Own Tempo (Ability): Difference between revisions

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ArcToraphim (talk | contribs)
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{{Ability/entry|749|Mudbray|Ground|Ground|Own Tempo|Stamina|Inner Focus}}
{{Ability/entry|749|Mudbray|Ground|Ground|Own Tempo|Stamina|Inner Focus}}
{{Ability/entry|750|Mudsdale|Ground|Ground|Own Tempo|Stamina|Inner Focus}}
{{Ability/entry|750|Mudsdale|Ground|Ground|Own Tempo|Stamina|Inner Focus}}
{{ability/entry|???|Indeedee|Psychic|Normal|Inner Focus|Synchronize|Psychic Surge}}
{{ability/entry|???|Indeedee|Psychic|Normal|Own Tempo|Synchronize|Psychic Surge|Female}}

Revision as of 23:01, 14 November 2019

Own Tempo マイペース
My Pace
Flavor text
Generation III
Prevents confusion.
Generation IV
Prevents the Pokémon from becoming confused.
Generation V
Prevents the Pokémon from becoming confused.
Generation VI
Prevents the Pokémon from becoming confused.
Generation VII
This Pokémon has its own tempo, and that prevents it from becoming confused.
Generation VIII
This Pokémon has its own tempo, and that prevents it from becoming confused.
Generation IX
Currently unknown

Own Tempo (Japanese: マイペース My Pace) is an Ability introduced in Generation III.


In battle

Own Tempo prevents the Pokémon from being afflicted by confusion, even if it is self-inflicted (such as from moves like Thrash or items like the Iapapa Berry).

A Pokémon with this Ability will be cured of confusion if it is confused while in battle (such as if it gains the Ability by an effect like Skill Swap, or is confused by a Pokémon with an Ability like Mold Breaker).

Generation III

If a Pokémon with Own Tempo is confused due to obtaining it from Baton Pass, it will be cured of confusion as soon as it switches in. If a Pokémon with Trace is sent into battle via Baton Pass and is confused as a result, if it gains Own Tempo via Trace it will not be cured of confusion until after a Pokémon takes its turn (uses a move, switches out, etc.).

If a Pokémon is confused and has a status condition, if its confusion is cured by Own Tempo, the status condition icon will not disappear.

If the Pokémon with this Ability is confused and is holding a Persim, Lum, or Touga Berry, Own Tempo will cure the Pokémon of confusion before the Berry has a chance to be consumed.

Generation IV

If a Pokémon with Trace is sent into battle via Baton Pass and is confused as a result, if it gains Own Tempo via Trace it will be cured of confusion immediately.

If a Pokémon is confused and has a status condition, if its confusion is cured by Own Tempo, the status condition icon will disappear from the HP bar while it is in battle. The status condition will continue to take effect, however.

Generation V onward

If a Pokémon with Own Tempo is confused due to obtaining it from Baton Pass, it will not be cured of confusion until after a Pokémon takes its turn (uses a move, switches out, etc.).

If a Pokémon is confused and has a status condition, if its confusion is cured by Own Tempo, the status condition icon will not disappear.

If the Pokémon with this Ability is confused and is holding a Persim or Lum Berry, the Berry will be eaten before Own Tempo cures the Pokémon of confusion.

Outside of battle

Own Tempo has no effect outside of battle.

Pokémon with Own Tempo

# Pokémon Types First Ability Second Ability Hidden Ability
0079 Slowpoke Slowpoke
Water Psychic Oblivious Own Tempo Regenerator
0080 Slowbro Slowbro
Water Psychic Oblivious Own Tempo Regenerator
0108 Lickitung Lickitung
Normal Normal Own Tempo Oblivious Cloud Nine
0199 Slowking Slowking
Water Psychic Oblivious Own Tempo Regenerator
0235 Smeargle Smeargle
Normal Normal Own Tempo Technician Moody
0270 Lotad Lotad
Water Grass Swift Swim Rain Dish Own Tempo
0271 Lombre Lombre
Water Grass Swift Swim Rain Dish Own Tempo
0272 Ludicolo Ludicolo
Water Grass Swift Swim Rain Dish Own Tempo
0322 Numel Numel
Fire Ground Oblivious Simple Own Tempo
0325 Spoink Spoink
Psychic Psychic Thick Fat Own Tempo Gluttony
0326 Grumpig Grumpig
Psychic Psychic Thick Fat Own Tempo Gluttony
0327 Spinda Spinda
Normal Normal Own Tempo Tangled Feet Contrary
0431 Glameow Glameow
Normal Normal Limber Own Tempo Keen Eye
0432 Purugly Purugly
Normal Normal Thick Fat Own Tempo Defiant
0463 Lickilicky Lickilicky
Normal Normal Own Tempo Oblivious Cloud Nine
0548 Petilil Petilil
Grass Grass Chlorophyll Own Tempo Leaf Guard
0549 Lilligant Lilligant
Grass Grass Chlorophyll Own Tempo Leaf Guard
0677 Espurr Espurr
Psychic Psychic Keen Eye Infiltrator Own Tempo
0712 Bergmite Bergmite
Ice Ice Own Tempo Ice Body Sturdy
0713 Avalugg Avalugg
Ice Ice Own Tempo Ice Body Sturdy
0744 Rockruff Rockruff
Rock Rock Own Tempo None None
0749 Mudbray Mudbray
Ground Ground Own Tempo Stamina Inner Focus
0750 Mudsdale Mudsdale
Ground Ground Own Tempo Stamina Inner Focus
0??? Indeedee Indeedee
Psychic Normal Own Tempo Synchronize Psychic Surge
Please note that Abilities marked with a superscript are only available in the stated generation or later.
  • For Generation III and IV games, ignore Hidden Abilities.

In other games


Games Description
MDRB Prevents confusion.
MDTDS Protects the Pokémon from confusion.
BSL こんらんじょうたいに ならない
Conq. Prevents the Pokémon from becoming confused.
MDGtI Protects against the Confusion status condition.*
It protects the Pokémon from the Confusion status condition!*
SMD It protects the Pokémon from getting confused!

In the manga

In the Pokémon Adventures manga

In other languages

Language Title
Chinese Cantonese 我行我素 Ngóhhàhng-ngóhsou
Mandarin 我行我素 Wǒxíng-wǒsù
French Tempo Perso
German Tempomacher
Italian Mente Locale
Korean 마이페이스 My Pace
Portuguese Ritmo Próprio
Russian Своими Темпами Svoimi Tempami
Spanish Ritmo Propio
Vietnamese Nhịp điệu riêng

Variations of the Ability Limber
LimberObliviousInsomniaImmunityOwn TempoInner FocusMagma ArmorWater VeilVital Spirit

This article is part of Project Moves and Abilities, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on two related aspects of the Pokémon games.