to try and get it to possess Sun's Pokédex, but Sun's mishandling of the Pokédex left it dirty, causing Rotom to run away in disgust.

None of Rotom's moves are known.

Given away


This Litten originally belonged to Professor Kukui. It was given to Sun, who named it En.


Language Name Origin
Japanese ククイ博士 Dr. Kukui From kukui (Hawaiian for the candlenut, the state tree of Hawaii)
English, German,
Italian, Spanish
Prof. Kukui Same as Japanese name
French Prof. Euphorbe From euphorbe (spurge). Both the candlenut and the spurges are in the Euphorbiaceae family.
Korean 쿠쿠이박사 Kukui-baksa Transliteration of Japanese name
Chinese (Mandarin) 庫庫伊博士 / 库库伊博士 Dr. Kùkùyī Transliteration of Japanese name
Chinese (Cantonese) 庫庫伊博士 Dr. Fufuyī Mandarin-based transliteration of Japanese name
Brazilian Portuguese Professor Nogueira From nogueira-de-iguape (candlenut). Nogueira is also a common Brazilian surname.
Russian Профессор Кукуи Professor Kukui Transcription of English name

The Royal

Language Title
Chinese Cantonese 皇家蒙面人 Wòhnggā Mùhngmihnyàhn
Mandarin 皇家蒙面人 Huángjiā Méngmiànrén
French Royal Mask
German Mask Royale
Italian Royale
Korean 로열 Royal
Spanish Royale

Pro Wrestler

Language Title
Chinese Cantonese 職業摔角手 Jīkyihp Sēutgoksáu
Mandarin 職業摔角手 / 职业摔角手 Zhíyè Shuāijiǎoshǒu
French Catcheur
German Profi-Wrestler
Italian Wrestler
Korean 프로레슬러 Pro Wrestler
Spanish Luchador

Related articles

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Capture tutors
Old manPrimoProfessor OakDudeEthan/LyraWallyLucas/DawnProfessor Juniper
BiancaCalem/SerenaProfessor KukuiLeonProfessor LaventonNemona
Non-player characters in the core series games
Alola Professor KukuiMomLillieNebbyHauRotomProfessor BurnetMolayneSamson OakRyukiMohn
Team SkullAether FoundationUltra Recon SquadTeam Rainbow Rocket
Trial CaptainsIsland kahunasElite FourName RaterJudgeMr. HyperGester

Pokémon the Series characters
Protagonists Ash Ketchum (Pikachu) • Misty (Togetic) • BrockTracey SketchitMayMaxDawn (Piplup) • Iris (Haxorus) • CilanSerenaClemontBonnie (Dedenne) • LanaKiaweLillieSophoclesMallowRotom PokédexGoh (Grookey)
Rivals GaryRitchieHarrisonDrewHarleyMorrisonTysonSolidadPaulNandoZoeyKennyConwayBarryUrsulaTripBiancaBurgundyStephanGeorgiaCameronAriaAlainMietteTiernoShaunaTrevorNiniSawyerGladionHoracioHauLeonRaihanHoraceBeaLeague Conference participantsCoordinatorsPerformersWorld Coronation Series participants
Antagonists Jessie (Wobbuffet) • JamesMeowthGiovanniButchCassidyDr. NambaMatoriPierceDr. ZagerGozuTabithaMaxieShellyArchieHunter JSaturnCyrusMarsJupiterCharonColressAldithGhetsisBarretMalamarLysandreMableCelosiaAlianaXerosicBryonyTuppZippRappPlumeriaGuzmaVirenRoseOleana
Professors Professor OakProfessor IvyProfessor ElmProfessor BirchProfessor RowanProfessor CarolinaProfessor JuniperDr. FennelCedric JuniperProfessor SycamoreProfessor KukuiProfessor BurnetProfessor CeriseProfessor MagnoliaSoniaProfessor Amaranth
Relatives Delia KetchumDaisyVioletLilyJames's parentsFlintLolaForrestBrock's siblingsNormanCarolineJohannaChiliCressGraceMeyerLana's fatherLana's motherHarper and SarahRangoSimaMimoKiawe's grandfatherMohnLusamineGladionSophocles's parentsMolayneAbeMallow's motherUluWalkerCamilleHalta
Supporting Officer JennyNurse JoyMagikarp salesmanTodd SnapCharles GoodshowCaseyLizaSakuraLanceClairRaoul ContestaMr. SukizoSteven StoneVivian MeridianRobertScottLilian MeridianSolanaBrandonMarianYuzoRhondaCynthiaReggieAngieLookerIzzy and CaraLyraKhouryTobiasDon GeorgeElderAlderLukeFreddy O'MartianIngoEmmetJervisVirgilNAnthea and ConcordiaPorterAlexaSophieCosetteClembotSanpeiMairinAstridDianthaKorrinaGurkinnMonsieur PierrePalermoKeananMalvaSamson OakAnelaHobbesNinaAnnaLakiDanaYansuWickeFabaIlimaAcerolaDiaChloeChrysaRenParkerTaliaLeiDanikaQuillonHopGym LeadersElite FourFrontier BrainsIsland kahunasMany temporary characters
Supporting Pokémon FearowHo-OhSquirtle SquadPink ButterfreeHaunterJigglypuffMewtwoMimeyLapras herdGranbullPichu BrothersLugiaSilverDelibirdWynautLarvitarKyogre and GroudonArticunoDeoxysLake guardiansForces of natureMeloettaReshiramSuper-ancient PokémonWooperFlorgesSquishyZ2Guardian deitiesBewearToucannon's flockStoutlandOranguruNebbyStuffulUltra BeastsGrandpa ForestNecrozmaLunalaShayminMewRotom PhonesPelipperThievul trioEternatusDrone RotomLegendary heroesLatiasRecurring wild Pokémon
See also: Pokémon Horizons characters

This game character article is part of Project CharacterDex, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on each character found in the Pokémon games.