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Noctowl was reunited with Ash in ''[[BW142|The Dream Continues!]]'', where it and the rest of Ash's Pokémon posed in a group photo with him.
Noctowl was reunited with Ash in ''[[BW142|The Dream Continues!]]'', where it and the rest of Ash's Pokémon posed in a group photo with him.

===Personality and characteristics===
==Personality and characteristics==
[[File:Ash and Noctowl.png|thumb|200px|Noctowl and Ash]]
[[File:Ash and Noctowl.png|thumb|200px|Noctowl and Ash]]
Personality-wise, Noctowl was presented as intelligent, mischievous, and cunning — although these traits weren't usually emphasized or touched upon after its debut episode. It also presents a serious side to its personality, often going to sleep with dignity, or using its hypnosis on others in order to save them, instead of for prank purposes, as was the case in ''[[EP164|Carrying On!]]'', where it was also shown to develop a soft spot for a small {{p|Pidgey}}. Noctowl is very loyal to Ash because he saved it from Team Rocket, and similar to {{AP|Bulbasaur}}, was captured in a fair contest with Pikachu. Noctowl also proved to be a very powerful Pokémon, being used as Ash's secret weapon in his battle with [[Morty]] and also performing well in the battle against [[Conway]].
Personality-wise, Noctowl was presented as intelligent, mischievous, and cunning — although these traits weren't usually emphasized or touched upon after its debut episode. It also presents a serious side to its personality, often going to sleep with dignity, or using its hypnosis on others in order to save them, instead of for prank purposes, as was the case in ''[[EP164|Carrying On!]]'', where it was also shown to develop a soft spot for a small {{p|Pidgey}}. Noctowl is very loyal to Ash because he saved it from Team Rocket, and similar to {{AP|Bulbasaur}}, was captured in a fair contest with Pikachu. Noctowl also proved to be a very powerful Pokémon, being used as Ash's secret weapon in his battle with [[Morty]] and also performing well in the battle against [[Conway]].

===Moves used===
==Moves used==
{{anmov/h|normal|flying|Ash Noctowl {{#switch: {{#expr: {{#time: U}} mod 4}}|0=Sky Attack|1=Air Slash|2=Extrasensory|3=Peck}}.png|Using {{#switch: {{#expr: {{#time: U}} mod 4}}|0=Sky Attack|1=Air Slash|2=Extrasensory|3=Peck}}|image2=Ash Noctowl {{#switch: {{#expr: {{#time: U}} mod 5}}|0=Hypnosis|1=Confusion|2=Foresight|3=Tackle|4=Whirlwind}}.png|caption2=Using {{#switch: {{#expr: {{#time: U}} mod 5}}|0=Hypnosis|1=Confusion|2=Foresight|3=Tackle|4=Whirlwind}}}}
{{anmov/h|normal|flying|Ash Noctowl {{#switch: {{#expr: {{#time: U}} mod 4}}|0=Sky Attack|1=Air Slash|2=Extrasensory|3=Peck}}.png|Using {{#switch: {{#expr: {{#time: U}} mod 4}}|0=Sky Attack|1=Air Slash|2=Extrasensory|3=Peck}}|image2=Ash Noctowl {{#switch: {{#expr: {{#time: U}} mod 5}}|0=Hypnosis|1=Confusion|2=Foresight|3=Tackle|4=Whirlwind}}.png|caption2=Using {{#switch: {{#expr: {{#time: U}} mod 5}}|0=Hypnosis|1=Confusion|2=Foresight|3=Tackle|4=Whirlwind}}}}
{{anmov|flying|Peck|EP154|Fowl Play!}}
{{anmov|flying|Peck|EP154|Fowl Play!}}

Revision as of 22:03, 8 May 2019

Ash's Noctowl
サトシのヨルノズク Satoshi's Yorunozuku

Ash's Noctowl
Debuts in Fowl Play!
Caught at Ilex Forest
Gender Unknown
Ability Unknown
Current location At Professor Oak's Laboratory
This Pokémon is fully evolved.
Voice actor Japanese English
As Noctowl Yūji Ueda

Ash's Noctowl (Japanese: サトシのヨルノズク Satoshi's Yorunozuku) was the fifth Pokémon that Ash caught in the Johto region, and his eighteenth overall. Noctowl is a Shiny Pokémon and it is also unusually small in size and quite intelligent.

