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(Pokérap in Catalan)
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==[[Kanto Pokérap|Rocké-rap]]==
==[[Kanto Pokérap|Rocké-rap]]==
[[File:Pokerap error1.png|250px|thumb|PokéRAP]]
==={{DL|Kanto Pokérap|Thursday version (Day 4)|Dijous}}===
==={{DL|Kanto Pokérap|Thursday version (Day 4)|Dijous}}===
This song was sung by Jordi Vila, Llorenç Fernández and Íngrid Morral.
This song was sung by Jordi Vila, Llorenç Fernández and Íngrid Morral.

Revision as of 21:53, 6 September 2019

This is a list of themes that have been played in the Catalan dub of the Pokémon anime.


The first two seasons were dubbed and with their respective intros.

Pokémon Theme

Indigo League

This opening was sung by Llorenç Fernández.

TV Version

Catalan English
Arribaré a ser el millor
El millor que hi pugui haver
El meu desig és ser entrenador
La gran prova he de passar

Viatjaré a qualsevol lloc
Arribaré a tots els racons
Per fi, podré desentrellar
El poder que hi ha a Pokémon

És Pokémon (Fes-te'ls tots teus), tots teus
És el meu destí, la meva missió
(És Pokémon!)
Tu ets el meu fidel amic:
Cal que tu i jo ens defensem

És Pokémon (Fes-te'ls tots teus), així
Serem els millors amics
T'ensenyo jo i tu a mi
(Fes-te'ls tots teus!)
Fes-te'ls tots teus!
I'll become the best
The best that may exist
My wish is to be a Trainer
I'll have to pass the great test

I'll travel everywhere
I'll arrive at any corner
At last, I'll be able to unravel
The power that exists in Pokémon

It's Pokémon (Make 'em all yours), all yours
It's my destiny, my mission
(It's Pokémon!)
You're my loyal friend:
We must defend each other

It's Pokémon (Make 'em all yours), this way
We'll be best friends
I teach you and you teach me
(Make 'em all yours!)
Make 'em all yours!

Ending version

Catalan English
Arribaré a ser el millor
El millor que hi pugui haver
El meu desig és ser entrenador
La gran prova he de passar

És Pokémon (Fes-te'ls tots teus), així
Serem els millors amics
T'ensenyo jo i tu a mi
(Fes-te'ls tots teus!)
Fes-te'ls tots teus!
I'll become the best
The best that may exist
My wish is to be a Trainer
I'll have to pass the great test

It's Pokémon (Make 'em all yours), this way
We'll be best friends
I teach you and you teach me
(Make 'em all yours!)
Make 'em all yours!

Detective Pikachu version

This version was sung by ???

Catalan English
[...] una cerca sense fi
per ensenyar als Pokémon
el poder que tenen dins.

Pokémon (Els he d'atrapar tots),
vine amb mi.
Sé que és el meu destí.
Pokémon [...]
[...] a search without end
to teach all the Pokémon
the power they have inside.

Pokémon (Gotta catch them all)
come with me.
I know it's my destiny.
Pokémon [...]

El Poder Pokémon

The Adventures In Orange Islands

This opening was sung by Llorenç Fernández and ???

Catalan English
Si tu vols ser un bon mestre Pokémon
has d'aconseguir ser el millor!

Sense arriscar, arribar a ser el millor
i sentir gran emoció. (Pokémon!)
Vull comprovar, sense oblidar
que és la darrera lliçó.

Vull arribar molt més enllà,
molt lluny d'aquest caos, sí. (Pokémon)
Si ho faig així, jo venceré. (el poder és meu)

(I jo ho sé)
És així, això és Pokémon. (Pokémon)
Aconseguir, ser de tots els mestres, el millor.
(Ser el gran mestre!)
És així, això és Pokémon. (Pokémon)
Arribaré, és ben segur, a ser el número u! (u!)

Si vols ser un bon mestre Pokémon
has d'aconseguir ser el millor.

És així, això és Pokémon. (Pokémon)
Seré per fi, de tots els mestres, el millor!

És així, el poder Pokémon (Pokémon!)
Seré per fi de tots els mestres el millor!
If you want to be a good Pokémon master
You have to be the best!

Without risking, to become the best
and feeling great emotion. (Pokémon!)
I want to check, without forgetting
that this is the last lesson.

