Route 211 (Japanese: 211ばんどうろRoute 211) is a route in central Sinnoh, connecting Eterna City and Celestic Town. It is divided into two different segments by Mt. Coronet.
The route starts out on the west, from Eterna City and makes its way east. There is a large section of tall grass on this route, where the player can battle wild Pokémon. Going further east, the route travels across a long bridge, above a narrow river, where it will then reach another ledge where the entrance to Mt. Coronet can be found, along with an unusually tiny patch of grass. If the player goes north, they can use Rock Smash and get down the cliff face, where they can face another Trainer, and collect an item, TM12 (Taunt).
Eastern segment
The route continues after the player exits Mt. Coronet from the north-west side. The player has a choice of two options, to go directly east along the grassy ground, or go north, up to the rocky mountainside. By going through the grassy ground, the player will encounter a large patch of tall grass, and a honey tree just north of there, along with some loamy soft soil to plant four Berries. By going east from there, the path connects back up from the second path, on the mountainside and will make its way east to Celestic Town.
If the player chose the second path, the route makes its way north up a flight of stairs, to a rocky mountainside. The route, then makes its way east after that, passing many Trainers as it goes by. There are also a lot of breakable rocks. If the player uses Rock Smash on a couple of rocks, north of the area, they will be able to scale up a cliff face, and obtain an item, TM29 (Psychic). If the player makes their way east, they will reach the stairs to travel down the hill and get to Celestic Town.
A colored background means that the Pokémon can be found in this location in the specified game. A white background with a colored letter means that the Pokémon cannot be found here.
A colored background means that the Pokémon can be found in this location in the specified game. A white background with a colored letter means that the Pokémon cannot be found here.
Additionally, wild Pokémon can appear on the Honey tree.
Trainer Tips!
Even Veterans can get lost
inside of Mt. Coronet.
Trainers should check their
supply of medicine and items before
trying to venture through.
Much like Route 118, which featured a division between two halves of the Hoenn region, Route 211 has different music for its east and west sides, with the western music being shared with Route 205 and the eastern shared with Route 210 and Route 215.