In the anime


Original series

Noctowl in its debut

Noctowl debuted in Fowl Play!, where it flew to a birdhouse. Dr. Wiseman was trying to capture the Noctowl using traps rather than Poké Balls, but each time Noctowl outwitted him and escaped the traps — usually leaving him hypnotized in the process. Ash was offended by Wiseman's tactics and plotted to capture Noctowl traditionally. Wiseman hypnotized Noctowl using its own Hypnosis and a mirror, but Noctowl managed to escape — just in time for Team Rocket to attack and attempt to capture it. Ash risked his own safety to pry Team Rocket's mecha claw open and allow Noctowl to fly free, before Noctowl marshaled the power of Totodile, Cyndaquil, and Pikachu to destroy the mecha and send Team Rocket blasting off. Following the rescue, Noctowl challenged Ash to a battle. Dr. Wiseman decided that it was too smart for him to catch, so Ash should have a go. Pikachu was hypnotized and began to use Thunderbolt on everything except Noctowl. When he shocks himself, he returns to normal. Cunningly, to avoid further hypnosis, Pikachu closed his eyes and listened for Noctowl's wings, then used Thunderbolt, knocking Noctowl out and allowing Ash to capture it.

Noctowl (right) with a wild normal Noctowl (left)

In Carrying On!, Noctowl used its Hypnosis on a Fearow to make it believe it was a Charizard, causing it to flee in fear. It then used Hypnosis on the traumatized Pidgey victim, making it appear as a fellow Pidgey and allowing it to approach. Noctowl later led the gang to the lost carrier Pidgey that had been captured by Team Rocket and alongside Ken, the Pidgey it rescued before, freed them and led the Pidgey into an attack on Team Rocket's balloon.

Noctowl rotating its head

Noctowl was the Pokémon Ash based his Ecruteak Gym campaign around in From Ghost to Ghost. It successfully used Foresight on Gastly, but had to be recalled because it couldn't land any other attacks. It was then sent out against Haunter, struggling to overcome the Ghost type but managed to win through learning Confusion. It was then left to battle Morty's Gengar which was still fresh, and looked vulnerable as Gengar was able to attack while invisible. However, Noctowl was able to reveal Gengar's location by using Confusion through the whole building and then using Foresight to keep Gengar visible. It then finished Gengar off with a Tackle attack and Ash got the Fog Badge.

Ash briefly transferred Noctowl to Professor Oak in Ring Masters so that Oak could study its unique coloring while Ash borrowed his Snorlax.

In Throwing in the Noctowl, Ash sent out Noctowl and used its ability to fly in order to carry a plane headed for Olivine City.

In Fangs for Nothin', Ash used Noctowl in battle with Clair's Kingdra. Noctowl managed to land a Confusion attack, but an attempt to telekinetically levitate Kingdra was broken by a Hydro Pump attack. Hypnosis also failed and Kingdra was about to knock Noctowl out when the battle was suspended by Team Rocket's antics. Noctowl was not used in the rematch.

Noctowl was used in the battle against Harrison in the quarterfinals of the Silver Conference in Playing with Fire!. It was put at a huge disadvantage by fighting Harrison's Steelix, who blinded Noctowl with Sandstorm and then used Dig to avoid Noctowl's Psychic attacks. A single Iron Tail took Noctowl out of the match.

Ash left Noctowl along with his other Johto Pokémon at Professor Oak's Laboratory when he set off for the Hoenn region.

Advanced Generation series

In Showdown at the Oak Corral, Noctowl was seen on a branch and spotted Cassidy and Butch when they were breaking into Oak's Lab. It appeared later when it was showing Tracey and Bayleef the way to Cassidy and Butch's helicopter.