I want to go much further,
Very far from this chaos, yes. (Pokémon)
If I do it this way, I'll win. (the power is mine)

(And I know it)
That's right, that's Pokémon. (Pokémon)
To achieve and to be the best of all the masters.
(To be the great master!)
That's right, that's Pokémon. (Pokémon)
I will be, it is certain, the number one! (one!)

If you want to be a good Pokémon master
you have to be the best.

That's right, that's Pokémon. (Pokémon)
I'll finally be the best of all the masters!

That's right, the Pokémon power (Pokémon!)
I'll finally be the best of all the masters!

Insert songs

Adéu, Pikachu!

Adeu, Pikachu

This song was sung by Llorenç Fernández.

Catalan English
Puc veure avui amb claredat, amic fidel,
el dia que et va conèixer a tu i
vaig saber que ho faria tot per a tu.

I caminant tots dos ben junts,
sembla com si ens coneguéssim de sempre.
Amb mi estàs per al bé i al mal.
Tu ja ets part essencial, et trobaré a faltar.

No és un adéu,
és el millor, ho juro.
Ningú no es podia imaginar que
hi hauria res que ens pogués separar.

No és un adéu,
és el millor, ho juro.
Ningú no es podia imaginar que
hi hauria res que ens pogués separar.
I can see today with clarity, loyal friend,
the day in which I met you and
I knew I would do everything for you.

And walking both together,
It seems as if we known each other for ages.
You're with me in the good and the bad moments.
You're already an essential part, I will miss you.

It's not a goodbye,
it's the best, I swear.
Nobody could imagine that someday
there could be something that would separate us.

It's not a goodbye,
it's the best, I swear.
Nobody could imagine that someday
there could be something that would separate us.

La cançó d'en Pikachu (Pikachu's Jukebox)

Mestre Pokémon

This song was sung by Íngrid Morral.

Catalan English
Mestre Pokémon, uh!
De manera que vols ser un mestre Pokémon?

He d'aconseguir ser el millor.
Segur que seré jo qui podrà superar la prova!
Mantenir i suportar,
ser mestre.
Haig de tenir habilitat i no podré parar
fins que els pugui tenir tots.
El meu estil serà el millor i més nou
en la cacera dels Pokémon.

Seré un bon mestre,
el millor mestre
i crearé
un nou concepte.
Seré un bon mestre,
el millor mestre.
Faré fora els altres.
Seré el més destre.

Na-na-na-na, na-na-na-na.
Na-na-na-na, na-na-na-na.
Na-na-na-na, na-na-na-na.
Seré un gran mestre Pokémon.
Pokémon Master, uh!
So you wanna be a Pokémon Master?

I must be the best.
It will be me who is going to surpass the test!
To endure and to resist,
to be a master.
I must have skill and I won't stop
until I'll have them all.
My style is going to be the best and the newest
in the Pokémon catches.

I'm going to be a good Master,
the best Master
and I will create
a new concept.
I'm going to be a good Master,
the best Master.
I will push ashide the others.
I'm going to be the most skilled.

Na-na-na-na, na-na-na-na.
Na-na-na-na, na-na-na-na.
Na-na-na-na, na-na-na-na.
I'm going to be a great Pokémon Master.

Double Trouble

This song was sung by Azucena Díaz (Jessie), Joaquim Sota (Meowth) and Jordi Nogueras (James)

Catalan English
Per protegir el món de la devastació
i unir els pobles en una sola nació,
per denunciar els enemics de la veritat i l'amor
i estendre el poder a l'espai exterior.
Jesse! James!

El Team Rocket s'enlaira a tota velocitat.
Rendiu-vos ara o prepareu-vos per lluitar.
Ben dit!

El poder del Team Rocket.
Escolteu el nostre lema
perquè, si busqueu problemes,
sempre alerta estem.

El poder del Team Rocket.
Vet aquí el nostre lema,
perquè, si busqueu problemes,
sempre alerta estem.

El poder del Team Rocket.
Escolteu el nostre lema
perquè, si busqueu problemes,
sempre alerta estem.

El poder del Team Rocket.
El Team Rocket s'enlaira de nou!
To protect the world from devastation
and to unite all peoples in one nation,
to denounce the enemies of truth and love
and to extend our power to the outer space.
Jesse! James!

The Team Rocket takes off at a greath speed.
Surrender now or now prepare yourselves to fight.
Well said!

