PS162: Difference between revisions

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Rahl (talk | contribs)
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* Entei joins Blaine.
* Entei joins Blaine.
* Blaine drops out of the competition.
* Blaine drops out of the competition.


Revision as of 19:27, 2 March 2017

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Reason: Should be a picture of the title frame

Heckled by Hitmontop/Spinning Top, Hitmontop
VS カポエラー
VS Kapoerer
Location Indigo Plateau

Heckled by Hitmontop or Spinning Top, Hitmontop (Japanese: VS カポエラー VS Kapoerer) is the 162nd round of the Pokémon Adventures manga.


This plot summary is incomplete.
Please feel free to edit this plot summary to add missing sections and complete it.

Major events

  • Blue beats Chuck, resulting in Kanto: 3 and Johto: 2.
  • Blaine uses the power of Entei's flames to cure him and Mewtwo of their disease.
  • Green is revealed to own an Abra.
  • Green teleports Silver away from the fight.
  • Entei joins Blaine.
  • Blaine drops out of the competition.
For a list of all major events in the Pokémon Adventures manga, please see the history page.
201 Spoilers end here. 201


Pokémon debuts





  • Green dressed like a man with an Abra, is most likely a reference to the one in the games.


  • In the Chuang Yi version, the round title is misspelled as "Spinning Top, Hitmon Top" on the Contents page.

In other languages

This article is part of Project Manga, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on each series of Pokémon manga.