It appeared in The Right Place and the Right Mime, reuniting with Ash and meeting his Swellow.

Diamond & Pearl series

Noctowl defeating Lickilicky with Extrasensory

Noctowl reappeared in An Old Family Blend!, alongside Ash's other Pokémon where it was reunited with its Trainer.

In Working on a Right Move!, Ash used Noctowl as his first Pokémon in his battle against Conway in the third round of the Lily of the Valley Conference, where it went up against his Shuckle. Shuckle started off with Withdraw, raising its defense. Noctowl used Sky Attack, and while it was charging, Shuckle used a second Withdraw. Using its Sky Attack, Noctowl then charged against Shuckle who used withdraw a third time, deflecting Noctowl's attack and damaging it. Shuckle then used Power Trick to swap its Attack and Defense, making its attack high but its defense low. Noctowl then used Air Slash, but Shuckle used a powerful Gyro Ball cutting off Sky Attack and dealing major damage to Noctowl. Ash then returned Noctowl. Noctowl was later sent out against Lickilicky, which used Power Whip, but its long tongue was unable to reach Noctowl, who was airborne. Noctowl then dealt damage with Air Slash. After dodging Thunderbolt, Noctowl used Extrasensory, lifting Lickilicky into the air and then dropping it, defeating it. Conway then used his last Pokémon, Dusknoir, Dusknoir immediately used Trick Room, with Noctowl attempted to use Extrasensory. Dusknoir quickly came from behind and used Thunder Punch, knocking Noctowl out before it could use the attack. Conway then explained it was because of Trick Room, as it makes the slowest Pokémon attack first, thus the slow Dusknoir attacking before the normally faster Noctowl.

Best Wishes series

Noctowl was reunited with Ash in The Dream Continues!, where it and the rest of Ash's Pokémon posed in a group photo with him.

Personality and characteristics

Noctowl and Ash

Personality-wise, Noctowl was presented as intelligent, mischievous, and cunning — although these traits weren't usually emphasized or touched upon after its debut episode. It also presents a serious side to its personality, often going to sleep with dignity, or using its hypnosis on others in order to save them, instead of for prank purposes, as was the case in Carrying On!, where it was also shown to develop a soft spot for a small Pidgey. Noctowl is very loyal to Ash because he saved it from Team Rocket, and similar to Bulbasaur, was captured in a fair contest with Pikachu. Noctowl also proved to be a very powerful Pokémon, being used as Ash's secret weapon in his battle with Morty and also performing well in the battle against Conway.

Moves used

Using Extrasensory
Using Confusion
Move First Used In
Peck Fowl Play!
Hypnosis Fowl Play!
Whirlwind Carrying On!
Foresight Delibird's Dilemma
Tackle A Ghost of a Chance
Confusion From Ghost to Ghost
Sky Attack  Working on a Right Move!
Air Slash  Working on a Right Move!
Extrasensory  Working on a Right Move!
A shows that the move was used recently, unless all moves fit this case or there are fewer than five known moves.

In the manga

In the movie adaptations

Noctowl appeared in Emperor of the Crystal Tower: Entei.


Like Shiny Pokémon in the games, Noctowl sparkles as it exits its Poké Ball.
  • Noctowl is the first Shiny Pokémon seen in the anime, although it is not the first alternately colored Pokémon to appear.
    • It is also the only Shiny Pokémon to be owned by a main character.
  • Of all the Shiny Pokémon in the anime, Noctowl is the one that has had the most appearances.
  • Noctowl is the only one of Ash's bird Pokémon to have been fully evolved when it was caught.
    • To date, Noctowl is also the latest Pokémon that Ash has caught in its fully evolved state, excluding Pokémon that don't evolve or he has owned for less than an episode.
  • Noctowl is Ash's only Pokémon able to use damaging Psychic-type moves.

Related articles

For more information on this Pokémon's species, see Noctowl.

This article is part of Project Anime, a Bulbapedia project that covers all aspects of Pokémon animation.