The Team Rocket's power.
Listen to our motto
because if you are looking for problems
we are always alert.

The Team Rocket's power.
Behold our motto,
because if you are looking for problems
we are always alert.

The Team Rocket's power.
Listen to our motto
because if you are looking for problems
we are always alert.

The Team Rocket's power.
The Team Rocket is taking off again!

Per sempre units

This song was sung by Azucena Díaz (Jessie), Joaquim Sota (Meowth) and Jordi Nogueras (James)

Catalan English
Has estat un amic fidel
d'ençà que et vaig conèixer ho sé.
Tenim en comú tots dos amics que vénen i van.
Sabem que sempre estem units
malgrat que tu i jo no ens ho haguem dit mai.

Per sempre units,
el temps tant se val,
des d'ara fins al final.
Estarem sempre units,
t'ho puc jurar
per l'eternitat
units estarem
a tot arreu plegats.

Per sempre units,
el temps tant se val,
des d'ara fins al final. (Units per sempre!)
Estarem sempre units...
You have been a loyal friend
since I've known you.
We have in common friends who come and go.
We know that we're united forever
although we haven't said this to each other.

United forever,
the time doesn't matter
from now until the end.
We'll be united forever,
I can swear it to you:
for all of eternity
we will be united
anywhere together.

Forever united,
the time doesn't matter
from now until the end. (Forever united!)
We'll be united forever ...



This song was sung by Jordi Vila, Llorenç Fernández and Íngrid Morral.

Catalan English
Atenció a tots els entrenadors Pokémon!
Per ser els millors, els heu de tenir tots.
Avui en coneixereu 30 més.
És la prova de foc.

Fes-te'ls tots teus, fes-te'ls tots teus,
fes-te'ls tots teus, fes-te'ls tots teus.

Articuno, Jynx, Nidorina, Beedrill,
Haunter, Squirtle, Chansey,
Parasect, Exeggcute, Muk, Dewgong,
Pidgeotto, Lapras, Vulpix, Rhydon.

N'hi ha 150 o més
que tu veuràs després.
Mestre pokémon
és el que jo vull ser.

Charizard, Machamp, Pinsir, Koffing,
Dugtrio, Golbat, Staryu, Magikarp,
Ninetales, Ekans, Omastar,
Scyther, Tentacool, Dragonair, Magmar.

Ei, déu n'hi do!
Eh, no t'ho creguis tant, que demà serà més difícil.
Continuarem fins a arribar a 150.
Ningú no ens aturarà.

Els aconseguiré sense excepció.
Uh, fes-te'ls tots teu, Pokémon.
Els aconseguiré sense excepció.
Uh, fes-te'ls tots teu, Pokémon.
Els aconseguiré sense excepció.
Uh, Pokémon!
Warning to all the Pokémon trainers!
To be the best you must have them all.
Today you will know 30 more of them.
It is the acid test.

Make 'em all yours, make 'em all yours,
make 'em all yours, make 'em all yours.

Articuno, Jynx, Nidorina, Beedrill,
Haunter, Squirtle, Chansey,
Parasect, Exeggcute, Muk, Dewgong,
Pidgeotto, Lapras, Vulpix, Rhydon.

There are 150 or more of them
that you will see later.
Pokémon Master
is all I want to be.

Charizard, Machamp, Pinsir, Koffing,
Dugtrio, Golbat, Staryu, Magikarp,
Ninetales, Ekans, Omastar,
Scyther, Tentacool, Dragonair, Magmar.

Listen, that's a lot!!
Hey, don't be so full of yourself, tomorrow it will be more difficult.
We are going to continue until reaching the 150.
Nobody won't stop us.

I'll have them without exception.
Uh, make 'em all yours, Pokémon.
I'll have them without exception.
Uh, make 'em all yours, Pokémon.
I'll have them without exception.
Uh, Pokémon!

Related articles

Opening and ending themes of Pokémon animation
English opening themesEnglish movie ending themes
Japanese opening themesJapanese ending themes
Korean opening themesKorean ending themes

MacedonianNorwegianPolish • Portuguese (BrazilPortugal) • RomanianRussianSerbianSlovak
Spanish (Latin AmericaSpain) • SwedishTamilTeluguThaiTurkishUkrainianValencianVietnamese

Project Music logo.png This article is part of Project Music, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on each Pokémon song, CD and musician.